20 resultados para Serious Game


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Games voor onderwijs en training worden een serieuze zaak. Marktprognoses melden een jaarlijkse groei van 18% tot een wereldwijd volume van meer dan 5 miljard Euro in 2020. Games bieden leerlingen een virtuele praktijk, waarin ze actief kunnen oefenen. Studietaken worden levensechte uitdagingen die tot indringende leerervaringen leiden. Dat schept nieuwe mogelijkheden juist in het MBO, waar praktische ervaring vaak belangrijker is dan theoretische kennis. Deze sessie geeft een snelle update over serious games. Diverse game-mechanismen worden besproken aan de hand van actuele voorbeelden.


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Learning Analytics is an emerging field focused on analyzing learners’ interactions with educational content. One of the key open issues in learning analytics is the standardization of the data collected. This is a particularly challenging issue in serious games, which generate a diverse range of data. This paper reviews the current state of learning analytics, data standards and serious games, studying how serious games are tracking the interactions from their players and the metrics that can be distilled from them. Based on this review, we propose an interaction model that establishes a basis for applying Learning Analytics into serious games. This paper then analyzes the current standards and specifications used in the field. Finally, it presents an implementation of the model with one of the most promising specifications: Experience API (xAPI). The Experience API relies on Communities of Practice developing profiles that cover different use cases in specific domains. This paper presents the Serious Games xAPI Profile: a profile developed to align with the most common use cases in the serious games domain. The profile is applied to a case study (a demo game), which explores the technical practicalities of standardizing data acquisition in serious games. In summary, the paper presents a new interaction model to track serious games and their implementation with the xAPI specification.


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Digital learning games are useful educational tools with high motivational potential. With the application of games for instruction there comes the need of acknowledging learning game experiences also in the context of educational assessment. Learning analytics provides new opportunities for supporting assessment in and of educational games. We give an overview of current learning analytics methods in this field and reflect on existing challenges. An approach of providing reusable software assets for interaction assessment and evaluation in games is presented. This is part of a broader initiative of making available advanced methodologies and tools for supporting applied game development.


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The results presented in this deliverable depict relevant aspects of the EU based Applied Game industry and its competitive landscape. This preliminary overview of the primary target market for the RAGE ecosystem identifies some of the key issues to be further investigated by the RAGE WP7 team through stakeholders/market consultations commencing in year 2 of the project. These findings will form as an integral part of the baseline needed to formulate a sustainable exploitation strategy for the RAGE assets and ecosystem.


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This report provides a comparative analysis of the existing and emergent Business models currently employed in the Entertainment digital game industry (referred to in this report as the Leisure industry) and the “serious”, or in the context of the RAGE project and this report, the Applied Games industry. In conjunction with the accompanying WP 7.2 report providing a value chain analysis this report will inform the development of a business mode or models for the proposed RAGE ecosystem.