153 resultados para proton trititanate, ammonium ions, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, adsorption


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A miniaturized flow-through system consisting of a gold coated silicon substrate based on enhanced Raman spectroscopy has been used to study the detection of vapour from model explosive compounds. The measurements show that the detectability of the vapour molecules at room temperature depends sensitively on the interaction between the molecule and the substrate. The results highlight the capability of a flow system combined with Raman spectroscopy for detecting low vapour pressure compounds with a limit of detection of 0.2 ppb as demonstrated by the detection of bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, a common polymer additive emitted from a commercial polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tubing at room temperature.


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This thesis presents the development of a rapid, sensitive and reproducible spectroscopic method for the detection of TNT in forensic and environmental applications. Simple nano sensors prepared by cost effective methods were utilized as sensitive platforms for the detection of TNT by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. The optimization of the substrate and the careful selection of a suitable recognition molecule contributed to the significant improvements of sensitive and selective targeting over current detection methods. The work presented in this thesis paves the way for effective detection and monitoring of explosives residues in law enforcement and environmental health applications.


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Isolating, purifying, and identifying proteins in complex biological matrices is often difficult, time consuming, and unreliable. Herein we describe a rapid screening technique for proteins in biological matrices that combines selective protein isolation with direct surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) detection. Magnetic core gold nanoparticles were synthesised, characterised, and subsequently functionalized with recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO)-specific antibody. The functionalized nanoparticles were used to capture rHuEPO from horse blood plasma within 15 minutes. The selective binding between the protein and the functionalized nanoparticles was monitored by SERS. The purified protein was then released from the nanoparticles’ surface and directly spectroscopically identified on a commercial nanopillar SERS substrate. ELISA independently confirmed the SERS identification and quantified the released rHuEPO. Finally, the direct SERS detection of the extracted protein was successfully demonstrated for in-field screening by a handheld Raman spectrometer within 1 minute sample measurement time.


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Silylated layered double hydroxides (LDHs) were synthesized through a surfactant-free method involving an in situ condensation of silane with the surface hydroxyl group of LDHs during its reconstruction in carbonate solution. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns showed the silylation reaction occurred on the external surfaces of LDHs layers. The successful silylation was evidenced by 29Si cross-polarization magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (29Si CP/MAS NMR) spectroscopy, attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR FTIR) spectroscopy, and infrared emission spectroscopy (IES). The ribbon shaped crystallites with a “rodlike” aggregation were observed through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images. The aggregation was explained by the T2 and T3 types of linkage between adjacent silane molecules as indicated in the 29Si NMR spectrum. In addition, the silylated products show high thermal stability by maintained Si related bands even when the temperature was increased to 1000 °C as observed in IES spectra.


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Porous mesopore-bioglass (MBG) scaffolds have been proposed as a new class of bone regeneration materials due to their apatite-formation and drug-delivery properties; however, the material’s inherent brittleness and high degradation and surface instability are major disadvantages, which compromise its mechanical strength and cytocompatibility as a biological scaffold. Silk, on the other hand, is a native biomaterial and is well characterized with respect to biocompatibility and tensile strength. In this study we set out to investigate what effects blending silk with MBG had on the physiochemical, drug-delivery and biological properties of MBG scaffolds with a view to bone tissue engineering applications. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were the methods used to analyze the inner microstructure, pore size and morphology, and composition of MBG scaffolds, before and after addition of silk. The effect of silk modification on the mechanical property of MBG scaffolds was determined by testing the compressive strength of the scaffolds and also compressive strength after degradation over time. The drug-delivery potential was evaluated by the release of dexamethasone (DEX) from the scaffolds. Finally, the cytocompatibility of silk-modified scaffolds was investigated by the attachment, morphology, proliferation, differentiation and bone-relative gene expression of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs). The results showed that silk modification improved the uniformity and continuity of pore network of MBG scaffolds, and maintained high porosity (94%) and large-pore size (200–400 mm). There was a significant improvement in mechanical strength, mechanical stability, and control of burst release of DEX in silkmodified MBG scaffolds. Silk modification also appeared to provide a better environment for BMSC attachment, spreading, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation on MBG scaffolds.


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Alginate microspheres are considered a promising material as a drug carrier in bone repair due to excellent biocompatibility, but their main disadvantage is low drug entrapment efficiency and non-controllable release. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of incorporating mesoporous bioglass (MBG), non-mesoporous bioglass (BG) or hydroxyapatite (HAp) into alginate microspheres on their drug-loading and release properties. X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) were used to analyse the composition, structure and dissolution of bioactive inorganic materials and their microspheres. Dexamethasone (DEX)-loading and release ability of four microspheres were tested in phosphate buffered saline with varying pHs. Results showed that the drug-loading capacity was enhanced with the incorporation of bioactive inorganic materials into alginate microspheres. The MBG/Alginate microspheres had the highest drug loading ability. DEX release from alginate microspheres correlated to the dissolution of MBG, BG and HAp in PBS, and that the pH was an efficient factor in controlling the DEX release; a high pH resulted in greater DEX release, whereas a low pH delayed DEX release. In addition, MBG/alginate, BG/alginate and HAp/alginate microspheres had varying apatite-formation and dissolution abilities, which indicate that the composites would behave differently with respect to bioactivity. The study suggests that microspheres made of a composite of bioactive inorganic materials and alginate have a bioactivity and degradation profile which greatly improves their drug delivery capacity, thus enhancing their potential applications as bioactive filler materials for bone tissue regeneration.


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An important component of current models for interstellar and circumstellar evolution is the infrared (IR)spectral data collected from stellar outflows around oxygen-rich stars and from the general interstellar medium [1]. IR spectra from these celestial bodies are usually interpreted as showing the general properties of sub-micron sized silicate grains [2]. Two major features at 10 and 20 microns are reasonably attributed to amorphous olivine or pyroxene (e.g. Mg2Si04 or MgSi03) on the basis of comparisons with natural standards and vapor condensed silicates [3-6]. In an attempt to define crystallisation rates for spectrally amorphous condensates, Nuth and Donn [5] annealed experimentally produced amorphous magnesium silicate smokes at 1000K. On analysing these smokes at various annealing times, Nuth and Donn [5] showed that changes in crystallinity measured by bulk X-ray diffraction occured at longer annealing times (days) than changes measured by IR spectra (a few hours). To better define the onset of crystallinity in these magnesium silicates, we have examined each annealed product using a JEOL 1OOCX analytical electron microscope (AEM). In addition, the development of chemical diversity with annealing has been monitored using energy dispersive spectroscopy of individual grains from areas <20nm in diameter. Furthermore, the crystallisation kinetics of these smokes under ambient, room temperature conditions have been examined using bulk and fourier transform infrared (FTIR)spectra.


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Palygorskite (P), goethite (G), and hydrothermally synthesized goethite (HG) were used as supports for Fe and Ni. The catalytic activity of these materials was investigated involving in P, G and HG (supported Fe and Ni) for catalytic decomposition of biomass tar derived from rice hull gasification. The materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with an energy dispersive X-ray (EDS). The catalytic activity of P for removal of tar was significantly better than that of G and HG. However, the activity of G with 6 mass% Ni labeled as Ni6/G (tar conversion 94.6%), which was equal to Fe6Ni6/P (94.4%), was better than Ni6/P (64.4%) and Ni6/HG (46.7%). When the loading of Ni (mass%) was 6 mass% on G, tar conversion had the best value (94.6%) and yield of gaseous products reached 486.9, 167.8 and 22.2 mL/(g·tar) for H2, CO, CH4, respectively. The catalytic activity of goethite supported Ni was better in improving tar conversion and improving increased yield of H2, CO, CH4, which was attributed to the existence of Al/Fe substitution of goethite


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The catalytic performance of Fe–Ni/PG (PG: palygorskite) catalysts pre-calcined and reduced at 500 ◦C for catalytic decomposition of tar derived through rice hull gasification was investigated. The materials were characterized by using X-ray diffraction, hydrogen temperature reduction, and transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that ferrites with spinel structure ((Fe, Ni)3O4) were formed during preparation of bimetallic systems during calcination and reduction of the precursors (Fe–Ni/PG catalysts) and NiO metal oxide particles were formed over Fe6–Ni9/PG catalyst. The obtained experimental data showed that Fe–Ni/PG catalysts had greater catalytic activity than natural PG. Tar removal using Fe6–Ni9/PG catalyst was as high as Fe10–Ni6/PG catalyst (99.5%). Fe6–Ni9/PG showed greater catalytic activity with greater H2 yield and showed stronger resistance to carbon deposition, attributed to the presence of NiO nanoparticles. Thus, the addition of nickel and iron oxides played an important role in catalytic cracking of rice hull biomass tar.


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In this study, the effect of catalyst preparation and additive precursors on the catalytic decomposition of biomass using palygorskite-supported Fe and Ni catalysts was investigated. The catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It is concluded that the most active additive precursor was Fe(NO3)3·9H2O. As for the catalyst preparation method, co-precipitation had superiority over incipient wetness impregnation at low Fe loadings.


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This paper presents material and gas sensing properties of Pt/SnO2 nanowires/SiC metal oxide semiconductor devices towards hydrogen. The SnO2 nanowires were deposited onto the SiC substrates by vapour-liquid-solid growth mechanism. The material properties of the sensors were investigated using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The current-voltage characteristics have been analysed. The effective change in the barrier height for 1% hydrogen was found to be 142.91 meV. The dynamic response of the sensors towards hydrogen at different temperatures has also been studied. At 530°C, voltage shift of 310 mV for 1% hydrogen was observed.


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Three porous amorphous silica minerals, including diatomite, opal and porous precipitated SiO2wereadopted to prepare supported TiO2catalysts by hydrolysis–deposition method. The prepared compoundmaterials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS). Through morphology and physical chemistry properties of the resultingTiO2/amorphous SiO2catalysts, it was proposed that the nature of silica supports could affect the particlesize and the crystal form of TiO2and then further influence the photocatalytic property of TiO2/amorphousSiO2catalysts. The catalytic properties of these porous amorphous silica supported photocatalysts(TiO2/SiO2) were investigated by UV-assisted degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB). Compared with pureTiO2(P25) and the other two TiO2/amorphous SiO2catalysts, TiO2/diatomite photocatalyst exhibits bet-ter catalytic performance at different calcined temperatures, the decoloration rate of which can be upto over 85% even at a relatively low calcined temperature. The TiO2/diatomite photocatalyst possessesmixed-phase TiO2with relatively smaller particles size, which might be responsible for higher photo-catalytic activity. Moreover, the stable and much inerter porous microstructure of diatomite could beanother key factor in improving its activity.


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The microwave synthesis of MnC2O4·2H2O nanoparticles was performed through the thermal double decomposition of oxalic acid dihydrate (C2H2O4·2H2O) and Mn(OAc)2·4H2O solutions using a CATA-2R microwave reactor. Structural characterization was performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), particle size and shape were analyzed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The chemical in the structures was investigated using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) as well as optical absorption spectra and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopies. The nanocrystals produced with this method were pure and had a distorted rhombic octahedral structure.


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Composite TiO2/acid leached serpentine tailings (AST) were synthesized through the hydrolysis–deposition method and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energydispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and surface area measurement (BET). The XRD analysis showed that TiO2 coated on the surface of acid leached serpentine tailings was mixed crystal phases of rutile and anatase, the grain size of which is 10–30 nm. SEM, TEM, and EDS analysis exhibited that nano-TiO2 particles were deposited on the surface and internal cavities of acid leaching serpentine tailings. The XPS and FT-IR analysis demonstrated that the coating process of TiO2 on AST was a physical adsorption process. The large specific surface area, porous structure, and plentiful surface hydroxyl group of TiO2/AST composite resulted in the high adsorption capacity of Cr(VI). The experimental results demonstrated that initial concentration of Cr(VI), the amount of the catalyst, and pH greatly influenced the removal efficiency of Cr(VI). The removal kinetics of Cr(VI) at a relative low initial concentration was fitted well with Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetics model with R2 value of about unity. The asprepared composites exhibited strong adsorption and photocatalytic capacity for the removal of Cr(VI), and the possible photocatalytic reduction mechanism was studied. The photodecomposition of Cr(VI) was as high as 95% within 2 h, and the reusability of the photocatalysis was proven.


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The mineral kulanite BaFe2Al2(PO4)3(OH)3, a barium iron aluminum phosphate, has been studied by using a combination of electron microscopy and vibrational spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy with EDX shows the mineral is homogenous with no other phases present. The Raman spectrum is dominated by an intense band at 1022 cm−1 assigned to the PO43-ν1 symmetric stretching mode. Low intensity Raman bands at 1076, 1110, 1146, 1182 cm−1 are attributed to the PO43-ν3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The infrared spectrum shows a complex spectral profile with overlapping bands. Multiple phosphate bending vibrations supports the concept of a reduction in symmetry of the phosphate anion. Raman spectrum at 3211, 3513 and 3533 cm−1 are assigned to the stretching vibrations of the OH units. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects on the molecular structure of kulanite to be assessed.