9 resultados para Acadians--Nova Scotia

em Portal de Revistas Científicas Complutenses - Espanha


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This text presents an analysis of aggregated membership’s dynamics for Spanish trade unions, using ECVT data, as well as union memberships’ trajectories, or members’ decisions about joining the organization, permanency and responsibilities, and subsequent attrition. For the analysis of trajectories we make use of information of the records of actual memberships and the record of quitting of CCOO, and of a survey-questionnaire to a sample of leavers of the same union. This study allows us to confirm a linkage between the decision and motivations to become union member, to participate in union activities, the time of permanency, and the motives to quit the organization. We also identify five types of union members’ trajectories, indicating that, far from views that assert a monolithic structure, unions are complex organizations.


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The study of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits (Higueruelas, Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Formations) of the South Iberian Basin (NW Valencia, Spain) reveals new stratigraphic and sedimentological data, which have significant implications on the stratigraphic framework, depositional environments and age of these units. The Higueruelas Fm was deposited in a mid-inner carbonate platform where oncolitic bars migrated by the action of storms and where oncoid production progressively decreased towards the uppermost part of the unit. The overlying Villar del Arzobispo Fm has been traditionally interpreted as an inner platform-lagoon evolving into a tidal-flat. Here it is interpreted as an inner-carbonate platform affected by storms, where oolitic shoals protected a lagoon, which had siliciclastic inputs from the continent. The Aldea de Cortés Fm has been previously interpreted as a lagoon surrounded by tidal-flats and fluvial-deltaic plains. Here it is reinterpreted as a coastal wetland where siliciclastic muddy deposits interacted with shallow fresh to marine water bodies, aeolian dunes and continental siliciclastic inputs. The contact between the Higueruelas and Villar del Arzobispo Fms, classically defined as gradual, is also interpreted here as rapid. More importantly, the contact between the Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Fms, previously considered as unconformable, is here interpreted as gradual. The presence of Alveosepta in the Villar del Arzobispo Fm suggests that at least part of this unit is Kimmeridgian, unlike the previously assigned Late Tithonian-Middle Berriasian age. Consequently, the underlying Higueruelas Fm, previously considered Tithonian, should not be younger than Kimmeridgian. Accordingly, sedimentation of the Aldea de Cortés Fm, previously considered Valangian-Hauterivian, probably started during the Tithonian and it may be considered part of the regressive trend of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous cycle. This is consistent with the dinosaur faunas, typically Jurassic, described in the Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Fms.


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The hypothesis that the same educational objective, raised as cooperative or collaborative learning in university teaching does not affect students’ perceptions of the learning model, leads this study. It analyses the reflections of two students groups of engineering that shared the same educational goals implemented through two different methodological active learning strategies: Simulation as cooperative learning strategy and Problem-based Learning as a collaborative one. The different number of participants per group (eighty-five and sixty-five, respectively) as well as the use of two active learning strategies, either collaborative or cooperative, did not show differences in the results from a qualitative perspective.


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Se describe una especie nueva de Salvia, S. herbanica Santos & Fernández spec. nova, de la isla de Fuerteventura (I. Canarias). Muestra relaciones con el grupo de especies saharo-síndicas: S. aegyptiaca L., S. chudaei Battand. & Trab. y S. deserti Dcne.


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Se describe un nuevo taxon para la flora ibérica.


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Se describe una nueva especie de Lecanora Ach. (L. rhizinata Poetl., Barreno & Rico) de la alta montaña del Centro de España, que se desarrolla sobre rocas metamórficas fácilmente exfoliables. La especie puede encuadrarse dentro de la subsección Concolores Poelt (sect. Petrasterion Poelt, subgen. Placodium (Pers.) Poelt) del género Lecanora. Sin embargo, la compleja estructura anatómica del talo, en la que se diferencian fascículos de hifas fuertemente conglutinadas, que partiendo del córtex penetran hacia la médula llegando, en ocasiones, hasta el límite inferior de la escuámula e intercalándose con la capa gonidial a la que disgregan en glomérulos, unido a la presencia de cordones rizinales («Rhizinenstränge»), hacen que la nueva especie tenga una posición aislada dentro del grupo Concolores y pudiera reclamar un estatus distinto. Asimismo se hace una comparación con otras especies de la citada subsect. Concolores y con otros géneros de Lecanoraceae.


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Se realiza una descripción detallada del nuevo liquen Coelocaulon crespoae, epifito de brezos, jaras y pinos en la Península Ibérica, se incluye mapa de distribución e ilustraciones de la anatomía y morfología. Asimismo se ha confeccionado una tabla sintética que pone de manifiesto sus relaciones con otras especies de Cornicularia s. ampl. Se comentan otros táxones que tienen eí mismo hábitat: Protoblastenia russula (Ach.) Räsänen, Ochrolechia anomala (Harm.) Verseghy y Buellia griseovirens (Turner et Borrer) Almb. cuya presencia en España tiene marcado interés taxonómico y corológico.


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Se describe un nuevo taxon para Portugal: Serratula baetica Boiss. subsp. lusitanica Cantó, subsp. nova.


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A new epiphytic lichen species of dxc genus Rinodina is described. Rinodina mayrhoferi Crespo has bicincta-type spores (POELT & MAYRUOFER, 1979), and grows usually on Juniperus ¡hurifera (lera L., always in continental localities of the Iberian Peninsula.