17 resultados para Feeding Behavior

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The choice of foraging strategies implies an attempt at gaining energy by predators. Supposedly, the difference in employing the "sit and wait" or "active foraging" behavior lays in hunter skills, experience and the kind of prey consumed. With the hypothesis that "active foraging" demands no learning, in this study we compared the prey capture efficiency among Wattled Jacana juveniles and adults, and also present descriptive information about feeding habitat and the abundance variation of foragers throughout the day in the northern Pantanal. Prey capture efficiency did not differ significantly among juveniles and adults, corroborating our initial hypothesis that "active foraging" is an instinctive behavior and demands no experience to be effective. However, future work is necessary to compare the energetic quality of consumed items by juveniles and adults, searching for differences explained by adults' experience. Foraging individuals were found at an average distance of 14 m ranging from 2 to 42 m) from the margin of the sampled swamps, however 64% of the foragers were found closer to the margins. The average depth of foraging sites was 17 cm, ranging from 5 to 40 cm, although no preference for specific classes of depth was found (p > 0,05). Despite the accepted general pattern of birds being more active in the early morning, the largest number of individuals foraging was observed between 11:00 and 12:00 AM, but no significant difference was found in the abundance of foraging individuals among different periods of the day. Factors, which were not analyzed, such as food availability and presence of competitors and predators need to be studied to reveal the main factors of the spatial and temporal distribution of the Wattled Jacana.


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The hosts for Antricola delacruzi ticks are insectivorous, cave-dwelling bats on which only larvae are found. The mouthparts of nymphal and adult A. delacruzi are compatible with scavenging feeding because the hypostome is small and toothless. How a single blood meal of a larva provides energy for several molts as well as for oviposition by females is not known. Adults of A. delacruzi possibly feed upon an unknown food source in bat guano, a substrate on which nymphal and adult stages are always found. Guano produced by insectivorous bats contains twice the amount of protein and 60 times the amount of iron as beef. In addition, bacteria and chitin-rich fungi proliferate on guano. Comparative data on the transcriptome of the salivary glands of A. delacruzi is nonexistent and would help to understand the physiological adaptations of salivary glands that accompany different sources of food as well as the steps taken by the Acari toward haematophagy, believed to have evolved from scavenging dead animals. Annotation of the transcriptome of salivary glands from female instars of A. delacruzi collected on guano categorized 5.7% of the clusters of expressed genes as putative secreted proteins. They included abundantly expressed TIL-domain-containing proteins (possible anti-microbials), an abundantly expressed protein similar to a serum amyloid found in the sialotranscriptomes of Ornithodoros spp., a savignygrin, a family of mucin/peritrophin/cuticle-like proteins, anti-microbials and an HIV envelope-like glycoprotein also found in soft ticks. When comparing the transcriptome of A. delacruzi with those of blood-feeding female soft and hard ticks some notable differences were observed; they consisted of the following transcripts over- or under-represented or absent in the sialotranscriptome of A. delacruzi that may reflect its source of food: ferritin, mucins with chitin-binding domains and TIL-domain-containing proteins versus lipocalins, basic tail proteins, metalloproteases, glycine-rich proteins and Kunitz protease inhibitors, respectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: The identification of stages of dietary change and the factors affecting food choices can direct more effective nutritional intervention against coronary heart disease progression. Objective: Identify the stages of change of eating behavior and its relation with nutritional status, food consumption and previous cardiovascular events in patients who underwent coronary angioplasty. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 200 hospitalized patients from a specialized cardiology hospital, after elective coronary angioplasty. They were applied an algorithm that identifies the provision of change of eating habits for a healthier pattern. Variables measured were stages of change of eating behavior, nutritional status, food consumption and cardiovascular events (previous myocardial infarction or angioplasty). It was realized comparison of averages by analysis of variance or Student's test and Chi-square test for qualitative variables. Value of significance was taken at 5%. Results: The patients were classified in the following stages: 36% maintenance, 26% preparation, 17% precontemplation, 12% action and 9% contemplation. It was observed higher cardiovascular events in maintenance/action group (p = 0.04), higher consumption of calories (p = 0.04), meat/eggs (p = 0.01) and sweets (p = 0.03) in preparation stage, comparing to maintenance group, and no association between nutritional status and stages of change (p = 0.13), although 62% of the individuals in maintenance stage were overweight. Conclusions: This work contributed to identifying the stages of change and conditions that favor changes in eating pattern. Even patients that classified themselves into the maintenance stage need to adjust their eating habits in order to reach a healthy weight.


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The medial amygdaloid nucleus (MeA) is a sub-region of the amygdaloid complex that has been described as participating in food intake regulation. Serotonin has been known to play an important role in appetite and food intake regulation. Moreover, serotonin 5-HT2C and 5-HT1A receptors appear to be critical in food intake regulation. We investigated the role of the serotoninergic system in the MeA on feeding behavior regulation in rats. The current study examined the effects on feeding behavior regulation of the serotonin reuptake inhibitor, zimelidine, administered directly into the MeA or given systemically, and the serotoninergic receptors mediating its effect. Our results showed that microinjection of zimelidine (0.2, 2 and 20 nmol/100 nL) into the MeA evoked dose dependent hypophagic effects in fasted rats. The selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY-100635 (18.5 nmol/100 nL) or the 5-HT1B receptor antagonist SB-216641 microinjected bilaterally into the MeA did not change the hypophagic effect evoked by local MeA zimelidine treatment. However, microinjection of the selective 5-HT2C receptor antagonist SB-242084 (10 nmol/100 nL) was able to block the hypophagic effect of zimelidine. Moreover, microinjection of the 5-HT2C receptor antagonist SB-242084 into the MeA also blocked the hypophagic effect caused by zimelidine administered systemically. These results suggest that MeA 5-HT2C receptors modulate the hypophagic effect caused by local MeA administration as well as by systemic zimelidine administration. Furthermore, 5-HT2C into the MeA could be a potential target for systemic administration of zimelidine. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The difference in phenotypes of queens and workers is a hallmark of the highly eusocial insects. The caste dimorphism is often described as a switch-controlled polyphenism, in which environmental conditions decide an individual's caste. Using theoretical modeling and empirical data from honeybees, we show that there is no discrete larval developmental switch. Instead, a combination of larval developmental plasticity and nurse worker feeding behavior make up a colony-level social and physiological system that regulates development and produces the caste dimorphism. Discrete queen and worker phenotypes are the result of discrete feeding regimes imposed by nurses, whereas a range of experimental feeding regimes produces a continuous range of phenotypes. Worker ovariole numbers are reduced through feeding-regime-mediated reduction in juvenile hormone titers, involving reduced sugar in the larval food. Based on the mechanisms identified in our analysis, we propose a scenario of the evolutionary history of honeybee development and feeding regimes.


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The present work aimed to investigate the effects of acute sucrose treatment on the perception of painful stimuli. Specifically, we sought to determine the involvement of the endogenous opioid peptide-mediated system as well as the role of the mu(1)-opioid receptor in antinociception organisation induced by acute sucrose intake. Nociception was assessed with the tail-flick test in rats (75, 150 and 250 g) of different ages acutely pre-treated with 500 mu L. of a sucrose solution (25, 50, 150 and 250 g/L) or tap water. Young and Adult rats (250 g) showed antinociception after treatment with 50 g/L (during 5 min) and 150 g/L and 250 g/L (during 20 min) sucrose solutions. Surprisingly, this antinociception was more consistent in mature adult rodents than in pups. To evaluate the role of opioid systems, mature adult rodents were pre-treated with different doses (0.25, 1 or 4mg/kg) of the non-selective opioid receptor antagonist naloxone, the selective pi-opioid receptor antagonist naloxonazine or vehicle followed by 250 g/L sucrose solution treatment. Sucrose-induced antinociception was reduced by pre-treatment with both naloxone and naloxonazine. The present findings suggest that sweet substance-induced hypo-analgesia is augmented by increasing sucrose concentrations in young and adult rodents. Acute oral sucrose treatment inhibits pain in laboratory animal by mediating endogenous opioid peptide and mu(1)-opioid receptor actions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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First observation of alternative food usage (extrafloral nectar) by the assassin bug Atopozelus opsimus (Hemiptera, Reduviidae). Assassin bugs (Reduviidae) are voracious insects that prey on other arthropods. Recent evidences have pointed out that these predators also feed on plant derived substances in rare opportunities. The present study describes the feeding behavior of the reduviid Atopozelus opsimus on extrafloral nectaries of Inga vera (Fabaceae) in a Neotropical savanna area. It was investigated if the insects feed more frequently of extrafloral nectar or prey, and if individuals of different stages of development vary according to feeding behavior. Notably, the results suggest that the diet of all instars and adults consist mainly of extrafloral nectar (N = 1013), in detriment of captured prey ingestion (N = 18). Also, there was no variation on feeding behavior and life stage.


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We examined whether pintado catfish (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans) can discriminate between scents of non-injured conspecifics stressed by a predator or by confinement and how fish use this information in the trade-off between feeding and predator avoidance. In the confinement stress condition, fish ingested the food, whereas in the predator stress condition, fish did not eat. This finding and comparisons of the latency to food ingestion and the time spent swimming between the confinement and predator-stress conditions indicated that pintado catfish can discriminate between conspecifics stressed by a predator or confinement using chemical cues, and use this information for adjusting the trade-off between food intake and predator avoidance.


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The ventrolateral caudoputamen (VLCP) is well known to participate in the control of orofacial movements and forepaw usage accompanying feeding behavior. Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that insect hunting is associated with a distinct Fos up-regulation in the VLCP at intermediate rostro-caudal levels. Moreover, using the reversible blockade with lidocaine, we have previously suggested that the VLCP implements the stereotyped actions seen during prey capture and handling, and may influence the motivational drive to start attacking the roaches, as well. However, considering that (1) lidocaine suppresses action potentials not only in neurons, but also in fibers-of-passage, rendering the observed behavioral effect not specific to the ventrolateral caudoputamen; (2) the short lidocaine-induced inactivation period had left a relatively narrow window to observe the behavioral changes; and (3) that the restriction stress to inject the drug could have also disturbed hunting behavior, in the present study, we have examined the role of the VLCP in predatory hunting by placing bilateral NMDA lesions three weeks previous to the behavior testing. We were able to confirm that the VLCP serves to implement the stereotyped sequence of actions seen during prey capture and handling, but the study did not confirm its role in influencing the motivational drive to hunt. Together with other studies from our group, the present work serves as an important piece of information that helps to reveal the neural systems underlying predatory hunting. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Biological rhythms are present in the lives of almost all organisms ranging from plants to more evolved creatures. These oscillations allow the anticipation of many physiological and behavioral mechanisms thus enabling coordination of rhythms in a timely manner, adaption to environmental changes and more efficient organization of the cellular processes responsible for survival of both the individual and the species. Many components of energy homeostasis exhibit circadian rhythms, which are regulated by central (suprachiasmatic nucleus) and peripheral (located in other tissues) circadian clocks. Adipocyte plays an important role in the regulation of energy homeostasis, the signaling of satiety and cellular differentiation and proliferation. Also, the adipocyte circadian clock is probably involved in the control of many of these functions. Thus, circadian clocks are implicated in the control of energy balance, feeding behavior and consequently in the regulation of body weight. In this regard, alterations in clock genes and rhythms can interfere with the complex mechanism of metabolic and hormonal anticipation, contributing to multifactorial diseases such as obesity and diabetes. The aim of this review was to define circadian clocks by describing their functioning and role in the whole body and in adipocyte metabolism, as well as their influence on body weight control and the development of obesity.


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A deficiência de nutrientes durante os períodos críticos do desenvolvimento tem sido associada com maior risco para desenvolver obesidade e diabetes Mellitus na vida adulta. Um dos mecanismos propostos refere-se à regulação do comportamento alimentar e às alterações do metabolismo energético do músculo esquelético. Recentemente, tem sido proposta a existência de uma comunicação entre o hipotálamo e o músculo esquelético a partir de sinais autonômicos que podem explicar as repercussões da desnutrição perinatal. Assim, esta revisão tem como objetivo discutir as repercussões da desnutrição perinatal sobre o comportamento alimentar e o metabolismo energético muscular e a comunicação existente entre o hipotálamo e o músculo via sinais adrenérgicos. Foram utilizadas as bases de dados MedLine/PubMed, Lilacs e Bireme, com publicações entre 2000 e 2011. Os termos de indexação utilizados foram: feeding behavior, energy metabolism, protein malnutrition, developmental plasticity, skeletal muscle e autonomic nervous system. Concluiu-se que a desnutrição perinatal pode atuar no controle hipotalâmico do comportamento alimentar e no metabolismo energético muscular, e a comunicação hipotálamo-músculo pode favorecer o desenvolvimento de obesidade e comorbidades durante o desenvolvimento.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade global da dieta e a adequação do consumo de cada componente da dieta de adolescentes segundo fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos e índice de massa corporal (IMC). Trata-se de estudo transversal, de base populacional, que analisou amostra representativa de 409 adolescentes, de 12 a 19 anos, utilizando o Índice de Qualidade da Dieta (IQD). Foram estimadas as prevalências de dietas classificadas no 1º quartil do IQD e as médias de escores de cada componente do IQD. Regressões múltiplas linear e de Poisson foram utilizadas nas análises. O escore médio do IQD foi de 59,7. Observou-se menor prevalência de dietas inadequadas no segmento de melhor escolaridade do chefe da família. Os estratos de menor nível socioeconômico, avaliados por renda e escolaridade, mostram um consumo inferior de verduras e legumes, frutas, leite e derivados e menor variedade da dieta e uma ingestão superior de cereais e derivados e leguminosas. Adolescentes com sobrepeso/obesidade consomem mais carnes e ovos e menos frutas comparados aos que apresentam baixo peso/eutrofia. As meninas tiveram maior ingestão de gordura total e menor ingestão de sódio. Os resultados identificam os componentes que merecem atenção nas estratégias de promoção de alimentação saudável e os segmentos mais vulneráveis à má alimentação.


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OBJETIVO: Levantar artigos científicos internacionais sobre a fisiologia da deglutição de alimentos nas consistências néctar, mel, pudim, pastosa heterogênea, semissólida e sólida, nas fases oral e faríngea. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo de revisão qualitativa da literatura. Para a seleção dos artigos, foi utilizada a base de dados PubMed com emprego dos descritores "Swallowing and consistency", "Swallowing and solid" e "Swallowing and pasty", limitando-se a pesquisas publicadas no idioma inglês, entre os anos de 2005 e 2010, realizadas com seres humanos maiores de 18 anos. A metodologia empregada envolveu formulação da pergunta, localização e seleção dos estudos, e avaliação crítica dos artigos, conforme os preceitos do Cochrane Handbook. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 211 estudos, dos quais 18 foram analisados, pois permitiam acesso ao texto completo e eram diretamente relacionados ao tema. CONCLUSÃO: Os estudos apresentam metodologia pouco uniforme, não havendo padronização, principalmente quanto aos métodos de avaliação. Em geral, as pesquisas foram realizadas com sujeitos saudáveis ou remeteram a um tipo de patologia, sem utilização de casos-controle. A heterogeneidade dos estudos possibilita que diferentes grupos de patologias sejam avaliados, porém, a variabilidade metodológica dificulta a definição e generalização dos padrões encontrados. Sendo assim, não é possível evidenciar dados que embasem a prática clínica fonoaudiológica no que diz respeito à fisiologia normal ou alterada da deglutição de diferentes consistências alimentares, tanto para sujeitos normais quanto para os acometidos por alguma desordem.


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A segurança alimentar nos domicílios chefiados por idosos tem uma dimensão especial no que se refere às condições de saúde e bem-estar, uma vez que parece evidente a importância de garantir a este contingente populacional a possibilidade de continuar a contribuir na sociedade de forma ativa e produtiva. OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de insegurança alimentar em domicílios cujos chefes são idosos, segundo características sociodemográficas. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo descritivo com domicílios cujos chefes têm 60 anos ou mais de idade declarada, selecionados da Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra de Domicílios - PNAD 2004. Empregou-se a Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar, classificando-se os domicílios em segurança alimentar e insegurança alimentar leve, moderada e grave. A análise descritiva dos dados incluiu a distribuição de frequência dos domicílios de acordo com os níveis de insegurança alimentar nos estratos das variáveis sociodemográficas, levando-se em consideração o efeito do desenho. RESULTADOS: O estudo mostrou que 29,8% dos domicílios se encontravam na condição de insegurança alimentar e que tal condição estava significativamente associada com regiões menos abastadas (Norte/Nordeste, rural), com os segmentos populacionais mais desfavorecidos (mais pobres e menos escolarizados) e, ainda com características de gênero (mulheres) e raciais (indígenas, pardos e pretos) as quais sabidamente ocupam os níveis inferiores da hierarquia social. CONCLUSÃO: A distribuição da insegurança alimentar em domicílios chefiados por idosos segue tendência similar dos domicílios brasileiros, ratificando a maior prevalência desta condição nos estratos socioeconômicos mais desfavorecidos da população ou entre características associadas à pobreza.


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Fluoxetine (FLX) is commonly used to treat anxiety and depressive disorders in pregnant women. Since FLX crosses the placenta and is excreted in milk, maternal treatment with this antidepressant may expose the fetus and neonate to increased levels of serotonin (5-HT). Long-term behavioral abnormalities have been reported in rodents exposed to higher levels of 5-HT during neurodevelopment. In this study we evaluated if maternal exposure to FLX during pregnancy and lactation would result in behavioral and/or stress response disruption in adolescent and adult rats. Our results indicate that exposure to FLX influenced restraint stress-induced Fos expression in the amygdala in a gender and age-specific manner. In male animals, a decreased expression was observed in the basolateral amygdala at adolescence and adulthood; whereas at adulthood, a decrease was also observed in the medial amygdala. A lack of FLX exposure effect was observed in females and also in the paraventricular nucleus of both genders. Regarding the behavioral evaluation, FLX exposure did not induce anhedonia in the sucrose preference test but decreased the latency to feed of both male and female adolescent rats evaluated in the novelty-suppressed feeding test. In conclusion, FLX exposure during pregnancy and lactation decreases acute amygdalar stress response to a psychological stressor in males (adolescents and adults) as well as influences the behavior of adolescents (males and females) in a model that evaluates anxiety and/or depressive-like behavior. Even though FLX seems to be a developmental neurotoxicant, the translation of these findings to human safe assessment remains to be determined since it is recognized that not treating a pregnant or lactating woman may also impact negatively the development of the descendants.