12 resultados para Documentos - Igaraí (Mococa, SP) - 2008 - 2012
em Portal de Revistas Científicas Complutenses - Espanha
This article fi rst summarizes the structural reforms of pensions (total or partial privatization) in Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe, identifying their advantages and disadvantages, and does the same with the international process of re-reforms of pensions with a greater role of the state. Second, chooses Chile as a case study, as a world pioneer in both types of reforms; describes their characteristics and effects on social welfare of the structural reform of 1981 and the re-reform of 2008. Such effects are evaluated based on ten basic principles of social security from the International Labour Offi ce (ILO): 1) social dialogue to approve the reforms, 2) universal coverage of the population, 3) equal treatment of insured persons, 4) social solidarity, 5) gender equity, 6) suffi ciency of benefi ts, 7) effi ciency and reasonable administrative cost, 8) social participation in the management of the system, 9) role of the state and supervision, and 10) fi nancial sustainability. Third, it summarizes the advantages and disadvantages-challenges of the re-reform and informs on the current debate for further reforms.
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es, a través de las noticias publicadas en diversos medios de comunicación de la Región de Extremadura sobre bibliotecas rurales a lo largo de los últimos años, comprobar el impacto y la visibilidad de las bibliotecas en los medios. Para ello, se recopilan un total de 1196 noticias que, tras ser analizadas detalladamente, se reducen a 300 sobre las que versan los resultados del estudio. Esta disminución de noticias finales demuestra que el titular o los primeros párrafos no expresan exactamente el contenido de la noticia siendo necesario un análisis cualitativo de su contenido. Se concluye que: las noticias sobre bibliotecas rurales han decrecido en el periodo analizado (2007, 2008, 2012, 2013), siendo 2007 el año de mayor auge, si bien se ha observado un repunte en 2013 con respecto a 2012; las noticias sobre bibliotecas rurales de ámbito provincial (Badajoz y Cáceres) obtienen mayor porcentaje que las regionales y nacionales (sin representación); y el diario HOY es, con diferencia, el medio que acumula el mayor porcentaje de noticias sobre bibliotecas rurales.
Access to higher education has increased among students with disabilities, and universities are adopting different alternatives which must be assessed. The purpose of this study was to identify the situation of a sample of students with disabilities (n=91) who attend a university in Spain, through the design and validation of the “CUNIDIS-d” scale, with satisfactory psychometric properties. The results show the importance of making reasoned curriculum adaptations, adapting teacher training, improving accessibility and involving all the university community. Different proposals were provided which support the social dimension of the EHEA.
MOOCs are changing the educational landscape and gaining a lot of attention in scientific literature. However, the pedagogical design of these proposals has been called into question. It is precisely MOOCs’ social aspect, i.e. the interaction between course participants and the support for learning processes that has become one of the main topics of interest. This article presents the results of a research project carried out at the University of the Basque Country, which focused in cooperative learning and the intensive use of social networks in a MOOC. Significant data was compiled through Likert-type surveys, revealing that the use of both external and internal social networks in a massive open online course is a factor that is evaluated positively by students. We argue that the use of social networks as a learning strategy in a MOOC has an influence on academic performance and on the students' success rate. Furthermore, the participants’ age also has a bearing on the social networks they use, and we have found that the younger members tend to work with external networks such as Twitter or personal blogs, whereas the older students are more inclined to use forums from the Chamilo or Ning platforms.
En la misma línea de trabajos anteriores, nos planteamos la necesidad de que en los museos arqueológicos se proceda con sumo cuidado a seleccionar el género de las personas que se representan en las escenas sociales, equilibrando tanto su número como sus actitudes, los trabajos que desempeñan, sus roles y su protagonismo. Analizamos así la representación de las mujeres en las escenas, considerando como tal cualquier reproducción en la que aparezcan dos o más personas en interacción. El trabajo realizado en la nueva exposición del MAN, que se refiere tan sólo a las salas de Prehistoria y Protohistoria, nos demuestra la existencia de un 25,1% de mujeres en estas escenas, incluyendo en muchos casos protagonismo, participación en trabajos de construcción o minería y ocupación de primeros planos. Esto lo sitúa en la banda más alta de entre los museos hasta ahora estudiados. El nuevo Museo Arqueológico Nacional ha dedicado seis años a reorganizarse y vestirse con nuevos ropajes, y ahora se nos presenta como un museo renovado pero al tiempo conservado en su esencia. Esa renovación ha incluido, en gran medida, un cuidado detallista en la representación de las mujeres en el pasado.
Analysis of the word lancea, of Hispanic origin after Varro, and of place names, people´s names and personal names derived from it. It confirms that the spear was the most important weapon in the Bronze Age, belonging to the iuventus and used as heroic and divine symbol. This analysis confirms also the personality of the Lusitanians, a people related to the Celts but with more archaic archaeological, linguistic and cultural characteristics originated in the tradition of the Atlantic Bronze in the II millennium BC. It is also relevant to better know the organisation of Broze and Iron Age societies and the origin of Indo-Europeans peoples in Western Europe and of pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal identificar las variables que explican por qué los Centros de Rehabilitación Laboral (CRL) para personas con enfermedad mental grave y duradera de la Comunidad de Madrid consiguen tasas de inserción sociolaboral cercanas al 50%, siendo un colectivo que presenta unas tasas de desempleo superiores al 80%. La metodología empleada en la investigación del recurso (documental, cualitativa y cuantitativa) demuestra que estos resultados son posibles gracias a la conjunción de varios elementos: financiación sostenible, método de trabajo, fuerte liderazgo político, trabajo con el tejido empresarial (presentando a las empresas, perfiles profesionales basados en un certero análisis de las competencias), trabajo en red, plazo de intervención marcado por la persona y la composición de los equipos multiprofesionales, entre otros factores.
This article focuses on the reading of audiovisual productions of contemporary art as a creative process, seeking to analyse which effects of meaning the articulations between the visual and sound systems produce, and the meaning that children give to then. It describes a video art, identifying the languages that compose it and the relationships that link them. Such reading exercise had as corpus of analysis the Chair video art, by Masaru Ozaki, and counted with the theoretical and methodological support of the discourse semiotics, especially with studies on assembly procedures that articulate visual and auditory languages. Also, it presents a focal study with the meanings that a group of children gave to the video art. The findings indicate the importance of including the reading of audiovisual productions of contemporary art at school through the problematization of effects of meaning produced by the interrelation between different languages. And they suggest some subsidies that allow teachers from different areas of knowledge to reflect about the visuality in their pedagogical practice; the choice of the audiovisual materials taken to the classroom and other ways of seeing these texts edited.
Previous studies about the strength of the lithosphere in the Iberia centre fail to resolve the depth of earthquakes because of the rheological uncertainties. Therefore, new contributions are considered (the crustal structure from a density model) and several parameters (tectonic regime, mantle rheology, strain rate) are checked in this paper to properly examine the role of lithospheric strength in the intraplate seismicity and the Cenozoic evolution. The strength distribution with depth, the integrated strength, the effective elastic thickness and the seismogenic thickness have been calculated by a finite element modelling of the lithosphere across the Central System mountain range and the bordering Duero and Madrid sedimentary basins. Only a dry mantle under strike-slip/extension and a strain rate of 10-15 s-1, or under extension and 10-16 s-1, causes a strong lithosphere. The integrated strength and the elastic thickness are lower in the mountain chain than in the basins. These anisotropies have been maintained since the Cenozoic and determine the mountain uplift and the biharmonic folding of the Iberian lithosphere during the Alpine deformations. The seismogenic thickness bounds the seismic activity in the upper–middle crust, and the decreasing crustal strength from the Duero Basin towards the Madrid Basin is related to a parallel increase in Plio–Quaternary deformations and seismicity. However, elasto–plastic modelling shows that current African–Eurasian convergence is resolved elastically or ductilely, which accounts for the low seismicity recorded in this region.
Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary science that is having a boom today, providing new products with attractive physicochemical properties for many applications. In agri/feed/food sector, nanotechnology offers great opportunities for obtaining products and innovative applications for agriculture and livestock, water treatment and the production, processing, storage and packaging of food. To this end, a wide variety of nanomaterials, ranging from metals and inorganic metal oxides to organic nanomaterials carrying bioactive ingredients are applied. This review shows an overview of current and future applications of nanotechnology in the food industry. Food additives and materials in contact with food are now the main applications, while it is expected that in the future are in the field of nano-encapsulated and nanocomposites in applications as novel foods, additives, biocides, pesticides and materials food contact.
Currently, there is increasing use of nanomaterials in the food industry thanks to the many advantages offered and make the products that contain them more competitive in the market. Their physicochemical properties often differ from those of bulk materials, which require specialized risk assessment. This should cover the risks to the health of workers and consumers as well as possible environmental risks. The risk assessment methods must go updating due to more widespread use of nanomaterials, especially now that are making their way down to consumer products. Today there is no specific legislation for nanomaterials, but there are several european dispositions and regulations that include them. This review gives an overview of the risk assessment and the existing current legislation regarding the use of nanotechnology in the food industry.
El presente trabajo pretende analizar cuáles eran las características climáticas que se sucedían en Madrid y su Tierra a lo largo del año, fundamentalmente entre los siglos XIV y XVI. Se intentará comprobar, dentro de las limitaciones que impone la documentación de la época, si en aquel tiempo se daba también un clima mediterráneo, o no, y si este ha variado mucho desde entonces. Igualmente se podrá comprobar algo que tal vez podría, aunque no debería, sorprendernos: el hombre medieval tenía muy claros muchos conceptos meteorológicos y climatológicos, aunque siempre aprehendidos con una finalidad práctica, para aplicarlos en su vida cotidiana tan cercana y dependiente de la naturaleza.