8 resultados para Lente Fresnel

em Universidad de Alicante


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Se presenta un caso clínico con solución de lente de contacto cosmética para una paciente con midriasis máxima irrefléxica provocada por una complicación en cirugía de cataratas. El caso se complica al tener la paciente, además, una endo e hipertropía en ojo izquierdo (OI). Se realiza un estudio optométrico y contactológico en profundidad para establecer la idoneidad del tratamiento elegido y la solución propuesta y aceptada, que es la de adaptar una LC de material biocompatible y trabajada artesanalmente. Con ella se consigue un resultado muy natural y nos aseguramos que el material respeta por completo la fisiología del ojo. Después de una serie de pruebas adaptativas se consigue dotar a la paciente de la comodidad y similitud facial inicialmente consideradas en la primera visita, quedando así subsanada estéticamente esta atrofia ocular inicial.


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Actualmente, la adaptación de lentes de contacto nos ofrece una buena solución óptica para anisometropías, ya que se consigue igualar el tamaño de las imágenes retinianas, astigmatismos irregulares, consiguiendo regularizar la superficie corneal anterior, en miopías medias y elevadas, porque se logra un mayor tamaño de imagen retiniana respecto a la lente oftálmica, en casos de hipermetropías altas o afaquias, al conseguir un aumento del campo visual, y en nistagmus, ya que la lente acompaña al movimiento del ojo. A continuación, presentamos un caso de rehabilitación visual completa con la adaptación de una lente de contacto híbrida de geometría inversa en una córnea operada de cirugía LASIK miópica fallida, que tuvo como consecuencia una inducción muy significativa de irregularidad corneal.


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La lente híbrida de geometría inversa PS ofrece una mejoría de la calidad visual en pacientes con córneas irregulares tras cirugía refractiva miópica, mostrándose como una excelente opción en aquellos casos en que el insuficiente lecho corneal imposibilita retratamientos posteriores.


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Índice, resumen, conclusiones y bibliografía de la memoria del Máster en Optometría Clínica y Visión, Programa formativo en Biomedicina y Tecnologías para la vida.


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In this paper we propose a two-component polarimetric model for soil moisture estimation on vineyards suited for C-band radar data. According to a polarimetric analysis carried out here, this scenario is made up of one dominant direct return from the soil and a multiple scattering component accounting for disturbing and nonmodeled signal fluctuations from soil and short vegetation. We propose a combined X-Bragg/Fresnel approach to characterize the polarized direct response from soil. A validation of this polarimetric model has been performed in terms of its consistency with respect to the available data both from RADARSAT-2 and from indoor measurements. High inversion rates are reported for different phenological stages of vines, and the model gives a consistent interpretation of the data as long as the volume component power remains about or below 50% of the surface contribution power. However, the scarcity of soil moisture measurements in this study prevents the validation of the algorithm in terms of the accuracy of soil moisture retrieval and an extensive campaign is required to fully demonstrate the validity of the model. Different sources of mismatches between the model and the data have been also discussed and analyzed.


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Purpose: To examine a single-optic accommodating intraocular lens (IOL) visual performance by correlating IOL implanted eyes’ defocus curve with the intraocular aberrometric profile and the impact on the quality of life (QOL). Methods: Prospective consecutive case series study including a total of 25 eyes of 14 patients with ages ranging between 52 and 79 years old. All cases underwent cataract surgery with implantation of the single-optic accommodating IOL Crystalens HD (Bausch & Lomb). Distance and near visual acuity outcomes, intraocular aberrations, the defocus curve and QOL (NEI VFQ-25) were evaluated 3 months after surgery. Results: A significant improvement in distance visual acuity was found postoperatively (p = 0.02). Mean postoperative LogMAR uncorrected near visual acuity was 0.44 ± 0.23 (20/30). 60% of eyes had a postoperative addition between 0 and 1.5 diopters (D). The defocus curve showed an area of maximum visual acuity for the levels of defocus corresponding to distance and intermediate vision (−1 to +0.5 D). Postoperative intermediate visual acuity correlated significantly some QOL indices (r ≥ 0.51, p ≤ 0.03; difficulty in going down steps or seeing how people react to things that patient says) as well as with J0 component of manifest cylinder. Postoperative distance-corrected near visual acuity correlated significantly with age (r = 0.65, p < 0.01). Conclusions: This accommodating IOL seems to be able to restore the distance visual function as well as to provide an improvement in intermediate and near vision with a significant impact on patient's QOL, although limited by age and astigmatism. Future studies with larger sample sizes should confirm all these trends.


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El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido evaluar y analizar resultados tanto clínicos como teóricos para proporcionar un mayor entendimiento del funcionamiento de las lentes intraoculares (LIOs) trifocales. Para ello, se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica, incluyendo tanto artículos de simulaciones en banco óptico como aquellos que muestran resultados clínicos. En la búsqueda se han encontrado artículos sobre tres LIOs trifocales: AT.LISA tri839MP (Carl Zeiss Meditec), FineVision (PhysIOL) y MIOL-Record (Repper-NN). En los estudios teóricos se ha demostrado que las LIOs trifocales presentan una mejora con respecto a las LIOs bifocales en cuanto a visión intermedia pero con una disminución en cuanto a calidad óptica en distancias lejanas y cercanas. Por el contrario, en cuanto a resultados clínicos, las LIOs trifocales proporcionan buenas agudezas visuales en visión lejana y agudezas visuales variables pero siempre aceptables en visión intermedia y cercana. En conclusión, LIOs trifocales ofrecen una opción a aquellos pacientes que necesitan trabajar en visión intermedia y buscan no tener que depender del uso de gafas tras cirugía de catarata.


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State and international entities can have profound effects on the development of a country’s nursing profession. Through a global health governance lens, this paper explores the development of nursing in Brazil during the early twentieth century, and its intersections with national and international interests. Accordingly, we will show how state policies established an environment that fostered the institutionalization of nursing as a profession in Brazil and supported it as a means to increase the presence of females in nation building processes. The State focused on recruiting elite women for nursing, in part due to the Rockefeller Foundation’s involvement in the country. Nurses who worked for Rockefeller came from well-educated classes within US society with specific ideas about who should be a nurse and the roles of nurses in a healthcare system. These women served as the primary vehicles for interacting with Brazilian health authorities responsible for health system development. Their early efforts did not, however, ensure a system capable of producing nursing human resources at a rate that, in present day Brazil, could meet the health needs of the country. Findings from this paper offer new avenues for historians to explore the early roots of professional nursing through a global health governance lens, improve the understanding of the intersection between international politics and professionalization, and highlight how these factors may impact nursing human resources production in the long term.