291 resultados para Flour mills


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Thick paste TiO2 films are prepared and tested for photocatalytic and photoinduced superhydrophilic (PSH) activity. The films are effective photocatalysts for the destruction of stearic acid using near or far UV and all the sol-gel films tested exhibited a quantum yield for this process of typically 0.15 %. These quantum yields are significantly greater (4-8-fold) than those for titania films produced by an APCVD technique, including the commercial self-cleaning glass product Activ(TM). The films are mechanically robust and optically clear and, as photocatalysts for stearic acid removal, are photochemically stable and reproducible. The kinetics of stearic acid photomineralisation are zero order with an activation energy of ca. 2.5 Kj mol(-1). All titania films tested, including those produced by APCVD, exhibit PSH. The light-induced fall, and dark recovery, in the water droplet contact angle made with titania paste films are similar in profile shape to those described by others for thin titania films produced by a traditional sol-gel route. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pilkington Glass Activ(TM) represents a possible suitable successor to P25 TiO2, especially as a benchmark photocatalyst film for comparing other photocatalyst or PSH self-cleaning films. Activ(TM) is a glass product with a clear, colourless, effectively invisible, photocatalytic coating of titania that also exhibits PSH. Although not as active as a film of P25 TiO2, Activ(TM) vastly superior mechanical stability, very reproducible activity and widespread commercial availability makes it highly attractive as a reference photocatalytic film. The photocatalytic and photo-induced superhydrophilitic (PSH) properties of Activ(TM) are studied in some detail and the results reported. Thus, the kinetics of stearic acid destruction (a 104 electron process) are zero order over the stearic acid range 4-129 monolayers and exhibit formal quantum efficiencies (FQE) of 0.7 X 10(-5) and 10.2 x 10(-5) molecules per photon when irradiated with light of 365 +/- 20 and 254 nm, respectively; the latter appears also to be the quantum yield for Activ(TM) at 254 nm. The kinetics of stearic acid destruction exhibit Langmuir-Hinshelwood-like saturation type kinetics as a function of oxygen partial pressure, with no destruction occurring in the absence of oxygen and the rate of destruction appearing the same in air and oxygen atmospheres. Further kinetic work revealed a Langmuir adsorption type constant for oxygen of 0.45 +/- 0.16 kPa(-1) and an activation energy of 19 +/- 1 Kj mol(-1). A study of the PSH properties of Activ(TM) reveals a high water contact angle (67) before ultra-bandgap irradiation reduced to 0degrees after prolonged irradiation. The kinetics of PSH are similar to those reported by others for sol-gel films using a low level of UV light. The kinetics of contact angle recovery in the dark appear monophasic and different to the biphasic kinetics reported recently by others for sol-gel films [J. Phys. Chem. B 107 (2003) 1028]. Overall, Activ(TM) appears a very suitable reference material for semiconductor film photocatalysis. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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When TiO2 powder was irradiated with a laser light (>0.8 MW peak pulse power (PPP) at 355 nm) a visible change in its colour from white to dark blue was observed. The initial rate of change of the total colour difference was related to the laser light intensity and the longer the irradiation time the more substantial the colour change. The result of X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies showed that the crystal structure of the TiO2 developed a more rutile form after laser exposure. ESR studies indicated that the colour change was associated with the generation of Ti(III) species in the photocatalyst. Electron microscopic studies showed that more spherical shaped particles of TiO2 were observed after laser treatment although the average particle size remained largely unchanged. No significant changes in the band gap or the surface area of the laser modified TiO2 were observed. The laser modified photocatalyst showed no enhancement in activity for the destruction of methylene blue, rhodamine B and stearic acids, indicating that the rutile/anatase ratio is unimportant in the destruction of the test pollutants used in this work, via TiO2 photocatalysis


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The preparation and characterization of thick (9 mum), clear, mechanically robust and photocatalytically active films of nanocrystalline anatase titania are described. XRD and SEM analysis show the films comprise 13 nm particles of anatase TiO2. Thin (54 nm) films of the 'paste' TiO2, along with sol-gel titania films made by a more traditional route are also prepared and characterised. All titania films mediate the photocatalytic destruction of stearic acid with a quantum yield of 0.0016 +/- 0.0003. using either 365 nm (i.e. BLB) or 254 nm (germicidal) light. P25 TiO2 films also appear to mediate the same process with a similar formal quantum efficiency. Of all the films tested, the thick paste TiO2 films are the most ideally suited for use with near UV light, for reasons which are discussed. All the titania films tested exhibit photoinduced superhydrophilicity.


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High levels of ozone (typically 850 ppm) are readily decomposed by semiconductor photocatalysis, using a thin film of the semiconductor titanium dioxide (Degussa P25 TiO2) cast on a glass tube, and UVA light, i.e. light of energy greater than that of the bandgap of the semiconductor (ultra-bandgap light); in the absence of this light the thermal decomposition of ozone is relatively slow. The semiconductor films show no evidence of chemical or photochemical wear with repeated use. At high levels of ozone, i.e. 100 ppm less than or equal to [O-3] less than or equal to 1400 ppm, the initial rate of ozone decomposition by semiconductor photocatalysis is independent of [O-3], whereas, at lower ozone concentrations, i.e. 5 ppm less than or equal to [O-3] less than or equal to 100 ppm, the initial rate of ozone photodestruction decreases in a smooth, but non-linear, manner with decreasing [O-3]. The kinetics of ozone photodecomposition fit a Langmuir-Hinshelwood type kinetic equation and the possible mechanistic implications of these results are briefly discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The kinetics of a fast leuco-Methylene Blue (LMB) re-oxidation to Methylene Blue (MB) by copper(II)-halide (Cl-, Br-) complexes in acidic aqueous media has been studied spectrophotometrically using a stopped-flow technique. The reaction follows a simple first order rate expression under an excess of the copper(II) species (and H+(aq)), and the pseudo-first order rate constant (k'(obs)) is largely independent of the atmosphere used (air, oxygen, argon). The rate law, at constant Cl- (Br-) anion concentration, is given by the expression: (d[MB+])/dt = ((k(a)K[H+] + k(b))/(1 + K[H+])).[Cu-II][LMB] = k'(obs)[LMB], where K is the protonation constant, and k(a) and k(b) are the pseudo-second order rate constants for protonated and deprotonated forms of LMB, respectively The rate law was determined based on the observed k'(obs) vs. [Cu-II] and [H+] dependences. The rate dramatically increases with [Cl-] over the range: 0.1-1.5 M, reflecting the following reactivity order: Cu2+(aq)


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Acidification of an isopropanol solution containing mixtures of [Ti(OPri)(4)] and [W(OEt)(5)] produced solutions from which various TiO2, WO3 and TiO2/WO3 thin films could be obtained by dip coating and annealing. The films were analysed by X-ray diffraction, SEM/EDAX, Raman, electronic spectra, contact angle and photoactivity with respect to destruction of an over layer of stearic acid. The TiO2/WO3 films were shown to be mixtures of two phases TiO2 and WO3 rather than a solid solution TixWyO2. The 2% tungsten oxide doped titania films were shown to be the most effective photocatalysts. All of the TiO2 and TiO2/WO3 films showed light induced superhydrophillicity. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thin (50-500 nm) films of TiO2 may be deposited on glass substrates by the atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition (APCVD) reaction of TiCl4 with ethyl acetate at 400600 C. The TiO2 films are exclusively in the form of anatase, as established by Raman microscopy and glancing angle X-ray diffraction. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy gave a 1:2 Ti:O ratio with Ti 2P(3/2) at 458.6 eV and O 1s is at 530.6 eV. The water droplet contact angle drops from 60degrees to


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Atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition of titanium dioxide coatings on glass substrates was achieved by the reaction of TiCl4 and a co-oxygen source (MeOH, EtOH, (PrOH)-Pr-i or H2O) at 500-650degreesC. The coatings show excellent uniformity, surface coverage and adherence. Growth rates were of the order of 0.3 mum min(-1) at 500degreesC. All films are crystalline and single phase with XRD showing the anatase TiO2 diffraction pattern; a = 3.78(1), c = 9.51(1) Angstrom. Optically, the films show minimal reflectivity from 300-1600 nm and 50-80% total transmission from 300-800 nm. Contact angles are in the range 20-40degrees for as-prepared films and 1-10degrees after 30 min irradiation at 254 nm. All of the films show significant photocatalyic activity as regards the destruction of an overlayer of stearic acid.


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The major current commercial applications of semiconductor photochemistry promoted on the world wide web are reviewed. The basic principles behind the different applications are discussed, including the use of semiconductor photochemistry to: photo-mineralise organics, photo-sterilise and photo-demist. The range of companies, and their products, which utilise semiconductor photochemistry are examined and typical examples listed. An analysis of the geographical distribution of current commercial activity in this area is made. The results indicate that commercial activity in this area is growing world-wide, but is especially strong in Japan. The number and geographical distribution of patents in semiconductor photocatalysis are also commented on. The trends in the numbers of US and Japanese patents over the last 6 years are discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel CVD film of titanium(IV) oxide has been prepared on glass, via the reaction of titanium(IV) chloride and ethyl acetate, using a CVD technique. The film is clear, very robust mechanically and comprised of a thin (24 nm) layer of nanocrystalline anatase titania that absorbs light of lambda


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The evolution of the optical sensor for CO2 over the past two decades is outlined and illustrated through examples of luminescent-based sensors. The basic principles and design of the early 'wet covered' type sensor, in which a pH sensitive dye in an aqueous buffer is covered by a gas permeable, ion impermeable, membrane, are outlined. The gradual move from the 'wet covered' types of CO2 optical sensor to 'solid-water droplet' type sensors and then onto 'solid' sensors is charted. The basic design and principles of operation of the modern 'solid' optical sensor for P-CO2 is covered in some detail. Other sensing strategies outside the simple use of pH-sensitive dyes are also considered, most notably those based on luminescence lifetime measurements.


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Nanocrystalline TiO2 deposited on conducting glass plates is shown to be an excellent material for preconcentration of silver and mercury, via photochemical reaction, prior to their detection by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV). During the first stage of growth in the photoreduction of silver or mercury, 3D nuclei are formed on the TiO2 film. As the deposition proceeds micrometer size agglomerates grow on the surface. The conical morphology of the silver nuclei grown on a (110) rutile single crystal in the initial stages of growth suggests that there is a preferential deposition of silver at the centre of the growing nuclei. When the nuclei size reach a critical value (ca. 400 nm diameter, 40 nm height) the morphology changes to a globular shape without any preferential site for deposition on the surface of the silver nucleus. It was observed that micromolar concentrations of silver or mercury can be detected by anodic stripping voltammetry and relatively large amounts of these metals (micrometer scale nuclei) can be loaded on the nanocrystalline TiO2 film surface. The latter opens the possibility of analytical applications of nanocrystalline TiO2 electrodes for the selective detection of silver or mercury via photochemical anodic stripping voltammetry.


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The kinetics of the photomineralisation of 4-chlorophenol, 4-CP, by oxygen, sensitized by TiO2 as a function of incident light intensity are described. Degussa P25 TiO2 in the form of either a thin film or a dispersion is used as the photocatalyst. With a TiO2 dispersion the initial rate of photomineralisation, R-i, depends upon I-0.64, implying that electron-hole recombination is the dominant process with respect to photogenerated holes (where R-i is expected proportional to I-0.5), but that the light intensities used spanned both the high (R-i expected proportional to I-0.5) and low (R-i expected proportional to I) intensity regimes. With a TiO2 film R-i is proportional to I indicating that the photocatalytically active particles of the TiO2 film are shielded in some way and so operate under low intensity conditions. Most significantly, it was also found that the apparent value of the Langmuir adsorption coefficient, K4-CP, as determined from the kinetic data, was not independent of I for either a TiO2, film or dispersion photocatalyst. Rather K4-CP increased with decreasing light intensity. A possible mechanism is suggested as a rationale for the observed light intensity effects reported.


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The photobleaching of methylene blue MB, sensitised by TiO2, in an aqueous solution is studied in the absence and presence of oxygen, in the absence of oxygen and in the presence of a sacrificial electron acceptor (SED), MB is photoreduced to its colourless leuco form, LMB, by the TiO2 photocatalyst. This same photoreduction process is observed even if an SED is not present, indicating that MB itself can act as an SED. The oxidation of LMB by oxygen to regenerate MB is significantly slower if the aqueous solution is acidified (0.01 mol dm(-3) HClO4) and, at low partial pressures, the rate of reaction depends directly upon the concentration of dissolved oxygen. The TiO2-sensitised photobleaching of MB is irreversible in an oxygen-saturated aqueous solution, as expected, since the bleaching was due to an oxidative process. However, in an acidified solution (0.01 mol dm(-3) HClO4), the photobleaching process, in an oxygen-saturated solution, generates LMB initially. The latter situation arises because, under acidic conditions, LMB reacts only very slowly with oxygen to form MB. The significance of these findings with respect to the popular use of photobleaching of MB as a demonstration of semiconductor photomineralisation is discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.