19 resultados para GERMANIUM OXIDES

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Directed self-assembly (DSA) of block copolymers (BCPs) is a prime candidate to further extend dimensional scaling of silicon integrated circuit features for the nanoelectronic industry. Top-down optical techniques employed for photoresist patterning are predicted to reach an endpoint due to diffraction limits. Additionally, the prohibitive costs for “fabs” and high volume manufacturing tools are issues that have led the search for alternative complementary patterning processes. This thesis reports the fabrication of semiconductor features from nanoscale on-chip etch masks using “high χ” BCP materials. Fabrication of silicon and germanium nanofins via metal-oxide enhanced BCP on-chip etch masks that might be of importance for future Fin-field effect transistor (FinFETs) application are detailed.


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Technology boosters, such as strain, HKMG and FinFET, have been introduced into semiconductor industry to extend Moore’s law beyond 130 nm technology nodes. New device structures and channel materials are highly demanded to keep performance enhancement when the device scales beyond 22 nm. In this work, the properties and feasibility of the proposed Junctionless transistor (JNT) have been evaluated for both Silicon and Germanium channels. The performance of Silicon JNTs with 22 nm gate length have been characterized at elevated temperature and stressed conditions. Furthermore, steep Subthreshold Slopes (SS) in JNT and IM devices are compared. It is observed that the floating body in JNT is relatively dynamic comparing with that in IM devices and proper design of the device structure may further reduce the VD for a sub- 60 mV/dec subthreshold slope. Diode configuration of the JNT has also been evaluated, which demonstrates the first diode without junctions. In order to extend JNT structure into the high mobility material Germanium (Ge), a full process has been develop for Ge JNT. Germanium-on-Insulator (GeOI) wafers were fabricated using Smart-Cut with low temperature direct wafer bonding method. Regarding the lithography and pattern transfer, a top-down process of sub-50-nm width Ge nanowires is developed in this chapter and Ge nanowires with 35 nm width and 50 nm depth are obtained. The oxidation behaviour of Ge by RTO has been investigated and high-k passivation scheme using thermally grown GeO2 has been developed. With all developed modules, JNT with Ge channels have been fabricated by the CMOScompatible top-down process. The transistors exhibit the lowest subthreshold slope to date for Ge JNT. The devices with a gate length of 3 μm exhibit a SS of 216 mV/dec with an ION/IOFF current ratio of 1.2×103 at VD = -1 V and DIBL of 87 mV/V.


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Silicon (Si) is the base material for electronic technologies and is emerging as a very attractive platform for photonic integrated circuits (PICs). PICs allow optical systems to be made more compact with higher performance than discrete optical components. Applications for PICs are in the area of fibre-optic communication, biomedical devices, photovoltaics and imaging. Germanium (Ge), due to its suitable bandgap for telecommunications and its compatibility with Si technology is preferred over III-V compounds as an integrated on-chip detector at near infrared wavelengths. There are two main approaches for Ge/Si integration: through epitaxial growth and through direct wafer bonding. The lattice mismatch of ~4.2% between Ge and Si is the main problem of the former technique which leads to a high density of dislocations while the bond strength and conductivity of the interface are the main challenges of the latter. Both result in trap states which are expected to play a critical role. Understanding the physics of the interface is a key contribution of this thesis. This thesis investigates Ge/Si diodes using these two methods. The effects of interface traps on the static and dynamic performance of Ge/Si avalanche photodetectors have been modelled for the first time. The thesis outlines the original process development and characterization of mesa diodes which were fabricated by transferring a ~700 nm thick layer of p-type Ge onto n-type Si using direct wafer bonding and layer exfoliation. The effects of low temperature annealing on the device performance and on the conductivity of the interface have been investigated. It is shown that the diode ideality factor and the series resistance of the device are reduced after annealing. The carrier transport mechanism is shown to be dominated by generation–recombination before annealing and by direct tunnelling in forward bias and band-to-band tunnelling in reverse bias after annealing. The thesis presents a novel technique to realise photodetectors where one of the substrates is thinned by chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) after bonding the Si-Ge wafers. Based on this technique, Ge/Si detectors with remarkably high responsivities, in excess of 3.5 A/W at 1.55 μm at −2 V, under surface normal illumination have been measured. By performing electrical and optical measurements at various temperatures, the carrier transport through the hetero-interface is analysed by monitoring the Ge band bending from which a detailed band structure of the Ge/Si interface is proposed for the first time. The above unity responsivity of the detectors was explained by light induced potential barrier lowering at the interface. To our knowledge this is the first report of light-gated responsivity for vertically illuminated Ge/Si photodiodes. The wafer bonding approach followed by layer exfoliation or by CMP is a low temperature wafer scale process. In principle, the technique could be extended to other materials such as Ge on GaAs, or Ge on SOI. The unique results reported here are compatible with surface normal illumination and are capable of being integrated with CMOS electronics and readout units in the form of 2D arrays of detectors. One potential future application is a low-cost Si process-compatible near infrared camera.


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In this work by employing numerical three-dimensional simulations we study the electrical performance and short channel behavior of several multi-gate transistors based on advanced SOI technology. These include FinFETs, triple-gate and gate-all-around nanowire FETs with different channel material, namely Si, Ge, and III-V compound semiconductors, all most promising candidates for future nanoscale CMOS technologies. Also, a new type of transistor called “junctionless nanowire transistor” is presented and extensive simulations are carried out to study its electrical characteristics and compare with the conventional inversion- and accumulation-mode transistors. We study the influence of device properties such as different channel material and orientation, dimensions, and doping concentration as well as quantum effects on the performance of multi-gate SOI transistors. For the modeled n-channel nanowire devices we found that at very small cross sections the nanowires with silicon channel are more immune to short channel effects. Interestingly, the mobility of the channel material is not as significant in determining the device performance in ultrashort channels as other material properties such as the dielectric constant and the effective mass. Better electrostatic control is achieved in materials with smaller dielectric constant and smaller source-to-drain tunneling currents are observed in channels with higher transport effective mass. This explains our results on Si-based devices. In addition to using the commercial TCAD software (Silvaco and Synopsys TCAD), we have developed a three-dimensional Schrödinger-Poisson solver based on the non-equilibrium Green’s functions formalism and in the framework of effective mass approximation. This allows studying the influence of quantum effects on electrical performance of ultra-scaled devices. We have implemented different mode-space methodologies in our 3D quantum-mechanical simulator and moreover introduced a new method to deal with discontinuities in the device structures which is much faster than the coupled-mode-space approach.


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In order to widely use Ge and III-V materials instead of Si in advanced CMOS technology, the process and integration of these materials has to be well established so that their high mobility benefit is not swamped by imperfect manufacturing procedures. In this dissertation number of key bottlenecks in realization of Ge devices are investigated; We address the challenge of the formation of low resistivity contacts on n-type Ge, comparing conventional and advanced rapid thermal annealing (RTA) and laser thermal annealing (LTA) techniques respectively. LTA appears to be a feasible approach for realization of low resistivity contacts with an incredibly sharp germanide-substrate interface and contact resistivity in the order of 10 -7 Ω.cm2. Furthermore the influence of RTA and LTA on dopant activation and leakage current suppression in n+/p Ge junction were compared. Providing very high active carrier concentration > 1020 cm-3, LTA resulted in higher leakage current compared to RTA which provided lower carrier concentration ~1019 cm-3. This is an indication of a trade-off between high activation level and junction leakage current. High ION/IOFF ratio ~ 107 was obtained, which to the best of our knowledge is the best reported value for n-type Ge so far. Simulations were carried out to investigate how target sputtering, dose retention, and damage formation is generated in thin-body semiconductors by means of energetic ion impacts and how they are dependent on the target physical material properties. Solid phase epitaxy studies in wide and thin Ge fins confirmed the formation of twin boundary defects and random nucleation growth, like in Si, but here 600 °C annealing temperature was found to be effective to reduce these defects. Finally, a non-destructive doping technique was successfully implemented to dope Ge nanowires, where nanowire resistivity was reduced by 5 orders of magnitude using PH3 based in-diffusion process.


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The Li-ion battery has for a number of years been a key factor that has enabled an ever increasing number of modern consumer devices, while in recent years has also been sought to power a range of emerging electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Due to their importance and popularity, a number of characteristics of Li-ion batteries have been subjected to intense work aimed at radical improvement. Although electrode material selection intrinsically defines characteristics like maximum capacity or voltage, engineering of the electrode structure may yield significant improvements to the lifetime performance of the battery, which would not be available if the material was used in its bulk form. The body of work presented in this thesis describes the relationship between the structure of electrochemically active materials and the course of the electrochemical processes occurring within the electrode. Chapter one describes the motivation behind the research presented herein. Chapter two serves to highlight a number of key advancements which have been made and detailed in the literature over recent years, pertaining to the use of nanostructured materials in Li-ion technology. Chapter three details methods and techniques applied in developing the body of work presented in this thesis. Chapter four details structural, molecular and electrochemical characteristics of tin oxide nanoparticle based electrodes, with particular emphasis on the relationship between the size distribution and the electrode performance. Chapter five presents findings of structural, electrochemical and optical study of indium oxide nanoparticles grown on silicon by molecular beam epitaxy. In chapter 6, tin oxide inverted opal electrodes are investigated for the conduct of the electrochemical performance of the electrodes under varying rate of change of potential. Chapter 7 presents the overall conclusions drawn from the results presented in this thesis, coupled with an indication of potential future work which may be explored further.


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In the last two decades, semiconductor nanocrystals have been the focus of intense research due to their size dependant optical and electrical properties. Much is now known about how to control their size, shape, composition and surface chemistry, allowing fine control of their photophysical and electronic properties. However, genuine concerns have been raised regarding the heavy metal content of these materials, which is toxic even at relatively low concentrations and may limit their wide scale use. These concerns have driven the development of heavy metal free alternatives. In recent years, germanium nanocrystals (Ge NCs) have emerged as environmentally friendlier alternatives to II-VI and IV-VI semiconductor materials as they are nontoxic, biocompatible and electrochemically stable. This thesis reports the synthesis and characterisation of Ge NCs and their application as fluorescence probes for the detection of metal ions. A room-temperature method for the synthesis of size monodisperse Ge NCs within inverse micelles is reported, with well-defined core diameters that may be tuned from 3.5 to 4.5 nm. The Ge NCs are chemically passivated with amine ligands, minimising surface oxidation while rendering the NCs dispersible in a range of polar solvents. Regulation of the Ge NCs size is achieved by variation of the ammonium salts used to form the micelles. A maximum quantum yield of 20% is shown for the nanocrystals, and a transition from primarily blue to green emission is observed as the NC diameter increases from 3.5 to 4.5 nm. A polydisperse sample with a mixed emission profile is prepared and separated by centrifugation into individual sized NCs which each showed blue and green emission only, with total suppression of other emission colours. A new, efficient one step synthesis of Ge NCs with in situ passivation and straightforward purification steps is also reported. Ge NCs are formed by co-reduction of a mixture of GeCl4 and n-butyltrichlorogermane; the latter is used both as a capping ligand and a germanium source. The surface-bound layer of butyl chains both chemically passivates and stabilises the Ge NCs. Optical spectroscopy confirmed that these NCs are in the strong quantum confinement regime, with significant involvement of surface species in exciton recombination processes. The PL QY is determined to be 37 %, one of the highest values reported for organically terminated Ge NCs. A synthetic method is developed to produce size monodisperse Ge NCs with modified surface chemistries bearing carboxylic acid, acetate, amine and epoxy functional groups. The effect of these different surface terminations on the optical properties of the NCs is also studied. Comparison of the emission properties of these Ge NCs showed that the wavelength position of the PL maxima could be moved from the UV to the blue/green by choice of the appropriate surface group. We also report the application of water-soluble Ge NCs as a fluorescent sensing platform for the fast, highly selective and sensitive detection of Fe3+ ions. The luminescence quenching mechanism is confirmed by lifetime and absorbance spectroscopies, while the applicability of this assay for detection of Fe3+ in real water samples is investigated and found to satisfy the US Environmental Protection Agency requirements for Fe3+ levels in drinkable water supplies.


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Colloidal photonic crystals (PhCs) possess a periodic dielectric structure which gives rise to a photonic band gap (PBG) and offer great potential in the ability to modify or control light at visible wavelengths. Although the refractive index contrast between the void or infill and the matrix material is paramount for photonics applications, integration into real optoelectronics devices will require a range of added functionalities such as conductivity. As such, colloidal PhCs can be used as templates to direct infiltration of other functional materials using a range of deposition strategies. The work in this thesis seeks to address two challenges; first to develop a reproducible strategy based on Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) deposition to assemble high quality colloidal PhCs based on silica with precise film thickness as most other assembly methods suffer from a lack of reproducibility thickness control. The second is to investigate the use of LBdeposited colloidal PhCs as templates for infiltration with conducting metal oxide materials using vapor phase deposition techniques. Part of this work describes the synthesis and assembly of colloidal silica spheres with different surface chemical functionalities at the air-water interface in preparation for LB deposition. Modification of surface funtionality conferred varying levels of hydrophobicity upon the particles. The behaviour of silica monolayer films at the air-water interface was characterised by Brewster Angle Microscopy and surface pressure isotherms with a view to optimising the parameters for LB deposition of multilayer colloidal PhC films. Optical characterisation of LB-fabricated colloidal PhCs indicated high quality photonic behaviour, exhibiting a pseudo PBG with a sharp Bragg diffraction peak in the visible region and reflectance intensities greater than 60%. Finally the atomic layer deposition (ALD) of nominally undoped ZnO and aluminium “doped” ZnO (Al-doped ZnO) inside the pores of a colloidal PhC assembled by the LB technique was carried out. ALD growth in this study was performed using trimethyl aluminium (TMA) and water as precursors for the alumina and diethyl zinc (DEZn) and water for the ZnO. The ZnO:Al films were grown in a laminate mode, where DEZn pulses were substituted for TMA pulses in the sequences with a Zn:Al ratio 19:1. The ALD growth of ZnO and ZnO:Al in colloidal PhCs was shown to be highly conformal, tuneable and reproducible whilst maintaining excellent photonic character. Furthermore, at high levels of infiltration the opal composite films demonstrated significant conductivity.


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This article describes feasible and improved ways towards enhanced nanowire growth kinetics by reducing the equilibrium solute concentration in the liquid collector phase in a vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) like growth model. Use of bi-metallic alloy seeds (AuxAg1-x) influences the germanium supersaturation for a faster nucleation and growth kinetics. Nanowire growth with ternary eutectic alloys shows Gibbs-Thompson effect with diameter dependent growth rate. In-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) annealing experiments directly confirms the role of equilibrium concentration in nanowire growth kinetics and was used to correlate the equilibrium content of metastable alloys with the growth kinetics of Ge nanowires. The shape and geometry of the heterogeneous interfaces between the liquid eutectic and solid Ge nanowires were found to vary as a function of nanowire diameter and eutectic alloy composition.


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Nanostructured copper containing materials of CuO, Cu3(PO4)3 and Cu2P2O7 have been prepared by solid-state pyrolysis of molecular CuCl2·NC5H4OH (I), CuCl2·CNCH2C6H4OH (II), oligomeric [Cu(PPh3)Cl]4 (III), N3P3[OC6H4CH2CN·CuCl]6[PF6] (IV), N3P3[OC6H5]5[OC5H4N·Cu][PF6] (V), polymeric chitosan·(CuCl2)n (VI) and polystyrene-co-4-vinylpyridine PS-b-4-PVP·(CuCl2) (VII) precursors. The products strongly depend on the precursor used. The pyrolytic products from phosphorus-containing precursors (III), (IV) and (V) are Cu phosphates or pyrophosphates, while non-phosphorous-containing precursors (VI) and (VII), result in mainly CuO. The use of chitosan as a solid-state template/stabilizer induces the formation of CuO and Cu2O nanoparticles. Copper pyrophosphate (Cu2P2O7) deposited on Si using (IV) as the precursor exhibits single-crystal dots of average diameter 100 nm and heights equivalent to twice the unit cell b-axis (1.5–1.7 nm) and an areal density of 5.1–7.7 Gigadots/in.2. Cu2P2O7 deposited from precursor (VI) exhibits unique labyrinthine high surface area deposits. The morphology of CuO deposited on Si from pyrolysis of (VI) depends on the polymer/Cu meta ratio. Magnetic measurements performed using SQUID on CuO nanoparticle networks suggest superparamagnetic behavior. The results give insights into compositional, shape and morphological control of the as-formed nanostructures through the structure of the precursors.


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We use first-principles electronic structure methods to show that the piezoresistive strain gauge factor of single-crystalline bulk n-type silicon-germanium alloys at carefully controlled composition can reach values of G = 500, three times larger than that of silicon, the most sensitive such material used in industry today. At cryogenic temperatures of 4 K we find gauge factors of G = 135 000, 13 times larger than that observed in Si whiskers. The improved piezoresistance is achieved by tuning the scattering of carriers between different (Delta and L) conduction band valleys by controlling the alloy composition and strain configuration.


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First-principles electronic structure methods are used to predict the rate of n-type carrier scattering due to phonons in highly-strained Ge. We show that strains achievable in nanoscale structures, where Ge becomes a direct bandgap semiconductor, cause the phonon-limited mobility to be enhanced by hundreds of times that of unstrained Ge, and over a thousand times that of Si. This makes highly tensile strained Ge a most promising material for the construction of channels in CMOS devices, as well as for Si-based photonic applications. Biaxial (001) strain achieves mobility enhancements of 100 to 1000 with strains over 2%. Low temperature mobility can be increased by even larger factors. Second order terms in the deformation potential of the Gamma valley are found to be important in this mobility enhancement. Although they are modified by shifts in the conduction band valleys, which are caused by carrier quantum confinement, these mobility enhancements persist in strained nanostructures down to sizes of 20 nm.


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The authors report a chemical process to remove the native oxide on Ge and Bi2Se3 crystals, thus facilitating high-resolution electron beam lithography (EBL) on their surfaces using a hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) resist. HSQ offers the highest resolution of all the commercially available EBL resists. However, aqueous HSQ developers such as NaOH and tetramethylammonium hydroxide have thus far prevented the fabrication of high-resolution structures via the direct application of HSQ to Ge and Bi2Se3, due to the solubility of components of their respective native oxides in these strong aqueous bases. Here we provide a route to the generation of ordered, high-resolution, high-density Ge and Bi2Se3 nanostructures with potential applications in microelectronics, thermoelectric, and photonics devices.                         


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This thesis details the top-down fabrication of nanostructures on Si and Ge substrates by electron beam lithography (EBL). Various polymeric resist materials were used to create nanopatterns by EBL and Chapter 1 discusses the development characteristics of these resists. Chapter 3 describes the processing parameters, resolution and topographical and structural changes of a new EBL resist known as ‘SML’. A comparison between SML and the standard resists PMMA and ZEP520A was undertaken to determine the suitability of SML as an EBL resist. It was established that SML is capable of high-resolution patterning and showed good pattern transfer capabilities. Germanium is a desirable material for use in microelectronic applications due to a number of superior qualities over silicon. EBL patterning of Ge with high-resolution hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) resist is however difficult due to the presence of native surface oxides. Thus, to combat this problem a new technique for passivating Ge surfaces prior to EBL processes is detailed in Chapter 4. The surface passivation was carried out using simple acids like citric acid and acetic acid. The acids were gentle on the surface and enabled the formation of high-resolution arrays of Ge nanowires using HSQ resist. Chapter 5 details the directed self-assembly (DSA) of block copolymers (BCPs) on EBL patterned Si and, for the very first time, Ge surfaces. DSA of BCPs on template substrates is a promising technology for high volume and cost effective nanofabrication. The BCP employed for this study was poly (styrene-b-ethylene oxide) and the substrates were pre-defined by HSQ templates produced by EBL. The DSA technique resulted into pattern rectification (ordering in BCP) and in pattern multiplication within smaller areas.


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The development of non-equilibrium group IV nanoscale alloys is critical to achieving new functionalities, such as the formation of a direct bandgap in a conventional indirect bandgap elemental semiconductor. Here, we describe the fabrication of uniform diameter, direct bandgap Ge1-xSnx alloy nanowires, with a Sn incorporation up to 9.2[thinsp]at.%, far in excess of the equilibrium solubility of Sn in bulk Ge, through a conventional catalytic bottom-up growth paradigm using noble metal and metal alloy catalysts. Metal alloy catalysts permitted a greater inclusion of Sn in Ge nanowires compared with conventional Au catalysts, when used during vapour-liquid-solid growth. The addition of an annealing step close to the Ge-Sn eutectic temperature (230[thinsp][deg]C) during cool-down, further facilitated the excessive dissolution of Sn in the nanowires. Sn was distributed throughout the Ge nanowire lattice with no metallic Sn segregation or precipitation at the surface or within the bulk of the nanowires. The non-equilibrium incorporation of Sn into the Ge nanowires can be understood in terms of a kinetic trapping model for impurity incorporation at the triple-phase boundary during growth.