70 resultados para Conduction Aphasia


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Y2O3 is a c-type rare earth oxide with a fluorite-related structure. This material has been used to refractory because of its high thermal stability and excellent resistance to hydration. In this study, the effective index was suggested in order to improve the electrolytic properties of Y2O3-based oxide. (CexY1-x)(2)O3+delta (x = 0.25 and 0.3) and [LaaSrbCe0.25Y(1-a-b)](2)O3+delta (a = 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15, b = 0, 0.006 and 0.0125) were prepared as the examples with intermediate and high index, respectively. The specimens with high index value such as (La0.15Ce0.25Y0.60)(2)O-3.25 and (La0.1Sr0.0125Ce0.25Y0.6375)(2)O-3.24 consisted of two phases such as c-type and fluorite, although (Ce0.25Y0.75)(2)O-3.25 with intermediate index value had a single phase of c-type rare earth oxide. Microanalysis indicates that a grain in the (La0.1Sr0.0125Ce0.25Y0.6375)(2)O-3.23(7) sintered body consists of c-type and fluorite phases. An interface between c-type and fluorite phases is coherent in a grain. This suggests that this effective index guides the crystal structure in the specimen to fluorite and the examined composition introduces the interface between c-type and fluorite in the microstructure. The electrochemical properties of specimens including Y2O3 were characterized on the basis of the suggested index. The electrical conductivity of Y2O3-based materials increased with an increase of the index. The apparent activation energy of Y2O3-based materials decreased with increasing index. The ionic transport number of oxygen of the specimens was improved by enhancement of the index, confirming validity of the index. The oxide ionic conductive region of (La0.1Sr0.0125Ce0.25Y0.(6375))(2)O-3.23(7) with high effective index extended up to P-O2 = 10(-18) atm at 800 degreesC, although the specimens with low or intermediate index showed p- or n-type semi-conduction in the same P-O2 region at 800 and 1000 degreesC. These results suggest that the interface between c-type and fluorite phases also contributes to improve the electrolytic properties in the grain. It is concluded that the improvement of electrolytic properties in Y2O3-based materials is attributable to the microstructure with interface between two phases in a grain and the fluorite structure guided by the suggested index. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Organic petrology supported by electron microscopical and micro-analytical techniques was applied to organic matter in Proterozoic sediments to better understand hydrothermal processes responsible for ore-grade mineralisation. It was shown that organic maturation was not only closely linked to the geological history of the sediments, but also highlighted heat transfer by convection as differentiated from conduction solely through sediment burial and step-wise subsidence. Water-rock ratios effect organic maturation in hydrothermal systems, and erratic reflectance profiles are indicators of convective heat transfer. Identification and characterisation of organic materials in terms of source rock and migrated hydrocarbons was shown to be a powerful tool in reconstructing the thermal history of sediments, identifying hydrothermal episodes, fluid pathways and heat source in the northern Australian Proterozoic basins. Higher reflectance of organic matter towards the central parts of the Mount Isa Basin and some of the most northerly parts point to proximity to higher heat flow at times, in contrast to relatively low temperatures prevailing in the western parts of the basin, next to the Murphy Inlier. A close correlation shown between peak organic reflectance values and super-sequence boundaries farther highlighted the valuable information to be gained from organic petrology, by allowing the separation of processes responsible for metal dissolution and transportation from those inducing precipitation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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We consider the statistical properties of the local density of states of a one-dimensional Dirac equation in the presence of various types of disorder with Gaussian white-noise distribution. It is shown how either the replica trick or supersymmetry can be used to calculate exactly all the moments of the local density of states.' Careful attention is paid to how the results change if the local density of states is averaged over atomic length scales. For both the replica trick and supersymmetry the problem is reduced to finding the ground state of a zero-dimensional Hamiltonian which is written solely in terms of a pair of coupled spins which are elements of u(1, 1). This ground state is explicitly found for the particular case of the Dirac equation corresponding to an infinite metallic quantum wire with a single conduction channel. The calculated moments of the local density of states agree with those found previously by Al'tshuler and Prigodin [Sov. Phys. JETP 68 (1989) 198] using a technique based on recursion relations for Feynman diagrams. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The adaptations of muscle to sprint training can be separated into metabolic and morphological changes. Enzyme adaptations represent a major metabolic adaptation to sprint training, with the enzymes of all three energy systems showing signs of adaptation to training and some evidence of a return to baseline levels with detraining. Myokinase and creatine phosphokinase have shown small increases as a result of short-sprint training in some studies and elite sprinters appear better able to rapidly breakdown phosphocreatine (PCr) than the sub-elite. No changes in these enzyme levels have been reported as a result of detraining. Similarly, glycolytic enzyme activity (notably lactate dehydrogenase, phosphofructokinase and glycogen phosphorylase) has been shown to increase after training consisting of either long (> 10-second) or short (< 10-second) sprints. Evidence suggests that these enzymes return to pre-training levels after somewhere between 7 weeks and 6 months of detraining. Mitochondrial enzyme activity also increases after sprint training, particularly when long sprints or short recovery between short sprints are used as the training stimulus. Morphological adaptations to sprint training include changes in muscle fibre type, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and fibre cross-sectional area. An appropriate sprint training programme could be expected to induce a shift toward type Ha muscle, increase muscle cross-sectional area and increase the sarcoplasmic reticulum volume to aid release of Ca2+. Training volume and/or frequency of sprint training in excess of what is optimal for an individual, however, will induce a shift toward slower muscle contractile characteristics. In contrast, detraining appears to shift the contractile characteristics towards type IIb, although muscle atrophy is also likely to occur. Muscle conduction velocity appears to be a potential non-invasive method of monitoring contractile changes in response to sprint training and detraining. In summary, adaptation to sprint training is clearly dependent on the duration of sprinting, recovery between repetitions, total volume and frequency of training bouts. These variables have profound effects on the metabolic, structural and performance adaptations from a sprint-training programme and these changes take a considerable period of time to return to baseline after a period of detraining. However, the complexity of the interaction between the aforementioned variables and training adaptation combined with individual differences is clearly disruptive to the transfer of knowledge and advice from laboratory to coach to athlete.


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Performance in sprint exercise is determined by the ability to accelerate, the magnitude of maximal velocity and the ability to maintain velocity against the onset of fatigue. These factors are strongly influenced by metabolic and anthropometric components. Improved temporal sequencing of muscle activation and/or improved fast twitch fibre recruitment may contribute to superior sprint performance. Speed of impulse transmission along the motor axon may also have implications on sprint performance. Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) has been shown to increase in response to a period of sprint training. However, it is difficult to determine if increased NCV is likely to contribute to improved sprint performance. An increase in motoneuron excitability, as measured by the Hoffman reflex (H-reflex), has been reported to produce a more powerful muscular contraction, hence maximising motoneuron excitability would be expected to benefit sprint performance. Motoneuron excitability can be raised acutely by an appropriate stimulus with obvious implications for sprint performance. However, at rest reflex has been reported to be lower in athletes trained for explosive events compared with endurance-trained athletes. This may be caused by the relatively high, fast twitch fibre percentage and the consequent high activation thresholds of such motor units in power-trained populations. In contrast, stretch reflexes appear to be enhanced in sprint athletes possibly because of increased muscle spindle sensitivity as a result of sprint training. With muscle in a contracted state, however, there is evidence to suggest greater reflex potentiation among both sprint and resistance-trained populations compared with controls. Again this may be indicative of the predominant types of motor units in these populations, but may also mean an enhanced reflex contribution to force production during running in sprint-trained athletes. Fatigue of neural origin both during and following sprint exercise has implications with respect to optimising training frequency and volume. Research suggests athletes are unable to maintain maximal firing frequencies for the full duration of, for example, a 100m sprint. Fatigue after a single training session may also have a neural manifestation with some athletes unable to voluntarily fully activate muscle or experiencing stretch reflex inhibition after heavy training. This may occur in conjunction with muscle damage. Research investigating the neural influences on sprint performance is limited. Further longitudinal research is necessary to improve our understanding of neural factors that contribute to training-induced improvements in sprint performance.


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This paper reviews current research and contemporary theories of subcortical participation in the motor control of speech production and language processing. As a necessary precursor to the discussion of the functional roles of the basal ganglia and thalamus, the neuroanatomy of the basal ganglial-thalamocortical circuitry is described. Contemporary models of hypokinetic and hyperkinetic movement disorders based on recent neuroanatomical descriptions of the multi-segmented circuits that characterise basal ganglion anatomy are described. Reported effects of surgically induced lesions in the globus pallidus and thalamus on speech production are reviewed. In addition, contemporary models proposed to explain the possible contribution of various subcortical structures to language processing are described and discussed in the context of evidence gained from observation of the effects of circumscribed surgically induced lesions in the basal ganglia and thalamus on language function. The potential of studies based on examination of the speech/language outcomes of patients undergoing pallidotomy and thalamotomy to further inform the debate relating to the role of subcortical structures in speech motor control and language processing is highlighted. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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The grain-boundary conductivity (sigma (gb),) of 8-mol%-ytterbiastabilized zirconia increased markedly with heat treatment between 1000 degrees and 1300 degreesC with a slow heating rate (0.1 degreesC/min) before sintering. The extent of the sigma (gb) improvement was the same or larger than that via Al2O3 addition. The heat treatment did not affect the grain-interior conduction when sintered at 1600 degreesC, while Al2O3-derived scavenging significantly did, given the larger increment of total conductivity in the heat-treated sample. The formation of a silicon-containing phase in a discrete form was suggested as a possible route of scavenging the resistive phase from the correlation between average grain size and sigma (gb).


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The repeatability of initial values and rate of change of EMG signal mean spectral frequency (MNF), average rectified values (ARV), muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) and maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) was investigated in the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles of both legs of nine healthy male subjects during voluntary, isometric contractions sustained for 50 s at 50% MVC. The values of MVC were recorded for both legs three times on each day and for three subsequent days, while the EMG signals have been recorded twice a day for three subsequent days. The degree of repeatability was investigated using the Fisher test based upon the ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA), the Standard Error of the Mean (SEM) and the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Data collected showed a high level of repeatability of MVC measurement (normalized SEM from 1.1% to 6.4% of the mean). MNF and ARV initial values also showed a high level of repeatability (ICC > 70% for all muscles and legs except right VMO). At 50% MVC level no relevant pattern of fatigue was observed for the VMO and VL muscles, suggesting that other portions of the quadriceps might have contributed to the generated effort. These observations seem to suggest that in the investigation of muscles belonging to a multi-muscular group at submaximal level, the more selective electrically elicited contractions should be preferred to voluntary contractions. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Electrical conductivity versus dopant ionic radius studies in zirconia- and ceria-based, solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrolyte systems have shown that oxygen-ion conductivity is highest when the host and dopant ions are similar in size [J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 48 (1965) 286; Solid State Ionics 37 (1989) 67; Solid State Ionics 5 (1981) 547]. Under these conditions, it is thought that the conduction paths within the crystal lattice become less distorted [Solid State Ionics 8 (1983) 201]. In this study, binary ZrO2-M2O3 unit cells were expanded, via the partial substitution of Ce+4 for Zr+4 into the lattice, in an attempt to identify new, ternary, zirconia/ceria-based electrolyte systems with enhanced electrical conductivity. The compositions Zr0.75Ce0.08M0.17O1.92 (M = Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Y, Yb, Sc) were prepared using traditional solid state techniques. Bulk phase characterisation and precise lattice parameter measurements were performed with X-ray diffraction techniques. Four-probe DC conductivity measurements between 400 and 900 degreesC showed that the dopant-ion radius influenced electrical conductivity. The conductivity versus dopant-ion radius trends previously observed in zirconia-based, binary systems are clearly apparent in the ternary systems investigated in this study. The addition of ceria was found to have a negative influence on the electrical conductivity over the temperature range 400-900 degreesC. It is suggested that distortion of the oxygen-ion conduction path by the presence of the larger M+3 and Ce+4 species (relative to Zr+4) is the reason for the decreasing electrical conductivity as a function of increasing dopant size and ceria addition, respectively. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The neuropathological changes associated with Huntington's disease (HD) are most marked in the head of the caudate nucleus and, to a lesser extent, in the putamen and globus pallidus, suggesting that at least part of the language impairments found in patients with HD may result from non-thalamic subcortical (NTS) pathology. The present study aimed to test the hypothesis that a signature profile of impaired language functions is found in patients who have sustained damage to the non-thalamic subcortex, either focally induced or resulting from neurodegenerative pathology. The language abilities of a group of patients with Huntington's disease (n=13) were compared with those of an age- and education-matched group of patients with chronic NTS lesions following stroke (n=13) and a non-neurologically impaired control group (n=13). The three groups were compared on language tasks that assessed both primary and more complex language abilities. The primary language battery consisted of The Western Aphasia Battery and The Boston Naming Test, whilst the more complex cognitive-linguistic battery employed selected subtests from The Test of Language Competence-Expanded, The Test of Word Knowledge and The Word Test-Revised. On many of the tests of primary language function from the Western Aphasia Battery, both the HD and NTS participants performed in a similar manner to the control participants. The language performances of the HD participants were significantly more impaired (p<0.05 using modified Bonferroni adjustments) than the control group, however, on various lexico-semantic tasks (e. g. the Boston Naming Test and providing definitions), on both single-word and sentence-level generative tasks (e. g. category fluency and formulating sentences), and on tasks which required interpretation of ambiguous, figurative and inferential meaning. The difficulties that patients with HD experienced with tasks assessing complex language abilities were strikingly similar, both qualitatively and quantitatively, to the language profile produced by NTS participants. The results provide evidence to suggest that a signature language profile is associated with damage to the non-thalamic subcortex resulting from either focal neurological insult or a degenerative disease.


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Doped ceria (CeO2) compounds are fluorite type oxides that show oxygen ionic conductivity higher than yttria stabilized zirconia, in oxidizing atmosphere. In order to improve the conductivity, the effective index was suggested to maximize the oxygen ionic conductivity in doped CeO2 based oxides. In addition, the true microstructure of doped CeO2 was observed at atomic scale for conclusion of conduction mechanism. Doped CeO2 had small domains (10-50 nm) with ordered structure in a grain. It is found that the electrolytic properties strongly depended on the nano-structural feature at atomic scale in doped CeO2 electrolyte.


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The grain-boundary conduction of 8 mol % ytterbia-stabilized zirconia (8YbSZ) was improved markedly by precursor scavenging via the two-stage sintering process. The most significant increase in the grain-boundary conductivity was found when the sample, whose conductivity was higher than that via Al2O3-derived scavenging, was heat-treated at 1250degreesC for greater than or equal to 20 h. The formation of a stable Si-containing phase such as ZrSiO4 during the first-stage heat-treatment was suggested as one probable scavenging route from the optimal heat-treatment temperature (HTT), long duration time (>20 h) at HTT, and the stability of the formed phase up to sintering temperatures (1500degrees C). (C) 2002 The Electrochemical Society.


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In this study we examined the repeatability and reliability of the surface electromyographic (sEMG) signal mean frequency (MNF), average rectified value (ARV) and conduction velocity (CV) measured for the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and the anterior scalene (AS) muscles in nine healthy volunteers during 15-s isometric cervical flexion contractions at 50% of the maximal voluntary contraction level over 3 non-consecutive days. Repeatability and reliability estimates were obtained for the initial values and rates of change of each sEMG variable by using both the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and the normalised standard error of the mean (nSEM). Results from SCM indicated good levels of repeatability for the initial value and slope of ARV (ICC > 65%). For the AS, high levels of repeatability were identified for the initial value of MNF (ICC > 70%) and the slope of ARV (ICC > 75%). Values of nSEM in the range 2.8-7.2% were obtained for the initial values of MNF and CV for both SCM and AS, indicating clinically acceptable measurement precision. The low value obtained for the nSEM of the initial value of MNF for the AS, in combination with the high ICC, indicates that of all of the variables examined, this variable could offer the best normative index to distinguish between subjects with and without neck pain, and represents the sEMG variable of choice for future evaluation purposes.


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Background: Thalamotomy has been reported to be successful in ameliorating the motor symptoms of tremor and/or rigidity in people with Parkinson's disease (PD), emphasising the bona fide contribution of this subcortical nucleus to the neural circuitry subserving motor function. Despite evidence of parallel yet segregated associative and motor cortico-subcortical-cortical circuits, comparatively few studies have investigated the effects of this procedure on cognitive functions. In particular, research pertaining to the impact of thalamotomy on linguistic processes is fundamentally lacking. Aims: The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of thalamotomy in the language dominant and non-dominant hemispheres on linguistic functioning, relative to operative theoretical models of subcortical participation in language. This paper compares the linguistic profiles of two males with PD, aged 75 years (10 years of formal education) and 62 years (22 years of formal education), subsequent to unilateral thalamotomy procedures within the language dominant and non-dominant hemispheres, respectively. Methods & Procedures: Comprehensive linguistic profiles comprising general and high-level linguistic abilities in addition to on-line semantic processing skills were compiled up to 1 month prior to surgery and 3 months post-operatively, within perceived on'' periods (i.e., when optimally medicated). Pre- and post-operative language performances were compared within-subjects to a group of 16 non-surgical Parkinson's controls (NSPD) and a group of 16 non-neurologically impaired adults (NC). Outcomes & Results: The findings of this research suggest a laterality effect with regard to the contribution of the thalamus to high-level linguistic abilities and, potentially, the temporal processing of semantic information. This outcome supports the application of high-level linguistic assessments and measures of semantic processing proficiency to the clinical management of individuals with dominant thalamic lesions. Conclusions: The results reported lend support to contemporary theories of dominant thalamic participation in language, serving to further elucidate our current understanding of the role of subcortical structures in mediating linguistic processes, relevant to cortical hemispheric dominance.


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Dr. Jules Cotard (1840-1889) was a Parisian neurologist who first described the delire des negations. Cotard's syndrome or Cotard's delusion comprises any one of a series of delusions ranging from the fixed and unshakable belief that one has lost organs, blood, or body parts to believing that one has lost one's soul or is dead. In its most profound form, the delusion takes the form of a professed belief that one does not exist. Encountered primarily in psychoses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, Cotard's syndrome has also been described in organic lesions of the nondominant temporoparietal cortex as well as in migraine. Cotard's delusion is the only self-certifiable syndrome of delusional psychosis. Jules Cotard, a Parisian neurologist and psychiatrist and former military surgeon, was one of the first to induce cerebral atrophy by the experimental embolization of cerebral arteries in animals and a pioneer in studies of the clinicopathologic correlates of cerebral atrophy secondary to perinatal and postnatal pathologic changes. He was the first to record that unilateral cerebral atrophy in infancy does not necessarily lead to aphasia and was also the pioneer of studies of altered conscious states in diabetic hyperglycemia.