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Blooms of Alexandrium occur annually during the summer months in the North Channel of Cork Harbour on the south coast of Ireland. This study monitored an extensive bloom of the toxin producing Alexandrium minutum during the summer of 2011 with the use of the MIDTAL (Microarrays for the Detection of Toxic Algae) microarray and a prototype multiplex surface plasmon resonance (multi SPR) biosensor. Microarray signal intensities and toxin results from three testing platforms of the prototype multi SPR biosensor, commercial (CER) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were compared against light microscopy counts. The main aim was to demonstrate the use of these methodologies to support national monitoring agencies by providing a faster and more accurate means of identifying and quantifying the harmful phytoplankton community and their toxins in natural water samples. Both the microarray signals and multi SPR biosensor results followed a significant trend with light microscopy results and both techniques indicated detection limits of <4000 cells of A. minutum in natural seawater samples.


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Despite intensive research during the past decade on the effects of alien species, invasion science still lacks the capacity to accurately predict the impacts of those species and, therefore, to provide timely advice to managers on where limited resources should be allocated. This capacity has been limited partly by the context-dependent nature of ecological impacts, research highly skewed toward certain taxa and habitat types, and the lack of standardized methods for detecting and quantifying impacts. We review different strategies, including specific experimental and observational approaches, for detecting and quantifying the ecological impacts of alien species. These include a four-way experimental plot design for comparing impact studies of different organisms. Furthermore, we identify hypothesis-driven parameters that should be measured at invaded sites to maximize insights into the nature of the impact. We also present strategies for recognizing high-impact species. Our recommendations provide a foundation for developing systematic quantitative measurements to allow comparisons of impacts across alien species, sites, and time.


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Gutmann Acceptor Number (AN) values have been determined for Brønsted acid–ionic liquid mixtures, over a wide compositional range. Four systems of general formula [C2mim][A]–HA (A− = bistriflamide, [NTf2]−; triflate, [OTf]−; mesylate, [OMs]−; or acetate, [OAc]−, [C2mim]+ = 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium cation) were studied. A library of Brønsted acidic systems of varying acidity was constructed and the AN parameter was found to be a convenient approach for quantifying their acidity. HOAc, HOMs and HOTf, when dissolved in ionic liquids, were found to associate with the respective anions to form hydrogen-bonded anionic clusters, [A(HA)x]−. In contrast, HNTf2 was solubilised as a discrete, undissociated molecule. AN values were sensitive to the presence of anionic clusters; acidity could be buffered to a particular AN by binding the solubilised acid in the anionic cluster form. Overall, a simple way to manipulate and quantify the Brønsted acidity of acid–ionic liquid mixtures was demonstrated, and measured AN values were related to liquid speciation.


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A novel multiplex microarray has been developed for the detection of five groups of harmful algal and cyanobacterial toxins found in marine, brackish, and freshwater environments including domoic acid (DA), okadaic acid (OA, and analogues), saxitoxin (STX, and analogues), cylindrospermopsin (CYN) and microcystins (MC, and analogues). The sensitivity and specificity were determined and feasibility to be used as a screening tool investigated. Results for algal/cyanobacterial cultures (n = 12) and seawater samples (n = 33) were compared to conventional analytical methods, such as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Detection limits for the 15 min assay were 0.37, 0.44, 0.05, 0.08, and 0.40 ng/mL for DA, OA, STX, CYN, and MC, respectively. The correlation of data obtained from the microarray compared to conventional analysis for the 12 cultures was r(2) = 0.83. Analysis of seawater samples showed that 82, 82, 70, 82, and 12% of samples were positive (>IC20) compared to 67, 55, 36, 0, and 0% for DA, OA, STX, CYN, and MC, respectively, for conventional analytical methods. The discrepancies in results can be attributed to the enhanced sensitivity and cross-reactivity profiles of the antibodies in the MBio microarray. The feasibility of the microarray as a rapid, easy to use, and highly sensitive screening tool has been illustrated for the five-plex detection of biotoxins. The research demonstrates an early warning screening assay to support national monitoring agencies by providing a faster and more accurate means of identifying and quantifying harmful toxins in water samples.


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During the benthic cultivation process of Mytilus edulis (blue mussels), wild mussel seed is often transplanted from naturally occurring subtidal beds to sheltered in-shore waters to be grown to a commercial size. The survival of these relaid mussels is ultimately a function of their quality and physiological condition upon relaying and it has been recognised that mussels can suffer from a loss in condition following transportation. We investigated whether the process of being transported to ongrowing plots had a negative effect on the physiological health and resultant behaviour of mussels by simulating transportation conditions in a controlled experiment. Mussels were kept, out of water, in plastic piping to recreate translocation conditions and further, we tested if depth held in a ship hold (0, 1.5 and 3 m) and length of time emersed (12, 24 and 48 h) affected mussel condition and behaviour. Physiological condition was assessed by quantifying mussel tissue pH and whole tissue glucose, glycogen, succinate and propionate concentrations. The rate of byssogenesis was also quantified to estimate recovery following a period of re-immersion. The depth at which mussels were held did not affect any of the physiological indicators of mussel stress but short-term byssus production was affected. Mussels held at 3 m produced fewer byssus threads during the first 72 h following re-immersion compared with mussels at 0 m (i.e. not buried) suggesting that depth held can impede recovery following transportation. Duration of emersion affected all stress indicators. Specifically, mussels held out of water for 48 h had a reduced physiological condition compared with those emersed for just 12 h. This work has practical implications for the benthic cultivation industry and based on these results we recommend that mussels are held out of water for less than 24 h prior to relaying to ensure physiological health and resultant condition is preserved.


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Objectives: Interference between a target and simultaneous maskers occurs both at the cochlear level through energetic masking and more centrally through informational masking (IM). Hence, quantifying the amount of IM requires a strict control of the energetic component. Presenting target and maskers on different sides (i.e., dichotically) reduces energetic masking but provides listeners with important lateralization cues that also drastically reduce IM. The main purpose of this study (Experiment 1) was to evaluate a "switch" manipulation aiming at restoring most of the IM despite dichotic listening. Experiment 2 was designed to investigate the source of the difficulty induced by this switching dichotic condition.

Design: In Experiment 1, the authors presented 60 normal-hearing young adults with a detection task in which a regularly repeating target was embedded in a randomly varying background masker. The authors evaluated spatial masking release induced by three different dichotic listening conditions in comparison with a diotic baseline. Dichotic stimuli were presented in either a nonswitching or a switching condition. In the latter case, the presentation sides of dichotic target and maskers alternated several times throughout 10 sec sequences. The impact of the number of switches on IM was investigated parametrically, with both pure and complex tone sequences. In Experiment 2, the authors compared performance of 13 young, normal-hearing listeners in a monotic and dichotic version of the rapidly switching condition, using pure-tone sequences.

Results: When target and maskers switched rapidly within sequences, IM was significantly stronger than in nonswitching dichotic sequences and was comparable with the masking effect induced by diotic sequences. Furthermore, Experiment 2 suggests that rapidly switching target and maskers prevent listeners from relying on lateralization cues inherent to the dichotic condition, hence preserving important amounts of IM.

Conclusions: This paradigm thus provides an original tool to isolate IM in signal and maskers having overlapping spectra.


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Bioresorbable polymers such as PLA have an important role to play in the development of temporary implantable medical devices with significant benefits over traditional therapies. However, development of new devices is hindered by high manufacturing costs associated with difficulties in processing the material. A major problem is the lack of insight on material degradation during processing. In this work, a method of quantifying degradation of PLA using IR spectroscopy coupled with computational chemistry and chemometric modeling is examined. It is shown that the method can predict the quantity of degradation products in solid-state samples with reasonably good accuracy, indicating the potential to adapt the method to developing an on-line sensor for monitoring PLA degradation in real-time during processing.


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Volcanic eruptions contribute to climate variability, but quantifying these contributions has been limited by inconsistencies in the timing of atmospheric volcanic aerosol loading determined from ice cores and subsequent cooling from climate proxies such as tree rings. Here we resolve these inconsistencies and show that large eruptions in the tropics and high latitudes were primary drivers of interannual-to-decadal temperature variability in the Northern Hemisphere during the past 2,500 years. Our results are based on new records of atmospheric aerosol loading developed from high-resolution, multi-parameter measurements from an array of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores as well as distinctive age markers to constrain chronologies. Overall, cooling was proportional to the magnitude of volcanic forcing and persisted for up to ten years after some of the largest eruptive episodes. Our revised timescale more firmly implicates volcanic eruptions as catalysts in the major sixth-century pandemics, famines, and socioeconomic disruptions in Eurasia and Mesoamerica while allowing multi-millennium quantification of climate response to volcanic forcing.


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A salt weathering simulation using a mix of sodium chloride (5%) and magnesium sulphate (5%) in a salt corrosion cabinet and five granular limestones is described. Progressive surface loss from vertical exposed faces was mapped using a high resolution (sub-millimetre) object scanner (Konica Minolta Vi9i). Patterns of loss are related to surface porosity/permeability measurements obtained using a hand-held gas permeameter. Introduction of this spatial dimension into damage assessment is seen as essential for understanding the initial conditions that allow surface loss to be triggered, and changes in surface characteristics as weathering proceeds which dictate subsequent decay in space and time. Preliminary observations suggest that scanning at this high resolution is particularly valuable in quantifying very subtle trends and distortions that are pre-cursors to material loss, including surface swelling and pore filling.


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The ongoing use of various mineral additions along with chemical admixtures such as superplasticizers justifies the need for further research. Understanding and quantifying their effects and possible synergies on the fresh and hardened properties of cement-based materials is necessary, especially if some of these components are known to have a pozzolanic effect. This paper describes and models the fresh and hardened properties of cement mortars including nanosilica and fly ash, and relates their properties to the proportioning of these materials and the superplasticizer dosage. Mini-slump, Marsh cone and Lombardi cone tests were used to examine the properties of the fresh mortars, and to assess density, plastic shrinkage, and drying shrinkage up to 20 days. The equations presented in this paper make it possible to optimize mortar proportionings to the required levels of performance in both fresh and hardened states.


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The rhizosphere is a major sink for photo-assimilated carbon and quantifying inputs into this sink is one of the main goals of rhizosphere biology as organic carbon lost from plant roots supports a higher microbial population in the rhizosphere compared to bulk soil. Two fundamentally different14CO2 labelling strategies have been developed to estimate carbon fluxes through the rhizosphere - continuous feeding of shoots with labelled carbon dioxide and pulse-chase experiments. The biological interpretation that can be placed on the results of labelling experiments is greatly biased by the technique used. It is the purpose of this paper to assess the advantages, disadvantages and the biological interpretation of both continuous and pulse labelling and to consider how to partition carbon fluxes within the rhizosphere. © 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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This paper explores the potential for façade located solar thermal collectors. Building typologies with limited roof space area are highlighted. A relationship exists between hot water consumption and the solar collector area; hence, a literature review of the hot water consumption of different building typologies is conducted. The review showed that there is a paucity of information on the hot water consumption of buildings, primarily attributed to the difficulty in quantifying it. The hot water consumption is typically describedusing liters per capita per day (Lcd) units, with a broad range of values existing, dependent, primarily on the building's function and location. Asimulation-based study is conducted to size solar thermal systems for different buildings and their associated hot water loads. High solar fractions,for buildings with high levels of hot water consumption, could only be achievedby using significantly largercollector surface areas. As a result, façade located solar thermal collectors are required for certain high-rise buildings that aim to provide for their hot water needs using a considerable portion of solar energy.


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Background: Although Plasmodium falciparum transmission frequently exhibits seasonal patterns, the drivers of malaria seasonality are often unclear. Given the massive variation in the landscape upon which transmission acts, intra-annual fluctuations are likely influenced by different factors in different settings. Further, the presence of potentially substantial inter-annual variation can mask seasonal patterns; it may be that a location has "strongly seasonal" transmission and yet no single season ever matches the mean, or synoptic, curve. Accurate accounting of seasonality can inform efficient malaria control and treatment strategies. In spite of the demonstrable importance of accurately capturing the seasonality of malaria, data required to describe these patterns is not universally accessible and as such localized and regional efforts at quantifying malaria seasonality are disjointed and not easily generalized. 

Methods: The purpose of this review was to audit the literature on seasonality of P. falciparum and quantitatively summarize the collective findings. Six search terms were selected to systematically compile a list of papers relevant to the seasonality of P. falciparum transmission, and a questionnaire was developed to catalogue the manuscripts. 

Results and discussion: 152 manuscripts were identified as relating to the seasonality of malaria transmission, deaths due to malaria or the population dynamics of mosquito vectors of malaria. Among these, there were 126 statistical analyses and 31 mechanistic analyses (some manuscripts did both). 

Discussion: Identified relationships between temporal patterns in malaria and climatological drivers of malaria varied greatly across the globe, with different drivers appearing important in different locations. Although commonly studied drivers of malaria such as temperature and rainfall were often found to significantly influence transmission, the lags between a weather event and a resulting change in malaria transmission also varied greatly by location. 

Conclusions: The contradicting results of studies using similar data and modelling approaches from similar locations as well as the confounding nature of climatological covariates underlines the importance of a multi-faceted modelling approach that attempts to capture seasonal patterns at both small and large spatial scales.


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This paper focuses on quantifying the benefits of pictogram based instructions relative to static images for work instruction delivery. The assembly of a stiffened aircraft panel has been used as an exemplar for the work which seeks to address the challenge of identifying an instructional mode that can be location or language neutral while at the same time optimising assembly build times and maintaining build quality. Key performance parameters measured using a series of panel build experiments conducted by two separate groups were: overall build time, the number of subject references to instructional media, the number of build errors and the time taken to correct any mistakes. Overall build time for five builds for a group using pictogram instructions was about 20% lower than for the group using image based instructions. Also, the pictogram group made fewer errors. Although previous work identified that animated instructions result in optimal build times, the language neutrality of pictograms as well as the fact that they can be used without visualisation hardware mean that, on balance, they have broader applicability in terms of transferring assembly knowledge to the manufacturing environment.


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We explore the challenges posed by the violation of Bell-like inequalities by d-dimensional systems exposed to imperfect state-preparation and measurement settings. We address, in particular, the limit of high-dimensional systems, naturally arising when exploring the quantum-to-classical transition. We show that, although suitable Bell inequalities can be violated, in principle, for any dimension of given subsystems, it is in practice increasingly challenging to detect such violations, even if the system is prepared in a maximally entangled state. We characterize the effects of random perturbations on the state or on the measurement settings, also quantifying the efforts needed to certify the possible violations in case of complete ignorance on the system state at hand.