32 resultados para tropical neglected diseases


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Thiosemicarbazones are cruzain inhibitors which have been identified as potential antitrypanosomal agents. In this work, several molecular properties were calculated at the density functional theory (DFT)/B3LYP/6-311G* level for a set of 44 thiosemicarbazones. Unsupervised and supervised pattern recognition techniques (hierarchical cluster analysis, principal component analysis, kth-nearest neighbors, and soft independent modeling by class analogy) were used to obtain structureactivity relationship models, which are able to classify unknown compounds according to their activities. The chemometric analyses performed here revealed that 12 descriptors can be considered responsible for the discrimination between high and low activity compounds. Classification models were validated with an external test set, showing that predictive classifications were achieved with the selected variable set. The results obtained here are in good agreement with previous findings from the literature, suggesting that our models can be useful on further investigations on the molecular determinants for the antichagasic activity. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The Hsp70 is an essential molecular chaperone in protein metabolism since it acts as a pivot with other molecular chaperone families. Several co-chaperones act as regulators of the Hsp70 action cycle, as for instance Hip (Hsp70-interacting protein). Hip is a tetratricopeptide repeat protein (TPR) that interacts with the ATPase domain in the Hsp70-ADP state, stabilizing it and preventing substrate dissociation. Molecular chaperones from protozoans, which can cause some neglected diseases, are poorly studied in terms of structure and function. Here, we investigated the structural features of Hip from the protozoa Leishmania braziliensis (LbHip), one of the causative agents of the leishmaniasis disease. LbHip was heterologously expressed and purified in the folded state, as attested by circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence emission techniques. LbHip forms an elongated dimer, as observed by analytical gel filtration chromatography, analytical ultracentrifugation and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). With the SAXS data a low resolution model was reconstructed, which shed light on the structure of this protein, emphasizing its elongated shape and suggesting its domain organization. We also investigated the chemical-induced unfolding behavior of LbHip and two transitions were observed. The first transition was related to the unfolding of the TPR domain of each protomer and the second transition of the dimer dissociation. Altogether. LbHip presents a similar structure to mammalian Hip, despite their low level of conservation, suggesting that this class of eukaryotic protein may use a similar mechanism of action. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Introduction and Objectives: Vancomycin is indicated to patients who have not responded to treatment with other antibiotics in serious infections caused by organisms susceptible to it and resistant to other antimicrobials. However, over the last five years, many adverse reactions have been reported with this medicine in the University Hospital of the University of Silo Paulo (HU/USP), such as nephrotoxicity and toxicity related to infusion. Some critical patients, for example surgical patients with sepsis and severe trauma are generally susceptible to renal failure due to the severity of the underlying disease. The-aim of this study is to quantify and delineate the epidemiological profile of confirmed adverse reactions caused by vancomycin. Material and Methods: We conducted a retrospective observational quantitative study of medical records of patients who had confirmed.adverse reactions occurred with vancomycin in the period from January 2007 to May 2012, at the HU/USP - Brazil. All notifications related to vancomycin were evaluated in the following items: age and sex of patients, type and ward where the adverse event occurred involving this drug. Results and Conclusions: During the analysed period, were confinued 37 adverse events with vancomycn. The adults represented 75,7% of the cases, and the children 24,3%. The present study shows that adult patients admitted to the medical clinic had greater susceptibility to adverse reactions to vancomycin and for pediatric patients its higher frequency was at ICU. Despite the adverse skin reactions performed with greater frequency, it is known that the most severe reactions were related to the kidney resulting in more complex clinical interventions.


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Introduction and Objectives: With the population ageing, there is a growing number of people who have several comorbidities and make use of a variety of drugs. These factors lead to a greater predisposition to adverse drug events, as well as to medication errors. The clinical pharmacist is the most indicated health professional to target these issues. The aims of this study were to analyze the profile of medication reconciliation and assess the role of the clinical pharmacist regarding medication adherence. Material and Methods: Prospective observational cohort study conducted from Jan-Mar 2013 at the Surgical Clinic of the University Hospital of the University of Sao Paulo. 117 admitted patients - over the age of 18 years, under continuous medication use and with length of hospitalization up to 120h - were included. Discrepancies were classified as intentional/unintentional and according to their risk to cause harm, and interventions were divided into accepted/not accepted. Medication adherence was measured by Morisky questionnaire. Results and Conclusions: Only 30% of hospital prescriptions showed no discrepancies between the medications that the patient was using at home and those which were being prescribed at the hospital and more than one third of those had the potential to cause moderate discomfort or clinical deterioration. One third of total discrepancies were classified as unintentional. About 90% of the interventions were accepted by the medical staff. In addition, about 63% of patients had poor adherence to drug therapy. The study revealed the importance of the medication reconciliation at patient admission, ensuring greater safety and therapeutic efficacy of the treatment during hospitalization, and orienting the patient at discharge, assuring the therapy safety.


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5E-Phenylethenylbenzofuroxan (5PhEBfx) was reported as an excellent anti-Chagas drug candidate. However, its oral bioavailability was affected by the crystallization process. Two samples exhibiting variable in vivo activity was investigated: a thin yellow powder (5PhEBfx-Y) and orange needles (5PhEBfx-O). X-ray powder diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, vibrational spectroscopy, optical and electron scanning microscopies were applied to investigate both solid forms in order to correlate the solid-state properties with the variable bioavailability of 5PhEBfx. It was observed that 5PhEBfx-Y have a better solubility and consequently higher bioavailability when compared with 5PhEBfx-O. This result suggests that the difference of activity between these two 5E-Phenylethenylbenzofuroxanes could be associated with the solid forms, which also cause the coloration variation.


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Drug discovery has moved toward more rational strategies based on our increasing understanding of the fundamental principles of protein-ligand interactions. Structure( SBDD) and ligand-based drug design (LBDD) approaches bring together the most powerful concepts in modern chemistry and biology, linking medicinal chemistry with structural biology. The definition and assessment of both chemical and biological space have revitalized the importance of exploring the intrinsic complementary nature of experimental and computational methods in drug design. Major challenges in this field include the identification of promising hits and the development of high-quality leads for further development into clinical candidates. It becomes particularly important in the case of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) that affect disproportionately poor people living in rural and remote regions worldwide, and for which there is an insufficient number of new chemical entities being evaluated owing to the lack of innovation and R&D investment by the pharmaceutical industry. This perspective paper outlines the utility and applications of SBDD and LBDD approaches for the identification and design of new small-molecule agents for NTDs.


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Leprosy is an ancient disease that remains endemic and continues to be a major public health problem in some tropical countries, where it has been internationally recognized as being linked to the underdevelopment conditions. The natural course of the disease covers a wide variety of clinical conditions with systemic involvement. In this paper, we review the findings obtained in studies of the pathological mechanisms of leprosy, including a survey of the literature and of our own work. The understanding and control of the wide variety of clinical conditions should help improve patient care and thus prevent the onset of physical impairment and the stigma of the disease.


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Across the Americas and the Caribbean, nearly 561,000 slide-confirmed malaria infections were reported officially in 2008. The nine Amazonian countries accounted for 89% of these infections; Brazil and Peru alone contributed 56% and 7% of them, respectively. Local populations of the relatively neglected parasite Plasmodium vivax, which currently accounts for 77% of the regional malaria burden, are extremely diverse genetically and geographically structured. At a time when malaria elimination is placed on the public health agenda of several endemic countries, it remains unclear why malaria proved so difficult to control in areas of relatively low levels of transmission such as the Amazon Basin. We hypothesize that asymptomatic parasite carriage and massive environmental changes that affect vector abundance and behavior are major contributors to malaria transmission in epidemiologically diverse areas across the Amazon Basin. Here we review available data supporting this hypothesis and discuss their implications for current and future malaria intervention policies in the region. Given that locally generated scientific evidence is urgently required to support malaria control interventions in Amazonia, we briefly describe the aims of our current field-oriented malaria research in rural villages and gold-mining enclaves in Peru and a recently opened agricultural settlement in Brazil. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Antigen B (AgB) is the major protein secreted by the Echinococcus granulosus metacestode and is involved in key host-parasite interactions during infection. The full comprehension of AgB functions depends on the elucidation of several structural aspects that remain unknown, such as its subunit composition and oligomeric states. Methodology/Principal Findings: The subunit composition of E. granulosus AgB oligomers from individual bovine and human cysts was assessed by mass spectrometry associated with electrophoretic analysis. AgB8/1, AgB8/2, AgB8/3 and AgB8/4 subunits were identified in all samples analyzed, and an AgB8/2 variant (AgB8/2v8) was found in one bovine sample. The exponentially modified protein abundance index (emPAI) was used to estimate the relative abundance of the AgB subunits, revealing that AgB8/1 subunit was relatively overrepresented in all samples. The abundance of AgB8/3 subunit varied between bovine and human cysts. The oligomeric states formed by E. granulosus AgB and recombinant subunits available, rAgB8/1, rAgB8/2 and rAgB8/3, were characterized by native PAGE, light scattering and microscopy. Recombinant subunits showed markedly distinct oligomerization behaviors, forming oligomers with a maximum size relation of rAgB8/3 >rAgB8/2>rAgB8/1. Moreover, the oligomeric states formed by rAgB8/3 subunit were more similar to those observed for AgB purified from hydatid fluid. Pressure-induced dissociation experiments demonstrated that the molecular assemblies formed by the more aggregative subunits, rAgB8/2 and rAgB8/3, also display higher structural stability. Conclusions/Significance: For the first time, AgB subunit composition was analyzed in samples from single hydatid cysts, revealing qualitative and quantitative differences between samples. We showed that AgB oligomers are formed by different subunits, which have distinct abundances and oligomerization properties. Overall, our findings have significantly contributed to increase the current knowledge on AgB expression and structure, highlighting issues that may help to understand the parasite adaptive response during chronic infection.


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The retrovirus human T lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) promotes spastic paraparesis, adult T cell leukaemia and other diseases. Recently, some human microRNAs (miRNAs) have been described as important factors in host-virus interactions. This study compared miRNA expression in control individuals, asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers and HTLV-1 associated myelopathy (HAM)/tropical spastic paraparesis patients. The proviral load and Tax protein expression were measured in order to characterize the patients. hsa-miR-125b expression was significantly higher in patients than in controls (p = 0.0285) or in the HAM group (p = 0.0312). Therefore, our findings suggest that miR-125b expression can be used to elucidate the mechanisms of viral replication and pathogenic processes.


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Background: Arboviral diseases are major global public health threats. Yet, our understanding of infection risk factors is, with a few exceptions, considerably limited. A crucial shortcoming is the widespread use of analytical methods generally not suited for observational data - particularly null hypothesis-testing (NHT) and step-wise regression (SWR). Using Mayaro virus (MAYV) as a case study, here we compare information theory-based multimodel inference (MMI) with conventional analyses for arboviral infection risk factor assessment. Methodology/Principal Findings: A cross-sectional survey of anti-MAYV antibodies revealed 44% prevalence (n = 270 subjects) in a central Amazon rural settlement. NHT suggested that residents of village-like household clusters and those using closed toilet/latrines were at higher risk, while living in non-village-like areas, using bednets, and owning fowl, pigs or dogs were protective. The "minimum adequate" SWR model retained only residence area and bednet use. Using MMI, we identified relevant covariates, quantified their relative importance, and estimated effect-sizes (beta +/- SE) on which to base inference. Residence area (beta(Village) = 2.93 +/- 0.41; beta(Upland) = -0.56 +/- 0.33, beta(Riverbanks) = -2.37 +/- 0.55) and bednet use (beta = -0.95 +/- 0.28) were the most important factors, followed by crop-plot ownership (beta = 0.39 +/- 0.22) and regular use of a closed toilet/latrine (beta = 0.19 +/- 0.13); domestic animals had insignificant protective effects and were relatively unimportant. The SWR model ranked fifth among the 128 models in the final MMI set. Conclusions/Significance: Our analyses illustrate how MMI can enhance inference on infection risk factors when compared with NHT or SWR. MMI indicates that forest crop-plot workers are likely exposed to typical MAYV cycles maintained by diurnal, forest dwelling vectors; however, MAYV might also be circulating in nocturnal, domestic-peridomestic cycles in village-like areas. This suggests either a vector shift (synanthropic mosquitoes vectoring MAYV) or a habitat/habits shift (classical MAYV vectors adapting to densely populated landscapes and nocturnal biting); any such ecological/adaptive novelty could increase the likelihood of MAYV emergence in Amazonia.


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Background: Snake bite is a neglected public health problem in communities in rural areas of several countries. Bothrops jararaca causes many snake bites in Brazil and previous studies have demonstrated that the pharmacological activities displayed by its venom undergo a significant ontogenetic shift. Similarly, the venom proteome of B. jararaca exhibits a considerable variation upon neonate to adult transition, which is associated with changes in diet from ectothermic prey in early life to endothermic prey in adulthood. Moreover, it has been shown that the Brazilian commercial antibothropic antivenom, which is produced by immunization with adult venom, is less effective in neutralizing newborn venom effects. On the other hand, venom gland transcripts of newborn snakes are poorly known since all transcriptomic studies have been carried out using mRNA from adult specimens. Methods/Principal Findings: Here we analyzed venom gland cDNA libraries of newborn and adult B. jararaca in order to evaluate whether the variability demonstrated for its venom proteome and pharmacological activities was correlated with differences in the structure of toxin transcripts. The analysis revealed that the variability in B. jararaca venom gland transcriptomes is quantitative, as illustrated by the very high content of metalloproteinases in the newborn venom glands. Moreover, the variability is also characterized by the structural diversity of SVMP precursors found in newborn and adult transcriptomes. In the adult transcriptome, however, the content of metalloproteinase precursors considerably diminishes and the number of transcripts of serine proteinases, C-type lectins and bradykinin-potentiating peptides increase. Moreover, the comparison of the content of ESTs encoding toxins in adult male and female venom glands showed some genderrelated differences. Conclusions/Significance: We demonstrate a substantial shift in toxin transcripts upon snake development and a marked decrease in the metalloproteinase P-III/P-I class ratio which are correlated with changes in the venom proteome complexity and pharmacological activities.


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Blood transfusion and transplantation may represent efficient mechanisms of spreading infectious agents to naive populations. In the developed countries, as a consequence of globalization, several factors such as international commerce, tourism, and immigration have acted as important features for the emergence or reemergence of infectious diseases previously referred to as tropical. This article reviews the relevant bacterial, protozoan and viral infections that are more frequently associated with blood transfusion and/or solid organ or marrow transplantation and may affect susceptible populations worldwide.


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Background: Chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC), a life-threatening inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy, affects 30% of the approximately 8 million patients infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. Even though the Th1 T cell-rich myocarditis plays a pivotal role in CCC pathogenesis, little is known about the factors controlling inflammatory cell migration to CCC myocardium. Methods and Results: Using confocal immunofluorescence and quantitative PCR, we studied cell surface staining and gene expression of the CXCR3, CCR4, CCR5, CCR7, CCR8 receptors and their chemokine ligands in myocardial samples from end-stage CCC patients. CCR5+, CXCR3+, CCR4+, CCL5+ and CXCL9+ mononuclear cells were observed in CCC myocardium. mRNA expression of the chemokines CCL5, CXCL9, CXCL10, CCL17, CCL19 and their receptors was upregulated in CCC myocardium. CXCL9 mRNA expression directly correlated with the intensity of myocarditis, as well as with mRNA expression of CXCR3, CCR4, CCR5, CCR7, CCR8 and their ligands. We also analyzed single-nucleotide polymorphisms for genes encoding the most highly expressed chemokines and receptors in a cohort of Chagas disease patients. CCC patients with ventricular dysfunction displayed reduced genotypic frequencies of CXCL9 rs10336 CC, CXCL10 rs3921 GG, and increased CCR5 rs1799988CC as compared to those without dysfunction. Significantly, myocardial samples from CCC patients carrying the CXCL9/CXCL10 genotypes associated to a lower risk displayed a 2-6 fold reduction in mRNA expression of CXCL9, CXCL10, and other chemokines and receptors, along with reduced intensity of myocarditis, as compared to those with other CXCL9/CXCL10 genotypes. Conclusions: Results may indicate that genotypes associated to reduced risk in closely linked CXCL9 and CXCL10 genes may modulate local expression of the chemokines themselves, and simultaneously affect myocardial expression of other key chemokines as well as intensity of myocarditis. Taken together our results may suggest that CXCL9 and CXCL10 are master regulators of myocardial inflammatory cell migration, perhaps affecting clinical progression to the life-threatening form of CCC.