29 resultados para Vasallo, Ángel

em Portal de Revistas Científicas Complutenses - Espanha


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La poesía de José Ángel Valente posee una inusual densidad simbólica favorecida por la doble aspiración de abarcar tanto el extremo más grávido y material de la creación del autor, como aquel otro más etéreo y espiritual. Como componentes esenciales de esta búsqueda, podemos observar diversas imágenes (árbol, mandorla, hombre, cruz, etc.) que actuarán a modo de ejes simbólicos de su obra, ejes en torno a los cuales gira su universo poético. El estudio de los diferentes símbolos axiales, así como de otra serie de imágenes entendidas como proyecciones de aquéllos (laberinto, sierpe o nube), constituye el propósito del presente trabajo, tarea en la que relacionaremos cuanto vayamos descifrando con el sentido último de la poesía de José Ángel Valente.


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New records of vascular plants from Sierra del Rincón Biosphere Reserve and surroundings (Spain, Madrid province) are provided. It is noteworthy the presence of atlantic flora in this continental area and the different shrubby communities in different sectors with different litology: in areas with gneiss they are dominated by leguminous genisteae; where it is schistous, shale or quartzite they are heathlands.


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Se hace un análisis de algunas comunidades brioliquénicas epifíticas en la vertiente meridional de la Cordillera Cantábrica en la provincia de León (NW de España), pertenecientes a las asociaciones Antitrichietum curtipendulae Frey & Ochsner 1926 y Nephrometum laevigatae Barkm. 1958. De laprimera se describe la subasociación antitrichietosum californicae nova, de carácter higrófilo, de los territorios supramediterráneos de ombroclima húmedo; y se señala la existencia de las subasociaciones antitrichietosum (Ochsner pro var.) Barkm. 1958 e isothecietosum myurii (Ochsner pro var.) Barkm. 1958. Asimismo se indica el dinamismo de las comunidades estudiadas y se relacionan con los forófitos y comunidades arbóreas donde se encuentran.


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En el presente trabajo se analiza el comportamiento biageográfico y fitosociológico del endemismo altocarrionés Draba lebrunii (P. Monts.) Laínz, y se concluye que caracteriza a las nuevas comunidades: Drabo lebrunii-Armerietum cantabricae (Elyno-Seslerietea) y Festuco hystricis-Thymetum mastigophorii drabetosum lebrunii (Ononido-Rosmarinetea), propias de los suelos calcáreos del Subsectar Altocarrionés (Sector Campurriano-Carrionés, Provincia Oracantábrica, Región Eurosiberiana), del piso subalpino la primera y del altimontano y subalpina la segunda.


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En el presente trabajo se describen cuatro subasociaciones: Genistello tridentatae-Ericetum aragonensis hypericetosum burseri nova, Daboecio cantabricae-Ericetum aragonensis juniperetosum nanae nova, Halimium alyssoidis-Ulicetum gallii ericetosum cinereae nova y Halimium alyssoidis-Ulicetum gallii ericetosum aragonensis nova.


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Eneste trabajo se presenta un análisis de la vegetación de las «turberas de esfagnos» de Asturias y norte de León (España). Se reconocen dos modelos de ecosistema turfófilo bien diferenciados: uno galaico-asturiano colino y submontano y otro orocantábrico, de óptimo altimontano. Se proponen algunos sintáxones nuevos para incluir las comunidades vegetales reconocidas en ambos y se hace una discusión sobre la sintaxonomía de este tipode vegetación.


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Se describe una especie nueva del género Alchemilla de la series Vulgares Buser, subseries Hirsutae H. Lindb. procedente de los Prepirineos meridionales.


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In podiatric clinics is very common to find inflamatory process in metatarsophalangeal joint capsule , plantar plate and collateral ligaments damage, but it is not clearly recognized. Many authors hipotetized with joint instability of multiple aetiology and his concomitant evolution in different stages with own joint disease. This pathology has more incidence in second metatarsophalangeal joint than third and others and it is a common etiology of metatarsal pain. Bad biomechanics alters forefoot function and can produce overload in capsular joint, decreasing mobility and getting worse the pathology.


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Radio advertising is suffering from a remarkable crisis of creativity as it has yet not found its role in a radio model based on voice locution and information genres. This article suggests the need for implementing a peripheral or heuristic strategy to attract and hold listeners’ attention. Within this framework, the narration and scene representation are proposed as suitable persuasion techniques. The objective is to design a useful conceptual tool for an efficient creative conception of narration at the service of certain commercial strategy. First, the concept of narrative persuasion is grounded according to the possibilities of the sound code. Second, the keys of scene representation and commercial strategy (brand, product, advantage, benefit and target) within the sound message are presented. And third, these keys are articulated in a model. This model is pre-tested by means of analyzing eight different case-radio ads.


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Social networks have increasingly become a showcase where the media can be promoted. Like many other media, radio stations have made use of social networks to promote themselves in a better way and, sometimes, to keep more feedback with their listeners. But not all programs make the same use and not all of them have managed to reach in the same way his followers. This article discusses the consolidation in the social networks of the major radio sports programs in Spain. Through a comparative analysis between 2010 and 2015, throughout the text, the authors have tried to observe the evolution of the programs and, at the same time, to establish comparisons between the followers that these programs have on social networks and the number of listeners as EGM.


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Definición de la etapa de crisis del aparato cinematográfico franquista, llamada aquí “Período Oscuro” (1969-1975), discusión de la etiqueta de subgéneros aplicada al cinema bis de la época, y caracterización histórica del thriller español y de sus corrientes estéticas y conceptuales internas en dicho período. La acotación del período 1969-1975 es clarificada previamente ante el vacío historiográfico al respecto. Se caracteriza la crisis que tiene lugar en el “Período Oscuro”, desde su comienzo oficial en 1969, que supuso el definitivo cierre de las políticas proteccionistas emprendidas por el Director General de Cinematografía García Escudero en 1962. Después se define y discute la etiqueta de subgéneros aplicada tradicionalmente al cine español de género de bajo presupuesto. Luego, se especifican, definen y analizan las diversas categorías dentro del thriller español de 1969-1975: se trata de categorías temáticas y argumentales, estéticas, o bien relacionadas con corrientes internacionales del policíaco europeo. Por último, se extraen las conclusiones pertinentes.


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The origins of Sephardic press date back to the mid-20th century, when the influence of the Western world spread across the Sephardim communities of the East. The content of these newspapers was diverse: pieces of general interest, but also scientific, literary and humorous works, with various political orientations. These papers were published in different languages, writing styles and alphabets. Those to be analysed here, however, were published in aljamiado Judeo-Spanish: three papers from Smyrna and one from Salonica. Throughout this work we will focus on the different obstacles and difficulties the editors and publishers of this Ottoman Sephardic press had to face to bring their publications to light.


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The journalistic boom that occurred in Argentina from the second half of the nineteenth century saw the emergence of an active afroporteña press that defend the interests of the black community. This paper, in addition to reviewing the history of the Afro-Argentines newspapers, emphasizes the role played by the elite of African descent in the promotion of modernity among his brothers, while exploring the possible bases for an identity in the ideas spread.


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Reality shows are TV programs which represent a format used in television nowadays; however, the observation practices of individual and/or group intimacy dates from thousands years ago. Sometimes this was driven by voyeurism or morbid fascination, some others, by the purpose of guarding, supervising and maintaining status quo. This work offers an alternative answer to the explanation of this type of TV program emergence and relates this appearance to a government procedure bound up with modern State terrorism which began at the end of the eighteenth century and has been recalled by different regimes until present days.


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In this paper we analyze the representation of the body in blogs by women with breast cancer. Taking into account both texts and images, we study the representation of the body on the basis of the body problems proposed by Frank (1995): control, body-relatedness, other-relatedness and desire. In the blogs studied we find a desiring and dyadic body, which is understood as part of a network of affection and care. The diagnosis of cancer can generate both dissociation, when the body is experienced as a threat, and association, a wish to be connected to it. In relation to control, a clear will of predictability is observed but traces of assumption of contingency also appear.