13 resultados para Ruby, Lina

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Heterogeneity of hyaluronidase (HYAL) expression has been identified in tumors and shows promise as an indicator of disease progression. The expression profile of alternatively spliced forms of HYAL was evaluated in tumors and normal lung tissue from 69 resected tumors of patients with adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. HYAL1-wild-type (wt) and variants 1 to 5, HYAL2-wt, and HYAL3-wt, and variants 1 to 3 were identified by polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing. Different proportions of the 3 HYAL-wt and variants were expressed in tumor and normal lung tissues. HYAL1-wt was associated with a poorer prognosis and HYAL3-vl with a better prognosis. HYAL splice variants are associated with histology and outcome, suggesting that strategies aimed at modulating their levels may be effective for lung cancer treatment. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: The expression 'bipolar disorder' refers to any of several psychological disorders of mood that alternate episodes of depression and mania. Also called manic depression or manic-depressive illness, it is a relatively common but unknown pathology that brings some stigmas for patients and provokes deleterious effects for their lives. This research aimed to comprehend actions, behaviors and emotions involved with bipolar disorder, through narratives of patient's personal and familiar histories. Methods: We surveyed 30 patients from a psychiatric service located in Aparecida, Paraiba, Brazil. Selected patients had bipolar disorder according to DSM-IV. For data collection, we used non-structured interview, approaching specific aspects related to bipolar disorder. Quantitative and qualitative analysis were done and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD) was used. Results: Most of patients presented depressive actions associated with moderate euphoria. 11 of them related familiar history of psychopathology. Mania and hippomania were prevalent on male gender, while psychotic symptoms overlay ate female. Conclusion: Patients lack a translation of behavioral and temperamental processes to minimize harm caused to their lives.


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Background. The long control region (LCR) of human papillomavirus (HPV) regulates early gene transcription by interaction with several viral and cellular transcription factors (TFs). Methods. To identify novel TFs that could influence early expression of HPV type 18 (HPV-18) and HPV type 16 (HPV-16), a high-throughput transfection array was used. Results. Among the 704 TFs tested, 28 activated and 36 inhibited the LCR of HPV-18 by more than 2-fold. For validation, C33 cells were cotransfected with increasing amounts of selected TF expression plasmids in addition to LCR-luciferase vectors of different molecular variants of HPV-18 and HPV-16. Among the TFs identified, only GATA3, FOXA1, and MYC have putative binding sites within the LCR sequence, as indicated using the TRANSFAC database. Furthermore, we demonstrated FOXA1 and MYC in vivo binding to the LCR of both HPV types using chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. Conclusions. We identified new TFs implicated in the regulation of the LCR of HPV-18 and HPV-16. Many of these factors are mutated in cancer or are putative cancer biomarkers and could potentially be involved in the regulation of HPV early gene expression.


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Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women worldwide. Persistent infection with high-risk HPV types, principally HPV16 and 18 is the main risk factor for the development of this malignancy. However, the onset of invasive tumor occurs many years after initial exposure in a minority of infected women. This suggests that other factors beyond viral infection are necessary for tumor establishment and progression. Tumor progression is characterized by an increase in secretion and activation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) produced by either the tumor cells themselves or tumor-associated fibroblasts or macrophages. Increased MMPs expression, including MMP-2, MMP-9 and MT1-MMP, has been observed during cervical carcinoma progression. These proteins have been associated with degradation of ECM components, tumor invasion, metastasis and recurrence. However, few studies have evaluated the interplay between HPV infection and the expression and activity of MMPs and their regulators in cervical cancer. We analyzed the effect of HPV16 oncoproteins on the expression and activity of MMP-2, MMP-9, MT1-MMP, and their inhibitors TIMP-2 and RECK in cultures of human keratinocytes. We observed that E7 expression is associated with increased pro-MMP-9 activity in the epithelial component of organotypic cultures, while E6 and E7 oncoproteins co-expression down-regulates RECK and TIMP-2 levels in organotypic and monolayers cultures. Finally, a study conducted in human cervical tissues showed a decrease in RECK expression levels in precancer and cancer lesions. Our results indicate that HPV oncoproteins promote MMPs/ RECK-TIMP-2 imbalance which may be involved in HPV-associated lesions outcome.


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A dried tomato-flavored probiotic cream cheese (P) containing Lactobacillus paracasei Lpc-37 was developed for the purpose of this study. The same product, but without probiotic addition (C) was used as control. Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris were used as lactic starter cultures. Chemical composition analyses and sensory tests were performed on days 1 and 7, respectively. Titratable acidity, pH value and L. paracasei population were determined every 7 d during the refrigerated storage (21 d) of the cream cheeses. The experiment and analyses were performed in triplicate, using standard methods. Probiotic population remained greater than 10(7) CFU/g throughout the storage period, thereby characterizing the product as potentially probiotic. Cream cheeses C and P did not differ on the sensory tests, both obtaining good overall acceptance by the consumers, of which 82.6% stated that they certainly or probably would buy the product.


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The study of RNA and DNA oncogenic viruses has proved invaluable in the discovery of key cellular pathways that are rendered dysfunctional during cancer progression. An example is high risk human papillomavirus (HPV), the etiological agent of cervical cancer. The role of HPV oncogenes in cellular immortalization and transformation has been extensively investigated. We reported the differential expression of a family of human mitochondrial non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) between normal and cancer cells. Normal cells express a sense mitochondrial ncRNA (SncmtRNA) that seems to be required for cell proliferation and two antisense transcripts (ASncmtRNAs). In contrast, the ASncmtRNAs are down-regulated in cancer cells. To shed some light on the mechanisms that trigger down-regulation of the ASncmtRNAs, we studied human keratinocytes (HFK) immortalized with HPV. Here we show that immortalization of HFK with HPV-16 or 18 causes down-regulation of the ASncmtRNAs and induces the expression of a new sense transcript named SncmtRNA-2. Transduction of HFK with both E6 and E7 is sufficient to induce expression of SncmtRNA-2. Moreover, E2 oncogene is involved in down-regulation of the ASncmtRNAs. Knockdown of E2 in immortalized cells reestablishes in a reversible manner the expression of the ASncmtRNAs, suggesting that endogenous cellular factors(s) could play functions analogous to E2 during non-HPV-induced oncogenesis.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Gd-chelate on renal function, iron parameters and oxidative stress in rats with CRF and a possible protective effect of the antioxidant N-Acetylcysteine (NAC). Male Wistar rats were submitted to 5/6 nephrectomy (Nx) to induced CRF. An ionic - cyclic Gd (Gadoterate Meglumine) was administrated (1.5 mM/KgBW, intravenously) 21 days after Nx. Clearance studies were performed in 4 groups of anesthetized animals 48 hours following Gd-chelate administration: 1 - Nx (n = 7); 2 - Nx+NAC (n = 6); 3 - Nx+Gd (n = 7); 4 - Nx+NAC+Gd (4.8 g/L in drinking water), initiated 2 days before Gd-chelate administration and maintained during 4 days (n = 6). This group was compared with a control. We measured glomerular filtration rate, GFR (inulin clearance, ml/min/kg BW), proteinuria (mg/24 hs), serum iron (mu g/dL); serum ferritin (ng/mL); transferrin saturation (%), TIBC (mu g/dL) and TBARS (nmles/ml). Normal rats treated with the same dose of Gd-chelate presented similar GFR and proteinuria when compared with normal controls, indicating that at this dose Gd-chelate is not nephrotoxic to normal rats. Gd-chelate administration to Nx-rats results in a decrease of GFR and increased proteinuria associated with a decrease in TIBC, elevation of ferritin serum levels, transferrin oversaturation and plasmatic TBARS compared with Nx-rats. The prophylactic treatment with NAC reversed the decrease in GFR and the increase in proteinuria and all alterations in iron parameters and TBARS induced by Gd-chelate. NAC administration to Nx rat did not modify the inulin clearance and iron kinetics, indicating that the ameliorating effect of NAC was specific to Gd-chelate. These results suggest that NAC can prevent Gd-chelate nephrotoxicity in patients with chronic renal failure.


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We compared E6/E7 protein properties of three different HPV-16 variants: AA. E-P and E-350G. Primary human foreskin keratinocytes (PHFK) were transduced with HPV-16 E6 and E7 and evaluated for proliferation and ability to grow in soft agar. E-P infected keratinocytes presented the lowest efficiency in colony formation. AA and E-350G keratinocytes attained higher capacity for in vitro transformation. We observed similar degradation of TP53 among HPV-16 variants. Furthermore, we accessed the expression profile in early (p5) and late passage (p30) transduced cells of 84 genes commonly involved in carcinogenesis. Most differences could be attributed to HPV-16 E6/E7 expression. In particular, we detected different expression of ITGA2 and CHEK2 in keratinocytes infected with AA and AA/E-350G late passage cells, respectively, and higher expression of MAP2K1 in E-350G transduced keratinocytes. Our results indicate differences among HPV-16 variants that could explain, at least in part, differences in oncogenic potential attributed to these variants. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Review paper and Proceedings of the Inaugural Meeting of the Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics Society (HNODS) on March 14th 2009 at University College London.


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The complete surgical removal of disease is a desirable outcome particularly in oncology. Unfortunately much disease is microscopic and difficult to detect causing a liability to recurrence and worsened overall prognosis with attendant costs in terms of morbidity and mortality. It is hoped that by advances in optical diagnostic technology we could better define our surgical margin and so increase the rate of truly negative margins on the one hand and on the other hand to take out only the necessary amount of tissue and leave more unaffected non-diseased areas so preserving function of vital structures. The task has not been easy but progress is being made as exemplified by the presentations at the 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics Society (HNODS) in San Francisco in January 2010. We review the salient advances in the field and propose further directions of investigation.


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While histopathology of excised tissue remains the gold standard for diagnosis, several new, non-invasive diagnostic techniques are being developed. They rely on physical and biochemical changes that precede and mirror malignant change within tissue. The basic principle involves simple optical techniques of tissue interrogation. Their accuracy, expressed as sensitivity and specificity, are reported in a number of studies suggests that they have a potential for cost effective, real-time, in situ diagnosis.


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Este estudo objetivou adaptar culturalmente e analisar as propriedades psicométricas da versão brasileira da Underwood's Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (DSES). A adaptação seguiu as etapas internacionalmente recomendadas e a versão adaptada manteve equivalência com a original, após ajustes na redação de cinco itens. Na aplicação a 179 pacientes médico-cirúrgicos mostrou evidências de consistência interna (alfa de Cronbach=0,91), estabilidade temporal (ICC=0,94 no teste e reteste) e validade de construto convergente, na correlação com a subescala Religiosidade Intrínseca do instrumento DUREL (r=0,56; p<0,001). A análise fatorial exploratória extraiu três componentes, explicando 60,5% da variância do total. A versão brasileira da DSES apresenta evidências de confiabilidade e validade junto a pacientes hospitalizados. São necessários mais estudos para confirmar a sua composição fatorial e testar a sua aplicabilidade em diferentes populações.


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Em conformidade com a dúvida de seu título, o difundido livro The New Brutalism: Ethic or Aesthetic? de Reyner Banham não é possível explicar o Brutalismo como manifestação artística coesa, dotada de consistência e reprodutibilidade formal. A citação de arquitetos famosos, porém divergentes, parece associar e comparar obras ásperas com a pretensão de reerguer uma arquitetura moderna considerada ascética, monótona e insuficiente e gera um teoricismo da aparência crua e do moralismo dos objetos. Discurso que oculta, ou desvia a atenção do retorno artístico à sublimidade e construção artesanal. O Brutalismo é aceito como evolução natural dos estágios modernos anteriores e sanciona artefatos toscos, pesados e inacabados como se fossem filiados ao processo moderno desinfestado. Esconde contradições e disfarça seu rompimento com o moderno para prolongar a expressão Movimento moderno. Mas o objeto claro, econômico e preciso é repudiado pelo consumidor e, por ser pouco representativo, o artista faz sua maquiagem com episódios contrastantes e monumentais na informalidade das cidades espontâneas. No entanto, parece possível suspender a noção positiva e corretiva do Brutalismo para entendê-lo como um recuo artístico vulgarizador que despreza aperfeiçoamento e afronta a atitude moderna com banalização conceptiva, exagero, figuralidade, musculação estrutural, grandeza tectônica, rudimento e rudeza. Assim, moralismo, retorno rústico e originalidade desqualificam a expressão International Style entendida como a culminação da arquitetura moderna do pós-guerra, ao depreciá-la como decadente, como produto imobiliário, comercial e corporativo a serviço do capital. Essa interpretação desvela uma crítica anti-industrial, portanto antimodernista e diversa da pós-modernidade, porém contestadora e realista para fornecer imagens à cultura e aos insensíveis à estrutura da forma moderna. Diverso da pós-modernidade pela dependência ao moderno e ausência de apelo popular. Tornada insignificante a configuração oportuna do artefato, o arquiteto tenta reter sua notabilidade artística, ou o prestígio que parece enfraquecer na aparência símile da especificação de catálogo, no rigor modular. Indispõe-se e repudia componentes, Standards e acabamentos impessoais da indústria da construção para insistir em autoria e inspiração, mas repete cacoetes estilísticos de época e o inexplicável uso intensivo de concreto bruto e aparente para sentir-se engajado e atualizado. Porém, é necessário distinguir obras de aparência severa concebidas pela atitude moderna mais autêntica das de concreto aparente em tipos ou configurações aberrantes. Para avançar na discussão do Brutalismo propõe-se entender este fenômeno com a substituição do juízo estético moderno de sentido visual postulado por Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) por um sentimento estético fácil e relacionado com a sensação da empatia, com a Einfühlung de Robert Vischer (1847-1933). Na época da cultura de massas, admite-se o rebaixamento das exigências no artefato e a adaptação brutalista com a transfiguração dos processos de arquitetura moderna. Assim, a forma é substituída pela figura ou pelo resumo material; a estrutura formal subjacente pelo ritmo e exposição da estrutura física; o reconhecimento visual pelo entusiasmo psicológico ou pelo impulso dionisíaco; a concepção substituída pelo partido, ou, ainda, pelo conceito; a sistematização e a ordem pela moldagem e a organização; a abstração e síntese pela originalidade e essencialidade, o sentido construtivo pela honestidade material; a identidade das partes pela fundição ou pela unicidade objetal e a residência pela cabana primitiva.