5 resultados para Indigenous Australians, disability, governmentality, three bodies, critical medical anthropology, culture, Aboriginal, resistance, Foucault, grounded theory, ethnography, colonisation, sympatricity

em Portal de Revistas Científicas Complutenses - Espanha


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The hypothesis that the same educational objective, raised as cooperative or collaborative learning in university teaching does not affect students’ perceptions of the learning model, leads this study. It analyses the reflections of two students groups of engineering that shared the same educational goals implemented through two different methodological active learning strategies: Simulation as cooperative learning strategy and Problem-based Learning as a collaborative one. The different number of participants per group (eighty-five and sixty-five, respectively) as well as the use of two active learning strategies, either collaborative or cooperative, did not show differences in the results from a qualitative perspective.


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Las relaciones entre los gabinetes de Comunicación de los clubes de fútbol y los periodistas deportivos se enmarcan en el modelo de Gieber y Johnson (1961) por el que el hecho de que ambos compartan objetivos comunes, donde los gabinetes de Comunicación necesitan que los medios publiquen determinadas informaciones y los periodistas precisan de noticias que publicar, provoca una pérdida de independencia por parte de los periodistas, ya que necesitan a esos departamentos como fuentes. En la actualidad, los departamentos de Comunicación de los clubes de fútbol, como el del FC Barcelona, se han constituido en gatekeepers. Esto ha acentuado las históricas diferencias que existen entre los periodistas y los profesionales de la comunicación corporativa, incrementado por el control informativo de estos departamentos lo que provoca constantes tensiones entre ambos.


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Since remote times, certain sectors of society have been exposed to inequality and vulnerability, where adequate intervention processes have become conspicuous because of their absence. Nowadays, current societies have the responsibility of contributing, based on their experience and knowledge, with more efficient policies and programs that improve the life quality of the most disadvantaged. It is here where art and its different tools play a very important role, not only on a physical level, but also as an education tool that allows the development of emotional, mental and communicative skills. The aim of this paper is to make clear the potential of art as an instrument of social and educational intervention. It starts by showing worldwide-collected experience related to education and arts, and then, it acquaints the reader with two parallel intervention projects that worked with youths under social vulnerability conditions. These interventions were developed based on a qualitative research (Grounded theory), using as methodology “The Artistic Mediation” with emphasis on body language. This methodology helped researchers to get close to the participants and to know their experiences and emotions. At the same time, it was possible to evidence the positive effects of educative interventions through art. These workshops were based on an artistic methodology especially focused on body language. Data in this work is qualitative, and as such, it permits a special approach to the personal and emotional experiences of the participants; clearly showing the positive effects of the referenced practice on them.


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Este artículo presenta una investigación en la que se analizan las dificultades del profesorado para planificar, coordinar y evaluar competencias claves en una muestra de 23 centros educativos. El tema tiene hondas repercusiones ya que una mala praxis educativa de las competencias claves puede conculcar uno de los derechos fundamentales del alumnado a ser evaluado de forma objetiva (LODE: Art.6b y RD 732/1995: Art. 13.1) y poder superar las pruebas de evaluación consideradas necesarias para la obtención del título académico mínimo que otorga el estado español. La investigación se ha desarrollado desde una doble perspectiva metodológica; en primer lugar, es una investigación descriptiva en la que presentamos las características fundamentales de las competencias claves y la normativa básica para su desarrollo y evaluación. En segundo lugar,  aplicamos un procedimiento de análisis con una doble vertiente cualitativa mediante el empleo del programa Atlas-Ti y del enfoque reticular-categorial del análisis de redes sociales con la aplicación de UCINET y el visor yED Graph Editor para abordar el análisis de las principales dificultades y obstáculos detectados. Los resultados muestran que existen serias dificultades en las tres dimensiones analizadas: "planificación", "coordinación" y "evaluación" de competencias clave; especialmente en la necesidad de formación del profesorado, en la evaluación de las competencias, en la metodología para su desarrollo y en los procesos de coordinación interna para su consecución en los centros educativos.


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In order to examine whether the usual identification of neoliberal ideas with an ideological discourse is valid, this paper starts off with an analysis of what Marx terms commodity fetishism in Capital, based on which a certain sense of the concept of ideology may be inferred which would result in its being both true and false. In order to determine whether this definition of ideology may be applied to neoliberal theory, we look at its fundamental features and how they continue with or break away from economic liberalism as studied in Michel Foucault’s Birth of biopolitics. Attention is later moved to the characteristics detected by David Harvey in the socalled flexible accumulation as the latest stage of capitalism which coincides with the political implementation of neoliberal doctrine. At the end of the road travelled, it is hypothesised that this theory would be a form of ideology containing a dimension of both truth and falsehood, in line with Marx’s thought.