21 resultados para ELECTROPOLISHING (EP)
Abstract Background The organization of the connectivity between mammalian cortical areas has become a major subject of study, because of its important role in scaffolding the macroscopic aspects of animal behavior and intelligence. In this study we present a computational reconstruction approach to the problem of network organization, by considering the topological and spatial features of each area in the primate cerebral cortex as subsidy for the reconstruction of the global cortical network connectivity. Starting with all areas being disconnected, pairs of areas with similar sets of features are linked together, in an attempt to recover the original network structure. Results Inferring primate cortical connectivity from the properties of the nodes, remarkably good reconstructions of the global network organization could be obtained, with the topological features allowing slightly superior accuracy to the spatial ones. Analogous reconstruction attempts for the C. elegans neuronal network resulted in substantially poorer recovery, indicating that cortical area interconnections are relatively stronger related to the considered topological and spatial properties than neuronal projections in the nematode. Conclusion The close relationship between area-based features and global connectivity may hint on developmental rules and constraints for cortical networks. Particularly, differences between the predictions from topological and spatial properties, together with the poorer recovery resulting from spatial properties, indicate that the organization of cortical networks is not entirely determined by spatial constraints.
Abstract Background Banana cultivars are mostly derived from hybridization between wild diploid subspecies of Musa acuminata (A genome) and M. balbisiana (B genome), and they exhibit various levels of ploidy and genomic constitution. The Embrapa ex situ Musa collection contains over 220 accessions, of which only a few have been genetically characterized. Knowledge regarding the genetic relationships and diversity between modern cultivars and wild relatives would assist in conservation and breeding strategies. Our objectives were to determine the genomic constitution based on Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) regions polymorphism and the ploidy of all accessions by flow cytometry and to investigate the population structure of the collection using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) loci as co-dominant markers based on Structure software, not previously performed in Musa. Results From the 221 accessions analyzed by flow cytometry, the correct ploidy was confirmed or established for 212 (95.9%), whereas digestion of the ITS region confirmed the genomic constitution of 209 (94.6%). Neighbor-joining clustering analysis derived from SSR binary data allowed the detection of two major groups, essentially distinguished by the presence or absence of the B genome, while subgroups were formed according to the genomic composition and commercial classification. The co-dominant nature of SSR was explored to analyze the structure of the population based on a Bayesian approach, detecting 21 subpopulations. Most of the subpopulations were in agreement with the clustering analysis. Conclusions The data generated by flow cytometry, ITS and SSR supported the hypothesis about the occurrence of homeologue recombination between A and B genomes, leading to discrepancies in the number of sets or portions from each parental genome. These phenomenons have been largely disregarded in the evolution of banana, as the “single-step domestication” hypothesis had long predominated. These findings will have an impact in future breeding approaches. Structure analysis enabled the efficient detection of ancestry of recently developed tetraploid hybrids by breeding programs, and for some triploids. However, for the main commercial subgroups, Structure appeared to be less efficient to detect the ancestry in diploid groups, possibly due to sampling restrictions. The possibility of inferring the membership among accessions to correct the effects of genetic structure opens possibilities for its use in marker-assisted selection by association mapping.
Parabens are antimicrobial preservatives widely used in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. The alkyl chain connected to the ester group defines some important physicochemical characteristics of these compounds, including the partition coefficient and redox properties. The voltammetric and computational analyses were carried out in order to evaluate the redox behavior of these compounds and other phenolic analogues. A strong correlation between chemical substituents inductive effects of parabens with redox potentials was observed. Using cyclic voltammetry and glassy carbon working electrode, only one irreversible anodic peak was observed around 0.8 V for methylparaben (MP), ethylparaben (EP), propylparaben (PP), butylparaben (BP), benzylparaben (BzP) and p-substituted phenolic analogues. The electrodonating inductive effect of alkyl groups was demonstrated by the anodic oxidation potential shift to lower values as the carbon number increases and, therefore the parabens (and other phenolic analogues) oxidation processes to the quinonoidic forms showed great dependence on the substituent pattern.
O artigo, produzido no âmbito das comemorações dos 80 anos de publicação do Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova, interroga-se sobre a atualidade dessa carta. Para tanto, explora as condições históricas de emergência do documento, os significados atribuídos à Escola Nova no Brasil na década de 1930 e as contendas ocorridas na arena educacional no período. Além disso, discorre sobre as especificidades do movimento escolanovista brasileiro, procurando demonstrar que a Escola Nova constituiu-se no país como uma fórmula, com significados múltiplos e distintas apropriações produzidas no entrelaçamento de três vertentes: a pedagógica, a ideológica e a política. No que tange ao primeiro aspecto, a indefinição das fronteiras conceituais permitiu que a expressão Escola Nova aglutinasse diferentes educadores, católicos e liberais, em torno de princípios pedagógicos do ensino ativo. No segundo caso, a fórmula ofereceu-se como meio para a transformação da sociedade, servindo às finalidades divergentes dos grupos em litígio. Já na terceira acepção, tornou-se bandeira política, sendo capturada como signo de renovação do sistema educacional pelo Manifesto e por seus signatários. Assim, o documento emergiu como parte do jogo político pela disputa do controle do Estado e de suas dinâmicas, e, portanto, como elemento de coesão de uma frente de educadores que, a despeito de suas diferenças, articulava-se em torno de alguns objetivos comuns, como laicidade, gratuidade e obrigatoriedade da educação. Ademais, ele também foi representante de um grupo de intelectuais que abraçava um mesmo projeto de nação, ainda que com divergências internas.
This paper describes a logic-based formalism for qualitative spatial reasoning with cast shadows (Perceptual Qualitative Relations on Shadows, or PQRS) and presents results of a mobile robot qualitative self-localisation experiment using this formalism. Shadow detection was accomplished by mapping the images from the robot’s monocular colour camera into a HSV colour space and then thresholding on the V dimension. We present results of selflocalisation using two methods for obtaining the threshold automatically: in one method the images are segmented according to their grey-scale histograms, in the other, the threshold is set according to a prediction about the robot’s location, based upon a qualitative spatial reasoning theory about shadows. This theory-driven threshold search and the qualitative self-localisation procedure are the main contributions of the present research. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work that uses qualitative spatial representations both to perform robot self-localisation and to calibrate a robot’s interpretation of its perceptual input.
The energetic stability and the electronic properties of vacancies (VX) and antisites (XY) in PbSe and PbTe are investigated. PbSe and PbTe are narrow band gap semiconductors and have the potential to be used in infrared detectors, laser, and diodes. They are also of special interest for thermoelectric devices (TE). The calculations are based in the Density Functional Theory (DFT) and the General Gradient Approximation (GGA) for the exchange-correlation term, as implemented in the VASP code. The core and valence electrons are described by the Projected Augmented Wave (PAW) and the Plane Wave (PW) methods, respectively. The defects are studied in the bulk and nanowire (NW) system. Our results show that intrinsec defects (vacancies and antisites) in PbTe have lower formation energies in the NW as compared to the bulk and present a trend in migrate to the surface of the NW. For the PbSe we obtain similar results when compare the formation energy for the bulk and NW. However, the Pb vacancy and the antisites are more stable in the core of the NW. The intrinsec defects are shallow defects for the bulk system. For both PbSe and PbTe VPb is a shallow acceptor defect and VSe and VT e are shallow donor defects for the PbSe and PbTe, respectively. Similar electronic properties are observed for the antisites. For the Pb in the anion site we obtain an n-type semiconductor for both PbSe and PbTe, SeP b is a p-type for the PbSe, and T eP b is a n-type for PbTe. Due the quantum con¯nement effects present in the NW (the band gap open), these defects have different electronic properties for the NW as compared to the bulk. Now these defects give rise to electronic levels in the band gap of the PbTe NW and the VT e present a metallic character. For the PbSe NW a p-type and a n-type semiconductor is obtained for the VP b and P bSe, respectively. On the other hand, deep electronic levels are present in the band gap for the VSe and SePb. These results show that due an enhanced in the electronic density of states (DOS) near the Fermi energy, the defective PbSe and PbTe are candidates for efficient TE devices.