243 resultados para Química inorgànica
The change in the carbonaceous skeleton of nanoporous carbons during their activation has received limited attention, unlike its counterpart process in the presence of an inert atmosphere. Here we adopt a multi-method approach to elucidate this change in a poly(furfuryl alcohol)-derived carbon activated using cyclic application of oxygen saturation at 250 °C before its removal (with carbon) at 800 °C in argon. The methods used include helium pycnometry, synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction (XRD) and associated radial distribution function (RDF) analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and, uniquely, electron energy-loss spectroscopy spectrum-imaging (EELS-SI), electron nanodiffraction and fluctuation electron microscopy (FEM). Helium pycnometry indicates the solid skeleton of the carbon densifies during activation from 78% to 93% of graphite. RDF analysis, EELS-SI, and FEM all suggest this densification comes through an in-plane growth of sp2 carbon out to the medium range without commensurate increase in order normal to the plane. This process could be termed ‘graphenization’. The exact way in which this process occurs is not clear, but TEM images of the carbon before and after activation suggest it may come through removal of the more reactive carbon, breaking constraining cross-links and creating space that allows the remaining carbon material to migrate in an annealing-like process.
We report a multi-wavelength Raman spectroscopy study of the structural changes along the thermal annealing pathway of a poly(furfuryl alcohol) (PFA) derived nanoporous carbon (NPC). The Raman spectra were deconvoluted utilizing G, D, D′, A and TPA bands. The appropriateness of these deconvolutions was confirmed via recovery of the correct dispersive behaviours of these bands. It is proposed that the ID/IG ratio is composed of two parts: one associated with the extent of graphitic crystallites (the Tuinstra–Koenig relationship), and a second related to the inter-defect distance. This model was used to successfully determine the variation of the in-plane size and intra-plane defect density along the annealing pathway. It is proposed that the NPC skeleton evolves along the annealing pathway in two stages: below 1600 °C it was dominated by a reduction of in-plane defects with a minor crystallite growth, and above this temperature growth of the crystallites accelerates as the in-plane defect density approaches zero. A significant amount of transpolyacetylene (TPA)-like structures was found to be remaining even at 2400 °C. These may be responsible for resistance to further graphitization of the PFA-based carbon at higher temperatures.
Catalysts consisting in platinum supported on cerium oxide highly dispersed on activated carbon, with a Pt loading of 1 wt.% and ceria loadings of 5, 10 and 20 wt.% have been prepared by impregnation method and characterized by several techniques (N2 adsorption at 77 K, ICP, XRD, H2-TPR and XPS). Their catalytic behavior has been evaluated in the total oxidation of ethanol and toluene after reduction at 473 K. The obtained results show that the prepared catalysts have better performances than platinum supported on bulk CeO2. The best catalytic performance was obtained for 10 wt.% ceria loading, likely due to an optimum synergistic interaction between highly dispersed cerium oxide and platinum particles. Pt-10Ce/C achieves total conversion of ethanol and toluene to CO2 at 433 K and 453 K, respectively, and shows no deactivation during a test for 100 h. Under humid conditions (relative humidity, RH, of 40 and 80%), the activity was only slightly influenced due to the hydrophobic character of the activated carbon support, which prevents the adsorption of water.
Copper-based catalysts supported on niobium-doped ceria have been prepared and tested in the preferential oxidation of CO in excess of H2 (PROX) and in total oxidation of toluene. Supports and catalysts have been characterized by several techniques: N2 adsorption, ICP-OES, XRF, XRD, Raman Spectroscopy, SEM, TEM, H2-TPR and XPS, and their catalytic performance has been measured in PROX, with an ideal gas mixture (CO, O2 and H2) with or without CO2 and H2O, and in total oxidation of toluene. The effects of the copper loading and the amount of niobium in the supports have been evaluated. Remarkably, the addition of niobia to the catalysts may improve the catalytic performance in total oxidation of toluene. It allows us to prepare cheaper catalysts (niobia it is far cheaper than ceria) with improved catalytic performance.
Structure–activity relationships for 1 wt.% Pt catalysts were investigated for a series of TixCe(1−x)O2 (x = 1, 0.98, 0.9, 0.5, 0.2 and 0) supports prepared by the sol–gel method. The catalysts prepared by impregnation were characterized in detail by applying a wide range of techniques as N2-isotherms, XRF, XRD, Raman, XPS, H2-TPR, Drifts, UV–vis, etc. and tested in the preferential oxidation of CO in the presence of H2. Also several reaction conditions were deeply analyzed. A strong correlation between catalyst performance and the electronic properties let us to propose, based in all the experimental results, a plausible reaction mechanism where several redox cycles are involved.
We show here that a physical activation process that is diffusion-controlled yields an activated carbon whose chemistry – both elemental and functional – varies radially through the particles. For the ∼100 μm particles considered here, diffusion-controlled activation in CO2 at 800 °C saw a halving in the oxygen concentration from the particle periphery to its center. It was also observed that this activation process leads to an increase in keto and quinone groups from the particle periphery towards the center and the inverse for other carbonyls as well as ether and hydroxyl groups, suggesting the two are formed under CO2-poor and -rich environments, respectively. In contrast to these observations, use of physical activation processes where diffusion-control is absent are shown to yield carbons whose chemistry is radially invariant. This suggests that a non-diffusion limited activation processes should be used if the performance of a carbon is dependent on having a specific optimal pore surface chemical composition.
A detailed study on the preparation of bimetallic PtSn/C catalysts using surface-controlled synthesis methods, and on their catalytic performance in the glycerol steam reforming reaction has been carried out. In order to obtain these well-defined bimetallic phases, techniques derived from Surface Organometallic Chemistry on Metals (SOMC/M) were used. The preparation process involved the reaction between an organometallic compound ((C4H9)4Sn) and a supported transition metal (Pt) in a H2 atmosphere. Catalysts with Sn/Pt atomic ratios of 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 were obtained, and characterized using several techniques: ICP, H2 chemisorption, TEM and XPS. These systems were tested in the glycerol steam reforming varying the reaction conditions (glycerol concentration and reaction temperature). The best performance was observed for the catalysts with the lowest tin contents (PtSn0.2/C and PtSn0.3/C). It was observed that the presence of tin increased the catalysts’ stability when working under more severe reaction conditions.
We compare the pore size distribution of a well-characterized activated carbon derived from model-dependent, adsorption integral equation (AIE) methods with those from model-independent, immersion calorimetry and isosteric heat analyses. The AIE approach applied to nitrogen gave a mean pore width of 0.57 nm; the CO2 distribution exhibited wider dispersion. Spherical model application to CO2 and diffusion limitations for nitrogen and argon were proposed as primary reasons for inconsistency. Immersion enthalpy revealed a sharp decrease in available area equivalent to a cut-off due to molecular exclusion when the accessible surface was assessed against probe kinetic diameter. Mean pore width was identified as 0.58 ± 0.02 nm, endorsing the underlying assumptions for the nitrogen-based AIE approach. A comparison of the zero-coverage isosteric heat of adsorption for various non-polar adsorptives by the porous test sample was compared with the same adsorptives in contact with a non-porous reference adsorbent, leading to an energy ratio or adsorption enhancement factor. A linear relationship between the energy ratio and probe kinetic diameter indicated a primary pore size at 0.59 nm. The advantage of this enthalpy, model-independent methods over AIE were due to no assumptions regarding probe molecular shape, and no assumptions for pore shape and/or connectivity.
Fixed bed CO2 adsorption tests were carried out in model flue-gas streams onto two commercial activated carbons, namely Filtrasorb 400 and Nuchar RGC30, at 303 K, 323 K and 353 K. Thermodynamic adsorption results highlighted that the presence of a narrower micropore size distribution with a prevailing contribution of very small pore diameters, observed for Filtrasorb 400, is a key factor in determining a higher CO2 capture capacity, mostly at low temperature. These experimental evidences were also corroborated by the higher value of the isosteric heat derived for Filtrasorb 400, testifying stronger interactions with CO2 molecules with respect to Nuchar RGC30. Dynamic adsorption results on the investigated sorbents highlighted the important role played by both a greater contribution of mesopores and the presence of wider micropores for Nuchar RGC30 in establishing faster capture kinetics with respect to Filtrasorb 400, in particular at 303 K. Furthermore, the modeling analysis of 15% CO2 breakthrough curves allowed identifying intraparticle diffusion as the rate-determining step of the process.
This study describes a new synthesis route for bone chars using a CO2 atmosphere and their behavior as adsorbent for fluoride removal from water. Specifically, we have performed a detailed analysis of the adsorption properties of bone char samples obtained at different carbonization conditions and a comparative study with samples of bone char obtained via pyrolysis under nitrogen. Experimental results show that the nature of the gas atmosphere (CO2 versus N2) and the carbonization temperature play a major role to achieve an effective bone char for water defluoridation. In particular, the best adsorption properties of bone char for fluoride removal are obtained with those samples synthesized at 700 °C. Carbonization temperatures above 700 °C under CO2 atmosphere cause the dehydroxylation of the hydroxyapatite in the bone char, thus reducing its fluoride adsorption capacity. The maximum fluoride adsorption capacity for the bone char obtained in this study under CO2 atmosphere (i.e., 5.92 mg/g) is higher than those reported for commercial bone chars.
Fixed-bed thermodynamic CO2 adsorption tests were performed in model flue-gas onto Filtrasorb 400 and Nuchar RGC30 activated carbons (AC) functionalized with [Hmim][BF4] and [Emim][Gly] ionic liquids (IL). A comparative analysis of the CO2 capture results and N2 porosity characterization data evidenced that the use of [Hmim][BF4], a physical solvent for carbon dioxide, ended up into a worsening of the parent AC capture performance, due to a dominating pore blocking effect at all the operating temperatures. Conversely, the less sterically-hindered and amino acid-based [Emim][Gly] IL was effective in increasing the AC capture capacity at 353 K under milder impregnation conditions, the beneficial effect being attributed to both its chemical affinity towards CO2 and low pore volume reduction. The findings derived in this work outline interesting perspectives for the application of amino acid-based IL supported onto activated carbons for CO2 separation under post-combustion conditions, and future research efforts should be focused on the search for AC characterized by optimal pore size distribution and surface properties for IL functionalization.
New bone chars for fluoride adsorption from drinking water have been synthetized via metallic doping using aluminum and iron salts. A detailed statistical analysis of the metal doping process using the signal-to-noise ratios from Taguchi's experimental designs and its impact on the fluoride adsorption properties of modified bone chars have been performed. The best conditions, including the proper metallic salt, for metal doping were identified to improve the fluoride uptakes of modified bone chars. Results showed that the fluoride adsorption properties of bone chars can be enhanced up to 600% using aluminum sulfate for the surface modification. This aluminum-based adsorbent showed an adsorption capacity of 31 mg/g, which outperformed the fluoride uptakes reported for several adsorbents. Surface interactions involved in the defluoridation process were established using FTIR, DRX and XPS analysis. Defluoridation using the metal-doped bone chars occurred via an ion exchange process between fluoride ions and the hydroxyl groups on the adsorbent surface, whereas the Al(OH)xFy, FexFy, and CaF2 interactions could play also an important role in the removal process. These metal-doped adsorbents anticipate a promising behavior in water treatment, especially in developing countries where the efficiency – cost tradeoff is crucial for implementing new defluoridation technologies.
An integrated analysis of naproxen adsorption on bone char in batch and packed-bed column conditions has been performed. Kinetic, thermodynamic and breakthrough parameters have been calculated using adsorption models and artificial neural networks. Results show that naproxen removal using bone char in batch conditions is a feasible and effective process, which could involve electrostatic and non-electrostatic interactions depending mainly on pH conditions. However, the application of packed-bed column for naproxen adsorption on bone char is not effective for the treatment of diluted solutions due to the low degree of adsorbent utilization (below 4%) at tested operating conditions. The proposed mechanism for naproxen removal using bone char could include a complexation process via phosphate and naproxen, hydrogen bonding and the possibility of hydrophobic interactions via π–π electron. This study highlights the relevance of performing an integrated analysis of adsorbent effectiveness in batch and dynamic conditions to establish the best process configuration for the removal of emerging water pollutants such as pharmaceuticals.
Pt and Pt/Sn catalysts supported on polypyrrole (PPy) have been prepared using Ar plasma to reduce the metal precursors dispersed on the polymer. The PPy support was synthesized by chemical polymerization of pyrrole with FeCl3·6H2O, this leading to the conducting form of the polymer (conductimetric measurements). The Ar plasma treatment produced a partial reduction of platinum ions, anchored as platinum chloro-complexes to the PPy chain, into metallic platinum. A homogeneous distribution of Pt and Sn nanoparticles was observed by TEM. Activity of the PPy-supported catalysts was evaluated in the reduction of aqueous nitrate with H2 at room temperature. Nitrate concentration in water below the maximum acceptable level of 50 mg L−1 was achieved with all catalysts. However, considering not only efficiency in nitrate reduction, but also minimized concentrations of undesired nitrite and ammonium, the monometallic Pt catalyst seems to be the most promising one.
One of the main concerns in the technological application of several metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) relates to their structural instability under pressure (after a conforming step). Here we report for the first time that mechanical instability can be highly improved via nucleation and growth of MOF nanocrystals in the confined nanospace of activated carbons.