74 resultados para Hidroxyethyl starch


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A system has been developed for studying the biodegradation of natural and synthetic polymeric material. The system is based on standard methods developed by the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN TC 261) (ISO/DIS 14855) and the American Society of Testing Materials, 'ASTM. Standard Test Method for Determining Aerobic. Biodegradation of Plastic Materials under Controlled Composting Conditions' (ASTM D 5338-92). A new low-cost compost facility has been used which satisfies the requirements of these standards. The system has been automated for data collection and has been run under the conditions specified by the standards. In the system, cellulose, newspaper and two starch-based polymers were treated with compost in a series of 3dm(3) vessels at 52 degreesC and under conditions of optimum moisture and pH. The degradation was followed over time by measuring the amount of carbon released as carbon dioxide. (C) 2001 Society of Chemical Industry.


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The effects of conditioning and hot water treatments on immature and mature 'Kensington' mangoes were examined. A hot water treatment of 47 degreesC fruit core temperature held for 15 min increased weight loss (50%), fruit softness (15%), disrupted starch hydrolysis and interacted with maturity to reduce the skin yellowness (40-51%) of early harvested fruit. Immature fruit were more susceptible to hot water treatment-induced skin scalding, starch layer and starch spot injuries and disease. Conditioning fruit at 40 degreesC for up to 16 h before hot water treatment accelerated fruit ripening, as reflected in higher total soluble solids and lower titratable acidity levels. As fruit maturity increased, the tolerance to hot water treatment-induced skin scalding and the retention of starch layers and starch spots increased and susceptibility to lenticel spotting decreased. A conditioning treatment of either 22 degrees or 40 degreesC before hot water treatment could prevent the appearance of cavities at all maturity levels. The 40 degreesC conditioning temperature was found to be more effective in increasing fruit heat tolerance than the 22 degreesC treatment; the longer the time of conditioning at 40 degreesC, the more effective the treatment (16 v. 4 h). For maximum fruit quality, particularly for export markets, it is recommended that mature fruit are selected and conditioned before hot water treatment to reduce the risk of heat damage.


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The ultrastructural features of Macropodinium moiri were investigated. The somatic cortex is composed of two lateral non-ciliated zones covered with trapezoidal plates and separated by a trough-like dorsoventral groove (DVG) which divides the cell into left and right halves. The somatic kineties occupy the margins of the DVG and are composed of monokinetids whose infraciliature shows a typical litostome pattern. The pellicular plates are lamellate, and separated by V-shaped grooves which are lined by thick-walled vacuoles. The DVG cortex is composed of electron-opaque U-shaped ribs which alternate with electron-lucent saccular structures. The DVG surface is composed of small regular pellicular sacs built up to form the ridges of the dorsal DVG. The vestibulum forms a laterally compressed cone with left/right differentiation. The basal section of its non-ciliated right side is internally lined (outer to innermost) by longitudinal fibres, nematodesmata and transverse microtubular ribbons. The left side bears the vestibular kineties and in its basal section is lined (outer to innermost) by small nematodesmata and transverse tubules. Cytoplasmic organelles include endoplasmic reticulum, starch granules and a single contactile vacuole surrounded by patches of nephridioplasm. Hydrogenosomes are absent and coccoid Gram-positive bacteria lie under the ciliated portions of the cell. This set of characteristics differs significantly from those of the all other trichostomes; Macropodiniidae is therefore designated Trichostomatia incertae sedis. A revised familial diagnosis of the Macropodiniidae is proposed.


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The ultrastructural features of the holotrichous ciliates inhabiting macropodid maruspials were investigated to resolve their morphological similarity to other trichostome ciliates with observed differences in their small subunit rRNA gene sequences. The ultrastructure of Amylovorax dehorityi nov. comb. (formerly Dasytricha dehorityi) was determined by transmission electron microscopy. The somatic kineties are composed of monokinetids whose microtubules show a typical litostome pattern. The somatic cortex is composed of ridges which separate kinety rows, granular ectoplasm and a basal layer of hydrogenosomes lining the tela corticalis. The vestibulum is an invagination of the pellicle lined down one side with kineties (invaginated extensions of the somatic kineties); transverse tubules line the surface of the vestibulum and small nematodesmata surround it forming a cone-like network of struts. Cytoplasmic organelles include hydrogenosomes, irregularly shaped contractile vacuoles surrounded by a sparse spongioplasm, food vacuoles containing bacteria and large numbers of starch granules. This set of characteristics differs sufficiently from those of isotrichids and members of the genus Dasytricha to justify the erection of a new genus (Amylovorax) and a new family (Amylovoracidae). Dasytricha dehorityi, D. dogieli and D. mundayi are reassigned to the new genus Amylovorax and a new species A. quokka is erected. While the gross morphological similarities between Amylovorax and Dasytricha may be explained by convergent evolution, ultrastructural features indicate that these two genera have probably diverged independently from haptorian ancestors by successive reduction of the cortical and vestibular support structures.


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Four emerging high-energy non-thermal technologies may replace or augment heating for producing sterile low-acid food products. High pressure, high-voltage pulsed electric field, high-energy ultrasound and high-intensity pulsed light are all capable of reducing bacterial spore counts under certain conditions. However, only non-continuous high pressure treatments, at temperatures higher than ambient, are currently capable of completely inactivating spores and producing sterile food products. The first three technologies also reduce the resistance of spores to inactivation by heat.


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In this paper, I describe my journey through a field of research in which I have been involved for some years - lipolysis in milk and dairy products. While I call it my journey, I have had many fellow travellers who have helped me along the way. These have been my research colleagues and collaborators, and, since I joined the University of Queensland, my students. The research has covered a variety of aspects but I have chosen to describe only a selection of these.


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The rheological behaviour of nine unprocessed Australian honeys was investigated for the applicability of the Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) model. The viscosity of the honeys was obtained over a range of shear rates (0.01-40 s(-1)) from 2degrees to 40 degreesC, and all the honeys exhibited Newtonian behaviour with viscosity reducing as the temperature was increased. The honeys with high moisture were of lower viscosity, The glass transition temperatures of the honeys, as measured with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), ranged from -40degrees to -46 degreesC, and four models (WLF. Arrhenius, Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher (VTF), and power-law) were investigated to describe the temperature dependence of the viscosity. The WLF was the most suitable and the correlation coefficient averaged 0.999 +/- 0.0013 as against 0.996 +/- 0.0042 for the Arrhenius model while the mean relative deviation modulus was 0-12% for the WLF model and 10-40% for the Arrhenius one. With the universal values for the WLF constants, the temperature dependence of the viscosity was badly predicted. From non-linear regression analysis, the constants of the WLF models for the honeys were obtained (C-1 = 13.7-21.1: C-2 = 55.9-118.7) and are different from the universal values. These WLF constants will be valuable for adequate modeling of the rheology of the honeys, and they can be used to assess the temperature sensitivity of the honeys. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Enzyme detergents used in the food industry contain proteinase as the major enzyme but amylase may be present, either by design or inadvertently. Three commercial enzyme detergents and 3 enzyme preparations used in detergents were assayed for alpha-amylase activity by the Ceralpha method using the Megazyme kits. The amylase activities of the detergents varied from 3.2x 10(-6) to 32x 10(-6) mumoles ml(-1) h(-1) while the enzyme preparations had much higher activities ranging from 0.05 to 8.06 mumoles ml(-1) h(-1). When added aseptically to a simulated dairy dessert (2% starch solution) and stored for 42 days, the enzyme detergents caused an increase in viscosity; enzyme preparations at low concentrations caused an initial increase in viscosity followed by a decrease; and enzyme preparations at high concentrations caused an immediate decrease in viscosity. The increase in viscosity corresponded to formation of a distinct network of starch granules while the decrease in viscosity was characterised by a marked decrease in size of the granules and little or no network of granules. Decreases in viscosity corresponded to increases in reducing sugars but samples which increased in viscosity showed no measurable reducing sugars. The amylase activity in all sources was destroyed by heating at 75degreesC for 15 min at pH 1.8.


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Twenty-one strains of Bacillus (10 B. stearothermophilus, 3 B. cereus, and 8 B. licheniformis strains) were assayed for spore surface hydrophobicity on the basis of three measures: contact angle measurement (CAM), microbial adhesion to hydrocarbons (MATH), and hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). On the basis of the spore surface characteristics obtained from these assays, along with data on the heat resistance of these spores in water, eight strains of Bacillus (three B. stearothermophilus, three B. cereus, and two B. licheniformis strains) either suspended in water or adhering to stainless steel were exposed to sublethal heat treatments at 90 to 110degreesC to determine heat resistance (D-value). Significant increases in heat resistance (ranging from 3 to 400%) were observed for the eight strains adhering to stainless steel. No significant correlation was found between these heat resistance increases and spore surface characteristics as determined by the three hydrophobicity assays. There was a significant positive correlation between the hydrophobicity data obtained by the MATH assay and those obtained by the HIC assay, but these data did not correlate with those obtained by the CAM assay.


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Proteolysis of UHT milk during storage at room temperature is a major factor limiting its shelf-life through changes in its flavour and texture. The latter is characterised by increases in viscosity leading in some cases to gel formation. The enzymes responsible for the proteolysis are the native milk alkaline proteinase, plasmin, and heat-stable, extracellular bacterial proteinases produced by psychrotrophic bacterial contaminants in the milk prior to heat processing. These proteinases react differently with the milk proteins and produce different peptides in the UHT milk. In order to differentiate these peptide products, reversed-phase HPLC and the fluorescamine method were used to analyse the peptides soluble in 12% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and those soluble at pH 4.6. The TCA filtrate showed substantial peptide peaks only if the milk was contaminated by bacterial proteinase, while the pH 4.6 filtrate showed peptide peaks when either or both bacterial and native milk proteinases caused the proteolysis. Results from the fluorescamine test were in accordance with the HPLC results whereby the TCA filtrate exhibited significant proteolysis values only when bacterial proteinases were present, but the pH 4.6 filtrates showed significant values when the milk contained either or both types of proteinase. A procedure based on these analyses is proposed as a diagnostic test for determining which type of proteinase-milk plasmin, bacterial proteinase, or both-is responsible for proteolysis in UHT milk. (C) 2003 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two varieties of adzuki beans (Vigna angularis), Bloodwood and Erimo, were stored at temperatures of 10, 20 or 30degreesC, and relative humidities (RH) 40 or 65%, and samples were analysed at 0, 1.5, 3 and 6 months. Storage at 30degreesC for > 1.5 months caused a significant decrease in the a(star) and b(star) colour values and darkening of the seed coat. Beans stored at 65% RH had lower L-star but higher a(star) and b(star) colour values than those stored at 40% RH. Bloodwood and Erimo samples showed similar trends in colour during storage. The best storage conditions for the preservation of the adzuki colour were 10degreesC and 65% RH. The Australian beans had lower L-star, a(star) and b(star) colour values than Japanese Erimo-shouzu beans and storage increased the difference.


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Two varieties of adzuki grown in Australia, Bloodwood and Erimo, were stored for up to 6 months at three temperatures (10, 20 and 30 degreesC), and two relative humidities (RH; 40 and 65%). The amount of cell wall material increased with time under all storage conditions. This increase was greatest at 30 degreesC and 40% RH. Storage time and conditions did not affect the total pectin levels in the cell wall. Erimo constantly exhibited a higher total pectin level than Bloodwood. The Bloodwood soluble pectin, Ca++ and Mg++ and Erimo Ca++ in the cell wall remained stable during storage, while the Erimo soluble pectin and Mg++ exhibited a slight decrease at 20 and 30 degreesC after 3 months of storage. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two methods were compared for determining the concentration of penetrative biomass during growth of Rhizopus oligosporus on an artificial solid substrate consisting of an inert gel and starch as the sole source of carbon and energy. The first method was based on the use of a hand microtome to make sections of approximately 0.2- to 0.4-mm thickness parallel to the substrate surface and the determination of the glucosamine content in each slice. Use of glucosamine measurements to estimate biomass concentrations was shown to be problematic due to the large variations in glucosamine content with mycelial age. The second method was a novel method based on the use of confocal scanning laser microscopy to estimate the fractional volume occupied by the biomass. Although it is not simple to translate fractional volumes into dry weights of hyphae due to the lack of experimentally determined conversion factors, measurement of the fractional volumes in themselves is useful for characterizing fungal penetration into the substrate. Growth of penetrative biomass in the artificial model substrate showed two forms of growth with an indistinct mass in the region close to the substrate surface and a few hyphae penetrating perpendicularly to the surface in regions further away from the substrate surface. The biomass profiles against depth obtained from the confocal microscopy showed two linear regions on log-linear plots, which are possibly related to different oxygen availability at different depths within the substrate. Confocal microscopy has the potential to be a powerful tool in the investigation of fungal growth mechanisms in solid-state fermentation. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.