12 resultados para Investigación en docencia

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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The project called Perfiles, Dinámicas y Desafíos de la Educación Costarricense (Profiles, Dynamics and Challenges of the Costa Rican Education) in its various working phases it conducts interdisciplinary educational research at an integrated level at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE) (Research and Teaching Center) from Universidad Nacional in Costa Rica. This article discusses the importance of taking into account outcomes and products of such research work within the various majors that CIDE offers.


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Recibido 14 de octubre de 2010 • Aceptado 09 de marzo de 2011 • Corregido 02 de junio de 2011  La utilización de los diseños de método mixto se constituyen, día a día, en una excelente alternativa para abordar temáticas de investigación en el campo educativo. Este ensayo plantea una revisión acerca de dichos diseños y los ejemplifica con una experiencia concreta de investigación realizada por la propia autora, en la que fue aplicado un diseño de método mixto para una temática en el campo educativo.


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Recibido 21 de julio de 2010 • Aceptado 31 de agosto de 2010 • Corregido 24 de octubre de 2010   El siguiente artículo presenta una experiencia de investigación desarrollada durante el I ciclo de 2009 con los estudiantes del curso Didáctica general, en la Sede de Occidente de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Esta experiencia pretende promover la creatividad de los estudiantes para la creación de su propia didáctica, a través del desarrollo de dos objetivos del curso: analizar la acción didáctica desde diferentes enfoques y determinar la relación de la didáctica con las innovaciones educativas y su vinculación con la cultura profesional. Como estrategia para la evaluación de la experiencia se utilizó la


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In this article, the main characteristics, achievements and difficulties in research and publishing management in higher education are presented, taking into account the experience of the author in the institutions to which she belongs (Teacher Trainning College and Graduate and Post graduate university levels) in Argentina. The presentation seeks to foster institutional exchange of experiences from sharing strategies that may help develop research activities as a key factor in teacher trainning.


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Introducción El presente proyecto tiene vigencia desde enero del  2002 hasta diciembre del 2006 y se postula como la creación de un espacio de análisis de la agroindustria centroamericana, a partir de un enfoque multidisciplinario, combinando con una preocupación central de promover el papel de la agroindustria en la estrategia de desarrollo en Centroamérica…


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Introducción En 1973 se fundó  la Universidad Nacional con sede en Heredia, se creo una de sus unidades académicas a  al Escuela de Historia, la cual he venido funcionando interrumpidamente desde entonces. A lo largo de estos dieciséis años, la meta de esta Escuela ha sido la de brindar un especial impulso a la investigación atendiendo a  necesidades temáticas y metodológicas que aporten una nueva interpretación a la historia costarricense cuestionando mitos por largo tiempos aceptados  e incursionando en campos hasta entonces escasa o totalmente inexplorados.


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Division de Educología (School of Education for Secondary Level) of Universidad Nacional in Costa Rica, (UNA) has been aware of the necessary planning and thought of a future that demands a continuous reflection between what is possible and what is desirable. In this sense, the formation of future educators of the country in different specialties, should promote not only the use of the technology, but also the development of critical and objective thinking that will embrace its advantages and its limitations in the noble exercise of what is teaching and learning. Under the light of these precepts, in the year 2007, the educational research activity emerged by the name of Didactic Resources for Learning with a bimodal focus. The present article exposes the main ideas that have been matured after an experience of more than two years with this course, and it is also searching for recapturing a responsible way of planning, implementing and managing the policies of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) for the bimodal learning in the context of the Division de Educología (School of Education for Secondary Level) of UNA.


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ResumenTradicionalmente, los estudios realizados desde la ciencia política y la sociología sobre la participación de los pueblos indígenas se han enfocado en el ámbito electoral y las movilizaciones sociales. No obstante, la observación empírica ha demostrado la necesidad de ampliar el campo de visión al análisis de la participación indígena en la adopción de decisiones factibles de afectarles enmarcando el análisis en el cumplimiento de sus derechos colectivos. De esta forma, el artículo tiene el objetivo de asentar los fundamentos analítico-conceptuales mínimos para investigar la participación de los pueblos indígenas latinoamericanos con ese enfoque. El texto se divide en tres partes. Primero, se analizan  los conceptos esenciales del tema: “pueblos  indígenas” y “participación”, reconociendo us complejidades y proponiendo elementos mínimos para su defnición. Segundo, se exploran las justifcaciones y contenidos del marco jurídico-normativo internacional de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas haciendo énfasis en la participación como derecho colectivo y revisando su situación en América Latina. Finalmente, se presenta una propuesta metodológica para la investigación sobre la participación de los pueblos indígenas que operacionaliza los derechos de consulta, consentimiento libre, previo e informado y participación en el ciclo completo de las políticas públicas.Palabras  clave:  pueblos  indígenas,  derechos  de  los  pueblos  indígenas,  participación, América Latina, políticas públicas.AbstractFrequently the felds of political science and sociological research dealing with the participation of indigenous peoples  have  focused  on  the  electoral  context  and  social mobilization. However,  empirical  observation seems to demand further analysis on the indigenous participation in decision-making on the full spectrum of matters that affect them, framing the observance in their collective rights. The present article aims to establish a minimum analytical and conceptual basis for such research on participation of Latin American indigenous peoples. The article is divided into three parts. First, it analyzes the essential concepts of the topic: “indigenous peoples” and “participation”, recognizing their complexities and proposing minimum elements for their defnition. Secondly, it explores the justifcations and contents of International Law and normative system of the rights of indigenous peoples by putting emphasis on participation as an indigenous right and by reviewing the situation of indigenous peoples in Latin America. Finally, it presents a methodological proposal to research the participation of indigenous peoples, which operationalizes the rights of consultation; the free, prior, and informed consent, and participation in the process of making of public policies.Keywords: Indigenous peoples, rights of indigenous peoples, participation, Latin America, public policies.


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This paper shows results of the project on Alfabetización crítica en la cultura escolar: Cultura política en la educación secundaria costarricense, currently being developed at the División de  Educología, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. The first phase of this research refers to the aim to know more about the reaction of high school students dealing in the traditional authoritarian type school. There are evidences that a repressive and excluding scholar institution does not promote the integral development of the students. This new phase of the project gathers also the voice of teachers. Through the action-research methodology teachers are accompanied and encouraged into a process of deep thinking on those problematic aspects of the school environment. Our main objective is to compare the opinions between students and teachers. experiencias de investigación en la secundaria: una visión desde adentro


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This article presents the results of a participant action research applied in a High School in Heredia, in which the life experiences and voices of the involved students are taking into account. Moreover, their critics towards formal education and its curricular organization lead to a proposal on alternative school experiences that can be called a paralleled curriculum. This type of curriculum breaks up with the Costa Rican public high school official curriculum by inserting the students’ ways of being and doing.


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Educational services are essential to social and economical development of people, mainly to the progress of all sectors of society. Establishing actions that can promote the participation of various social groups is essential to improve their quality of life and building more respectful and fair human rights without any discrimination or exclusion. In recent years, the Costa Rican education system has undergone significant changes due to the pedagogical approach of inclusive education in which students with educational needs may require different support and specialized resources for training and development. For this, the Basic Educational Division of the Center for Teaching and Research in Education, generated a concern of investigating the participation of the Committee of Educational Support in the process of educational integration, thus, determine the functions performed in the educational context, under the rules of the 7600 Equal Opportunity Act for people with disabilities, which is the entity that corresponds to regulate access to education by identifying the support required for students with educational needs and, advice and trains, administrative staff in schools both public and private in the country. In addition, there is also a concern for exploring the role of the Special Education teacher for this Committee, as well as learning the perceptions of teachers and parents about the functions performed by the committee.


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This paper presents the results of the research project “El proceso de formación inicial del Proyecto de Educación Rural (PER)” (creation of the Rural Education Project, PER by its Spanish acronym), conducted between 1984 and 1987 in the Regional Offices of the Ministry of Public Education in San Carlos, Coto and Limón. The Rural Education Project (PER) was implemented by the Center of Research and Teaching in Education (CIDE) of the Universidad Nacional (UNA) aiming at training teachers of single-teacher schools located in rural areas. The objective of our research was to collect the contributions of PER bearing in mind the training processes required today, and considering the success of PER, which was based on the leadership of teachers to promote community progress in rural areas from the classroom, an input to be considered in the new learning processes of Rural Education