15 resultados para prega vestibular

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the subjective visual vertical in patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction and to propose a new method to analyze subjective visual vertical data in these patients. METHODS: Static subjective visual vertical tests were performed in 40 subjects split into two groups. Group A consisted of 20 healthy volunteers, and Group B consisted of 20 patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction. Each patient performed six measurements of the subjective visual vertical test, and the mean values were calculated and analyzed. RESULTS: Analyses of the numerical values of subjective visual vertical deviations (the conventional method of analysis) showed that the mean deviation was 0.326 +/- 1.13 degrees in Group A and 0.301 +/- 1.87 degrees in Group B. However, by analyzing the absolute values of the subjective visual vertical (the new method of analysis proposed), the mean deviation became 1.35 +/- 0.48 degrees in Group A and 2.152 +/- 0.93 degrees in Group B. The difference in subjective visual vertical deviations between groups was statistically significant (p < 0.05) only when the absolute values and the range of deviations were considered. CONCLUSION: An analysis of the absolute values of the subjective visual vertical more accurately reflected the visual vertical misperception in patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction.


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The vestibular-ocular reflex assessment is important, but not enough. Tridimensional electromagnetic sensor systems represent a new method to assess posturography. Aim: To assess body sway in healthy subjects who had positive Dix Hallpike and Epley maneuvers and with other vestibular dysfunctions by means of a three-dimensional system. Study design: Prospective. Materials and Methods: We had 23 healthy women, 15 with peripheral vestibular dysfunction found upon caloric test and 10 with positive Epley and Dix Hallpike maneuvers. All tests performed in the following positions: open and closed eyes on stable and unstable surfaces. Results: With the Eyes Open and on a stable surface, p < 0.01 between the control group and the one with peripheral vestibular dysfunction in all variables, except the a-p maximum, full speed and mediolateral trajectory velocity, which had a p < 0.01 between the group with vestibular dysfunction and controls in all positions. The group with positive Epley and Dix Hallpike maneuvers had p < 0.01 at full speed and in its components in the x and y in positions with open and eyes closed on an unstable surface. Conclusion: The tridimensional electromagnetic sensors system was able to generate reliable information about body sway in the study volunteers.


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A quebra da harmonia do sorriso dos pacientes pode ser decorrente da redução da quantidade de mineral depositado, ocasionando um defeito qualitativo considerado como hipocalcificação2. A hipocalcificação de carácter adquirido local nos dentes anteriores é muito comum devido ao trauma ou lesão periapical nos dentes decíduos, que podem levar à alteração da formação dos germes dos dentes permanentes1. Essas anomalias podem se apresentar em diferentes tamanhos e profundidades e, por isso, os tratamentos a serem realizados variam desde os mais conservadores, como clareamento ou microabrasão, até os mais invasivos, como facetas indiretas ou coroas totais, além da associação desses tratamentos quando existir a necessidade. As alterações hipocalcificadas profundas que acometem toda espessura do esmalte e apresentam alteração de cor com comprometimento da estética, necessitam de desgaste e posterior restauração adesiva para estabelecer a estética dental. As resinas compostas vêm sendo amplamente utilizadas nesses casos devido às suas características óticas de translucides e opacidade, além das suas propriedades adesivas e mecânicas, como resistência, durabilidade, selamento marginal, manutenção da cor e lisura superficial. O caso apresentado é de um paciente do sexo masculino, 12 anos, que compareceu à clínica relatando insatisfação com a mancha presente no dente anterior. Após anamnese e exame clínico, constatou-se um comprometimento parcial da calcificação da face vestibular do incisivo central superior permanente (21) (hipocalcificação adquirida de caráter local)1. Após exame clínico e radiográfico, o tratamento proposto foi o restabelecimento da estética do elemento 21, que se encontrava com alteração de cor, através de desgaste do esmalte e restauração adesiva estética. Ao observar o aspecto final da restauração após o acabamento e polimento e o sorriso final do paciente, pôde-se comprovar o excelente resultado estético conseguido com o procedimento restaurador direto associado à muralha vestibular confeccionada com cimento provisório fotoativado.


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The main questions addressed in this work were whether and how adaptation to suppression of visual information occurs in a free-fall paradigm, and the extent to which vision availability influences the control of landing movements. The prelanding modulation of EMG timing and amplitude of four lower-limb muscles was investigated. Participants performed six consecutive drop-landings from four different heights in two experimental conditions: with and without vision. Experimental design precluded participants from estimating the height of the drop. Since cues provided by proprioceptive and vestibular information acquired during the first trials were processed, the nervous system rapidly adapted to the lack of visual information, and hence produced a motor output (i.e., prelanding EMG modulation) similar to that observed when performing the activity with vision available.


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Conclusion: The extended retrolabyrinthine approach (RLA) is a safe and reliable approach for auditory brainstem placement in children. The surgical landmarks to reach cochlear nucleus are adequately exposed by this approach. Objective: To describe a new approach option for auditory brainstem implants (ABIs) in children, highlighting the anatomical landmarks to appropriately expose the foramen of Luschka. Methods: Three prelingually deafened children consecutively operated for ABIs via the RLA. Results: ABI placement via the RLA was successfully performed in all children without any further complications except multidirectional nystagmus in one child. The RLA we employed differed from that used for vestibular schwannoma only in the removal of the posterior semicircular canal. The lateral and superior semicircular canals and the vestibule remained intact, and there was no need to expose the dura of the internal auditory meatus. The jugular bulb was completely exposed to allow adequate visualization of the ninth cranial nerve and cerebellar flocculus.


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We present four cases of headache with variable intensity, located in close proximity to a craniotomy incision which was performed for non-traumatic reasons. Since manual palpation of the scar often triggers pain, and infiltration with local anesthetics reduce or abolish the pain in some patients, we suggest that neuromas or nerve entrapment in the scars, as a result of the surgery, are responsible for headaches. Although local infiltrations or nerve blocks are often used for diagnostic reasons, herein we consider that they are also of therapeutic value. We review the current known pathophysiology of post-craniotomy headaches and present a hypothesis suggesting a greater recognition of the potential contribution of neuroma formation in areas of scars tissue to contribute to this kind of headache.


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OBJECTIVES: The consequences of breast hypertrophy have been described based on the alteration of body mass distribution, leading to an impact on psychological and physical aspects. The principles of motor control suggest that breast hypertrophy can lead to sensorimotor alterations and the impairment of body balance due to postural misalignment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the postural control of women with breast hypertrophy under different sensory information conditions. METHOD: This cross-sectional study included 14 women with breast hypertrophy and 14 without breast hypertrophy, and the mean ages of the groups were 39 +/- 15 years and 39 +/- 16 years, respectively. A force platform was used to assess the sensory systems that contribute to postural control: somatosensory, visual and vestibular. Four postural conditions were sequentially tested: eyes open and fixed platform, eyes closed and fixed platform, eyes open and mobile platform, and eyes closed and mobile platform. The data were processed, and variables related to the center of pressure were analyzed for each condition. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the conditions between the groups for the area of center of pressure displacement and the velocity of center of pressure displacement in the anterior-posterior and medial-lateral directions. The alpha level error was set at 0.05. RESULTS: Women with breast hypertrophy presented an area that was significantly higher for three out of four conditions and a higher velocity of center of pressure displacement in the anterior-posterior direction under two conditions: eyes open and mobile platform and eyes closed and mobile platform. CONCLUSIONS: Women with breast hypertrophy have altered postural control, which was demonstrated by the higher area and velocity of center of pressure displacement.


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Objective: To evaluate the hearing status of patients being treated for pulmonary tuberculosis at referral hospitals in Brazil. Methods: This was a descriptive study involving 97 male and female inpatients/outpatients between 18 and 60 years of age who were undergoing treatment for active pulmonary tuberculosis at one of two referral hospitals in the state of Rio de Janeiro. After being interviewed, all of the patients underwent pure tone audiometry. Results: OF the 97 patients studied, 65 (67%) were male, 52 (54%) were receiving first-line treatment, and 45 (46%) were receiving second-line treatment, which included aminoglycosides. Smoking, alcohol consumption, exposure to noise, and ototoxic medication use were identified in 65 (67%), 51 (53%), 53 (55%), and 45 (46.4%) of the patients, respectively. The most common auditory and vestibular complaints were dizziness, in 28 patients (28.8%); tinnitus, in 27 (27.8%); and hypoacusis, in 23 (23.7%). Conclusions: Due to the great number of patients with hearing loss in the present study, we recommend that all patients under tuberculosis treatment be submitted to auditory monitoring.


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Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of a canalith-repositioning procedure in postural control of older patients with idiopathic benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Study Design. Prospective clinical trial. Setting. A tertiary referral center. Methods. A 9-month follow-up survey with a prospective design was conducted among 33 older patients with BPPV. Patients underwent static posturography (Balance Rehabilitation Unit [BRU]) and were administered the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) before and after the maneuver. After the treatment, they were compared with 33 healthy older subjects. The posturography parameters were the limit of stability (LOS), the center of body-pressure area (COP), and the velocity of oscillation (VOS) under conditions of visual, somatosensory, and visual-vestibular conflict. Results. One canalith-repositioning procedure relieved most patients' complaints (54.5%), and 100% were relieved with 1 to 3 maneuvers. Total DHI score and all subscales improved after treatment (P < .01). The LOS values pretreatment (mean [SD] 134.27 [55.32] cm(2)) and posttreatment (181.03 [47.79] cm(2)) were significantly different (P < .01). Comparative analysis of COP values showed a relevant statistical difference in 8 of 10 postmaneuver conditions (P < .01). The postmaneuver VOS showed a significant difference under 7 conflict conditions. There were no differences between the healthy older subjects and treated patients for all VOS values under all conditions and for COP values under 9 conditions. Conclusion. The canalith-repositioning procedure promotes remission of symptoms, an increase in LOS, and improvement in postural control under conditions of somatosensory and visual conflict and visual-vestibular interaction.


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Spatial orientation in relation to the gravitational axis is significantly important for the maintenance of the posture, gait and for most of the human's motor activities. The subjective visual vertical exam evaluates the individual's perception of vertical orientation. Objectives: The aims of this study were (1) to develop a virtual system to evaluate the subjective visual vertical exam, (2) to provide a simple tool to clinical practice and (3) to assess the subjective visual vertical values of h ealthy subjects using the new software. Study Design: observational cross-sectional study. Methods: Thirty healthy volunteers performed the subjective visual vertical exam in both static and dynamic conditions. The exam consisted in adjusting a virtual line in the vertical position using the computer mouse. For the static condition, the virtual line was projected in a white background. For the dynamic condition, black circles rotated in clockwise or counterclockwise directions. Six measurements were taken and the mean deviations in relation to the real vertical calculated. Results: The mean values of subjective visual vertical measurements were: static -0.372 degrees; +/- 1.21; dynamic clockwise 1.53 degrees +/- 1.80 and dynamic counterclockwise -1.11 degrees +/- 2.46. Conclusion: This software showed to be practical and accurate to be used in clinical routines.


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RAMOS RT, MATTOS DA, REBOUCAS ITS, RANVAUD RD. Space and motion perception and discomfort in air travel. Aviat Space Environ Med 2012; 83:1162-6. Introduction: The perception of comfort during air trips is determined by several factors. External factors like cabin design and environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, air pressure, noise, and vibration) interact with individual characteristics (anxiety traits, fear of flying, and personality) from arrival at the airport to landing at the destination. In this study, we investigated the influence of space and motion discomfort (SMD), fear of heights, and anxiety on comfort perception during all phases of air travel. Methods: We evaluated 51 frequent air travelers through a modified version of the Flight Anxiety Situations Questionnaire (FAS), in which new items were added and where the subjects were asked to report their level of discomfort or anxiety (not fear) for each phase of air travel (Chronbach's alpha = 0.974). Correlations were investigated among these scales: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAB, Cohen's Acrophobia Questionnaire, and the Situational Characteristics Questionnaire (SitQ, designed to estimate SMD levels). Results: Scores of SitQ correlated with discomfort in situations involving space and movement perception (Pearson's rho = 0.311), while discomfort was associated with cognitive mechanisms related to scores in the anxiety scales (Pearson's rho = 0.375). Anxiety traits were important determinants of comfort perception before and after flight, while the influence of SMD was more significant during the time spent in the aircraft cabin. Discussion: SMD seems to be an important modulator of comfort perception in air travel. Its influence on physical well being and probably on cognitive performance, with possible effects on flight safety, deserves further investigation.


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Analisa o impacto do Programa de Inclusão Social da Universidade de São Paulo (Inclusp) no acesso de estudantes de escola pública ao ensino superior público gratuito. Os dados foram coletados priorizando-se informações sobre renda, cor e outros aspectos de interesse relacionados aos candidatos oriundos de escola pública, em diferentes etapas do vestibular. Como resultado, foi observada a contribuição significativa do sistema de pontuação acrescida para o ingresso de estudantes de escola pública nos cursos de graduação da USP. Todavia, a contínua e intensa diminuição do percentual desses estudantes no vestibular tem contribuído para a diminuição do impacto das políticas de inclusão social implementadas, indicando a necessidade de maior aproximação entre a Universidade e as escolas públicas, bem como a ampliação das ações de inclusão social em desenvolvimento, visando reverter essa tendência.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the occurrence of hearing loss in individuals with HIV/AIDS and their characterization regarding type and degree. RESEARCH STRATEGY: It was conducted a systematic review of the literature found on the electronic databases PubMed, EMBASE, ADOLEC, IBECS, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs and SciELO. SELECTION CRITERIA: The search strategy was directed by a specific question: "Is hearing loss part of the framework of HIV/AIDS manifestations?", and the selection criteria of the studies involved coherence with the proposed theme, evidence levels 1, 2 or 3, and language (Portuguese, English and Spanish). DATA ANALYSIS: We found 698 studies. After an analysis of the title and abstract, 91 were selected for full reading. Out of these, 38 met the proposed criteria and were included on the review. RESULTS: The studies reported presence of conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss, of variable degrees and audiometric configurations, in addition to tinnitus and vestibular disorders. The etiology can be attributed to opportunistic infections, ototoxic drugs or to the action of virus itself. The auditory evoked potentials have been used as markers of neurological alterations, even in patients with normal hearing. CONCLUSION: HIV/AIDS patients may present hearing loss. Thus, programs for prevention and treatment of AIDS must involve actions aimed at auditory health.


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Introdução: Indivíduos com fissura labiopalatina apresentam crescimento e desenvolvimento característico da face e sistema estomatognático e têm necessidades especiais com relação ao tratamento odontológico. Materiais e métodos: Discutir os principais achados e peculiaridades do tratamento odontológico para crianças com fissura labiopalatina, com base em revisão da literatura e apresentação de casos. Resultados e Discussão: A prevalência de cárie em crianças com fissuras labiopalatinas é maior comparada a indivíduos sem fissuras. Vários fatores podem contribuir para o maior risco de cárie, incluindo fatores inerentes ao próprio defeito combinados com hábitos deletérios e permissividade dos pais para compensar a presença da fissura. A região anterior apresenta um sulco vestibular fibrótico, por tanto deve-se aplicar anestésico tópico antes da injeção da solução anestésica, seguido por injeção lenta e cuidadosa. A papila pode ser penetrada com a agulha anestésica para obtenção de anestesia inicial da região palatina antes da injeção direta no palato, para evitar dor e desconforto. No tratamento de dentes na região da fissura, pode ser necessário anestesiar ambos os segmentos, anterior e posterior à fissura alveolar. Em indivíduos com fissura palatina não operada, deve-se tomar cuidado para evitar aspiração de fragmentos dentários e material restaurador. Sempre que possível, o dique de borracha deve ser utilizado como medida protetora. Conclusão: O conhecimento sobre estes aspectos permite que os cirurgiões dentistas ofereçam assistência odontológica adequada para estes indivíduos, fornecendo condições favoráveis para melhorar sua higiene bucal, estética e função, proporcionando importante colaboração para sua reabilitação integral.


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O Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) foi criando em 1998 com a finalidade de avaliar o sistema educacional brasileiro e como alternativa para ingresso no ensino superior. Em 2009, foi implementado o Sistema de Seleção Unificada (SiSU), o qual remodelou o exame, valorizando a função de seleção para o ensino superior do Enem. Escolhemos analisar como o tema energia, devido sua importância para as Ciências Naturais, foi abordado ao longo do tempo, utilizando para tanto categorias de abordagens das questões em dois períodos, pré e pós-reforma: Bloco A (2004-2008) e Bloco B (2009-2011). Identificamos indicativos que a implantação do SiSU influenciou as frequências absoluta e relativa e abordagem das questões sobre energia.