41 resultados para Consent to arbitration
From ecological tourism to ecotourism: lexical analysis of an emerging tourism. This article deals with the lexicon created in connection with a recent form of tourism: the ecological tourism or ecotourism. The rise of this type of tourism encourages the creation of new concepts and products that are named with new words and expressions with different procedures of formation. From the name itself ecotourism, then expressed as the acronym ecotourism, we analyze the formation of other related words, as well as their formal variation and use. For this, we have worked with a specific corpus of electronic tourist texts and different digital sources and databases.
This paper is a part of a larger research that pursues a global understanding of impoliteness in face-to-face electoral debates. That research distinguishes three essential axes, three complementary analytical perspectives: functional strategies of impoliteness, linguistic-discursive mechanisms to implement them and social impacts of impolite acts. In this frame, the present work develops an in-depth analysis of a special category of mechanisms, namely the rupture of politeness conventions, a subgroup within postliteral implicit mechanisms. This subgroup acquires its identity by the fact of carrying out a linguistic action that is conventionally associated with a polite attitude, but doing it in a rhetorically insincere way: the consequence is that apparent politeness becomes impoliteness. Relevant aspects in the characterization of ruptures are isolated and, on this basis, it is developed a detailed analysis of three specific kinds of mechanisms in which ruptures take shape: using ironic statements, developing different forms of overpoliteness and adopting a falsely collaborative attitude toward the interlocutor. The analysis of that group of mechanisms takes into account, simultaneously, the other two axes of the main research, strategies and social impacts.
Telenovela’s orality: from medium to a linguistic-discursive construction. Studies about telenovelas usually highlight their "orality". However, a literature review, specifically for Latin American telenovelas, shows that the term "orality" has been used with varying senses. In contrast with those devoted to telenovelas, literary studies have addressed the question by conceptualizing it as fictional orality. This paper takes fictional orality as a key concept to explain telenovela’s discursive peculiarities, and on that base, it distinguishes several dimensions of linguistic and discursive variation, in which such orality is being portrayed.
This paper reports the findings from a study of the learning of English intonation by Spanish speakers within the discourse mode of L2 oral presentation. The purpose of this experiment is, firstly, to compare four prosodic parameters before and after an L2 discourse intonation training programme and, secondly, to confirm whether subjects, after the aforementioned L2 discourse intonation training, are able to match the form of these four prosodic parameters to the discourse-pragmatic function of dominance and control. The study designed the instructions and tasks to create the oral and written corpora and Brazil’s Pronunciation for Advanced Learners of English was adapted for the pedagogical aims of the present study. The learners’ pre- and post-tasks were acoustically analysed and a pre / post- questionnaire design was applied to interpret the acoustic analysis. Results indicate most of the subjects acquired a wider choice of the four prosodic parameters partly due to the prosodically-annotated transcripts that were developed throughout the L2 discourse intonation course. Conversely, qualitative and quantitative data reveal most subjects failed to match the forms to their appropriate pragmatic functions to express dominance and control in an L2 oral presentation.
After the triple disaster of 11 March 2011, Japan is at an energy crossroad. In the short and medium run it depends on fossil fuel imports to ensure its energy security, but the long term will be determined by the decisions taken at present. For Japan energy security is a national security challenge, as stated in its National Security Strategy. The article reviews the Japanese nuclear path, studies the factors shaping the Japanese electricity market and analyzes the current energy situation. Moreover, it also assesses the principles that have marked Japan’s energy policy and the two last Strategic Energy Plans -one prior to Fukushima and the other after it- before tackling the debate on the optimal future energy mix that Japan should adopt to meet its energy security trilemma, marked by its environmental commitment.
Starting from a descriptive analysis of the main attacks by Daesh in Tunisia, this article examines the nature and evolution of the terrorist organization in this North African country. Thus, it examines the characteristics and vicissitudes of the attack on the Bardo Museum in March 2015, the attack on the Susa beach in June 2015, the bombing of the Presidential Guard in November 2015 and, finally, the military offensive against the town of Ben Gardane in March 2016. In addition, it presents some previous facts that are relevant in this research, such as the important presence of Tunisian foreign fighters in Syria or Libya, and, in particular, the threat of Daesh in Libya to the Tunisian State
Tarsal coalition (a congenital fibrous, cartilaginous or bony connection between two bones) often leads to a flatfoot deformity in children. Usually it presents with recurrent ankle sprains or insidious onset of a painful rigid flatfoot and movement limitation of midtarsal and subtalar joints. Clinical diagnosis is confirmed by X-rays, computed axial tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance. The anteater nose sign is caused by a tubular elongation of the anterior process of the calcaneus that approaches or overlaps the tarsal scaphoid (navicular) and resembles the nose of an anteater on a lateral foot or ankle radiograph. The treatment of this union is primarily symptomatic but if the pain persists must be surgical .
This paper tries to show the reality of one of the trades more important for historians, the officials of the notaries. The work of these officials has allowed us to have great historical sources; we refer to the notarial documentation and documenta-tion of the City Council. They were the executive arm of the pub-lic notaries. Nevertheless, the approach to this figure seems diffi-cult, since we do not find lavish allusions of them or any of their obligations in the documentation preserved. However, we have one of the most important historical sources by middle of Eight-eenth century; this is known as the Cadastre of Ensenada. We have been able to approach this type of job through analysis and study of the Cadastre, so we know who were those men who did this huge undertaking and what was his salary for performing their tasks. In addition, we proceeded to the consultation of doc-umentation kept in local files to have a more accurate understand-ing of the real situation of those officials.
The work of cataloging and digitizing the Historical Ar-chive of the Prelature of Humahuaca, presents us with documen-tary mass, almost unused for historical research. Due to organiza-tional reasons, this documentary heritage was limited to consulta-tion of researchers. The development of “Documenta” project will allow us to know the contents of that file, get closer to these do-cuments for consultation and scientific production.
The identification of archival records depends on description, being this last process summed up in designation. The title given to dif-ferent groups of documents will have a great incidence in archival func-tions. Taking this premise as our starting point, this paper presents theo-retical contributions made in Spain related to designation of documen-tary types, series and units. The status of the issue presented here tries to delimitate the concept of “documentary typology”, essential for Ar-chival Science.