16 resultados para Exhaustive Enumeration
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
This work addresses the question of whether it is possible to define simple pairwise interaction terms to approximate free energies of proteins or polymers. Rather than ask how reliable a potential of mean force is, one can ask how reliable it could possibly be. In a two-dimensional, infinite lattice model system one can calculate exact free energies by exhaustive enumeration. A series of approximations were fitted to exact results to assess the feasibility and utility of pairwise free energy terms. Approximating the true free energy with pairwise interactions gives a poor fit with little transferability between systems of different size. Adding extra artificial terms to the approximation yields better fits, but does not improve the ability to generalize from one system size to another. Furthermore, one cannot distinguish folding from nonfolding sequences via the approximated free energies. Most usefully, the methodology shows how one can assess the utility of various terms in lattice protein/polymer models. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
Coset enumeration is a most important procedure for investigating finitely presented groups. We present a practical parallel procedure for coset enumeration on shared memory processors. The shared memory architecture is particularly interesting because such parallel computation is both faster and cheaper. The lower cost comes when the program requires large amounts of memory, and additional CPU's. allow us to lower the time that the expensive memory is being used. Rather than report on a suite of test cases, we take a single, typical case, and analyze the performance factors in-depth. The parallelization is achieved through a master-slave architecture. This results in an interesting phenomenon, whereby the CPU time is divided into a sequential and a parallel portion, and the parallel part demonstrates a speedup that is linear in the number of processors. We describe an early version for which only 40% of the program was parallelized, and we describe how this was modified to achieve 90% parallelization while using 15 slave processors and a master. In the latter case, a sequential time of 158 seconds was reduced to 29 seconds using 15 slaves.
This paper derives the performance union bound of space-time trellis codes in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system (STTC-OFDM) over quasi-static frequency selective fading channels based on the distance spectrum technique. The distance spectrum is the enumeration of the codeword difference measures and their multiplicities by exhausted searching through all the possible error event paths. Exhaustive search approach can be used for low memory order STTC with small frame size. However with moderate memory order STTC and moderate frame size the computational cost of exhaustive search increases exponentially, and may become impractical for high memory order STTCs. This requires advanced computational techniques such as Genetic Algorithms (GAS). In this paper, a GA with sharing function method is used to locate the multiple solutions of the distance spectrum for high memory order STTCs. Simulation evaluates the performance union bound and the complexity comparison of non-GA aided and GA aided distance spectrum techniques. It shows that the union bound give a close performance measure at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). It also shows that GA sharing function method based distance spectrum technique requires much less computational time as compared with exhaustive search approach but with satisfactory accuracy.
A Latin square is pan-Hamiltonian if the permutation which defines row i relative to row j consists of a single cycle for every i j. A Latin square is atomic if all of its conjugates are pan-Hamiltonian. We give a complete enumeration of atomic squares for order 11, the smallest order for which there are examples distinct from the cyclic group. We find that there are seven main classes, including the three that were previously known. A perfect 1-factorization of a graph is a decomposition of that graph into matchings such that the union of any two matchings is a Hamiltonian cycle. Each pan-Hamiltonian Latin square of order n describes a perfect 1-factorization of Kn,n, and vice versa. Perfect 1-factorizations of Kn,n can be constructed from a perfect 1-factorization of Kn+1. Six of the seven main classes of atomic squares of order 11 can be obtained in this way. For each atomic square of order 11, we find the largest set of Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares (MOLS) involving that square. We discuss algorithms for counting orthogonal mates, and discover the number of orthogonal mates possessed by the cyclic squares of orders up to 11 and by Parker's famous turn-square. We find that the number of atomic orthogonal mates possessed by a Latin square is not a main class invariant. We also define a new sort of Latin square, called a pairing square, which is mapped to its transpose by an involution acting on the symbols. We show that pairing squares are often orthogonal mates for symmetric Latin squares. Finally, we discover connections between our atomic squares and Franklin's diagonally cyclic self-orthogonal squares, and we correct a theorem of Longyear which uses tactical representations to identify self-orthogonal Latin squares in the same main class as a given Latin square.
Six men were studied during four 30-s all-out exercise bouts on an air-braked cycle ergometer. The first three exercise bouts were separated by 4 min of passive recovery; after the third bout, subjects rested for 4 min, exercised for 30 min at 30-35% peak O-2 consumption, and rested for a further 60 min before completing the fourth exercise bout. Peak power and total work were reduced (P < 0.05) during bout 3 [765 +/- 60 (SE) W; 15.8 +/- 1.0 kJ] compared with bout 1 (1,168 +/- 55 mT, 23.8 +/- 1.2 kJ), but no difference in exercise performance was observed between bouts 1 and 4 (1,094 +/- 64 W, 23.2 +/- 1.4 kJ). Before bout 3, muscle ATP, creatine phosphate (CP), glycogen, pH, and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ uptake were reduced, while muscle lactate and inosine 5'-monophosphate were increased. Muscle ATP and glycogen before bout 4 remained lower than values before bout I (P < 0.05), but there were no differences in muscle inosine 5'-monophosphate, lactate, pH, and SR Ca2+ uptake. Muscle CP levels before bout 4 had increased above resting levels. Consistent with the decline in muscle ATP were increases in hypoxanthine and inosine before bouts 3 and 4. The decline in exercise performance does not appear to be related to a reduction in muscle glycogen. Instead, it may be caused by reduced CP availability, increased H+ concentration, impairment in SR function, or some other fatigue-inducing agent.
We study some challenging presentations which arise as groups of deficiency zero. In four cases we settle finiteness: we show that two presentations are for finite groups while two are fur infinite groups. Thus we answer three explicit questions in the literature and we provide the first published deficiency zero presentation for a group with derived length seven. The tools we use are coset enumeration and Knuth-Bendix rewriting, which are well-established as methods for proving finiteness or otherwise of a finitely presented group. We briefly comment on their capabilities and compare their performance.
Tarpon have high resting or routine hematocrits (Hct) (37.6+/-3.4%) and hemoglobin concentrations (120.6+/-7.3 g 1(-1)) that increased significantly following bouts of angling-induced exercise (51.9+/-3.7% and 142.8+/-13.5 g 1(-1), respectively). Strenuous exercise was accompanied by an approximately tenfold increase in blood lactate and a muscle metabolite profile indicative of a high energy demand teleost. Routine blood values were quickly restored only when this facultative air-breathing fish was given access to atmospheric air. In vitro studies of oxygen transport capacity, a function of carrying capacity and viscosity, revealed that the optimal Hct range corresponded to that observed in fish under routine behaviour. During strenuous exercise however, further increase in viscosity was largely offset by a pronounced reduction in the shear-dependence of blood which conformed closely to an ideal Newtonian fluid. The mechanism for this behaviour of the erythrocytes appears to involve the activation of surface adrenergic receptors because pre-treatment with propranolol abolished the response. High levels of activity in tarpon living in hypoxic habitats are therefore supported by an elevated Hct with adrenergically mediated viscosity reduction, and air-breathing behaviour that enables rapid metabolic recovery. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
The present study investigated the relationship between plasma potassium ion concentration ([K+]) and skeletal muscle torque during three different 15-min recovery periods after fatigue induced by four 30-s sprints. Four males and one female completed the multiple sprint exercise on three separate days; recovery was passive, i.e. no cycling exercise (PRec), active cycling at 30% peak oxygen consumption (V) over dot(2peak) (30% Rec) and active cycling at 60% (V) over dot(2peak) (60% Rec). Plasma [K+] was measured from blood sampled from an antecubital vein of subjects at rest and at 0, 3, 5, 10 and 15 min into each recovery. Isokinetic leg strength was measured at rest and at 1, 6, 11 and 16 min during each recovery. Following the exhaustive sprints; [K+] increased significantly from an average mean (SEM) resting value of 3.81 (0.07) mmol.l(-1) to 4.48 (0.19) mmol.l(-1) (P < 0.01). In all recovery conditions, plasma [K+] returned to resting levels within 3 min following the fourth sprint. However, in the two active recovery conditions plasma [K+] increased over the remainder of the recovery periods to 4.36 (0.12) mmol.l(-1) in the 30% Rec condition and 4.62 (0.12) mmol.l(-1) in the 60% Rec condition, the latter being significantly higher than the former (P < 0.01). The maximum torque measured following the sprints decreased significantly, on average, to 61.1 (8.36)% of peak levels (P < 0.01). After 15 min of recovery, maximum torque was highest in the 30% Rec condition at 92.13 (3.06)% of peak levels (P < 0.01), compared to 85.23 (3.64)% and 85.71 (0.82)% for the PRec and 60% Rec conditions, respectively. In contrast to the significant differences in plasma [K+] across all three recovery conditions, muscle torque recovery was significantly different in only the 30% Rec condition. In summary, recovery of peak levels of muscle torque following fatiguing exercise does not appear to follow changes in plasma [K+].
The detection of acidophilic microorganisms from mining environments by culture methods is time consuming and unreliable. Several PCR approaches were developed to amplify small-subunit rRNA sequences from the DNA of six bacterial phylotypes associated with acidic mining environments, permitting the detection of the target DNA at concentrations as low as 10 fg.
Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in eastern Australia are threatened by land clearing for agricultural and urban development. At the same time, conservation efforts are hindered by a dearth of information about inland populations. Faecal deposits offer a source of information that is readily available and easily collected non-invasively. We detail a faecal pellet sampling protocol that was developed for use in a large rangeland biogeographic region. The method samples trees in belt transects, uses a thorough search at the tree base to quickly identify trees with koala pellets under them, then estimates the abundance of faecal pellets under those trees using 1-m(2) quadrats. There was a strong linear relationship between these estimates and a complete enumeration of pellet abundance under the same trees. We evaluated the accuracy of our method in detecting trees where pellets were present by means of a misclassification index that was weighed more heavily for missed trees that had high numbers of pellets under them. This showed acceptable accuracy in all landforms except riverine, where some trees with large numbers of pellets were missed. Here, accuracy in detecting pellet presence was improved by sampling with quadrats, rather than basal searches. Finally, we developed a method to reliably age pellets and demonstrate how this protocol could be used with the faecal-standing-crop method to derive a regional estimate of absolute koala abundance.
In this paper, I describe my journey through a field of research in which I have been involved for some years - lipolysis in milk and dairy products. While I call it my journey, I have had many fellow travellers who have helped me along the way. These have been my research colleagues and collaborators, and, since I joined the University of Queensland, my students. The research has covered a variety of aspects but I have chosen to describe only a selection of these.
The present paper reviews the findings of 30 years of verbal/manual dual task studies, the method most commonly used to assess lateralization of speech production in non-clinical samples. Meta-analysis of 64 results revealed that both the type of manual task used and the nature of practice that is given influence the size of the laterality effect. A meta-analysis of 36 results examining the effect size of sex differences in estimate,, of lateralization of speech production indicated that males appear to show, slightly larger laterality effects than females. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.