53 resultados para Monte-carlo Calculations


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Monte Carlo calculations of quantum yield in PtSi/p-Si infrared detectors are carried out taking into account the presence of a spatially distributed barrier potential. In the 1-4 mu m wavelength range it is found that the spatial inhomogeneity of the barrier has no significant effect on the overall device photoresponse. However, above lambda = 4.0 mu m and particularly as the cut-off wavelength (lambda approximate to 5.5 mu m) is approached, these calculations reveal a difference between the homogeneous and inhomogeneous barrier photoresponse which becomes increasingly significant and exceeds 50% at lambda = 5.3 mu m. It is, in fact, the inhomogeneous barrier which displays an increased photoyield, a feature that is confirmed by approximate analytical calculations assuming a symmetric Gaussian spatial distribution of the barrier. Furthermore, the importance of the silicide layer thickness in optimizing device efficiency is underlined as a trade-off between maximizing light absorption in the silicide layer and optimizing the internal yield. The results presented here address important features which determine the photoyield of PtSi/Si Schottky diodes at energies below the Si absorption edge and just above the Schottky barrier height in particular.


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Density functional calculations have been performed for ring isomers of sulfur with up to 18 atoms, and for chains with up to ten atoms. There are many isomers of both types, and the calculations predict the existence of new forms. Larger rings and chains are very flexible, with numerous local energy minima. Apart from a small, but consistent overestimate in the bond lengths, the results reproduce experimental structures where known. Calculations are also performed on the energy surfaces of S8 rings, on the interaction between a pair of such rings, and the reaction between one S8 ring and the triplet diradical S8 chain. The results for potential energies, vibrational frequencies, and reaction mechanisms in sulfur rings and chains provide essential ingredients for Monte Carlo simulations of the liquid–liquid phase transition. The results of these simulations will be presented in Part II.


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Density functional calculations of the structure, potential energy surface and reactivity for organic systems closely related to bisphenol-A-polycarbonate (BPA-PC) provide the basis for a model describing the ring-opening polymerization of its cyclic oligomers by nucleophilic molecules. Monte Carlo simulations using this model show a strong tendency to polymerize that is increased by increasing density and temperature, and is greater in 3D than in 2D. Entropy in the distribution of inter-particle bonds is the driving force for chain formation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Massive young stellar objects (YSOs) are powerful infrared Hi line emitters. It has been suggested that these lines form in an outflow from a disc surrounding the YSO. Here, new two-dimensional Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations are described which test this hypothesis. Infrared spectra are synthesized for a YSO disc wind model based on earlier hydrodynamical calculations. The model spectra are in qualitative agreement with the observed spectra from massive YSOs, and therefore provide support for a disc wind explanation for the Hi lines. However, there are some significant differences: the models tend to overpredict the Bra/Br? ratio of equivalent widths and produce line profiles which are slightly too broad and, in contrast to typical observations, are double-peaked. The interpretation of these differences within the context of the disc wind picture and suggestions for their resolution via modifications to the assumed disc and outflow structure are discussed. © 2005 RAS.


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In astrophysical systems, radiation-matter interactions are important in transferring energy and momentum between the radiation field and the surrounding material. This coupling often makes it necessary to consider the role of radiation when modelling the dynamics of astrophysical fluids. During the last few years, there have been rapid developments in the use of Monte Carlo methods for numerical radiative transfer simulations. Here, we present an approach to radiation hydrodynamics that is based on coupling Monte Carlo radiative transfer techniques with finite-volume hydrodynamical methods in an operator-split manner. In particular, we adopt an indivisible packet formalism to discretize the radiation field into an ensemble of Monte Carlo packets and employ volume-based estimators to reconstruct the radiation field characteristics. In this paper the numerical tools of this method are presented and their accuracy is verified in a series of test calculations. Finally, as a practical example, we use our approach to study the influence of the radiation-matter coupling on the homologous expansion phase and the bolometric light curve of Type Ia supernova explosions. © 2012 The Authors Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2012 RAS.


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In this paper, we report a fully ab initio variational Monte Carlo study of the linear and periodic chain of hydrogen atoms, a prototype system providing the simplest example of strong electronic correlation in low dimensions. In particular, we prove that numerical accuracy comparable to that of benchmark density-matrix renormalization-group calculations can be achieved by using a highly correlated Jastrow-antisymmetrized geminal power variational wave function. Furthermore, by using the so-called "modern theory of polarization" and by studying the spin-spin and dimer-dimer correlations functions, we have characterized in detail the crossover between the weakly and strongly correlated regimes of this atomic chain. Our results show that variational Monte Carlo provides an accurate and flexible alternative to highly correlated methods of quantum chemistry which, at variance with these methods, can be also applied to a strongly correlated solid in low dimensions close to a crossover or a phase transition.


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Radiative pressure exerted by line interactions is a prominent driver of outflows in astrophysical systems, being at work in the outflows emerging from hot stars or from the accretion discs of cataclysmic variables, massive young stars and active galactic nuclei. In this work, a new radiation hydrodynamical approach to model line-driven hot-star winds is presented. By coupling a Monte Carlo radiative transfer scheme with a finite volume fluid dynamical method, line-driven mass outflows may be modelled self-consistently, benefiting from the advantages of Monte Carlo techniques in treating multiline effects, such as multiple scatterings, and in dealing with arbitrary multidimensional configurations. In this work, we introduce our approach in detail by highlighting the key numerical techniques and verifying their operation in a number of simplified applications, specifically in a series of self-consistent, one-dimensional, Sobolev-type, hot-star wind calculations. The utility and accuracy of our approach are demonstrated by comparing the obtained results with the predictions of various formulations of the so-called CAK theory and by confronting the calculations with modern sophisticated techniques of predicting the wind structure. Using these calculations, we also point out some useful diagnostic capabilities our approach provides. Finally, we discuss some of the current limitations of our method, some possible extensions and potential future applications.


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The equilibrium polymerization of sulfur is investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. The potential energy model is based on density functional results for the cohesive energy, structural, and vibrational properties as well as reactivity of sulfur rings and chains [Part I, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 9257 (2003)]. Liquid samples of 2048 atoms are simulated at temperatures 450less than or equal toTless than or equal to850 K and P=0 starting from monodisperse S-8 molecular compositions. Thermally activated bond breaking processes lead to an equilibrium population of unsaturated atoms that can change the local pattern of covalent bonds and allow the system to approach equilibrium. The concentration of unsaturated atoms and the kinetics of bond interchanges is determined by the energy DeltaE(b) required to break a covalent bond. Equilibrium with respect to the bond distribution is achieved for 15less than or equal toDeltaE(b)less than or equal to21 kcal/mol over a wide temperature range (Tgreater than or equal to450 K), within which polymerization occurs readily, with entropy from the bond distribution overcompensating the increase in enthalpy. There is a maximum in the polymerized fraction at temperature T-max that depends on DeltaE(b). This fraction decreases at higher temperature because broken bonds and short chains proliferate and, for Tless than or equal toT(max), because entropy is less important than enthalpy. The molecular size distribution is described well by a Zimm-Schulz function, plus an isolated peak for S-8. Large molecules are almost exclusively open chains. Rings tend to have fewer than 24 atoms, and only S-8 is present in significant concentrations at all T. The T dependence of the density and the dependence of polymerization fraction and degree on DeltaE(b) give estimates of the polymerization temperature T-f=450+/-20 K. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo computations are used to determine the ground state energy and electron density for jellium spheres with up to N = 106 electrons and background densities corresponding to the electron gas parameter 1 less than or equal to r(s)less than or equal to5.62. We analyze the density and size dependence of the surface energy, and we extrapolate our data to the thermodynamic limit. The results agree well with the predictions of density functional computations using the local density approximation. In the case of N = 20, we extend our computation to higher densities and identify a transition between atomic- and jelliumlike nodal structures occurring at the background density corresponding to r(s)=0.13. In this case the local density approximation is unable to reproduce the changes in the correlation energy due to the discontinuous transition in the ground state nodal structure. We discuss the relevance of our results for nonlocal approximations to density functional theory.


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First steps are taken to model the electrochemical deposition of metals in nanometer-sized cavities. In the present work, the electrochemical deposition of Cu atoms in nanometer-sized holes dug on Au(111) is investigated through Monte Carlo simulations using the embedded atom method to represent particle interactions. By sweeping the chemical potential of Cu, a cluster is allowed to grow within the hole rising four atomic layers above the surface. Its lateral extension remains confined to the area defined by the borders of the original defect. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To obtain the surface stress changes due to the adsorption of metal monolayers onto metallic surfaces, a new model derived from thermodynamic considerations is presented. Such a model is based on continuum Monte Carlo simulations with embedded atom method potentials in the canonical ensemble, and it is extended to consider the behavior on different islands adsorbed onto (111) substrate surfaces. Homoepitaxial and heteroepitaxial systems are studied. Pseudomorphic growth is not observed for small metal islands with considerable positive misfit with the substrate. Instead, the islands become compressed upon increase of their size. A simple model is proposed to interpolate between the misfits of atoms in small islands and the pseudomorphic behavior of the monolayer.