109 resultados para Plants, Effect of chemicals on
Sliding and rolling are two outstanding deformation modes in granular media. The first one induces frictional dissipation whereas the latter one involves deformation with negligible resistance. Using numerical simulations on two-dimensional shear cells, we investigate the effect of the grain rotation on the energy dissipation and the strength of granular materials under quasistatic shear deformation. Rolling and sliding are quantified in terms of the so-called Cosserat rotations. The observed spontaneous formation of vorticity cells and clusters of rotating bearings may provide an explanation for the long standing heat flow paradox of earthquake dynamics.
The irrigation of pasture with saline, Na-contaminated industrial wastewater typically results in an increase in soil ESP. From current knowledge (derived largely from cultivated agricultural soils), although these sodic soils are likely to remain stable whilst irrigated with effluent (due to the effluent’s large electrolyte concentration), during rainfall periods of low electrolyte concentration these soils would be expected to disperse. However, effluent irrigated pasture soils have been observed to maintain their structure even during intense rainfall events. Three soil types were collected (Sodosol, Vertosol and Dermosol), each with a cultivated/non-cultivated pair. The soils were equilibrated with various SAR solutions and then leached with deionised water to allow the measurement of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat). At low SARs, Ksat tended to be greater in non-cultivated than cultivated soils and is attributable to a loss of structure associated with cultivation. In addition, as SAR increased, the reduction in relative Ksat tended to be significantly greater in cultivated than non-cultivated soils. The relatively rapid saturated hydraulic conductivity in the non-cultivated soils at large SARs is due to a greater aggregate stability due to greater soil C content. For the sustainable disposal of saline effluent, it is therefore necessary to ensure that soils remain undisturbed and preferably under pasture, thus maximising soil structural stability and hydraulic conductivity.
The idea of sonifying anaesthetised patients’ vital signs is gaining acceptance, but some anaesthetists are concerned about additional noise in the operating theatre. We tested the effect of ambient music (jazz, classical and rock) on participants’ ability to monitor a simulated anaesthetised patient with sonification and visual monitors. Participants liked working with ambient music when workload was low. Participants preferred rock music, but reported working better with classical. Ambient music has less effect on participants’ ability to monitor the simulated patient than a distractor task does. We discuss practical implications of these findings.
Nano/micro grinding of tungsten carbide (WC) mould inserts was performed. A form accuracy of 〜200nm (in PV) and a surface roughness of 〜7nm were achieved. Nanoindentation revealed that small chipping or cracking occurred even at a penetration depth of 38nm, which could hinder the further improvement of surface quality during grinding. It was found that when grinding was conducted at nanometric scale, the microstructure of the work material and the morphology of the WC grains should be taken into account to enable a fully ductile removal. Copyright 2005 by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Severe long-term alcohol misuse leads to localized brain damage that is prominent in superior frontal cortex but less so in other cortical areas e.g. primary motor. Alcohol dependence is also associated with several genetic markers. GABAA receptor expression differs selectively between alcoholics and controls in a manner that conforms to the pathology, whereas glutamate receptors are much less regionally variable in these subjects. We determined whether genotype differentiated the pharmacology of glutamate-NMDA receptors and the expression GABAA receptor subunits transcripts in a locally appropriate way so as to influence the severity of alcohol-induced brain damage.