25 resultados para Santuario de Santa María de Ujué (Navarra) historia

em Universidad de Alicante


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Se estudia un dírham omeya oriental acuñado a inicios del siglo VIII que fue hallado en el transcurso de unos trabajos arqueológicos en la Catedral de Santa María de Vitoria.


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Paper submitted to the 42nd Congress of ERSA, Dortmund, August 27th–31st 2002.


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Paper submitted to the 44th European Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Porto, 25-29 August 2004.


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Comunicación presentada en la XXXIII Reunión de Estudios Regionales, Competitividad, cohesión y desarrollo regional sostenible, León, 15-16 noviembre 2007.


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Paper submitted to the 51st European Congress of the Regional Science Association International, 37th Spanish Regional Science Association Conference, Barcelona, August 30-September 3, 2011.


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Calcineurin (protein phosphatase 2B) (CN) comprises a family of serine/threonine phosphatases that play a pivotal role in signal transduction cascades in a variety of cells, including neutrophils. Angiotensin II (Ang II) increases both activity and de novo synthesis of CN in human neutrophils. This study focuses on the role that intracellular redox status plays in the induction of CN activity by Ang II. Both de novo synthesis of CN and activity increase promoted by Ang II were downregulated when cells were treated with l-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine, an inhibitor of synthesis of the antioxidant glutathione. We have also investigated the effect of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate and phenazine methosulfate, which are antioxidant and oxidant compounds, respectively, and concluded that the intracellular redox status of neutrophils is highly critical for Ang II-induced increase of CN expression and activity. Results obtained in neutrophils from hypertensive patients were very similar to those obtained in these cells on treatment with Ang II. We have also addressed the possible functional implication of CN activation in the development of hypertension. Present findings indicate that downregulation of hemoxygenase-1 expression in neutrophils from hypertensive subjects is likely mediated by CN, which acts by hindering translocation to the nucleus of the transcription factor NRF2. These data support and extend our previous results and those from other authors on modulation of CN expression and activity levels by the intracellular redox status.


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Liver X receptors (LXRs) are ligand-activated transcription factors of the nuclear receptor superfamily. They play important roles in controlling cholesterol homeostasis and as regulators of inflammatory gene expression and innate immunity, by blunting the induction of classical pro-inflammatory genes. However, opposite data have also been reported on the consequences of LXR activation by oxysterols, resulting in the specific production of potent pro-inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species (ROS). The effect of the inflammatory state on the expression of LXRs has not been studied in human cells, and constitutes the main aim of the present work. Our data show that when human neutrophils are triggered with synthetic ligands, the synthesis of LXRα mRNA became activated together with transcription of the LXR target genes ABCA1, ABCG1 and SREBP1c. An inflammatory mediator, 15-deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2 (15dPGJ2), hindered T0901317-promoted induction of LXRα mRNA expression together with transcription of its target genes in both neutrophils and human macrophages. This down-regulatory effect was dependent on the release of reactive oxygen species elicited by 15dPGJ2, since it was enhanced by pro-oxidant treatment and reversed by antioxidants, and was also mediated by ERK1/2 activation. Present data also support that the 15dPGJ2-induced serine phosphorylation of the LXRα molecule is mediated by ERK1/2. These results allow to postulate that down-regulation of LXR cellular levels by pro-inflammatory stimuli might be involved in the development of different vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis.


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Liver X receptors (LXRs) are ligand-activated members of the nuclear receptor superfamily that regulate the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism and inflammation, although their role in inflammation and immunity is less well known. It has been reported that oxysterols/LXRs may act as anti-inflammatory molecules, although opposite actions have also been reported. In this study, we investigated the effect of platelet-activating factor (PAF), a proinflammatory molecule, on LXRα signalling in human neutrophils. We found that PAF exerted an inhibitory effect on mRNA expression of TO901317-induced LXRα, ATP-binding cassette transporter A1, ATP-binding cassette transporter G1, and sterol response element binding protein 1c. This negative action was mediated by the PAF receptor, and was dependent on the release of reactive oxygen species elicited by PAF, as it was enhanced by pro-oxidant treatment and reversed by antioxidants. Current data also support the idea that PAF induces phosphorylation of the LXRα molecule in an extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2-mediated fashion. These results suggest that a possible mechanism by which PAF exerts its proinflammatory effect is through the downregulation of LXRα and its related genes, which supports the notion that LXRα ligands exert a modulatory role in the neutrophil-mediated inflammatory response.


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This article analyzes the relationship between two types of performances, one on the ground (of a tennis court) and the other on the floor (of the stock market). The empirical application looks into the tennis player, Rafael Nadal, and his endorsing firms. The findings show a positive reaction in the market value when the tennis player wins matches in the Grand Slams, the intriguing effect being the diminishing sensitivity pattern that such reaction shows and the absence of loss aversion.


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The innovation–performance relationship is well studied in the literature, but the effect of innovation-based public recognitions is underresearched. This article finds a positive effect, whose magnitude is contingent upon the firm’s growth, experience, and its service–manufacturer character.


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The purpose of this article is to analyze the effect of hotel innovations on firm value. Specifically, this study fills a research gap in the previous literature by examining this effect through market value and by distinguishing the potentially different impacts of distinct innovation types: product, process, organization and marketing. This research contributes to consolidating the empirical evidence of hotel innovation and performance by analyzing whether distinct types of innovation lead to different levels of results. The findings show that innovations are perceived to have a positive impact on the future sales of the company: in a four-day period (0,+3), there is an increase in stock exchange returns of 1.53%. In terms of innovation types, process and marketing innovations are found to have a higher positive effect on hotel market value than product and organization innovations; which is explained by potential cost differences among innovations.


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En la localidad de Ibi suele recordarse que la sirena de la fábrica La Sin Rival-Payá Hermanos marcaba la rutina laboral no solo de los trabajadores de la empresa sino del resto de habitantes y trabajadores de otras empresas de la ciudad. Su cierre a principios de los ochenta supone, visto con perspectiva histórica, el inicio de la difícil y compleja situación a la que se iba enfrentar el sector desde ese momento y, en especial, el reto que supone afrontar las consecuencias derivadas de la actual crisis económica. Los cierres de otras empresas míticas como Juguetes Rico o Estuches y Juguetes S.A. (más conocida como Jyesa) han ido marcando la evolución que ha experimentado el sector en las últimas tres décadas. La evolución del sector se ha sustentado sobre una estrategia de diversificación y modernización que ha tenido siempre como base la tradición manufacturera. No obstante, también hay que tener en cuenta el fuerte impacto que los procesos de deslocalización han tenido sobre la industria de la zona reduciendo el peso de la manufactura y aumentando, a su vez, la actividad importadora de productos provenientes de países asiáticos (Ybarra, Fuster y Doménech, 2009). Uno de los efectos derivados de este proceso de deslocalización de la producción juguetera fue que la industria inició un proceso de diversificación y especialización hacia sectores relacionados con el plástico, el metal o los moldes y la matricería que le ha permitido convertirse, por un lado, en proveedores de alto nivel de industrias como la automovilística o la aeronáutica que exigen unos estándares de producción muy altos y, por otro lado, en fabricantes de bienes de consumo (por ejemplo, productos plásticos para el hogar). Como resultado de este proceso, la zona de la Foia de Castalla (Biar, Castalla, Ibi, Onil y Tibi) se ha configurado como una de las áreas de especialización más importantes del país para la subcontratación de procesos industriales (Ybarra y Santa María, 2008).


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La progresiva implantación de los Grados en las diferentes titulaciones en las que se imparten asignaturas de política económica permite hacer una primera evaluación de los resultados obtenidos con las nuevas metodologías docentes. Así, los profesores que forman esta red han introducido las modificaciones necesarias para adoptar sus metodologías docentes a las características de cada titulación. De forma breve, se puede observar a través del análisis de los resultados que la evaluación continua es un factor que influye de forma positiva en el rendimiento de los alumnos. La asistencia regular a las clases teórico/prácticas les permite acceder al examen de la asignatura en condiciones óptimas para obtener un alto rendimiento académico. Las metodologías basadas en el trabajo cooperativo para la realización de prácticas y trabajos en nuestras asignaturas permiten analizar las ventajas y desventajas que presenta esta herramienta en función del número de alumnos de cada asignatura o grupo de teoría/práctica. La conclusión derivada de la experiencia docente es la necesidad de adaptar la metodología en función de la titulación y del perfil del alumnado con el objeto de que se obtenga el máximo rendimiento tanto académico como en la adquisición las habilidades y competencias incluidas en las guías docentes.