384 resultados para ddc: C9921


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Die Aufnahme von Computerspielen in den Bibliotheksbestand stellt viele Einrichtungen vor neue Herausforderungen, da diese Medien vermehrt nicht in physischer Form vertrieben werden. Welche grundlegenden Überlegungen kommen auf Bibliotheken und ihre Mitarbeiter zu, wenn sie Konzepte zum Einsatz digitaler Spiele erarbeiten und mit diesen Medien erfolgreich arbeiten wollen? Anhand von Best-Practice-Beispielen werden innovative Ideen aufgezeigt, die abseits eines reinen Verleihkonzepts Bibliotheken in Spiel- und Lernorte verwandeln, in denen alle Medien gleichberechtigt als Informationsträger nebeneinander eingesetzt werden. Ausgehend von der Geschichte der Computerspiele über die Beleuchtung der Zusammenhänge zwischen der Nutzung digitaler Spiele und der Steigerung von (Lern-)Kompetenzen zeigt diese Arbeit abschließend ein Konzept, wie digitale und analoge Spielstrategien verknüpft und Nutzern ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis im Bibliotheksraum geboten werden kann.


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Open Educational Resources (OER) sind offen lizensierte und frei zugängliche Lehr- und Lernmaterialien, deren Inhalte übernommen, angepasst und unter der gleichen Lizenz weiter verbreitet werden dürfen. Sie stellen einen wichtigen Beitrag zum lebenslangen Lernen dar. In Zusammenhang mit dem wechselnden Rollenverständnis von Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken hin zu einem Lernort, gewinnen OER zunehmend an Bedeutung. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Nutzung und dem Umgang von OER in Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken. Dargestellt an ausgewählten Beispielen im Zusammenhang mit dem Studium von Flüchtlingen an der KIRON-Universität und deren Zugang zu deutschen Hochschulen. Abschließend gibt diese Arbeit einen Ausblick auf Bereiche, aus denen Bibliotheken zukünftige Dienstleistungen für Ihre Trägereinrichtungen im Bereich der OER entwickeln können. Die Arbeit basiert auf einer Prüfungsleistung vom 14.02.2016 in der Lehrveranstaltung „Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Informationsmanagement“ unter Frau Dr. Ina Blümel.


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The dependency of word similarity in vector space models on the frequency of words has been noted in a few studies, but has received very little attention. We study the influence of word frequency in a set of 10 000 randomly selected word pairs for a number of different combinations of feature weighting schemes and similarity measures. We find that the similarity of word pairs for all methods, except for the one using singular value decomposition to reduce the dimensionality of the feature space, is determined to a large extent by the frequency of the words. In a binary classification task of pairs of synonyms and unrelated words we find that for all similarity measures the results can be improved when we correct for the frequency bias.


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Streptococcus (S.) uberis is a causative agent for clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis which significance for the udder health has increased over the last decades. Molecular diagnosis methods revealed that S. uberis may be subdivided into many different varieties with different epidemiological properties. In addition, some varieties were reclassified as Streptococcus parauberis and Globicatella sanguinis. The present paper reviews S. uberis and its role in modern dairy farming. This pathogen is ubiquitous for which it is considered as environment- associated. Straw bedding and pasture, but also the bovine skin and digestive mucosae are typical localizations inhabited by S. uberis. Due to its capacity to persist within the mammary tissue, some infections may eventually turn cow-associated. In other cases, the infection is short, but in any case, there is a high risk of re-infection. Although many varieties remain susceptible to most antimicrobial agents, the problem for the dairy farm lies in the high rate of re-infection. This paper also reviews risk factors, therapies and measures to control S. uberis at farm level.


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Multimedia objects, especially images and figures, are essential for the visualization and interpretation of research findings. The distribution and reuse of these scientific objects is significantly improved under open access conditions, for instance in Wikipedia articles, in research literature, as well as in education and knowledge dissemination, where licensing of images often represents a serious barrier. Whereas scientific publications are retrievable through library portals or other online search services due to standardized indices there is no targeted retrieval and access to the accompanying images and figures yet. Consequently there is a great demand to develop standardized indexing methods for these multimedia open access objects in order to improve the accessibility to this material. With our proposal, we hope to serve a broad audience which looks up a scientific or technical term in a web search portal first. Until now, this audience has little chance to find an openly accessible and reusable image narrowly matching their search term on first try - frustratingly so, even if there is in fact such an image included in some open access article.


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This paper describes the latest accomplishments on the current research that is based on the master’s thesis “Ein System zur Erstellung taktiler Karten für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen” (German for “A system creating tactile maps for blind and visually impaired people”) (Hänßgen, 2012). The system consists of two parts. The first part is new software especially designed and developed for creating tactile maps addressing the needs of blind and visually impaired people on tactile information. The second is an embossing device based on a modified CNC (computer numerical control) router. By using OpenStreetMap-data, the developed system is capable of embossing tactile maps into Braille paper and writing film.


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Bericht über ein Forschungsprojekt zur Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in der Stadt Seelze.


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Während des letzten Jahres haben wir als Forschungsteam eine Vielzahl an Informationen durch persönliche Gespräche, Eindrücke vor Ort und Auswertung von Materialien und Berichten erhalten. Der Umfang der Arbeiten führte weit über die ursprüngliche Planung hinaus. Die Vorbereitungsgespräche pendelten zwischen den Anliegen von Politik und Verwaltung einen Überblick einerseits und sehr detaillierte Einblicke andererseits zu erhalten. Dieser Spannbreite haben wir versucht durch Bezug auf die drei Jugendeinrichtungen und auf die Fachgespräche im Jugendforum gerecht zu werden. Mit diesem Bericht stellen wir die wichtigen Ergebnisse heraus, an denen eine Weiterarbeit und Vertiefung von Fachleuten und Aktiven der Stadt in den nächsten Jahren erfolgen kann. Der Bericht enthält Bestandsaufnahmen sowie Vorschläge und Empfehlungen mit weiterführenden Hinweisen. Eine Prioritätensetzung wurde nicht vorgenommen, sondern obliegt den Entscheidern vor Ort.


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Objectives: To assess the relation between the number of clinical trials conducted and respective new drug approvals in India and South Africa. Design: Construction and analysis of a comprehensive database of completed randomised controlled clinical trials based on clinicaltrials.gov from 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2010 and drug approval data from 2006 until 2013 for India and South Africa. Setting: USA, the EU, India and South Africa. Main outcome measures: Percentage of completed randomised clinical trials for an Investigational Medicinal Product (IMP) leading to new drug approval in India and South Africa. Results: A total of 622 eligible randomised controlled trials were identified as per search criteria for India and South Africa. Clustering them for the same sponsor and the same Investigational New Drug (IND) resulted in 453 eligible trials, that is, 224 for India and 229 for South Africa. The distribution of the market application approvals between the EU/USA as well as India and South Africa revealed that out of clinical trials with the participation of test centres in India and/or South Africa, 39.6% (India) clinical trials and 60.1% (South Africa) clinical trials led to market authorisation in the EU/USA without a New Drug Application (NDA) approval in India or South Africa. Conclusions: Despite an increase in clinical trial activities, there is a clear gap between the number of trials conducted and market availability of these new drugs in India and South Africa. Drug regulatory authorities, investigators, institutional review boards and patient groups should direct their efforts to ensuring availability of new drugs in the market that have been tested and researched on their population.


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A decline in the CD4 count is a common feature in HIV/AIDS, suggesting a compromise in immunity of patients. In response, highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is prescribed to slow-down a diminution in the CD4 count and risk of AIDS-related malignancies. However, exercise may improve both the utility and population of innate immune cell components, and may be beneficial for patients with HIV infection. Comparing the effects of different exercises against HAART, on CD4 count, helps in understanding the role and evidence-based application of exercises to ameliorate immune deficiency.


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Malnutrition, nutritional deficiency, or undernutrition is an imbalanced nutritional status resulting from insufficient intake of nutrients to meet normal physiologic requirements. Malnutrition in childhood has both short-term consequences and long-term consequences on mental and physical health as well as the overall health development of children. Of all regions in the world, the Asia and the Pacific region has achieved the fastest rate of economic growth. There is no evidence that this rapid economic growth translates into a decline in malnutrition of children in Asian countries such as India.


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The use of secondary data in health care research has become a very important issue over the past few years. Data from the treatment context are being used for evaluation of medical data for external quality assurance, as well as to answer medical questions in the form of registers and research databases. Additionally, the establishment of electronic clinical systems like data warehouses provides new opportunities for the secondary use of clinical data. Because health data is among the most sensitive information about an individual, the data must be safeguarded from disclosure.


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Tagungsbericht zum Themenbereich I der 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik e.V. (GAL) vom 16.–18. September 2009 in Karlsruhe.


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Malnutrition is the condition in which the body does not get the right amount of proteins, vitamins, or other nutrients.1 The global prevalence of malnutrition was reported as 13% in 2015.2 The subregion of South Asia is especially known as a critical area for severe wasted children aged <5 years.3 In India, 38.4% of children aged <3 years are stunted, and 46% are underweight.4 Malnutrition can lead to mortality as well as disabilities and long-term consequences such as cognitive disabilities, less economic productivity, or diseases.


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The world health organization defines musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) as “a disorder of muscles, tendons, peripheral vascular system not directly resulting from an acute or instantaneous event.1 Work related MSDs are one of the most important occupational hazards.1 Among many other occupations, dentistry is a highly demanding profession that requires good visual acuity, hearing, depth perception, psychomotor skills, manual dexterity, and ability to maintain occupational postures over long periods.