8 resultados para Accelerating universes

em Universidad de Alicante


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We show that a wide-angle converging wave may be transformed into a shape-preserving accelerating beam having a beam-width near the diffraction limit. For that purpose, we followed a strategy that is particularly conceived for the acceleration of nonparaxial laser beams, in contrast to the well-known method by Siviloglou et al (2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 213901). The concept of optical near-field shaping is applied to the design of non-flat ultra-narrow diffractive optical elements. The engineered curvilinear caustic can be set up by the beam emerging from a dynamic assembly of elementary gratings, the latter enabling to modify the effective refractive index of the metamaterial as it is arranged in controlled orientations. This light shaping process, besides being of theoretical interest, is expected to open up a wide range of broadband application possibilities.


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Spatially accelerating beams are non-diffracting beams whose intensity is localized along curvilinear trajectories, also incomplete circular trajectories, before diffraction broadening governs their propagation. In this paper we report on numerical simulations showing the conversion of a high-numerical-aperture focused beam into a nonparaxial shape-preserving accelerating beam having a beam-width near the diffraction limit. Beam shaping is induced near the focal region by a diffractive optical element that consists of a non-planar subwavelength grating enabling a Bessel signature.


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El artículo analiza el concepto de transmedia storytelling en su dimensión publicitaria. En cierto modo, las narrativas transmediáticas, esto es, la diseminación de las tramas ficcionales a lo largo de soportes y plataformas diversos pero sinérgicos (letra impresa, cine, televisión) fueron empleadas en primer lugar en el mensaje publicitario, obligado a transmigrar por su carencia de un soporte exclusivo y a cambio por la vocación de colonizarlos a todos. Hoy día es el producto cultural ficcional el que devuelve a la publicidad el préstamo: son los universos ficcionales los marcos más propiciatorios para el consumo, no sólo de la cultura industrial en sí, en cualquiera de sus soportes, sino de todo un rosario de marcas arracimadas en torno a la narrativa ficcional. Analizaremos en detalle este fenómeno en una teleserie norteamericana muy reciente, True Blood (HBO, 2008), todavía en emisión, y en todo el universo ficcional que orbita a su alrededor. La diferencia entre los productos culturales en sí y las piezas publicitarias encargadas de promocionarlos –como ya vio premonitoriamente Adorno- se disuelve en un continuo cross-promotional, que tiende a enmascarar también los límites entre las estrategias corporativas y las intervenciones del fan.


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La reflexión en torno a las narraciones transmediáticas ha sido muy intensa en los últimos diez años. En este artículo intentamos desbrozar el concepto, dar cuenta de su especificidad y mostrar algunos ejemplos clásicos y otros más recientes. También apuntaremos algunas dificultades y retos que plantea a los estudios no sólo narratológicos, sino también en los márgenes entre estos y otros dominios tanto semióticos como de los Media Studies: las dimensiones y los límites de una “historia” de la narración transmedia, las explicaciones económicas de su pujanza actual, el afán de construcción de universos narrativos complejos y la inmersión en ellos de los fans, el papel crucial de la serialidad, la dimensión promocional y más en general paratextual de las narraciones trasmediáticas y finalmente la extensión del fenómeno más allá del dominio de la ficción. El “giro narrativo” descrito en las ciencias sociales y en muchos discursos públicos hace ya unas décadas debería complementarse ahora con un “giro transmediático”, funcional al primero y a la manera de su brazo secular (tecnológico y económico).


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Mathematical morphology has been an area of intensive research over the last few years. Although many remarkable advances have been achieved throughout these years, there is still a great interest in accelerating morphological operations in order for them to be implemented in real-time systems. In this work, we present a new model for computing mathematical morphology operations, the so-called morphological trajectory model (MTM), in which a morphological filter will be divided into a sequence of basic operations. Then, a trajectory-based morphological operation (such as dilation, and erosion) is defined as the set of points resulting from the ordered application of the instant basic operations. The MTM approach allows working with different structuring elements, such as disks, and from the experiments, it can be extracted that our method is independent of the structuring element size and can be easily applied to industrial systems and high-resolution images.


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In this paper, parallel Relaxed and Extrapolated algorithms based on the Power method for accelerating the PageRank computation are presented. Different parallel implementations of the Power method and the proposed variants are analyzed using different data distribution strategies. The reported experiments show the behavior and effectiveness of the designed algorithms for realistic test data using either OpenMP, MPI or an hybrid OpenMP/MPI approach to exploit the benefits of shared memory inside the nodes of current SMP supercomputers.


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Paper submitted to the 19th International Symposium on Analytical & Applied Pyrolysis, Linz, Austria, 21-25 May 2012.


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Building Information Modelling (BIM) provides a shared source of information about a built asset, which creates a collaborative virtual environment for project teams. Literature suggests that to collaborate efficiently, the relationship between the project team is based on sympathy, obligation, trust and rapport. Communication increases in importance when working collaboratively but effective communication can only be achieved when the stakeholders are willing to act, react, listen and share information. Case study research and interviews with Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry experts suggest that synchronous face-to-face communication is project teams’ preferred method, allowing teams to socialise and build rapport, accelerating the creation of trust between the stakeholders. However, virtual unified communication platforms are a close second-preferred option for communication between the teams. Effective methods for virtual communication in professional practice, such as virtual collaboration environments (CVE), that build trust and achieve similar spontaneous responses as face-to-face communication, are necessary to face the global challenges and can be achieved with the right people, processes and technology. This research paper investigates current industry methods for virtual communication within BIM projects and explores the suitability of avatar interaction in a collaborative virtual environment as an alternative to face-to-face communication to enhance collaboration between design teams’ professional practice on a project. Hence, this paper presents comparisons between the effectiveness of these communication methods within construction design teams with results of further experiments conducted to test recommendations for more efficient methods for virtual communication to add value in the workplace between design teams.