26 resultados para gvSIG extensions
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Populations of grassland birds are declining in Brazil due to profound alterations to grassland habitats. In this paper, we present recent records and range extensions for 12 threatened or little known Brazilian grassland species: Ocellated Crake Micropygia schomburgkii, Sickle-winged Nightjar Eleothreptus anomalus, Campo Miner Geositta poeciloptera, Rufous-sided Pygmytyrant Euscarthmus rufomarginatus, Sharp-tailed Grass-tyrant Culicivora caudacuta, Cocktailed Tyrant Alectrurus tricolor, Cinereous Warbling-finch Poospiza cinerea, Black-masked Finch Coryphaspiza melanotis, Tawny-bellied Seedeater Sporophila hypoxantha, Marsh Seedeater S. palustris, Chestnut Seedeater S. cinnamomea and Black-bellied Seedeater S. melanogaster. We also comment on the biogeography and conservation of these species.
In this article, we introduce two new variants of the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem (ALWABP) that allow parallelization of and collaboration between heterogeneous workers. These new approaches suppose an additional level of complexity in the Line Design and Assignment process, but also higher flexibility; which may be particularly useful in practical situations where the aim is to progressively integrate slow or limited workers in conventional assembly lines. We present linear models and heuristic procedures for these two new problems. Computational results show the efficiency of the proposed approaches and the efficacy of the studied layouts in different situations. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study provided information extending the known geographical distribution of three species of majoid crabs, the epialtids Acanthonyx dissimulatus Coelho, 1993, Epialtus bituberculatus H. Milne Edwards, 1834, and E. brasiliensis Dana, 1852. Specimens of both genera from different carcinological collections were studied by comparing morphological characters. We provide new data that extends the geographical distributions of E. bituberculatus to the coast of the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina (Brazil), and offer new records from Belize and Costa Rica. Epialtus brasiliensis is recorded for the first time in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), and A. dissimulatus is reported from Quintana Roo, Mexico. The distribution of A. dissimulatus, previously known as endemic to Brazil, has a gap between the states of Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro. However, this restricted southern distribution is herein amplified by the Mexican specimens.
; High-resolution grain size analyses of three AMS (14)C-dated cores from the Southeastern Brazilian shelf provide a detailed record of mid- to late-Holocene environmental changes in the Southwestern Atlantic Margin. The cores exhibit millennial variability that we associate with the previously described southward shift of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) average latitudinal position over the South American continent during the Holocene climatic maximum. This generated changes in the wind-driven current system of the SW Atlantic margin and modified the grain size characteristics of the sediments deposited there. Centennial variations in the grain size are associated with a previously described late-Holocene enhancement of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) amplitude, which led to stronger NNE trade winds off eastern Brazil, favouring SW transport of sediments from the Paraiba do Sul River. This is recorded in a core from off Cabo Frio as a coarsening trend from 3000 cal. BP onwards. The ENSO enhancement also caused changes in precipitation and wind pattern in southern Brazil, allowing high discharge events and northward extensions of the low-saline water plume from Rio de la Plata. We propose that this resulted in a net increase in northward alongshore transport of fine sediments, seen as a prominent fine-shift at 2000 cal. BP in a core from similar to 24 degrees S on the Brazilian shelf. Wavelet-and spectral analysis of the sortable silt records show a significant similar to 1000-yr periodicity, which we attribute to solar forcing. If correct, this is one of the first indications of solar forcing of this timescale on the Southwestern Atlantic margin.
A new species of the thorny catfish genus Leptodoras (family Doradidae) is described. The new species shares three characters with its congeners, the modified oral hood with distinct upper labial extensions, the first gill arch with enlarged accessory lamellae extending well onto medial face of gill filaments, and the pelvic fin inserted in anterior half of body. The new species is distinguished from congeners by having a large dark submarginal blotch on distal half of dorsal-fin spine and anteriormost dorsal-fin branched rays, lower labial extension of modified oral hood extending more posteriorly than upper labial extension, relatively few midlateral scutes, gas bladder moderately sized (not reduced), paired bony capsules on anteriormost vertebrae reduced to paired cup-like laminar ossifications separated by a triangular septum, pair of small, swelling-like diverticula on each side of the anterior chamber of gas bladder, a well-developed anterior nuchal plate, and nuchal foramina present. The new species was discovered from a single specimen collected in the rio Fresco, a tributary of the rio Xingu, and is described based on this and on additional material recently collected in the same area. A discussion of its placement within Leptodoras is also presented.
We study the isotropization of a homogeneous, strongly coupled, non-Abelian plasma by means of its gravity dual. We compare the time evolution of a large number of initially anisotropic states as determined, on the one hand, by the full nonlinear Einstein's equations and, on the other, by the Einstein's equations linearized around the final equilibrium state. The linear approximation works remarkably well even for states that exhibit large anisotropies. For example, it predicts with a 20% accuracy the isotropization time, which is of the order of t(iso) less than or similar to 1/T, with T the final equilibrium temperature. We comment on possible extensions to less symmetric situations.
In this work, we present a class of geometries which describes wormholes in a Randall-Sundrum brane model, focusing on de Sitter backgrounds. Maximal extensions of the solutions are constructed and their causal structures are discussed. A perturbative analysis is developed, where matter and gravitational perturbations are studied. Analytical results for the quasinormal spectra are obtained and an extensive numerical survey is conducted. Our results indicate that the wormhole geometries presented are stable.
We present for the first time a justification on the basis of central limit theorems for the family of life distributions generated from scale-mixture of normals. This family was proposed by Balakrishnan et al. (2009) and can be used to accommodate unexpected observations for the usual Birnbaum-Saunders distribution generated from the normal one. The class of scale-mixture of normals includes normal, slash, Student-t, logistic, double-exponential, exponential power and many other distributions. We present a model for the crack extensions where the limiting distribution of total crack extensions is in the class of scale-mixture of normals. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Central nervous system of Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks (Acari: Ixodidae): an ultrastructural study
This study performed the ultrastructural description of the synganglion of Rhipicephalus sanguineus males and females, aiming to contribute to the understanding of the cellular organization of this organ. The results show that the central nervous system of these individuals consists of a mass of fused nerves, named synganglion, from where nerves emerge towards several parts of the body. It is surrounded by the neural lamella, a uniform and acellular layer, constituted by repeated layers of homogeneous and finely granular material. The perineurium is just below, composed of glial cells, which extensions invaginate throughout the nervous tissue. The synganglion is internally divided into an outer cortex, which contains the cellular bodies of the neural cells and an inner neuropile. The neural cells can be classified into two types according to cell size, cytoplasm-nucleus relation, and neurosecretory activity. Type I cells are oval or spherical and present a large nucleus occupying most part of the cytoplasm, which contains few organelles. Type 2 cells are polygonal, present a great cytoplasm volume, and their nuclei are located in the cell periphery. The cytoplasm of these cells contains a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi regions, mitochondria, and several neurosecretory granules. The subperineurium and the tracheal ramifications are found between the cortex and the neuropile. The latter is formed mainly by neural fibers, tracheal elements, and glial cells. The results obtained show that R. sanguineus males' and females' nervous tissue present an ultrastructural organization similar to the one described in the literature for other tick species.
Dactylotrochus cervicornis (= Tridacophyllia cervicornis Moseley, 1881), which occurs in Indo-Pacific waters between 73 and 852 m, was originally described as an astraeid but was later transferred to the Caryophylliidae. Assumed to be solitary, this species has no stolons and only one elongated fossa, and is unique among azooxanthellate scleractinians in often displaying extremely long thecal extensions that are septate and digitiform. Based on both molecular phylogenetic analyses (partial mitochondrial CO1 and 16S rDNA, and partial nuclear 28S rDNA) and morphological characteristics, we propose the transfer of D. cervicornis from the Caryophylliidae to the Agariciidae, making it the first extant representative of the latter family that is solitary and from deep water (azooxanthellate). The basal position of D. cervicornis within the agariciids implied by our analyses strengthens the case for inclusion of fossil species that were solitary, such as Trochoseris, in this family and suggests that the ancestor of this scleractinian family, extant members of which are predominantly colonial and zooxanthellate, may have been solitary and azooxanthellate.
Building facilities have become important infrastructures for modern productive plants dedicated to services. In this context, the control systems of intelligent buildings have evolved while their reliability has evidently improved. However, the occurrence of faults is inevitable in systems conceived, constructed and operated by humans. Thus, a practical alternative approach is found to be very useful to reduce the consequences of faults. Yet, only few publications address intelligent building modeling processes that take into consideration the occurrence of faults and how to manage their consequences. In the light of the foregoing, a procedure is proposed for the modeling of intelligent building control systems, considersing their functional specifications in normal operation and in the of the event of faults. The proposed procedure adopts the concepts of discrete event systems and holons, and explores Petri nets and their extensions so as to represent the structure and operation of control systems for intelligent buildings under normal and abnormal situations. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we propose three novel mathematical models for the two-stage lot-sizing and scheduling problems present in many process industries. The problem shares a continuous or quasi-continuous production feature upstream and a discrete manufacturing feature downstream, which must be synchronized. Different time-based scale representations are discussed. The first formulation encompasses a discrete-time representation. The second one is a hybrid continuous-discrete model. The last formulation is based on a continuous-time model representation. Computational tests with state-of-the-art MIP solver show that the discrete-time representation provides better feasible solutions in short running time. On the other hand, the hybrid model achieves better solutions for longer computational times and was able to prove optimality more often. The continuous-type model is the most flexible of the three for incorporating additional operational requirements, at a cost of having the worst computational performance. Journal of the Operational Research Society (2012) 63, 1613-1630. doi:10.1057/jors.2011.159 published online 7 March 2012
In the past decades, all of the efforts at quantifying systems complexity with a general tool has usually relied on using Shannon's classical information framework to address the disorder of the system through the Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon entropy, or one of its extensions. However, in recent years, there were some attempts to tackle the quantification of algorithmic complexities in quantum systems based on the Kolmogorov algorithmic complexity, obtaining some discrepant results against the classical approach. Therefore, an approach to the complexity measure is proposed here, using the quantum information formalism, taking advantage of the generality of the classical-based complexities, and being capable of expressing these systems' complexity on other framework than its algorithmic counterparts. To do so, the Shiner-Davison-Landsberg (SDL) complexity framework is considered jointly with linear entropy for the density operators representing the analyzed systems formalism along with the tangle for the entanglement measure. The proposed measure is then applied in a family of maximally entangled mixed state.
The development of the cartilaginous and bony elements that form the skull and axial and appendicular skeleton is described in detail for the post-ovipositional embryonic development of the fossorial gymnophthalmid species Calyptommatus sinebrachiatus and Nothobachia ablephara. Both species have a snake-like morphology, showing an elongated body and reduced or absent limbs, as well as modifications in skull bones for burrowing, such as complex articulation surfaces and development of bony extensions that enclose and protect the brain. Similar morphological changes have originated independently in several squamate groups, including the one that led to the snake radiation. This study characterizes the patterns of chondrogenesis and osteogenesis, with special emphasis on the features associated with the burrowing habit, and may be used for future comparative analyses of the developmental patterns involved in the origin of the convergent serpentiform morphologies. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
We construct all self-adjoint Schrodinger and Dirac operators (Hamiltonians) with both the pure Aharonov-Bohm (AB) field and the so-called magnetic-solenoid field (a collinear superposition of the AB field and a constant magnetic field). We perform a spectral analysis for these operators, which includes finding spectra and spectral decompositions, or inversion formulae. In constructing the Hamiltonians and performing their spectral analysis, we follow, respectively, the von Neumann theory of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators and the Krein method of guiding functionals.