5 resultados para reflection in creative disciplines
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Training in information competencies or information literacy is one of the current challenges of university libraries at the possibilities of access to vast information resources that facilitate digital media, which require a better understand and apply the selection and assessment criteria to retrieval the highest quality and relevance of information as needed. In this situation, Ibero-American university libraries (Latin-America, Spain and Portugal) have been slowly incorporating this training either from direct training programs, offered from the library or through collaborative work with teachers and schools in curricula of various universities as a whole or in specific disciplines. In this text, it was identified that, at present, from the information displayed on Web sites of universities-HEI in Costa Rica, a very small percentage of university libraries would find taking actions in a level 1 or 2 of incorporating information literacy, since a large most developed is still very focused programs and processes to the traditional user training, while another large majority, unfortunately, has no action-information about actions from the forming perspective that should be any library.
Ciertamente llama sobremanera la atención tener que reflexionar sobre un conflicto –bastantes tenemos ya en nuestro mundo- aunque se trate de un conflicto podríamos decir de carácter epistemológico, de fundamentación paradigmática de qué es o qué debe ser la disciplina a la que con tanto entusiasmo nos dedicamos. Me refiero, naturalmente, a la Bibliotecología. Y aquí arranca el primer conflicto:. ¿Cómo llamar a esta disciplina o, tal vez, conjunto de disciplinas: ¿Bibliotecología? ¿Biblioteconomía? ¿Documentación? ¿Ciencia de la Información? ¿Y cómo llamar de modo unánime a los componentes, factores y aspectos diversos de las actividades documentales? Esto es algo que no ocurre en las disciplinas consagradas como Historia, Medicina, Química, Derecho, etc. e, incluso, en las todavía relativamente recientes como el Periodismo, el Marketing, la Publicidad, etc. Si grave es la inexistencia de unanimidad en los términos que empleamos, más grave es sospechar que, tras estas dudas, se pueda esconder una falta de unanimidad en su concepto, en su definición, en su fundamentación epistemológica, en suma.Ambos conflictos, si no se resuelven provocan, indefectiblemente, consecuencias de incertidumbre a la hora de planificar líneas docentes y de investigación, a la hora de establecer la figura del estudioso o profesional que debemos formar en nuestros centros. Se impone, pues, la construcción definitiva de un paradigma, en definitiva de una teoría de la documentación siempre actualizada y que sea objeto de estudio preliminar y piedra angular en nuestros centros docentes. Y yo les invito desde aquí a pensar en esta cuestión y a proponer elementos que contribuyan a su construcción.
Friends: Although we have not devoted special sessions to discuss the matter, the truth is that in some informal occasions we talked lightly about the relevance of the School of Library, Documentation and Information is at the Faculty of Arts. We have consistently defined our School Faculty as a humanist. The human reality in all its modes of symbolic production is the object of study that brings us together as an area of knowledge. A school is that, a major academic unit, which it brings together different disciplines deserve epistemological affinity for joint development. Cooperation, ease of interdisciplinary association are elements that justify the existence of the faculties. And our conversations, I insist, casual and light, have led us to establish two positions may seem superficially divergent, but are not. The Library mates look as techniques themselves, and feel that can be placed almost anywhere Faculty, and at first glance does not explain its presence in a humanities faculty. Let me turn away from this self-image.
This document describes each step of the research conducted to understand the factors that may be influencing the low enrollment of freshmen who have experienced the “Escuela de Bibliotecologia, Documentacion e Informacion de la Universidad Nacional” in recent years. It also raises a didactic - multimedia, in response to identified needs, to help improve the problems encountered by making use of technological tools with an educational foundation that fosters reflection of the population to be targeted by the product. Finally, it presents the conclusions and recommendations drawn from the research.
Bio-pedagogy is built on praxis, i.e. the interrelationship between reflection and innovative action where these two merge in the construction of senses to generate knowledge. Then, the following question arises: How is teaching understood? How can practice be renovated from the action-reflection-action in a recurring manner and in life itself? A way to search for those answers is the systematization of experiences –a modality of qualitative research. It promotes the transformation of a common practice, based on knowledge building by holistic approaches to the educational process complexity. The systematization of bio-pedagogical experiences involves self-organization, joy, uncertainty and passion; it respects freedom and autonomy, and generates relational spaces, which promote creative processes in learning.