63 resultados para Eigenvalue of a graph


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We discuss the properties of the lifetime or the time-delay matrix Q(E) for multichannel scattering, which is related to the scattering matrix S(E) by Q = i?S(dS†/dE). For two overlapping resonances occurring at energies E with widths G(? = 1, 2), with an energy-independent background, only two eigenvalues of Q(E) are proved to be different from zero and to show typical avoided-crossing behaviour. These eigenvalues are expressible in terms of the four resonance parameters (E , G) and a parameter representing the strength of the interaction of the resonances. An example of the strong and weak interaction in an overlapping double resonance is presented for the positronium negative ion. When more than two resonances overlap (? = 1, ..., N), no simple representation of each eigenvalue has been found. However, the formula for the trace of the Q-matrix leads to the expression d(E) = -?arctan[(G/2)/(E - E)] + d(E) for the eigenphase sum d(E) and the background eigenphase sum d(E), in agreement with the known form of the state density. The formulae presented in this paper are useful in a parameter fitting of overlapping resonances. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The classification of protein structures is an important and still outstanding problem. The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, we utilize a relation between the Tutte and homfly polynomial to show that the Alexander-Conway polynomial can be algorithmically computed for a given planar graph. Second, as special cases of planar graphs, we use polymer graphs of protein structures. More precisely, we use three building blocks of the three-dimensional protein structure-alpha-helix, antiparallel beta-sheet, and parallel beta-sheet-and calculate, for their corresponding polymer graphs, the Tutte polynomials analytically by providing recurrence equations for all three secondary structure elements. Third, we present numerical results comparing the results from our analytical calculations with the numerical results of our algorithm-not only to test consistency, but also to demonstrate that all assigned polynomials are unique labels of the secondary structure elements. This paves the way for an automatic classification of protein structures.


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We introduce a novel graph class we call universal hierarchical graphs (UHG) whose topology can be found numerously in problems representing, e.g., temporal, spacial or general process structures of systems. For this graph class we show, that we can naturally assign two probability distributions, for nodes and for edges, which lead us directly to the definition of the entropy and joint entropy and, hence, mutual information establishing an information theory for this graph class. Furthermore, we provide some results under which conditions these constraint probability distributions maximize the corresponding entropy. Also, we demonstrate that these entropic measures can be computed efficiently which is a prerequisite for every large scale practical application and show some numerical examples. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Flutter prediction as currently practiced is almost always deterministic in nature, based on a single structural model that is assumed to represent a fleet of aircraft. However, it is also recognized that there can be significant structural variability, even for different flights of the same aircraft. The safety factor used for flutter clearance is in part meant to account for this variability. Simulation tools can, however, represent the consequences of structural variability in the flutter predictions, providing extra information that could be useful in planning physical tests and assessing risk. The main problem arising for this type of calculation when using high-fidelity tools based on computational fluid dynamics is the computational cost. The current paper uses an eigenvalue-based stability method together with Euler-level aerodynamics and different methods for propagating structural variability to stability predictions. The propagation methods are Monte Carlo, perturbation, and interval analysis. The feasibility of this type of analysis is demonstrated. Results are presented for the Goland wing and a generic fighter configuration.


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This paper studies the Demmel condition number of Wishart matrices, a quantity which has numerous applications to wireless communications, such as adaptive switching between beamforming and diversity coding, link adaptation, and spectrum sensing. For complex Wishart matrices, we give an exact analytical expression for the probability density function (p.d.f.) of the Demmel condition number, and also derive simplified expressions for the high tail regime. These results indicate that the condition of complex Wishart matrices is dominantly decided by the difference between the matrix dimension and degree of freedom (DoF), i.e., the probability of drawing a highly ill conditioned matrix decreases considerably when the difference between the matrix dimension and DoF increases. We further investigate real Wishart matrices, and derive new expressions for the p.d.f. of the smallest eigenvalue, when the difference between the matrix dimension and DoF is odd. Based on these results, we succeed to obtain an exact p.d.f. expression for the Demmel condition number, and simplified expressions for the high tail regime.


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The purpose of this study is to survey the use of networks and network-based methods in systems biology. This study starts with an introduction to graph theory and basic measures allowing to quantify structural properties of networks. Then, the authors present important network classes and gene networks as well as methods for their analysis. In the last part of this study, the authors review approaches that aim at analysing the functional organisation of gene networks and the use of networks in medicine. In addition to this, the authors advocate networks as a systematic approach to general problems in systems biology, because networks are capable of assuming multiple roles that are very beneficial connecting experimental data with a functional interpretation in biological terms.


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In the present paper we mainly introduce an efficient approach to measure the structural similarity of so called directed universal hierarchical graphs. We want to underline that directed universal hierarchical graphs can be obtained from generalized trees which are already introduced. In order to classify these graphs, we state our novel graph similarity method. As a main result we notice that our novel algorithm has low computational complexity. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In the present paper, we introduce a notion of a style representing abstract, complex objects having characteristics that can be represented as structured objects. Furthermore, we provide some mathematical properties of such styles. As a main result, we present a novel approach to perform a meaningful comparative analysis of such styles by defining and using graph-theoretic measures. We compare two styles by comparing the underlying feature sets representing sets of graph structurally. To determine the structural similarity between the underlying graphs, we use graph similarity measures that are computationally efficient. More precisely, in order to compare styles, we map each feature set to a so-called median graph and compare the resulting median graphs. As an application, we perform an experimental study to compare special styles representing sets of undirected graphs and present numerical results thereof. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Measuring the structural similarity of graphs is a challenging and outstanding problem. Most of the classical approaches of the so-called exact graph matching methods are based on graph or subgraph isomorphic relations of the underlying graphs. In contrast to these methods in this paper we introduce a novel approach to measure the structural similarity of directed and undirected graphs that is mainly based on margins of feature vectors representing graphs. We introduce novel graph similarity and dissimilarity measures, provide some properties and analyze their algorithmic complexity. We find that the computational complexity of our measures is polynomial in the graph size and, hence, significantly better than classical methods from, e.g. exact graph matching which are NP-complete. Numerically, we provide some examples of our measure and compare the results with the well-known graph edit distance. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the computational complexity of testing dominance and consistency in CP-nets. Previously, the complexity of dominance has been determined for restricted classes in which the dependency graph of the CP-net is acyclic. However, there are preferences of interest that define cyclic dependency graphs; these are modeled with general CP-nets. In our main results, we show here that both dominance and consistency for general CP-nets are PSPACE-complete. We then consider the concept of strong dominance, dominance equivalence and dominance incomparability, and several notions of optimality, and identify the complexity of the corresponding decision problems. The reductions used in the proofs are from STRIPS planning, and thus reinforce the earlier established connections between both areas.


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The use of bit-level systolic array circuits as building blocks in the construction of larger word-level systolic systems is investigated. It is shown that the overall structure and detailed timing of such systems may be derived quite simply using the dependence graph and cut-set procedure developed by S. Y. Kung (1988). This provides an attractive and intuitive approach to the bit-level design of many VLSI signal processing components. The technique can be applied to ripple-through and partly pipelined circuits as well as fully systolic designs. It therefore provides a means of examining the relative tradeoff between levels of pipelining, chip area, power consumption, and throughput rate within a given VLSI design.


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Primary care in the United States is undergoing many changes. Reliable and valid instruments are needed to assess the effects of these changes. The Primary Care Organizational Questionnaire (PCOQ), a 56-item 5-point Likert scale survey that evaluates interactions among members of the clinic/practice and job-related attributes, was administered to clinicians and staff in 36 primary care practices serving paediatric populations in Connecticut. A priori scales were reliable (Cronbach alpha =0.7). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed greater heterogeneity across clinics than within clinics for 13 of 15 a priori scales, which were then included in a principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation. Eigenvalue analysis showed nine significant factors, largely similar to the a priori scales, indicating concurrent construct validity. Further research will ascertain the utility of the PCOQ in predicting the effectiveness of primary care practices in implementing disease management programmes. © 2006 Royal Society of Medicine Press.


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Let T be a compact disjointness preserving linear operator from C0(X) into C0(Y), where X and Y are locally compact Hausdorff spaces. We show that T can be represented as a norm convergent countable sum of disjoint rank one operators. More precisely, T = Snd ?hn for a (possibly finite) sequence {xn }n of distinct points in X and a norm null sequence {hn }n of mutually disjoint functions in C0(Y). Moreover, we develop a graph theoretic method to describe the spectrum of such an operator