35 resultados para Inteligencia computacional
em Universidad de Alicante
En el campo de la medicina clínica es crucial poder determinar la seguridad y la eficacia de los fármacos actuales y además acelerar el descubrimiento de nuevos compuestos activos. Para ello se llevan a cabo ensayos de laboratorio, que son métodos muy costosos y que requieren mucho tiempo. Sin embargo, la bioinformática puede facilitar enormemente la investigación clínica para los fines mencionados, ya que proporciona la predicción de la toxicidad de los fármacos y su actividad en enfermedades nuevas, así como la evolución de los compuestos activos descubiertos en ensayos clínicos. Esto se puede lograr gracias a la disponibilidad de herramientas de bioinformática y métodos de cribado virtual por ordenador (CV) que permitan probar todas las hipótesis necesarias antes de realizar los ensayos clínicos, tales como el docking estructural, mediante el programa BINDSURF. Sin embargo, la precisión de la mayoría de los métodos de CV se ve muy restringida a causa de las limitaciones presentes en las funciones de afinidad o scoring que describen las interacciones biomoleculares, e incluso hoy en día estas incertidumbres no se conocen completamente. En este trabajo abordamos este problema, proponiendo un nuevo enfoque en el que las redes neuronales se entrenan con información relativa a bases de datos de compuestos conocidos (proteínas diana y fármacos), y se aprovecha después el método para incrementar la precisión de las predicciones de afinidad del método de CV BINDSURF.
Está ampliamente aceptado que es fundamental desarrollar la habilidad de resolver problemas. El pensamiento computacional se basa en resolver problemas haciendo uso de conceptos fundamentales de la informática. Nada mejor para desarrollar la habilidad de resolver problemas usando conceptos informáticos que una asignatura de introducción a la programación. Este trabajo presenta nuestras reflexiones acerca de cómo iniciar a un estudiante en el campo de la programación de computadores. El trabajo no detalla los contenidos a impartir, sino que se centra en aspectos metodológicos, con la inclusión de experiencias y ejemplos concretos, a la vez que generales, extensibles a cualquier enseñanza de programación. En general, aunque se van desarrollado lenguajes cada vez más cercanos al lenguaje humano, la programación de ordenadores utilizando lenguajes formales no es una materia intuitiva y de fácil comprensión por parte de los estudiantes. A la persona que ya sabe programar le parece una tarea sencilla, pero al neófito no. Es más, dominar el arte de la programación es complejo. Por esta razón es indispensable utilizar todas las técnicas y herramientas posibles que faciliten dicha labor.
Práctica donde se debe implementar el algoritmo alfa-beta de búsqueda en juegos para calcular la mejor jugada en el juego del Otelo.
En esta práctica se debe resolver el problema del crucigrama: encontrar las palabras que se ajustan a los huecos del crucigrama, tanto en horizontal como en vertical.
En esta práctica se desarrollará el funcionamiento de un sistema experto difuso. El alumno debe desarrollar y probar un sistema experto, utilizando lógica difusa, que sea capaz de estabilizar un péndulo invertido.
La finalidad del presente trabajo es analizar las relaciones existentes entre la competencia social y la inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Así mismo, también nos proponemos analizar el papel de la empatía y sus relaciones con la competencia social y la inteligencia emocional, ya que en la mayoría de los estudios existentes aparece relacionada de un modo u otro con estos constructos. Los participantes en nuestro estudio fueron 110 estudiantes de primer ciclo de ESO. Los instrumentos empleados fueron: el test EQ-i:YV de BarOn (1997), el Cuestionario Matson de habilidades sociales para adolescentes (Matson, Rotatori, y Helsel, 1983) y el Interpersonal Reactivity Index, IRI (Davis, 1983). Las técnicas de análisis de datos incluyen: análisis de correlación, análisis de regresión múltiple paso a paso y análisis de regresión múltiple de tipo jerárquico. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten identificar un conjunto de variables que están directamente implicadas en la Competencia social.
In this paper we describe an hybrid algorithm for an even number of processors based on an algorithm for two processors and the Overlapping Partition Method for tridiagonal systems. Moreover, we compare this hybrid method with the Partition Wang’s method in a BSP computer. Finally, we compare the theoretical computation cost of both methods for a Cray T3D computer, using the cost model that BSP model provides.
The so-called parallel multisplitting nonstationary iterative Model A was introduced by Bru, Elsner, and Neumann [Linear Algebra and its Applications 103:175-192 (1988)] for solving a nonsingular linear system Ax = b using a weak nonnegative multisplitting of the first type. In this paper new results are introduced when A is a monotone matrix using a weak nonnegative multisplitting of the second type and when A is a symmetric positive definite matrix using a P -regular multisplitting. Also, nonstationary alternating iterative methods are studied. Finally, combining Model A and alternating iterative methods, two new models of parallel multisplitting nonstationary iterations are introduced. When matrix A is monotone and the multisplittings are weak nonnegative of the first or of the second type, both models lead to convergent schemes. Also, when matrix A is symmetric positive definite and the multisplittings are P -regular, the schemes are also convergent.
The objective of this paper is to develop a method to hide information inside a binary image. An algorithm to embed data in scanned text or figures is proposed, based on the detection of suitable pixels, which verify some conditions in order to be not detected. In broad terms, the algorithm locates those pixels placed at the contours of the figures or in those areas where some scattering of the two colors can be found. The hidden information is independent from the values of the pixels where this information is embedded. Notice that, depending on the sequence of bits to be hidden, around half of the used pixels to keep bits of data will not be modified. The other basic characteristic of the proposed scheme is that it is necessary to take into consideration the bits that are modified, in order to perform the recovering process of the information, which consists on recovering the sequence of bits placed in the proper positions. An application to banking sector is proposed for hidding some information in signatures.
As the user base of the Internet has grown tremendously, the need for secure services has increased accordingly. Most secure protocols, in digital business and other fields, use a combination of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, random generators and hash functions in order to achieve confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. Our proposal is an integral security kernel based on a powerful mathematical scheme from which all of these cryptographic facilities can be derived. The kernel requires very little resources and has the flexibility of being able to trade off speed, memory or security; therefore, it can be efficiently implemented in a wide spectrum of platforms and applications, either software, hardware or low cost devices. Additionally, the primitives are comparable in security and speed to well known standards.
The objective of this paper is to present a system to communicate hidden information among different users by means of images. The tasks that the system is able to carry on can be divided in two different groups of utilities, implemented in java. The first group of utilities are related with the possibility to hide information in color images, using a steganographic function based on the least significant bit (LSB) methods. The second group of utilities allows us to communicate with other users with the aim to send or receive images, where some information have been previously embedded. Thus, this is the most significant characteristic of the implementation, we have built an environment where we join the email capabilities to send and receive text and images as attached files, with the main objective of hiding information.
One of the most important tenets of e-learning is that it bridges work and learning. A great e-learning experience brings learning into the work environment. This is a key point, the capacity to construct a work environment when the student can develop proper tasks to complete the learning process. This paper describes a work environment based on the development of two tools, an exercises editor and an exercises viewer. Both tools are able to manage color images where, because of the implementation of basic steganographic techniques, it is possible to add information, exercises, questions, and so on. The exercises editor allows to decide which information must be visible or remain hidden to the user, when the image is loaded in the exercises viewer. Therefore, it is possible to hide the solutions of the proposed tasks; this is very useful to complete a self-evaluation learning process. These tools constitute a learning architecture with the final objective that learners can apply and practice new concepts or skills.
We propose a public key cryptosystem based on block upper triangular matrices. This system is a variant of the Discrete Logarithm Problem with elements in a finite group, capable of increasing the difficulty of the problem while maintaining the key size. We also propose a key exchange protocol that guarantees that both parties share a secret element of this group and a digital signature scheme that provides data authenticity and integrity.
We propose a secure full-duplex VoIP and instant messaging system on a Pocket PC platform, allowing for session key transport using a public-key protocol and encrypted text or voice communication using a private-key algorithm. The full-duplex VoIP scheme presents good performance for long duration communication over LAN networks.
Multi-party voice-over-IP (MVoIP) services provide economical and convenient group communication mechanisms for many emerging applications such as distance collaboration systems, on-line meetings and Internet gaming. In this paper, we present a light peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol to provide MVoIP services on small platforms like mobile phones and PDAs. Unlike other proposals, our solution is fully distributed and self-organizing without requiring specialized servers or IP multicast support.