49 resultados para Fernández de Lizardi, José Joaquín, 1776-1827

em Universidad de Alicante


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El presente trabajo es resultado de un proyecto correspondiente a ediciones anteriores del programa Redes, que permitió la creación de un repositorio virtual que albergue el material elaborado por los profesores de las asignaturas de Física en las titulaciones de Grado. Actualmente, y debido a la motivación de los participantes, se está trabajando en poner al día el material correspondiente a los Grados y ampliarlo a las asignaturas Máster orientados a las tecnologías que se imparten en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante. El material recopilado es accesible virtualmente por todo el profesorado del departamento implicado en las asignaturas de Física, por medio de un repositorio virtual. Por otro lado, terminada una primera parte del trabajo nos encontramos inmersos en una reflexión sobre las metodologías aplicadas a partir del diálogo y la discusión entre los docentes sobre la experiencia en el aula con los alumnos y con los materiales generados.


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En el curso 2013-14 se implantará el cuarto y último curso del Grado en Química. La experiencia adquirida durante la implementación de los tres primeros cursos ha puesto de manifiesto la conveniencia de realizar un proceso de coordinación entre los profesores de las diferentes asignaturas que garantice la consecución de las competencias previstas en la memoria del título. Por ello, se ha creado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Alicante una red de investigación en docencia universitaria que ha estado trabajando desde el inicio del presente curso académico en este tema. Dicha red está constituida por el Vicedecano de Ordenación Académica de la Facultad de Ciencias, la Coordinadora Académica de Química y los profesores coordinadores de todas las asignaturas del 4º curso del grado (excepto Prácticas Externas y Trabajo Fin de Grado). En esta comunicación se presentarán los resultados del trabajo de investigación realizado por estos profesores que ha permitido elaborar las guías docentes de las asignaturas, planificar y coordinar las actividades a realizar para que los alumnos adquieran las competencias transversales, realizar un cronograma de actividades de evaluación y otro de prácticas de laboratorio que asegure la distribución homogénea del trabajo del alumno durante el curso académico.


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Context. Classical supergiant X-ray binaries (SGXBs) and supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs) are two types of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) that present similar donors but, at the same time, show very different behavior in the X-rays. The reason for this dichotomy of wind-fed HMXBs is still a matter of debate. Among the several explanations that have been proposed, some of them invoke specific stellar wind properties of the donor stars. Only dedicated empiric analysis of the donors’ stellar wind can provide the required information to accomplish an adequate test of these theories. However, such analyses are scarce. Aims. To close this gap, we perform a comparative analysis of the optical companion in two important systems: IGR J17544-2619 (SFXT) and Vela X-1 (SGXB). We analyze the spectra of each star in detail and derive their stellar and wind properties. As a next step, we compare the wind parameters, giving us an excellent chance of recognizing key differences between donor winds in SFXTs and SGXBs. Methods. We use archival infrared, optical and ultraviolet observations, and analyze them with the non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) Potsdam Wolf-Rayet model atmosphere code. We derive the physical properties of the stars and their stellar winds, accounting for the influence of X-rays on the stellar winds. Results. We find that the stellar parameters derived from the analysis generally agree well with the spectral types of the two donors: O9I (IGR J17544-2619) and B0.5Iae (Vela X-1). The distance to the sources have been revised and also agree well with the estimations already available in the literature. In IGR J17544-2619 we are able to narrow the uncertainty to d = 3.0 ± 0.2 kpc. From the stellar radius of the donor and its X-ray behavior, the eccentricity of IGR J17544-2619 is constrained to e< 0.25. The derived chemical abundances point to certain mixing during the lifetime of the donors. An important difference between the stellar winds of the two stars is their terminal velocities (ν∞ = 1500 km s-1 in IGR J17544-2619 and ν∞ = 700 km s-1 in Vela X-1), which have important consequences on the X-ray luminosity of these sources. Conclusions. The donors of IGR J17544-2619 and Vela X-1 have similar spectral types as well as similar parameters that physically characterize them and their spectra. In addition, the orbital parameters of the systems are similar too, with a nearly circular orbit and short orbital period. However, they show moderate differences in their stellar wind velocity and the spin period of their neutron star which has a strong impact on the X-ray luminosity of the sources. This specific combination of wind speed and pulsar spin favors an accretion regime with a persistently high luminosity in Vela X-1, while it favors an inhibiting accretion mechanism in IGR J17544-2619. Our study demonstrates that the relative wind velocity is critical in class determination for the HMXBs hosting a supergiant donor, given that it may shift the accretion mechanism from direct accretion to propeller regimes when combined with other parameters.


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Context. We report the infrared identification of the X-ray source 2XMM J191043.4+091629.4, which was detected by XMM-Newton/EPIC in the vicinity of the Galactic supernova remnant W49B. Aims. The aim of this work is to establish the nature of the X-ray source 2XMM J191043.4+091629.4 studying both the infrared photometry and spectroscopy of the companion. Methods. We analysed UKIDSS images around the best position of the X-ray source and obtained spectra of the best candidate using NICS in the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) 3.5-m telescope. We present photometric and spectroscopic TNG analyses of the infrared counterpart of the X-ray source, identifying emission lines in the K-band. The H-band spectra does not present any significant feature. Results. We have shown that the Brackett γ H i at 2.165 μm, and He i at 2.184 μm and at 2.058 μm are significantly present in the infrared spectrum. The CO bands are also absent from our spectrum. Based on these results and the X-ray characteristics of the source, we conclude that the infrared counterpart is an early B-type supergiant star with an E(B − V) = 7.6 ± 0.3 at a distance of 16.0 ± 0.5 kpc. This would be, therefore, the first high-mass X-ray binary in the Outer Arm at galactic longitudes of between 30° and 60°.


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We present an analysis of a series of four consecutive Chandra high-resolution transmission gratings observations, amounting to a total of 150 ks, of the Be X-ray source HD 119682 (=1WGA J1346.5–6255), a member of the new class of γ Cas analogs. The Chandra light curve shows significant brightness variations on timescales of hours. However, the spectral distribution appears rather stable within each observation and during the whole campaign. A detailed analysis is not able to detect any coherent pulsation up to a frequency of 0.05 Hz. The Chandra High Energy Transmission Gratings spectrum seems to be devoid of any strong emission line, including Fe Kα fluorescence. The continuum is well described with the addition of two collisionally ionized plasmas of temperatures kT ≈ 15 keV and 0.2 keV, respectively, by the apec model. Models using photoionized plasma components (mekal) or non-thermal components (powerlaw) give poorer fits, providing support for the pure thermal scenario. These two components are absorbed by a single column with N H = (0.20+0.15 –0.03) × 1022 cm–2 compatible with the interstellar value. We conclude that HD 119682 can be regarded as a pole-on γ Cas analog.


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We present analysis of 100 ks contiguous XMM-Newton data of the prototypical wind accretor Vela X-1. The observation covered eclipse egress between orbital phases 0.134 and 0.265, during which a giant flare took place, enabling us to study the spectral properties both outside and during the flare. This giant flare with a peak luminosity of 3.92+0.42-0.09 × 1037 erg s-1 allows estimates of the physical parameters of the accreted structure with a mass of ~1021 g. We have been able to model several contributions to the observed spectrum with a phenomenological model formed by three absorbed power laws plus three emission lines. After analysing the variations with orbital phase of the column density of each component, as well as those in the Fe and Ni fluorescence lines, we provide a physical interpretation for each spectral component. Meanwhile, the first two components are two aspects of the principal accretion component from the surface of the neutron star, the third component seems to be the X-ray light echo formed in the stellar wind of the companion.


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This multidisciplinary study concerns the optimal design of processes with a view to both maximizing profit and minimizing environmental impacts. This can be achieved by a combination of traditional chemical process design methods, measurements of environmental impacts and advanced mathematical optimization techniques. More to the point, this paper presents a hybrid simulation-multiobjective optimization approach that at once optimizes the production cost and minimizes the associated environmental impacts of isobutane alkylation. This approach has also made it possible to obtain the flowsheet configurations and process variables that are needed to manufacture isooctane in a way that satisfies the above-stated double aim. The problem is formulated as a Generalized Disjunctive Programming problem and solved using state-of-the-art logic-based algorithms. It is shown, starting from existing alternatives for the process, that it is possible to systematically generate a superstructure that includes alternatives not previously considered. The optimal solution, in the form a Pareto curve, includes different structural alternatives from which the most suitable design can be selected. To evaluate the environmental impact, Life Cycle Assessment based on two different indicators is employed: Ecoindicator 99 and Global Warming Potential.


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High resolution X-ray spectroscopy is a powerful tool for studying the nature of the matter surrounding the neutron star in X-ray binaries and its interaction between the stellar wind and the compact object. In particular, absorption features in their spectra could reveal the presence of atmospheres of the neutron star or their magnetic field strength. Here we present an investigation of the absorption feature at 2.1 keV in the X-ray spectrum of the high mass X-ray binary 4U 1538–52 based on our previous analysis of the XMM-Newton data. We study various possible origins and discuss the different physical scenarios in order to explain this feature. A likely interpretation is that the feature is associated with atomic transitions in an O/Ne neutron star atmosphere or of hydrogen and helium like Fe or Si ions formed in the stellar wind of the donor.


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Continuando con la línea emprendida por el Instituto Universitario de Ingeniería de Procesos Químicos, para desarrollar actividades de fomento del conocimiento de disciplinas de ciencia y tecnología, se ha convocado el “VI Certamen de Proyectos Educativos de Ingeniería Química” durante el curso 2013-2014. Con dicha actividad se pretende promover el interés por estudios relacionados con las disciplinas científico-técnicas, entre los alumnos de ESO, con una mejor conceptualización, comprensión y caracterización de los temas. Para ello, se diseñan, planifican y desarrollan acciones entre profesorado de la UA y centros de secundaria, sobre el papel de la Química en la industria para mejorar la calidad de vida. En la presente edición del certamen se han inscrito 13 centros, que han presentado un total de 20 proyectos, relacionados con los siguientes temas: la Ingeniería Química y el medio ambiente, la Ingeniería Química y la industria alimentaria, la Ingeniería Química y el mundo de los plásticos, la Ingeniería Química y la energía y la Ingeniería Química «Verde» sostenible.


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Cuando finalice el curso 2013-14 se producirá la salida de la primera promoción de graduados en la Escuela Politécnica Superior (EPS). Teniendo en cuenta que antes de que transcurran seis años se debe renovar la acreditación de los títulos oficiales de Grado, consideramos adecuado efectuar un análisis crítico del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados del seguimiento realizado en el contexto educativo de los fundamentos físicos en los títulos de grado de la EPS. Estos resultados muestran la necesidad de abordar los cambios necesarios para corregir las deficiencias detectadas y mejorar la calidad del aprendizaje. Conviene recordar que el cambio que se pretendía realizar en la enseñanza universitaria era para centrarse en el aprendizaje del alumnado. Además incluimos un estudio de la evolución del aprendizaje de la física analizando las calificaciones de acceso en física y matemáticas y comparándolas con las obtenidas en los fundamentos físicos de los diferentes grados impartidos en la EPS. También presentaremos buena parte de las actividades realizadas para facilitar el aprendizaje continuo de nuestro alumnado mediante el uso de nuevas herramientas informáticas, como blogs, OpenCourseWare, materiales audiovisuales (pUAs), etc.


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Numerosos estudios han puesto de manifiesto la dificultad del aprendizaje de la física tanto en la educación secundaria y bachillerato como en la educación universitaria. El espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) pone énfasis en el aprendizaje del alumnado y modifica el rol del profesorado como tutor de su aprendizaje, potenciando la adquisición de los conocimientos mediante metodologías activas. Nosotros nos centraremos en desarrollar competencias transversales y favorecer un aprendizaje interactivo y global. Por ejemplo, se potenciará la búsqueda de información relacionada con un tema, se provocará la reacción o participación del alumnado sobre aspectos de aplicación de los fundamentos físicos en la edificación y en la ingeniería, se comprobará mediante la autoevaluación la adquisición de los objetivos, se favorecerá el aprendizaje atemporal, etc. También proporcionará el trabajo de algunas capacidades como la planificación de las tareas, la comunicación y exposición de ideas sobre aspectos académicos o profesionales, la generación de nuevas ideas o la construcción de conocimiento a partir de sus aportaciones. Finalmente se recogerán los comentarios y sugerencias del alumnado para adaptar los materiales diseñados a sus necesidades.


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Multiobjective Generalized Disjunctive Programming (MO-GDP) optimization has been used for the synthesis of an important industrial process, isobutane alkylation. The two objective functions to be simultaneously optimized are the environmental impact, determined by means of LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), and the economic potential of the process. The main reason for including the minimization of the environmental impact in the optimization process is the widespread environmental concern by the general public. For the resolution of the problem we employed a hybrid simulation- optimization methodology, i.e., the superstructure of the process was developed directly in a chemical process simulator connected to a state of the art optimizer. The model was formulated as a GDP and solved using a logic algorithm that avoids the reformulation as MINLP -Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming-. Our research gave us Pareto curves compounded by three different configurations where the LCA has been assessed by two different parameters: global warming potential and ecoindicator-99.


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We present a comprehensive analysis of the whole sample of available XMM-Newton observations of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) until August 2013, focusing on the FeKα emission line. This line is key to better understanding the physical properties of the material surrounding the X-ray source within a few stellar radii (the circumstellar medium). We collected observations from 46 HMXBs and detected FeKα in 21 of them. We used the standard classification of HMXBs to divide the sample into different groups. We find that (1) different classes of HMXBs display different qualitative behaviours in the FeKα spectral region. This is visible especially in SGXBs (showing ubiquitous Fe fluorescence but not recombination Fe lines) and in γ Cass analogues (showing both fluorescent and recombination Fe lines). (2) FeKα is centred at a mean value of 6.42 keV. Considering the instrumental and fits uncertainties, this value is compatible with ionization states that are lower than Fe xviii. (3) The flux of the continuum is well correlated with the flux of the line, as expected. Eclipse observations show that the Fe fluorescence emission comes from an extended region surrounding the X-ray source. (4) We observe an inverse correlation between the X-ray luminosity and the equivalent width of FeKα (EW). This phenomenon is known as the X-ray Baldwin effect. (5) FeKα is narrow (σline< 0.15 keV), reflecting that the reprocessing material does not move at high speeds. We attempt to explain the broadness of the line in terms of three possible broadening phenomena: line blending, Compton scattering, and Doppler shifts (with velocities of the reprocessing material V ~ 1000 km s-1). (6) The equivalent hydrogen column (NH) directly correlates to the EW of FeKα, displaying clear similarities to numerical simulations. It highlights the strong link between the absorbing and the fluorescent matter. (7) The observed NH in supergiant X-ray binaries (SGXBs) is in general higher than in supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs). We suggest two possible explanations: different orbital configurations or a different interaction compact object – wind. (8) Finally, we analysed the sources IGR J16320-4751 and 4U 1700-37 in more detail, covering several orbital phases. The observed variation in NH between phases is compatible with the absorption produced by the wind of their optical companions. The results clearly point to a very important contribution of the donor’s wind in the FeKα emission and the absorption when the donor is a supergiant massive star.


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Context. 4U 1538−52, an absorbed high mass X-ray binary with an orbital period of ~3.73 days, shows moderate orbital intensity modulations with a low level of counts during the eclipse. Several models have been proposed to explain the accretion at different orbital phases by a spherically symmetric stellar wind from the companion. Aims. The aim of this work is to study both the light curve and orbital phase spectroscopy of this source in the long term. In particular, we study the folded light curve and the changes in the spectral parameters with orbital phase to analyse the stellar wind of QV Nor, the mass donor of this binary system. Methods. We used all the observations made from the Gas Slit Camera on board MAXI of 4U 1538−52 covering many orbits continuously. We obtained the good interval times for all orbital phase ranges, which were the input for extracting our data. We estimated the orbital period of the system and then folded the light curves, and we fitted the X-ray spectra with the same model for every orbital phase spectrum. We also extracted the averaged spectrum of all the MAXI data available. Results. The MAXI spectra in the 2–20 keV energy range were fitted with an absorbed Comptonisation of cool photons on hot electrons. We found a strong orbital dependence of the absorption column density but neither the fluorescence iron emission line nor low energy excess were needed to fit the MAXI spectra. The variation in the spectral parameters over the binary orbit were used to examine the mode of accretion onto the neutron star in 4U 1538−52. We deduce a best value of Ṁ/v∞ = 0.65 × 10-9M⊙ yr-1/ (km s-1) for QV Nor.