66 resultados para Gyldén, C. W.: Suomalaisen metsänhoidon opas
Based on Reddy's third-order theory, the first-order theory and the classical theory, exact explicit eigenvalues are found for compression buckling, thermal buckling and vibration of laminated plates via analogy with membrane vibration, These results apply to symmetrically laminated composite plates with transversely isotropic laminae and simply supported polygonal edges, Comprehensive consideration of a Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation, a hydrostatic inplane force, an initial temperature increment and rotary inertias is incorporated. Bridged by the vibrating membrane, exact correspondences are readily established between any pairs of buckling and vibration eigenvalues associated with different theories. Positive definiteness of the critical hydrostatic pressure at buckling, the thermobukling temperature increment and, in the range of either tension loading or compression loading prior to occurrence of buckling, the natural vibration frequency is proved. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper reports a free vibration analysis of thick plates with rounded corners subject to a free, simply-supported or clamped boundary condition. The plate perimeter is defined by a super elliptic function with a power defining the shape ranging from an ellipse to a rectangle. To incorporate transverse shear deformation, the Reddy third-order plate theory is employed. The energy integrals incorporating shear deformation and rotary inertia are formulated and the p-Ritz procedures are used to derive the governing eigenvalue equation. Numerical examples for plates with different shapes and boundary conditions are solved and their frequency parameters, where possible, are compared with known results. Parametric studies are carried out to show the sensitivities of frequency parameters by varying the geometry, fibre stacking sequence, and boundary condition. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
To determine if low dietary protein concentration in the first two trimesters of pregnancy alters placental development, genetically similar heifers from closed herd were fed diets containing different levels of protein in the first and second trimesters of gestation. There were four animals per treatment group, the groups being: L/L = fed a diet containing 7% crude protein (CP) (low protein) in the first and second trimesters; H/H = fed a diet containing 14% (P thigh protein) in the first and second trimesters; L/H = fed low protein in the first trimester and high in the second trimester and vice versa for the H/L group. Low protein diets in the first trimester increased dry cotyledon weight at term. Trophectoderm volume density increased in the H/L and L/H group compared to the L/L and H/H groups. Blood vessel volume and volume density in foetal villi decreased in the H/L and L/H groups compared with the H/H and L/L groups. There was no effect of diet treatment on cotyledon number, diameter or wet weight and no effect on the volume density of connective tissue or fibroblasts in the foetal villi. These results show that a low dietary protein concentration in the first trimester of pregnancy followed by increased protein in the second trimester enhanced placental development. Further, trophectoderm volume was highly correlated with birth weight. Early protein restriction in the pregnant cow may enhance foetal growth in part by stimulating placental growth and function. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Conservation and accessibility of an inner core lipopolysaccharide epitope of Neisseria meningitidis
We investigated the conservation and antibody accessibility of inner core epitopes of Neisseria meningitidis lipopolysaccharide (LPS) because of their potential as vaccine candidates. An immunoglobulin G3 murine monoclonal antibody (MAb), designated MAb B5, was obtained by immunizing mice with a galE mutant of N. meningitidis H44/76 (B.15.P1.7,16 immunotype L3). We have shown that MAb B5 can bind to the core LPS of wild-type encapsulated MC58 (B.15.P1.7,16 immunotype L3) organisms in vitro and ex vivo. An inner core structure recognized by MAb B5 is conserved and accessible in 26 of 34 (76%) of group B and 78 of 112 (70%) of groups A, C, W, X, Y, and Z strains. N. meningitidis strains which possess this epitope are immunotypes in which phosphoethanolamine (PEtn) is linked to the 3-position of the beta-chain heptose (HepII) of the inner core. In contrast, N. neningitidis strains lacking reactivity with MAb B5 have an alternative core structure in which PEtn is linked to an exocyclic position (i.e., position 6 or 7) of HepII (immunotypes L2, L4, and L6) or is absent (immunotype L5). We conclude that MAb B5 defines one or more of the major inner core glycoforms of N. meningitidis LPS. These findings support the possibility that immunogens capable of eliciting functional antibodies specific to inner core structures could be the basis of a vaccine against invasive infections caused by N. meningitidis.
Traditionally, machine learning algorithms have been evaluated in applications where assumptions can be reliably made about class priors and/or misclassification costs. In this paper, we consider the case of imprecise environments, where little may be known about these factors and they may well vary significantly when the system is applied. Specifically, the use of precision-recall analysis is investigated and compared to the more well known performance measures such as error-rate and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC). We argue that while ROC analysis is invariant to variations in class priors, this invariance in fact hides an important factor of the evaluation in imprecise environments. Therefore, we develop a generalised precision-recall analysis methodology in which variation due to prior class probabilities is incorporated into a multi-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The increased sensitivity and reliability of this approach is demonstrated in a remote sensing application.