867 resultados para Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.). College Library.
Six-page handwritten draft of an organization plan for the catalogue of the Harvard University Library.
Printed broadside containing an organization plan for the catalogue of the Harvard University Library.
This folder contains three notes written in Latin.
Five leaves containing handwritten accounts of William Croswell's attendance and absences from his job at the Harvard Library in 1813.
Four pages containing brief entries related to Croswell's employment in the Harvard College Library.
This four-page undated list contains volume titles followed by the surname of Harvard faculty and students and presumably documents book borrowing from the College Library. The list is undated but notes members of the Harvard Class of 1782 as seniors.
This series contains one small leaf with handwritten calculations related to the number of volumes in the Harvard College Library. The verso has the note: "No. of Vol: in Harvard College 11465 vol. making one line 15380 miles long. The document is in the hand of Loammi Baldwin Sr., and may have been created in 1789 while the Library was compiling a catalog of its holdings.
This series contains one small leaf with handwritten calculations related to the number of volumes in the Harvard College Library. The verso has the note: "No. of Vol: in Harvard College 11465 vol. making one line 15380 miles long. The document is in the hand of Loammi Baldwin Sr., and may have been created in 1789 while the Library was compiling a catalog of its holdings.
Thirteen slips of paper with fragments of handwritten alphabetical lists created by Isaac Smith presumably in his capacity as Harvard Librarian. Most of the entries are surnames or single-word subjects. For example, one slip with "M" entries includes: milway, miracles, miraculous, Mitchell, and Mitchell. Some of the lists have struck-through words or have entries annotated with numbers and the abbreviations "o" and "bk." The verso of one leaf has a brief, undated note regarding the transfer of books between Mr. Hilliard and Mr. Smith.
This collection contains samples of bookplate labels that were pasted into books held in the libraries of Harvard University, dating from 1764 to 1960. The collection includes bookplates arranged chronologically and bookplates of the Harvard College Library and departmental libraries arranged alphabetically. The collection also contains correspondence related to bookplates, dating from 1918 to 1921, and a list of printed seals used in Harvard College Library. Some of the bookplates include handwritten inscriptions, while others are blank. There are six 18th century bookplates with inscriptions documenting gifts and bequests made following the 1764 fire that destroyed the bulk of Harvard's Library from Marblehead, Massachusetts, minister John Barnard (1681-1770; Harvard AB 1700); New Hampshire Governor Benning Wentworth (1696-1770; Harvard AB 1715); Portsmouth, New Hampshire, merchant Thomas Wibird (1706-1765; Harvard AB 1728); and merchant Thomas Lee (died 1787) of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
The bound notebook contains academic texts copied by Harvard student Jonathan Trumbull in 1724 and 1725. The volume includes transcriptions of Harvard Instructor Judah Monis' Hebrew Grammar, Tutor William Brattle's Compendium of Logic, and Fellow Charles Morton's Natural Logic.
Autograph manuscript sermons in the hand of William Adams, including table of contents. Three other pieces are by later hands: two (both 1695) by Samuel Danforth, and the last (undated) possibly by Eliphalet Adams, son of William Adams.
Four-page manuscript copy of the valedictory Commencement oration composed by Jonathan Trumbull for the 1762 Harvard College Commencement.
This leather-bound volume contains excerpts copied by Marston Cabot from books he read while he was a student at Harvard in 1723. The volume includes extracts from Charles Morton's 1687 Compendium Physicae (titled "of Phisicks" by Cabot), Dr. Adriani Heereboord (Adrianus Heereboord), Philosophia Naturalis and Johanne-Henrico Alstedio’s (John Henry Alsted) geometry text Compendium Geometria. The excerpts from Compendium Geometria include both figures and text, primarily in Latin with some Greek. The volume also includes “Theses quaedam extractae potissimum ex Enchiridio Metaphysico Domini Johannis Clerici" a précis of Jean Le Clerc's Ontologia et Pneumatologia made by Jonathan Remington, a Harvard Tutor from 1703 to 1711, to serve in place of printed textbooks. The names Jonathan Jackson and Edward Jackson are written on the inside cover, suggesting the book may have been handed down to Edward Jackson (Class of 1726) and his son Jonathan Jackson (Class of 1761). The text of the volume is in Marston Cabot's hand.