5 resultados para Triumph.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do número de impactos sobre a qualidade de peras 'Packham's Triumph' mantidas por 30 dias sob refrigeração seguidos por 5 dias em condição ambiente.


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Pears have been grown in the south region of Brazil, where the climatic conditions are favourable. The aim of this work was to determine the harvest maturity index as well as maximum storage period of 'Packham's Triumph? and 'Rocha' pears to maintain quality attributes. The ?Packham?s Triumph? fruit were harvested from a commercial orchard at 7 days intervals and flesh firmness was used as a maturity index (MI1=76, MI2=67 and MI3=58 N). ?Rocha? pears were harvested twice and they were considered as MI1 and MI3 because of the firmness values. The fruit were stored at 1±1C and 90-95% RH for 15, 30, 45 and 60 days and evaluated at the end of each storage period and after five days at room temperature (24±1C), simulating a helflife period. Flesh firmness, water loss, peduncle dehydration, epidermis colour, soluble solids, titratable acidity were measured. ?Packham?s? pears harvested at MI1 and MI2 showed firmness loss after 30 days of cold storage, whereas fruit harvested at MI3 retained the initial values, resulting in firmer fruit after 60 days (P<0.001). Fruit harvested in MI3 had less firmness loss after 5 days at room temperature following 45 and 60 days of cold storage. ?Rocha? pears harvested in MI1 and MI3 showed firmness reduction during cold storage, which was intensified at room temperature. Maximum values of water loss approached 6%. Fruit peduncles of both cultivars dehydrated after 60 days of cold storage, but their colour remained green, independent of harvest maturity index. ?Packham?s Triumph? and ?Rocha? pears harvested at MI3 showed better quality attributes after 60 days of cold storage plus 5 days of shelf-life than fruit harvested at other maturity stages.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a compatibilidade de enxertia de cultivares de pereiras sobre porta enxertos de marmeleiros 'Adam's e 'EMC'. O experimento foi desenvolvido em viveiro comercial da empresa Frutirol Agrícola Ltda, localizada no município de Vacaria - RS, a 980 m de altitude. Os porta enxertos de marmeleiros 'Adam's e 'EMC' foram enxertados no mês de julho de 2006 com as cultivares copa Danjou, Conference, Packham's Triumph, Abate Fetel e Rocha sobre os dois porta enxertos; Santa Maria, Benita, Foreli e Decana de Comice sobre o marmeleiro 'Adam's e, Clapp's Favourite e William's sobre 'EMC'. Utilizou-se a técnica de enxertia de garfagem dupla fenda, onde se enxertou ramos da cultivar copa com duas gemas sobre os respectivos porta enxertos, os quais apresentavam diâmetro médio de 8 mm. Em seguida foram amarrados com fita biodegradável BUDTAPE. Em julho de 2007 procederam-se as seguintes avaliações: diâmetro da copa e do porta enxerto (distantes 5 cm do ponto de enxertia), medido com auxílio de um paquímetro; altura de plantas (medida a partir do nível do solo até o ápice da planta); área da seção do tronco da copa e do porta enxerto foi obtida através da fórmula A = (? x (D/2)2) Sendo: A = área da seção do ramo (cm3); ? = 3,1416; D = Diâmetro do ramo principal (mm) e os resultados foram expressos em centímetros cúbicos; Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e posteriormente à comparação de médias através do teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade de erro. Os resultados demonstram que a cv. Danjou apresenta pouco vigor em relação as demais cvs. estudadas, para ambos os porta enxertos; plantas vigorosas apresentam menor diferença de diâmetro entre porta enxerto e copa; a cv. Conference apresenta-se mais vigorosa em relação às demais cvs. estudadas quando enxertadas sobre 'EMC'; a cv. William's apresenta incompatibilidade com o marmelo 'EMC'.


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The lack of pear-compatible rootstocks in Brazil calls for the application of classical genetic techniques. Therefore, in order to obtain select suitable material, the search for genetic segregation must be continuous, being used as alternative scion cultivars. This study aims to assess fruit set, number of seeds, fruit weight and fruit diameter according to crosses between pear cultivars. The trial was carried out from September 2008 to February 2009 in a commercial orchard in the city of Vacaria/RS, Brazil. For the pollination process, pollen was extracted from flowers at full-white stage in the same orchard. The cultivars used were 'Packham's Triumph' and 'Clapps Favorite'. The crossings were defined as: open pollination; selfpollination of 'Packham's Triumph' and 'Packham's Triumph' × 'Clapps Favorite'. The pollinations were done manually in flowers at full-white stage, which were opened, emasculated and then pollinated. Each pollinated flower was then isolated with a fine nylon bag. Open pollination and cross pollination between 'Packham's Triumph' × 'Clapps Favorite' provided higher fruit set (17 and 18%, respectively). Fruit weight and diameter did not differ between treatments. Open pollination provided fruits with a higher number of seeds.