12 resultados para teaching communication process
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
This article describes the design and implementation of computer-aided tool called Relational Algebra Translator (RAT) in data base courses, for the teaching of relational algebra. There was a problem when introducing the relational algebra topic in the course EIF 211 Design and Implementation of Databases, which belongs to the career of Engineering in Information Systems of the National University of Costa Rica, because students attending this course were lacking profound mathematical knowledge, which led to a learning problem, being this an important subject to understand what the data bases search and request do RAT comes along to enhance the teaching-learning process.It introduces the architectural and design principles required for its implementation, such as: the language symbol table, the gramatical rules and the basic algorithms that RAT uses to translate from relational algebra to SQL language. This tool has been used for one periods and has demonstrated to be effective in the learning-teaching process. This urged investigators to publish it in the web site: www.slinfo.una.ac.cr in order for this tool to be used in other university courses.
The purpose of this paper is to raise a debate on the urgent need for teachers to generate innovative situations in the teaching-learning process, in the field of Mathematics, as a way for students to develop logical reasoning and research skills applicable to everyday situations. It includes some statistical data and possible reasons for the poor performance and dissatisfaction of students towards Mathematics. Since teachers are called to offer meaningful and functional learning experiences to students, in order to promote the pleasure of learning, teacher training should include experiences that can be put into practice by teachers in the education centers. This paper includes a work proposal for Mathematics Teaching to generate discussion, curiosity and logical reasoning in students, together with the Mathematical problem solving study.
El propósito de esta ponencia es analizar las potencialidades del uso de los elementos que nos proporciona una aula virtual para mejorar los distintos métodos utilizados en el desarrollo de una aula tradicional.
Propuesta de trabajo y evaluación del modelo constructivista “portafolio", usado como metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje en dos de los cursos que presentan mayor dificultad para los estudiantes de la Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información: Almacenamiento y Recuperación de Información 1 y Metodología de la Investigación. Esta metodología se implementó como una respuesta a la necesidad de desarrollar un proceso que permita a los estudiantes asimilar los contenidos de los cursos de acuerdo con sus propias experiencias y concepciones.La metodología fue evaluada para determinar su efectividad en el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje, esta evaluación se realizó en el transcurso del semestre y al final del mismo, a través de un cuestionario, un taller de evaluación y la revisión del portafolio elaborado por los estudiantes.La propuesta y la evaluación de loa resultados se presenta en este trabajo, como una experiencia exitosa que fue afectada por aspectos negativos, que pueden mejorarse.
This document describes the experience of academic cooperation between professionals in the field of library science, both from West Chester University (WCU), and the National University (UNA) of Costa Rica. The event took place at West Chester University during the week May 4th to May 8th, 2009. The objectives of this revolved around the exchange of ideas and interests in the academic and cultural relations between the two universities. In addition, it unveiled several services and procedures in the handling of information and highlighted the importance of promoting the exchange of students from both institutions. Finally, this article highlights the schedule of activities to integrate international and intercultural perspective in various areas related to the teaching-learning process, the contribution of university libraries on student success and techniques of information dissemination.
Se estudia el uso de textos auténticos y la elaboración de materiales para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la comprensión de lectura. Se presenta un análisis de la información y de las teorías aceptadas por los expertos del área y su congruencia con los materiales que se encuentran en el mercado. Además, se analizan los intereses y necesidades de los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional con el fin de que los profesores cuenten con las herramientas para identificar los textos más significativos para los estudiantes y así mejorar sus habilidades de lectura. The use of authentic texts is addressed for teaching reading comprehension as well as for creating materials to improve the teaching-learning process of this skill. The information and theories held by the experts in this field are discussed with regard to whether they correspond to the materials available in the market. In addition, results of needs analysis instruments applied to Universidad Nacional students are provided, so that instructors can have the tools to identify the readings that students may find more meaningful and therefore improve their reading skilis.
Análisis sucinto de una investigación de campo efectuada con estudiantes de 10 grado y 11 grado de colegios urbanos y rurales, públicos y privados, de Heredia. La investigación explora las metodologías empleadas por el profesorado y la aplicación del enfoque de la enseñanza comunicativa de la lengua y su relación con el Examen de bachillerato.A field study was carried out with tenth and eleventh grade students in private and public, urban and rural high schools in Heredia. The research focused on exploring the methodologies used by the instructors as well as on the implementation of the Communicative Language Teaching Approach and its relationship with the Standardized English Test.
During a long time, the term competence has been used in different fields. Among those fields, and one of the most important, we can mention the educational system, from preschool to university levels. The term has to be understood as one person integral behavior, making him/her able to enter the labor force in the most competitive way. Within the university realm, experts have tried to include the model of competences as a transversal axle into the teaching-learning process. In European universities, such model has been implemented in most of them. In Latin America universities, on the other hand, it has been used in a good number of countries. The importance of early detection of competences among target populations in education has been widely discussed. However, it has been highlighted the necessity of considering romantic or subjective competences, which seem to lack of value in this complex and competitive actual world. The term competence has been classified as genetic competence, or common and specific competence. The latter is related to the knowledge scope. Within the counseling field, specifically, the general and specific competences are deemed highly appropriate for good a work performance. This article focuses on the main antecedents of competences and analyzes this approach from counseling field perspective. In regards to this specific aspect, a survey with professionals in counseling was carried out. Such a survey ends up dealing with some of the competences considered unavoidable for an accurate performance of professionals in counseling. It is important to mention that the competences of the survey mainly point out to genetic competences rather than to specific competences.
Recibido 09 de junio de 2011 • Aceptado 24 de octubre de 2011 • Corregido 27 de setiembre de 2011 El presente ensayo tiene como finalidad reflexionar sobre la importancia del humor pedagógico como estrategia de enseñanza aprendizaje en el aula; esto, tomando en cuenta la problemática de desmotivación y aburrimiento que sucede normalmente en la clase. Para plantear si “el enseñar contento y el aprender con alegría” pueden aumentar la eficacia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, se abordará cómo, a pesar de las múltiples ventajas que puede aportar el humor en las aulas, se omite su empleo por la existencia de ciertos prejuicios y temores. La idea no es que los docentes hagan el papel de comediantes o payasos, sino la de mediar y acercar la clase de manera pedagógica y didáctica a través del uso del humor, y sobre esto reflexionaba Platón (1992), cuando planteaba que muchas veces ayudaba una broma, en donde la seriedad oponía resistencia.
Recibido 15 de marzo de 2012 • Corregido 17 de setiembre de 2012 • Aceptado 07 de noviembre de 2012Este artículo, presentado en forma de ensayo, propone en su temática un acercamiento a la realidad que se vive en el sistema educativo a nivel de secundaria; visualiza algunas debilidades en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, con el objetivo de analizar el rumbo que se pretende dar a la educación costarricense. El planteamiento conceptual se elabora a través de preguntas generadoras, mediante las cuales se repasa la situación actual de los centros de enseñanza, el rumbo por el cual se está llevando a cabo el proceso, la imperante búsqueda de equidad e inclusión en educación, así como la exposición de algunas propuestas para el mejoramiento. Se concluye con una reflexión sobre la necesidad de cambiar el modelo educativo tradicional por un modelo educativo transformador, para la emancipación y liberación de los seres humanos que participan en este proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje.
Reflections on communication in the learning process at the level of the seventh year of secondary education based on the methodological and pedagogical approaches, considered in research of a multidisciplinary team of the CIDE of UNA (National University), with the aim of building the “teaching performance profile for the seventh year of Costa Rican education”. It demonstrates the role of teachers to ensure favorable communication links to the learning process, not only to capture the attention and interest of students through varied and systematic motivations, but also by the honesty, openness, personal example and involvement in the task, problems and aspirations of students.
Bio-pedagogy is built on praxis, i.e. the interrelationship between reflection and innovative action where these two merge in the construction of senses to generate knowledge. Then, the following question arises: How is teaching understood? How can practice be renovated from the action-reflection-action in a recurring manner and in life itself? A way to search for those answers is the systematization of experiences –a modality of qualitative research. It promotes the transformation of a common practice, based on knowledge building by holistic approaches to the educational process complexity. The systematization of bio-pedagogical experiences involves self-organization, joy, uncertainty and passion; it respects freedom and autonomy, and generates relational spaces, which promote creative processes in learning.