52 resultados para In-plane


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This paper presents an analytical model for the prediction of the elastic behaviour of plain-weave fabric composites. The fabric is a hybrid plain-weave with different materials and undulations in the warp and weft directions. The derivation of the effective material properties is based on classical laminate theory (CLT).

The theoretical predictions have been compared with experimental results and predictions using alternative models available in the literature. Composite laminates were manufactured using the resin infusion under flexible tooling (RIFT) process and tested under tension and in-plane shear loading to validate the model. A good correlation between theoretical and experimental results for the prediction of in-plane properties was obtained. The limitations of the existing theoretical models based on classical laminate theory (CLT) for predicting the out-of-plane mechanical properties are presented and discussed. 


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The liquid state structure of the ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate, and the solute/solvent structure of glucose dissolved in the ionic liquid at a 1: 6 molar ratio have been investigated at 323 K by molecular dynamics simulations and neutron diffraction experiments using H/D isotopically substituted materials. Interactions between hydrogen-bond donating cation sites and polar, directional hydrogen-bond accepting acetate anions are examined. Ion-ion radial distribution functions for the neat ionic liquid, calculated from both MD and derived from the empirical potential structure refinement model to the experimental data, show the alternating shell-structure of anions around the cation, as anticipated. Spatial probability distributions reveal the main anion-to-cation features as in-plane interactions of anions with imidazolium ring hydrogens and cation-cation planar stacking. Interestingly, the presence of the polarised hydrogen-bond acceptor anion leads to increased anion-anion tail-tail structuring within each anion shell, indicating the onset of hydrophobic regions within the anion regions of the liquid.


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Strain-dependent microstructural modifications were observed in epitaxial BiCrO3 (BCO) thin films fabricated on single crystalline substrates, utilizing pulsed laser deposition. The following conditions were employed to modify the epitaxial-strain: (i) in-plane tensile strain, BCOSTO [BCO grown on buffered SrTiO3 (001)] and in-plane compressive strain, BCONGO [BCO grown on buffered NdGaO3 (110)] and (ii) varying BCO film thickness. A combination of techniques like X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to analyse the epitaxial growth quality and the microstructure of BCO. Our studies revealed that in the case of BCOSTO, a coherent interface with homogeneous orthorhombic phase is obtained only for BCO film with thicknesses, d < 50 nm. All the BCOSTO films with d = 50 nm were found to be strain-relaxed with an orthorhombic phase showing 1/2 <100> and 1/4 <101> satellite reflections, the latter oriented at 45° from orthorhombic diffraction spots. High angle annular dark field scanning TEM of these films strongly suggested that the satellite reflections, 1/2 <100> and 1/4 <101>, originate from the atomic stacking sequence changes (or “modulated structure”) as reported for polytypes, without altering the chemical composition. The unaltered stoichiometry was confirmed by estimating both valency of Bi and Cr cations by surface and in-depth XPS analysis as well as the stoichiometric ratio (1 Bi:1 Cr) using scanning TEM–energy dispersive X-ray analysis. In contrast, compressively strained BCONGO films exhibited monoclinic symmetry without any structural modulations or interfacial defects, up to d ~ 200 nm. Our results indicate that both the substrate-induced in-plane epitaxial strain and the BCO film thickness are the crucial parameters to stabilise a homogeneous BCO phase in an epitaxially grown film.


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This chapter describes an experimental system for the recognition of human faces from surveillance video. In surveillance applications, the system must be robust to changes in illumination, scale, pose and expression. The system must also be able to perform detection and recognition rapidly in real time. Our system detects faces using the Viola-Jones face detector, then extracts local features to build a shape-based feature vector. The feature vector is constructed from ratios of lengths and differences in tangents of angles, so as to be robust to changes in scale and rotations in-plane and out-of-plane. Consideration was given to improving the performance and accuracy of both the detection and recognition steps.


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An approach for seismic damage identification of a single-storey steel concentrically braced frame (CBF) structure is presented through filtering and double integration of a recorded acceleration signal. A band-pass filter removes noise from the acceleration signal followed by baseline correction being used to reduce the drift in velocity and displacement during numerical integration. The pre-processing achieves reliable numerical integration that predicts the displacement response accurately when compared to the measured lateral in-plane displacement of the CBF structure. The lateral displacement of the CBF structure is used to infer buckling and yielding of bracing members through seismic tests. The level of interstorey drift of the CBF during a seismic excitation allows the yield and buckling of the bracing members to be identified and indirectly detects damage based on exceedance of calculated displacement limits. The calculated buckling and yielding displacement threshold limits used to identify damage are demonstrated to accurately identify initial buckling and yielding in the bracing members.


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This paper discusses the beneficial influence of compressive membrane action in fibre reinforced polymer (FRP)reinforced in-plane restrained slabs in bridge deck slabs and the improved service performance when archingaction occurs. Bridge deck slabs that are exposed to extreme environmental conditions can experience severecorrosion damage. Expansive corrosion in steel reinforcement significantly reduces the design life and durabilityof concrete structures; for example, on one short section of the M1 in Northern Ireland, nearly £1 million was spent last year on the maintenance and repair of bridges due to corrosion. Corrosion-resistant compositereinforcement such as basalt fibre reinforced polymer (BFRP) and glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) provides adurable alternative to reinforcing steel. In this research, two BFRP reinforced slabs and two GFRP reinforced slabswere constructed using high-strength concrete with a target cube compressive strength of 65 N/mm2. The slabsrepresented typical full-scale dimensions of a real bridge deck slab 475 mm wide by 1425 mm long and 150 mmdeep. The service and ultimate behaviour of the slabs are discussed and the results are compared with the relevantdesign guidelines.


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Despite being the most suitable candidates for solenoid pole pieces in state-of-the-art superconductor- based electromagnets, the intrinsic magnetic properties of heavy rare earth metals and their alloys have gained comparatively little attention. With the potential of integration in micro- and nanoscale devices, thin films of Gd, Dy, Tb, DyGd and DyTb were plasma-sputtered and investigated for their in-plane magnetic properties, with an emphasis on magnetisation vs. temperature profiles. Based on crystal structure analysis of the polycrystalline rare earth films, which consist of a low magnetic moment FCC layer at the seed interface topped with a higher moment HCP layer, an experimental protocol is introduced which allows the direct magnetic analysis of the individual layers. In line with the general trend of heavy lanthanides, the saturation magnetisation was found to drop with increasing unit cell size. In-situ annealed rare earth films exceeded the saturation magnetisation of a high-moment Fe65Co35 reference film in the cryogenic temperature regime, proving their potential for pole piece applications; however as-deposited rare earth films were found completely unsuitable. In agreement with theoretical predictions, sufficiently strained crystal phases of Tb and Dy did not exhibit an incommensurate magnetic order, unlike their single-crystal counterparts which have a helical phase. DyGd and DyTb alloys followed the trends of the elemental rare earth metals in terms of crystal structure and magnetic properties. Inter-rare-earth alloys hence present a desirable blend of saturation magnetisation and operating temperature.


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The properties of metasurfaces composed of doubly periodic arrays of interwoven quadrifilar spiral conductors on magnetized ferrite substrates have been investigated with the aid of the full-wave electromagnetic simulator. The effects of incident wave polarization and ferrite magnetization on the scattering characteristics have been analysed at both normal and in-plane dc magnetic bias. The features of the fundamental topological resonances in the interwoven spiral arrays on ferrite substrates are illustrated by the simulation results and the effects of ferrite gyrotropy and dispersion on the array resonance response and fractional bandwidth are discussed.


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Epitaxial SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) thin films with well-defined (116) orientation have been grown by pulsed laser deposition on Si(100) substrates covered with an yttria-stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) buffer layer and an epitaxial layer of electrically conductive SrRuO3. Studies on the in-plane crystallographic relations between SrRuO3 and YSZ revealed a rectangle-on-cube epitaxy with respect to the substrate. X-ray diffraction pole figure measurements revealed well defined orientation relations, viz. SBT(116)\\ SrRuO3(110)\\ YSZ(100)\\ Si(100), SBT[110]\\ SrRuO3[001], and SrRuO3[111]\\ YSZ[110]\\ Si[110].


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A new approach for global detection of seismic damage in a single-storey steel concentrically braced frame (CBF) structure is presented. The filtered lateral in-plane acceleration response of the CBF structure is integrated twice to provide the lateral in-plane displacement which is used to infer buckling and yielding damage. The level of interstorey drift of the CBF during a seismic excitation allows the yield and buckling of the bracing members to be identified and indirectly detects damage based on exceedance of calculated lateral in-plane displacement limits. A band-pass filter removes noise from the acceleration signal followed by baseline correction being used to reduce the drift in velocity and displacement during numerical integration. This pre-processing results in reliable numerical integration of the frame acceleration that predicts the displacement response accurately when compared to the measured lateral displacement of the CBF structure. Importantly, the structural damage is not assumed through removal of bracing members, rather damage is induced through actual seismic loading. The buckling and yielding displacement threshold limits used to identify damage are demonstrated to accurately identify the initiation of buckling and yielding.


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Numerous experimental studies of damage in composite laminates have shown that intralaminar (in-plane) matrix cracks lead to interlaminar delamination (out-of-plane) at ply interfaces. The smearing of in-plane cracks over a volume, as a consequence of the use of continuum damage mechanics, does not always effectively capture the full extent of the interaction between the two failure mechanisms. A more accurate representation is obtained by adopting a discrete crack approach via the use of cohesive elements, for both in-plane and out-of-plane damage. The difficulty with cohesive elements is that their location must be determined a priori in order to generate the model; while ideally the position of the crack migration, and more generally the propagation path, should be obtained as part of the problem’s solution. With the aim of enhancing current modelling capabilities with truly predictive capabilities, a concept of automatic insertion of interface elements is utilized. The consideration of a simple traction criterion in relation to material strength, evaluated at each node of the model (or of the regions of the model where it is estimated cracks might form), allows for the determination of initial crack location and subsequent propagation by the insertion of cohesive elements during the course of the analysis. Several experimental results are modelled using the commercial package ABAQUS/Standard with an automatic insertion subroutine developed in this work, and the results are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of this technique.


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With ever increasing demands to strengthen existing reinforced concrete structures to facilitate higher loading due to change of use and to extend service lifetime, the use of fibre reinforced polymers (FRPs) in structural retrofitting offers an opportunity to achieve these aims. To date, most research in this area has focussed on the use of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) and carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP), with relatively little on the use of basalt fibre reinforced polymer (BFRP) as a suitable strengthening material. In addition, most previous research has been carried out using simply supported elements, which have not considered the beneficial influence of in-plane lateral restraint, as experienced within a framed building structure. Furthermore, by installing FRPs using the near surface mounted (NSM) technique, disturbance to the existing structure can be minimised.
This paper outlines BFRP NSM strengthening of one third scale laterally restrained floor slabs which reflect the inherent insitu compressive membrane action (CMA) in such slabs. The span-to-depth ratios of the test slabs were 20 and 15 and all were constructed with normal strength concrete (~40N/mm2) and 0.15% steel reinforcement. 0.10% BFRP was used in the retrofitted samples, which were compared with unretrofitted control samples. In addition, the bond strength of BFRP bars bonded into concrete was investigated over a range of bond lengths with two different adhesive thicknesses. This involved using an articulated beam arrangement in order to establish optimum bond characteristics for use in strengthening slab samples.


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A new approach to evaluating all multiple complex roots of analytical function f(z) confined to the specified rectangular domain of complex plane has been developed and implemented in Fortran code. Generally f (z), despite being holomorphic function, does not have a closed analytical form thereby inhibiting explicit evaluation of its derivatives. The latter constraint poses a major challenge to implementation of the robust numerical algorithm. This work is at the instrumental level and provides an enabling tool for solving a broad class of eigenvalue problems and polynomial approximations.


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A joint experimental and theoretical study of the transfer ionization process p+He&RARR; H-0+He2++e(-) is presented for 630-keV proton impact energy, where the electron is detected in a plane perpendicular to the proton beam direction. With this choice of kinematics we find the triple-differential cross section to be particularly sensitive to angular correlation in the helium target. There is a good agreement between the experimental data and theoretical calculations.