20 resultados para Equações diferenciais não-lineares - Solução analítica aproximada
In this thesis, we study the existence and multiplicity of solutions of the following class of Schr odinger-Poisson systems: u + u + l(x) u = (x; u) in R3; = l(x)u2 in R3; where l 2 L2(R3) or l 2 L1(R3). And we consider that the nonlinearity satis es the following three kinds of cases: (i) a subcritical exponent with (x; u) = k(x)jujp 2u + h(x)u (4 p < 2 ) under an inde nite case; (ii) a general inde nite nonlinearity with (x; u) = k(x)g(u) + h(x)u; (iii) a critical growth exponent with (x; u) = k(x)juj2 2u + h(x)jujq 2u (2 q < 2 ). It is worth mentioning that the thesis contains three main innovations except overcoming several di culties, which are generated by the systems themselves. First, as an unknown referee said in his report, we are the rst authors concerning the existence of multiple positive solutions for Schr odinger- Poisson systems with an inde nite nonlinearity. Second, we nd an interesting phenomenon in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 that we do not need the condition R R3 k(x)ep 1dx < 0 with an inde nite noncoercive case, where e1 is the rst eigenfunction of +id in H1(R3) with weight function h. A similar condition has been shown to be a su cient and necessary condition to the existence of positive solutions for semilinear elliptic equations with inde nite nonlinearity for a bounded domain (see e.g. Alama-Tarantello, Calc. Var. PDE 1 (1993), 439{475), or to be a su cient condition to the existence of positive solutions for semilinear elliptic equations with inde nite nonlinearity in RN (see e.g. Costa-Tehrani, Calc. Var. PDE 13 (2001), 159{189). Moreover, the process used in this case can be applied to study other aspects of the Schr odinger-Poisson systems and it gives a way to study the Kirchho system and quasilinear Schr odinger system. Finally, to get sign changing solutions in Chapter 5, we follow the spirit of Hirano-Shioji, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 137 (2007), 333, but the procedure is simpler than that they have proposed in their paper.
Nas últimas décadas as instituições de ensino superior têm sido alvo de uma pressão crescente para aumentar a sua eficiência e a sua eficácia. Fatores como a diversificação da oferta formativa, a massificação, o aumento da internacionalização, entre outros, conduziram a uma maior monitorização das instituições e, por sua vez, geraram o desenvolvimento de novos sistemas de informação. A constante solicitação de informação, quer pelo Estado, quer pelo mercado constitui a base para a definição do objetivo desta investigação: construir um modelo integrado de medição e gestão de desempenho para as universidades públicas e testá-lo no universo português. Para a construção conceptual deste modelo foi realizada uma revisão da literatura baseada em diferentes contextos: organizacional, europeu e nacional. Este modelo foi depois aplicado às universidades públicas portuguesas recorrendo a dados disponibilizados por entidades públicas, tendo em conta a área de educação e formação (CNAEF). Uma análise descritiva aos dados constituiu uma contribuição desta investigação para a prática, no sentido de que permitiu fornecer um conjunto de recomendações às universidades e às entidades oficiais responsáveis pela recolha de dados a nível nacional, relativamente aos sistemas de informação e processos de recolha de dados. O modelo proposto constitui a contribuição teórica desta investigação, no sentido de que integra, no mesmo modelo, as diferentes dimensões de desempenho, a visão dos diferentes stakeholders, quer no contexto do ensino, quer no da investigação, quer no da própria gestão da universidade. A vertente analítica deste modelo, representada pelas diferentes relações entre os grupos de indicadores, foi testada recorrendo à técnica de análise de equações estruturais baseada na variância (nomeadamente Partial Least Squares) em quatro áreas CNAEF. Os resultados demonstraram que o comportamento em termos de medição e gestão de desempenho difere consoante a CNAEF, identificando um maior ajustamento às áreas hard e evidenciando que as áreas soft necessitam de indicadores mais ajustados às suas especificidades.
Bacterial infections are an increasing problem for human health. In fact, an increasing number of infections are caused by bacteria that are resistant to most antibiotics and their combinations. Therefore, the scientific community is currently searching for new solutions to fight bacteria and infectious diseases, without promoting antimicrobial resistance. One of the most promising strategies is the disruption or attenuation of bacterial Quorum Sensing (QS), a refined system that bacteria use to communicate. In a QS event, bacteria produce and release specific small chemicals, signal molecules - autoinducers (AIs) - into the environment. At the same time that bacterial population grows, the concentration of AIs in the bacterial environment increases. When a threshold concentration of AIs is reached, bacterial cells respond to it by altering their gene expression profile. AIs regulate gene expression as a function of cell population density. Phenotypes mediated by QS (QSphenotypes) include virulence factors, toxin production, antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation. In this work, two polymeric materials (linear polymers and molecularly imprinted nanoparticles) were developed and their ability to attenuate QS was evaluated. Both types of polymers should to be able to adsorb bacterial signal molecules, limiting their availability in the extracellular environment, with expected disruption of QS. Linear polymers were composed by one of two monomers (itaconic acid and methacrylic acid), which are known to possess strong interactions with the bacterial signal molecules. Molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles (MIP NPs) are particles with recognition capabilities for the analyte of interest. This ability is attained by including the target analyte at the synthesis stage. Vibrio fischeri and Aeromonas hydrophila were used as model species for the study. Both the linear polymers and MIP NPs, tested free in solutions and coated to surfaces, showed ability to disrupt QS by decreasing bioluminescence of V. fischeri and biofilm formation of A. hydrophila. No significant effect on bacterial growth was detected. The cytotoxicity of the two types of polymers to a fibroblast-like cell line (Vero cells) was also tested in order to evaluate their safety. The results showed that both the linear polymers and MIP NPs were not cytotoxic in the testing conditions. In conclusion, the results reported in this thesis, show that the polymers developed are a promising strategy to disrupt QS and reduce bacterial infection and resistance. In addition, due to their low toxicity, solubility and easy integration by surface coating, the polymers have potential for applications in scenarios where bacterial infection is a problem: medicine, pharmaceutical, food industry and in agriculture or aquaculture.
Bioorganic ferroelectrics and piezoelectrics are becoming increasingly important in view of their intrinsic compatibility with biological environment and biofunctionality combined with strong piezoelectric effect and switchable polarization at room temperature. Here we study piezoelectricity and ferroelectricity in the smallest amino acid glycine, representing a broad class of non-centrosymmetric amino acids. Glycine is one of the basic and important elements in biology, as it serves as a building block for proteins. Three polymorphic forms with different physical properties are possible in glycine (α, β and γ), Of special interest for various applications are non-centrosymmetric polymorphs: β-glycine and γ-glycine. The most useful β-polymorph being ferroelectric took much less attention than the other due to its instability under ambient conditions. In this work, we could grow stable microcrystals of β-glycine by the evaporation of aqueous solution on a (111)Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate as a template. The effects of the solution concentration and Pt-assisted nucleation on the crystal growth and phase evolution were characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis and Raman spectroscopy. In addition, spin-coating technique was used for the fabrication of highly aligned nano-islands of β-glycine with regular orientation of the crystallographic axes relative the underlying substrate (Pt). Further we study both as-grown and tip-induced domain structures and polarization switching in the β-glycine molecular systems by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) and compare the results with molecular modeling and computer simulations. We show that β-glycine is indeed a room-temperature ferroelectric and polarization can be switched by applying a bias to non-polar cuts via a conducting tip of atomic force microscope (AFM). Dynamics of these in-plane domains is studied as a function of applied voltage and pulse duration. The domain shape is dictated by both internal and external polarization screening mediated by defects and topographic features. Thermodynamic theory is applied to explain the domain propagation induced by the AFM tip. Our findings suggest that β-glycine is a uniaxial ferroelectric with the properties controlled by the charged domain walls which in turn can be manipulated by external bias. Besides, nonlinear optical properties of β-glycine were investigated by a second harmonic generation (SHG) method. SHG method confirmed that the 2-fold symmetry is preserved in as-grown crystals, thus reflecting the expected P21 symmetry of the β-phase. Spontaneous polarization direction is found to be parallel to the monoclinic [010] axis and directed along the crystal length. These data are confirmed by computational molecular modeling. Optical measurements revealed also relatively high values of the nonlinear optical susceptibility (50% greater than in the z-cut quartz). The potential of using stable β-glycine crystals in various applications are discussed in this work.
Neste trabalho estudaram-se as interfaces carboneto de silício-solução aquosa e carbono-solução aquosa, com vista a uma melhor compreensão dos processos de floculaçáo e desfloculaçáo de suspensões de cada um daqueles materiais e de suas misturas. Os pós foram caracterizados por recurso a técnicas de sedimentação, microscopia electrónica de varrimento, difracçáo de raios-X, análises térmicas, espectroscopia de infra-vermelhos e picnometria de hélio. As suspensões foram caracterizadas por técnicas de microelectroforese, sedimentação e reologia. Estudou-se a influência de algumas variáveis mais importantes do processo de enchimento por barbotina como, por exemplo, o mecanismo e o grau de estabilização das suspensões, a concentração de sólidos, a distribuição granulométrica das partículas, e o tempo de envelhecimento das suspensões, na estrutura das partículas em suspensão e nas características dos corpos conformados por enchimento por barbotina. A cinética deste processo foi estudada sob o efeito de pressão aplicada e relacionada com a estrutura das partículas em suspensão e com a microstrutura dos corpos em verde. Estudaram-se os mecanismos da segregação de tamanhos de partículas em suspensão que ocorre durante o processo de enchimento por barbotina devidos aos efeitos da gravidade e da obstrução do bolo pelas partículas finas. Discutiram-se os domínios das variáveis do processo em que cada um daqueles efeitos é dominante e propôs-se um novo modelo para o fenómeno da segregação por efeito de obstrução capaz de interpretar os resultados observados neste trabalho e os encontrados na literatura. Estabeleceram-se correlações estreitas entre as variáveis do processo de enchimento por barbotina, a microestrutura dos corpos conformados e o seu comportamento durante a etapa da secagem. Procurou ainda avaliar-se a capacidade do enchimento por barbotina para preparar materiais compósitos de carboneto de silício e carbono com características adequadas para a sinterizaçáo reactiva.