26 resultados para micro-epidemic
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Background: The aim of this study is to compare the macro- and microsurgery techniques for root coverage using a coronally positioned flap (CPF) associated with enamel matrix derivative (EMD). Methods: Thirty patients were selected for the treatment of localized gingival recessions (GRs) using CPF associated to EMD. Fifteen patients were randomly assigned to the test group (TG), and 15 patients were randomly assigned to the control group (CG). The microsurgical approach was performed in the TG, and the conventional macrosurgical technique was performed in the CG. The clinical parameters evaluated before surgery and after 6 months were GR, probing depth, relative clinical attachment level, width of keratinized tissue (WKT), and thickness of keratinized tissue (TKT). The discomfort evaluation was performed 1 week postoperative. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between groups for all parameters at baseline. At 6 months, there was no statistically significant difference between the techniques in achieving root coverage. The percentage of root coverage was 92% and 83% for TG and CG, respectively. After 6 months, there was a statistically significant increase of WKT and TKT in TG only. Both procedures were well tolerated by all patients. Conclusions: The macro- and microsurgery techniques provided a statistically significant reduction in GR height. After 6 months, there was no statistically significant difference between the techniques regarding root coverage, and the microsurgical technique demonstrated a statistically significant increase in WKT and TKT. J Periodontol 2010;81:1572-1579.
Knowing which individuals can be more efficient in spreading a pathogen throughout a determinate environment is a fundamental question in disease control. Indeed, over recent years the spread of epidemic diseases and its relationship with the topology of the involved system have been a recurrent topic in complex network theory, taking into account both network models and real-world data. In this paper we explore possible correlations between the heterogeneous spread of an epidemic disease governed by the susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model, and several attributes of the originating vertices, considering Erdos-Renyi (ER), Barabasi-Albert (BA) and random geometric graphs (RGG), as well as a real case study, the US air transportation network, which comprises the 500 busiest airports in the US along with inter-connections. Initially, the heterogeneity of the spreading is achieved by considering the RGG networks, in which we analytically derive an expression for the distribution of the spreading rates among the established contacts, by assuming that such rates decay exponentially with the distance that separates the individuals. Such a distribution is also considered for the ER and BA models, where we observe topological effects on the correlations. In the case of the airport network, the spreading rates are empirically defined, assumed to be directly proportional to the seat availability. Among both the theoretical and real networks considered, we observe a high correlation between the total epidemic prevalence and the degree, as well as the strength and the accessibility of the epidemic sources. For attributes such as the betweenness centrality and the k-shell index, however, the correlation depends on the topology considered.
Regeneration microsites are characterized by diverse combinations of attributes which assure the best conditions for seed germination and seedling establishment. By understanding these attributes, we can contribute to determining better management methodologies for reestablishing ecological process in sites under restoration. Thus, we sought to characterize and differentiate the micro-site conditions of restoration plantings to indentify likely physical-chemical limitations for the establishment of native tree species in the forest understory. This study was carried out in reforestation plantings with different ages (10, 22 and 55 years). The physical-chemical characterization of the micro-site of regeneration of the study areas was carried out by evaluating the soil compression level, porosity, humidity, organic matter and nutrients content and granulometry, as well as litter dry mass and canopy cover. An increase on the canopy cover and soil porosity, humidity, clay and organic matter content were observed in the oldest restored areas, as well as a decrease in soil compression. Thus, these findings demonstrated that the evaluated microsite properties are in process of restoration. Therefore, microsite conditions for seedling establishment become even more similar to reference ecosystems as restoration planting evolve.
This paper provides a brief but comprehensive guide to creating, preparing and dissecting a 'virtual' fossil, using a worked example to demonstrate some standard data processing techniques. Computed tomography (CT) is a 3D imaging modality for producing 'virtual' models of an object on a computer. In the last decade, CT technology has greatly improved, allowing bigger and denser objects to be scanned increasingly rapidly. The technique has now reached a stage where systems can facilitate large-scale, non-destructive comparative studies of extinct fossils and their living relatives. Consequently the main limiting factor in CT-based analyses is no longer scanning, but the hurdles of data processing (see disclaimer). The latter comprises the techniques required to convert a 3D CT volume (stack of digital slices) into a virtual image of the fossil that can be prepared (separated) from the matrix and 'dissected' into its anatomical parts. This technique can be applied to specimens or part of specimens embedded in the rock matrix that until now have been otherwise impossible to visualise. This paper presents a suggested workflow explaining the steps required, using as example a fossil tooth of Sphenacanthus hybodoides (Egerton), a shark from the Late Carboniferous of England. The original NHMUK copyrighted CT slice stack can be downloaded for practice of the described techniques, which include segmentation, rendering, movie animation, stereo-anaglyphy, data storage and dissemination. Fragile, rare specimens and type materials in university and museum collections can therefore be virtually processed for a variety of purposes, including virtual loans, website illustrations, publications and digital collections. Micro-CT and other 3D imaging techniques are increasingly utilized to facilitate data sharing among scientists and on education and outreach projects. Hence there is the potential to usher in a new era of global scientific collaboration and public communication using specimens in museum collections.
The effects of silicon (Si) supplied in the form of potassium silicate (PS) were evaluated on epidemic components of powdery mildew of melon under greenhouse conditions. The PS was applied to the roots or to leaves. In the first experiment, epidemic components were evaluated after inoculation with Podosphaera xanthii. In the second experiment, the disease progress rate was evaluated on plants subjected to natural infection. The area under the disease progress curve was reduced by 65% and 73% in the foliar and root treatments, respectively, compared to control plants, as a consequence of reductions in infection efficiency, colony expansion rate, colony area, conidial production and disease progress rate. However, root application of PS was more effective than foliar application in reducing most of the epidemic components, except for infection efficiency. This can be explained by the high Si concentration in leaf tissues with root application, in contrast to the foliar treatment where Si was only deposited on the external leaf surfaces. The effects of PS reported in this study demonstrated that powdery mildew of melon can be controlled, and that the best results can be achieved when PS is supplied to the roots.
A scheme is presented in which an organic solvent environment in combination with surfactants is used to confine a natively unfolded protein inside an inverse microemulsion droplet. This type of confinement allows a study that provides unique insight into the dynamic structure of an unfolded, flexible protein which is still solvated and thus under near-physiological conditions. In a model system, the protein osteopontin (OPN) is used. It is a highly phosphorylated glycoprotein that is expressed in a wide range of cells and tissues for which limited structural analysis exists due to the high degree of flexibility and large number of post-translational modifications. OPN is implicated in tissue functions, such as inflammation and mineralisation. It also has a key function in tumour metastasis and progression. Circular dichroism measurements show that confinement enhances the secondary structural features of the protein. Small-angle X-ray scattering and dynamic light scattering show that OPN changes from being a flexible protein in aqueous solution to adopting a less flexible and more compact structure inside the microemulsion droplets. This novel approach for confining proteins while they are still hydrated may aid in studying the structure of a wide range of natively unfolded proteins.
Objectives: To determine the micro-hardness profile of two dual cure resin cements (RelyX - U100 (R), 3M-ESPE and Panavia F 2.0 (R), Kuraray) used for cementing fiber-reinforced resin posts (Fibrekor (R) - Jeneric Pentron) under three different curing protocols and two water storage times. Material and methods: Sixty 16mm long bovine incisor roots were endodontically treated and prepared for cementation of the Fibrekor posts. The cements were mixed as instructed, dispensed in the canal, the posts were seated and the curing performed as follows: a) no light activation; b) light-activation immediately after seating the post, and; c) light-activation delayed 5 minutes after seating the post. The teeth were stored in water and retrieved for analysis after 7 days and 3 months. The roots were longitudinally sectioned and the microhardness was determined at the cervical, middle and apical regions along the cement line. The data was analyzed by the three-way ANOVA test (curing mode, storage time and thirds) for each cement. The Tukey test was used for the post-hoc analysis. Results: Light-activation resulted in a significant increase in the microhardness. This was more evident for the cervical region and for the Panavia cement. Storage in water for 3 months caused a reduction of the micro-hardness for both cements. The U100 cement showed less variation in the micro-hardness regardless of the curing protocol and storage time. Conclusions: The micro-hardness of the cements was affected by the curing and storage variables and were material-dependent.
O desenvolvimento científico nos permite trabalhar hoje com gases em temperaturas muito inferiores aos 10-6 K. Estes gases, uma vez obtidos por técnicas de resfriamento óptico, precisam ser caracterizados com relaçãao às suas propriedades termodinâmicas. a a medida da temperatura. Dentre tais propriedades está a medida da temperatura. Neste trabalho mostramos de forma tutorial como são medidas tais baixas temperaturas, através de técnicas de tempo de voo. Tais técnicas combinam conhecimento básico de mecânica, termodinâmica dentre outros tópicos convencionalmente estudados nos cursos básicos de física.
Background. The aim of this study is to critically evaluate the bond strength (BS) of Glass-Ionomer Cements (GIC) to dentine with microtensile (mu TBS) and microshear (mu SBS) BS tests by assessing their rankings and failure patterns. Methods. Samples were made on flat dentine surfaces and submitted to mTBS and mSBS. The materials used were: high viscosity GIC (Ketac (TM) Molar Aplicap-KM), resin-modified GIC (Fuji II-FII), nano-filled resin-modified GIC (Ketac (TM) N100-N100) and an etch-and-rinse adhesive system with a composite resin (Adper (TM) Single Bond 2 and Z100 (TM)-Z100). All tests were performed with a Universal Testing Machine (24 h water storage, crosshead speed of 1 mm/min). Debonded surfaces were examined with a stereomicroscope (x40) to identify the failure mode. The data was analyzed with two-way ANOVA (p < 0.05) and LSD test. Results. Means were statistically different regarding the tests and materials, indicating that values for BS obtained for each material depend on the test performed. Failure analysis revealed that failures produced by mTBS were mainly cohesive for KM and FII. mu SBS failures were mainly adhesive or mixed for all materials. For the mTBS, the rank was Z100 > FII > KM = N100, whereas for the mSBS it was Z100 = FII = KM > N100. Conclusion: It may be concluded that distinct micro-mechanical tests present different failure patterns and rankings depending on the material to be considered.
In this work, the effect of the indentation load on the results of hardness and fracture toughness, determined by Vickers micro-hardness measurements, of some glasses and glass-ceramics has been investigated. Furthermore, in order to verify the effect of crystallinity on the results, glasses of composition 52.75 wt.% 3CaO center dot P2O5, 30 wt.% SiO2 and 17.25 wt.% MgO were fused at 1600 degrees C for 4 h and annealed at 700 degrees C for 2h, and further heat-treated at 700, 775, 800 and 900 degrees C for 4h. The obtained materials were analyzed by high resolution X-ray diffraction, HRXRD, to determine the crystallization degree in function of the heat-treatment temperature. The hardness of the different specimens was determined by Vickers' micro-hardness measurements under various loads. It has been observed that with increasing crystallization of the materials their hardness increased. Furthermore, it has been possible to verify the so-called indentation size effect (ISE), i.e. hardness decreases as the indentation depth, under higher loads, increases. This effect has been more pronounced in the glass-ceramic samples. Fracture toughness has been determined by the crack length induced by the Vickers indentations and relating them to the applied loads. Glass materials presented a fracture pattern with characteristics of cleavage, forming cracks of the half-penny shaped type, while the glass-ceramic materials exhibited crack bridging effects and Palmqvist type cracks. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The article examines Brazilian refined earthenwares known as faianca fina (fine faience) and relates ideas about its production to the contextual backdrop of hygienist discourses in the city of Sao Paulo in the early twentieth century. Based on an analysis of glaze components, moisture expansion processes, and technological aspects of the production of earthenware recovered from the Petybon archeological site, it is suggested that the establishment of factories and the production and consumption of white ceramics in the city of Sao Paulo were partially a consequence of the vigorous hygienization policies and modernity projects then advocated by Sao Paulo's elites.
The aim of this study was to assess selective plating methodologies for the enumeration and identification of Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis in fermented milks. Seven agar media (MRS with added sorbitol, clindamycin or vancomycin, acidified MRS, RCA with added aniline blue and dicloxacilin, M17 and ST) were evaluated. The results showed that RCA dicloxacilin agar was suitable for the selective enumeration of B. animalis ssp. lactis in fermented milk. Either MRS (acidified) or M17 agar could be used for enumeration of L. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus, respectively. MRS media containing antibiotics were effective for the enumeration of the probiotic organisms (L. rhamnosus and L. acidophilus) inoculated in fermented milks.
Formation of oriented or aligned micro- and nanofibers using biocompatible materials opens the possibility to obtain engineered tissues that can be used in medicine, environmental engineering, security and defense, among other applications. Pectin, a heteropolysaccharide, is a promising material to be incorporated into the fibers because, besides being biocompatible, this material is also biodegradable and bioactive. In this work, the formation of oriented fibers using solutions containing pectin and polyethylene oxide (biocompatible polymers), and chloroform (as the solvent) is investigated. The injection of solution into an intense electric field defined between two parallel electrodes was used to obtain oriented fibers. This novel approach is a modification of the conventional electrospinning process. The presence of pectin in the fibers was confirmed by FTIR analysis. Fibers with diameters of hundreds of nanometers and several centimeters long can be collected. The incorporation of pectin leads to a higher variation of the diameter of the fibers, and a trend to larger fiber diameters. This behavior can be related to the presence of pectin clusters in the fibers. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.057203jes] All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to compare two methods of assessing apical transportation in curved canals after rotary instrumentation, namely, cross-sections and micro-computed tomography (mu CT). Thirty mandibular molars were divided into two groups and prepared according to the requirements of each method. In G1 (cross-sections), teeth were embedded in resin blocks and sectioned at 2.0, 3.5, and 5.0 mm from the anatomic apex. Pre- and postoperative sections were photographed and analyzed. In G2 (mu CT), teeth were embedded in a rubber-base impression material and scanned before and after instrumentation. Mesiobuccal canals were instrumented with the Twisted File (TF) system (SybronEndo, Orange, USA), and mesiolingual canals, with the Endo Sequence (ES) system (Brasseler, Savannah, USA). Images were reconstructed, and sections corresponding to distances 2.0, 3.5, and 5.0 mm from the anatomic apex were selected for comparison. Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney's test at a 5% significance level. The TF and ES instruments produced little deviation from the root canal center, with no statistical difference between them (P > 0.05). The canal transportation results were significantly lower (0.056 mm) in G2 than in G1 (0.089 mm) (p = 0.0012). The mu CT method was superior to the cross-section method, especially in view of its ability to preserve specimens and provide results that are more closely related to clinical situations.
Introduction: This study examined the anatomy of 4-rooted maxillary second molars by using micro computed tomography. Methods: Twenty-five 4-rooted maxillary second molars were scanned to evaluate the size and curvature of the roots; the distance and spatial configuration between some anatomical landmarks; the number of root canals and the position of apical foramina; the occurrence of fusion of roots and enamel pearls; the configuration of the canal at the apical third; the cross-sectional appearance, the volume, and surface area of the root canals. Data were compared by using analysis of variance post hoc Tukey test (alpha = 0.05). Results: The specimens were classified as types I (n = 16), II (n = 7), and III (n = 2). The size of the roots was similar (P > .05), and most of them presented straight with 1 canal, except the mesiobuccal that showed 2 canals in 24% of the samples. The configuration of the pulp chamber was mostly irregular quadrilateral-shaped. The lowest mean distance of the orifices was observed between the buccal roots (P < .05). Accessory canals were present mostly in the apical third. Location of the apical foramina varied considerably. Fusion of roots and enamel pearls occurred in 44% and 8% of the samples, respectively. Mean distance from the pulp chamber floor to the furcation was 2.15 +/- 0.57 mm. No statistical differences were found in the bi-dimensional and 3-dimensional analyses (P > .05). Conclusions: All analyzed parameters showed differences between roots, except for the length of the roots, the configuration of the canals at the apical third, cross-sectional appearance, volume, and surface area of the canals. (J Endod 2012;38:977-982)