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There has been a greater emphasis over the past few years of encouraging high school students to take up engineering as a career. This is due to a greater need for engineers in society, particularly in areas that are suffering a skills shortage. Both the engineering profession and universities across Australia have moved to address this shortage, with a proliferation of engineering outreach activities and programs the result. The Engineering Link Group (TELG) began the Engineering Link Project (ELP) over a decade ago with a focus on helping motivated high school students make an informed choice about engineering as a career. It also aimed at encouraging more high school students to study maths and science at high school. From the start the ELP was designed so that the students became engineers, rather than just hear from or watch engineers. Real working engineers pose problems to groups of students for them solve over the course of a day. In this way, students experience what it is like to be an engineer. It has been found that the project does help high school students make more informed career choices about engineering. The project also gave the students real life and practical reasons for studying sciences and mathematics at high school. © 2005, Australasian Association for Engineering Education


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This paper presents a critical comparison of major changes in engineering education in both Australia and Europe. European engineering programs are currently being reshaped by the Bologna process, representing a move towards quality assurance in higher education and the mutual recognition of degrees among universities across Europe. Engineering education in Australia underwent a transformation after the 1996 review of engineering education1. The paper discusses the recent European developments in order to give up-to-date information on this fast changing and sometimes obscure process. The comparison draws on the implications of the Bologna Process on the German engineering education system as an example. It concludes with issues of particular interest, which can help to inform the international discussion on how to meet today’s challenges for engineering education. These issues include ways of achieving diversityamong engineering programs, means of enabling student and staff mobility, and the preparation of engineering students for professional practic e through engineering education. As a result, the benefits of outcomes based approaches in education are discussed. This leads to an outlook for further research into the broader attributes required by future professional engineers. © 2005, Australasian Association for Engineering Education


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There has been a strong move towards entrepreneurial education in high schools and at universities over the past few years. This has been echoed by a call from state governments around Australia to promote enterprise thinking and education in high schools. It also parallels the push within engineering to learn across the traditional boundaries , particularly between engineering and business. To meet this call, The Engineering Link Group (TELG) developed the Future Engineers Australia Management Project (FEAMP) in 2003. The project is based around Enterprise Education, and was inspired by the Smallpeice Year 12 Engineering Management course in the UK. The idea was to take high school students in years 11 and 12 and turn them into ‘engineering entrepreneurs’. This paper presents the design, development and evaluation of FEAMP as a five day residential course for year 11 and 12 students who want to learn more about being entrepreneurs and managers. It is a hands-on activity where the students invent, develop and sell an engineering concept to venture capitalists and ultimately to customers at a trade fair. It has been run successfully for two years, going from strength to strength. © 2005, Australasian Association for Engineering Education


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In component-based software engineering programs are constructed from pre-defined software library modules. However, if the library's subroutines do not exactly match the programmer's requirements, the subroutines' code must be adapted accordingly. For this process to be acceptable in safety or mission-critical applications, where all code must be proven correct, it must be possible to verify the correctness of the adaptations themselves. In this paper we show how refinement theory can be used to model typical adaptation steps and to define the conditions that must be proven to verify that a library subroutine has been adapted correctly.


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CO2 Geosequestration is seen by many worldwide scientists and engineers as a leading prospective solution to the global warming problem arising from excessive CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions. CO2 geosequestration in coal seams has two important strategic benefits: the process has an extremely low risk of leakage, due to the adsorbed state of the CO2 and the known reservoir context of essentially-zero leakage into which it is be injected; the second benefit arises from the valuable by-product, clean burning coalbed methane gas. This paper presents the authors’ experience, knowledge and perspective on what coal properties and engineering processes would favour implementing a demonstration or commercial CO2 storage-in-coal project, in Queensland, Australia. As such, it may be considered a template for screening studies to select the optimum coal seam reservoir, and for preliminary studies in designing the injection system and predicting production response to the technology. The paper concludes by examining the current knowledge gaps of CO2 geosequestration in coal, identifying further basic and applied research topics.