66 resultados para Interpersonal Synchronization
Implications of cognitive and affective mechanisms for interpersonal exchange relationships in teams
This study advances research on interpersonal exchange relationships by integrating social exchange, workplace friendship and climate research to develop a multilevel model. Data were collected from 215 manager-employee dyads working within 36 teams. At the individual level, LMX was positively associated with TMX and workplace friendship. Further, workplace friendship was positively related to TMX, and mediated the LMX-TMX relationship. At the team level, HLM results demonstrated that the relationship between LMX and workplace friendship was moderated by affective climate. Findings suggest that high-quality LMX relationships are associated with enhanced employees' perceptions of workplace friendship when affective group climate was strong.
Motor unit synchronization between the vasti muscles: Physiology, pathophysiology and and plasticity
This study tested hypotheses that locus of causality attributions for the academic performance of others are influenced by whether the other is a specific individual, or a typical other, and whether the other is similar or dissimilar to self. The research was carried out in two studies. Study 1 entailed development of two scales to measure perceptions of interpersonal similarity: 254 Australian undergraduates rated their similarity to either a specific other or to typical other students. In Study 2, 332 subjects completed one of the 16-item scales developed in Study 1, along with Rosenberg's self-esteem scale, and self-attribution and other-attribution versions of the Multidimensional Multi-attribution Causation Scale (MMCS). Results showed that attributions for the academic performance of others were strongly affected by whether the other was perceived to be similar or dissimilar to self, especially when the other was a specific individual. In particular, causal attributions for similar specific others were more favourable than attributions for self.