39 resultados para Strongly Regular Graph
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
In this note strongly regular graphs with new parameters are constructed using nested "blown up" quadrics in projective spaces. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We consider the construction of several configurations, including: • overlarge sets of 2-(11,5,2) designs, that is, partitions of the set of all 5-subsets of a 12-set into 72 2-(11,5,2) designs; • an indecomposable doubly overlarge set of 2-(11,5,2) designs, that is, a partition of two copies of the set of all 5-subsets of a 12-set into 144 2-(11,5,2) designs, such that the 144 designs can be arranged into a 12 × 12 square with interesting row and column properties; • a partition of the Steiner system S(5,6,12) into 12 disjoint 2-(11,6,3) designs arising from the diagonal of the square; • bidistant permutation arrays and generalized Room squares arising from the doubly overlarge set, and their relation to some new strongly regular graphs.
A perp-system R(r) is a maximal set of r-dimensional subspaces of PG(N,q) equipped with a polarity rho, such that the tangent space of an element of R(r) does not intersect any element of R(r). We prove that a perp-system yields partial geometries, strongly regular graphs, two-weight codes, maximal arcs and k-ovoids. We also give some examples, one of them yielding a new pg(8,20,2).
We consider a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in two spatially localized modes of a double-well potential, with periodic modulation of the tunnel coupling between the two modes. We treat the driven quantum field using a two-mode expansion and define the quantum dynamics in terms of the Floquet Operator for the time periodic Hamiltonian of the system. It has been shown that the corresponding semiclassical mean-field dynamics can exhibit regions of regular and chaotic motion. We show here that the quantum dynamics can exhibit dynamical tunneling between regions of regular motion, centered on fixed points (resonances) of the semiclassical dynamics.
The circulant graph Sn, where S ⊆ Zn \ {0}, has vertex set Zn and edge set {{x, x + s}|x ∈ Zn, s ∈ S}. It is shown that there is a Hamilton cycle decomposition of every 6-regular circulant graph Sn in which S has an element of order n.
An integrable eight-state supersymmetric U model is proposed, which is a fermion model with correlated single-particle and pair hoppings as well as uncorrelated triple-particle hopping. It has a gl(3/1) supersymmetry and contains one symmetry-preserving free parameter. The model is solved and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained. [S0163-1829(98)00616-X].
A general graded reflection equation algebra is proposed and the corresponding boundary quantum inverse scattering method is formulated. The formalism is applicable to all boundary lattice systems where an invertible R-matrix exists. As an application, the integrable open-boundary conditions for the q-deformed supersymmetric U model of strongly correlated electrons are investigated. The diagonal boundary K-matrices are found and a class of integrable boundary terms are determined. The boundary system is solved by means of the coordinate space Bethe ansatz technique and the Bethe ansatz equations are derived. As a sideline, it is shown that all R-matrices associated with a quantum affine superalgebra enjoy the crossing-unitarity property. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
A new two-parameter integrable model with quantum superalgebra U-q[gl(3/1)] symmetry is proposed, which is an eight-state fermions model with correlated single-particle and pair hoppings as well as uncorrelated triple-particle hopping. The model is solved and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.
GH-binding protein (GHBP) corresponds to the extracellular domain of the GH receptor (GHR) and has been shown to be closely related to body fat. This study aimed to examine the inter-relationship between GHBP, leptin and body fat, and to test the hypothesis that GHBP is modified by GH replacement in GH-deficient adults and predicts IGF-I response. Twenty adults, mean age 47 years (range 20-69) with proven GH deficiency were randomly allocated to either GH (up to 0.25 U/kg/week in daily doses) or placebo for 3 months before cross-over to the opposite treatment. Plasma GHBP and leptin were measured at baseline and 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after each treatment. Whole body composition was measured at baseline by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). There was a strong correlation between baseline leptin and GHBP (r = 0.88, P < 0.0001) and between baseline GHBP and percentage body fat, (r = 0.83, P < 0.0001). Mean GHBP levels were higher on GH compared with placebo, 1.53 +/- 0.28 vs 1.41 +/- 0.25 nM, P = 0.049. There was no correlation between baseline IGF-I and GHBP (r = -0.049, P = 0.84), and GHBP did not predict IGF-I response to GH replacement. The close inter-relationship between GHBP, leptin and body fat suggests a possible role for GHBP in the regulation of body composition. GHBP is increased by GH replacement in GH-deficient adults, but does not predict biochemical response to GH replacement. (C) 1999 Churchill Livingstone.
Integrable Kondo impurities in the one-dimensional supersymmetric U model of strongly correlated electrons are studied by means of the boundary graded quantum inverse scattering method. The boundary K-matrices depending on the local magnetic moments of the impurities are presented as non-trivial realizations of the reflection equation algebras in an impurity Hilbert space. Furthermore, the model Hamiltonian is diagonalized and the Bethe ansatz equations are derived. It is interesting to note that our model exhibits a free parameter in the bulk Hamiltonian but no free parameter exists on the boundaries. This is in sharp contrast to the impurity models arising from the supersymmetric t-J and extended Hubbard models where there is no free parameter in the bulk but there is a free parameter on each boundary.
We present numerical and analytical results for the Mollow probe absorption spectrum of a coherently driven two-level system in a narrow bandwidth squeezed vacuum field. The spectra are calculated for the case where the Rabi frequency of the driving field is much larger than the natural linewidth and the squeezed vacuum carrier frequency is detuned from the driving laser frequency. The driving laser is on resonance. We show that in a detuned squeezed vacuum the standard Mellow features are each split into triplets. The central components of each triplet are weakly dependent on the squeezing phase but the sidebands strongly depend on the phase and can have dispersive or absorptive/emissive profiles. We also derive approximate analytical expressions for the spectral features and find that the multi-peak structure of the spectrum can be interpreted either via the eigenfrequencies of a generalized Floquet Hamiltonian or in terms of three-photon transitions between dressed stales involving a probe field photon and a correlated photon pair from the squeezed vacuum field.
The temperature dependence of the transport properties of the metallic phase of a frustrated Hubbard model on the hypercubic lattice at half-filling is calculated. Dynamical mean-held theory, which maps the Hubbard model onto a single impurity,Anderson model that is solved self-consistently, and becomes exact in the limit of large dimensionality, is used. As the temperature increases there is a smooth crossover from coherent Fermi liquid excitations at low temperatures to incoherent excitations at high temperatures. This crossover leads to a nonmonotonic temperature dependence for the resistance, thermopower, and Hall coefficient, unlike in conventional metals. The resistance smoothly increases from a quadratic temperature dependence at low temperatures to large values which can exceed the Mott-Ioffe-Regel value ha/e(2) (where a is a lattice constant) associated with mean free paths less than a lattice constant. Further signatures of the thermal destruction of quasiparticle excitations are a peak in the thermopower and the absence of a Drude peak in the optical conductivity. The results presented here are relevant to a wide range of strongly correlated metals, including transition metal oxides, strontium ruthenates, and organic metals.