178 resultados para applied physics


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A simple, effective, and innovative approach based on ion-assisted self-organization is proposed to synthesize size-selected Si quantum dots (QDs) on SiC substrates at low substrate temperatures. Using hybrid numerical simulations, the formation of Si QDs through a self-organization approach is investigated by taking into account two distinct cases of Si QD formation using the ionization energy approximation theory, which considers ionized in-fluxes containing Si3+ and Si1+ ions in the presence of a microscopic nonuniform electric field induced by a variable surface bias. The results show that the highest percentage of the surface coverage by 1 and 2 nm size-selected QDs was achieved using a bias of -20 V and ions in the lowest charge state, namely, Si1+ ions in a low substrate temperature range (227-327 °C). As low substrate temperatures (≤500 °C) are desirable from a technological point of view, because (i) low-temperature deposition techniques are compatible with current thin-film Si-based solar cell fabrication and (ii) high processing temperatures can frequently cause damage to other components in electronic devices and destroy the tandem structure of Si QD-based third-generation solar cells, our results are highly relevant to the development of the third-generation all-Si tandem photovoltaic solar cells.


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The possibility to discriminate between the relative importance of the fluxes of energy and matter in plasma-surface interaction is demonstrated by the energy flux measurements in low-temperature plasmas ignited by the radio frequency discharge (power and pressure ranges 50-250 W and 8-11.5 Pa) in Ar, Ar+ H2, and Ar+ H2 + CH4 gas mixtures typically used in nanoscale synthesis and processing of silicon- and carbon-based nanostructures. It is shown that by varying the gas composition and pressure, the discharge power, and the surface bias one can effectively control the surface temperature and the matter supply rates. The experimental findings are explained in terms of the plasma-specific reactions in the plasma bulk and on the surface.


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Carbon nanotips have been synthesized from a thin carbon film deposited on silicon by bias-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition under different process parameters. The results of scanning electron microscopy indicate that high-quality carbon nanotips can only be obtained under conditions when the ion flux is effectively drawn from the plasma sustained in a CH4 + NH3 + H2 gas mixture. It is shown that the morphology of the carbon nanotips can be controlled by varying the process parameters such as the applied bias, gas pressure, and the NH3 / H2 mass flow ratios. The nanotip formation process is examined through a model that accounts for surface diffusion, in addition to sputtering and deposition processes included in the existing models. This model makes it possible to explain the major difference in the morphologies of the carbon nanotips formed without and with the aid of the plasma as well as to interpret the changes of their aspect ratio caused by the variation in the ion/gas fluxes. Viable ways to optimize the plasma-based process parameters to synthesize high-quality carbon nanotips are suggested. The results are relevant to the development of advanced plasma-/ion-assisted methods of nanoscale synthesis and processing.


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Carbon nanotips with different structures were synthesized by plasma-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition using different deposition conditions, and they were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The results indicate that the photoluminescence background of the Raman spectra is different for different carbon nanotips. Additionally, the Raman spectra of the carbon nanotips synthesized using nitrogen-containing gas precursors show a peak located at about 2120 cm-1 besides the common D and G peaks. The observed difference in the photoluminescence background is related to the growth mechanisms, structural properties, and surface morphology of a-C:H and a-C:H:N nanotips, in particular, the sizes of the emissive tips.


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This paper reports on ab initio numerical simulations of the effect of Co and Cu dopings on the electronic structure and optical properties of ZnO, pursued to develop diluted magnetic semiconductors vitally needed for spintronic applications. The simulations are based upon the Perdew-Burke-Enzerh generalized gradient approximation on the density functional theory. It is revealed that the electrons with energies close to the Fermi level effectively transfer only between Cu and Co ions which substitute Zn atoms, and are located in the neighbor sites connected by an O ion. The simulation results are consistent with the experimental observations that addition of Cu helps achieve stable ferromagnetism of Co-doped ZnO. It is shown that simultaneous insertion of Co and Cu atoms leads to smaller energy band gap, redshift of the optical absorption edge, as well as significant changes in the reflectivity, dielectric function, refractive index, and electron energy loss function of ZnO as compared to the doping with either Co or Cu atoms. These highly unusual optical properties are explained in terms of the computed electronic structure and are promising for the development of the next-generation room-temperature ferromagnetic semiconductors for future spintronic devices on the existing semiconductor micromanufacturing platform.


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Graphitization, a common process involving the transformation of metastable nongraphitic carbon into graphite is one of the major present-day challenges for micro- and nanocarbons due to their unique structural character and highly unusual thermal activation. Here we report on the successful graphitization of nanocrystalline carbon microcoils prepared by catalytic chemical vapor deposition and post-treated in argon atmosphere at temperatures ∼2500 °C for 2 h. The morphology, microstructure, and thermal properties of the carbon microcoils are examined in detail. The graphitization mechanism is discussed by invoking a model of structural transformation of the carbon microcoils. The results reveal that after graphitization the carbon microcoils are prominently purified and feature a clear helical morphology, as well as a more regular and ordered microstructure. The interlayer spacing of the carbon microcoils decreases from 0.36 to 0.34 nm, whereas the mean crystal sizes in the c - and a -directions increase from 1.64 to 2.04 nm and from 3.86 to 7.21 nm, respectively. Thermal treatment also substantially improves the antioxidation properties of the microcoils by lifting the oxidation onset temperature from 550 to 672 °C. This process may be suitable for other nongraphitic micro- and nanomaterials.


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Here we report on an unconventional Ni-P alloy-catalyzed, high-throughput, highly reproducible chemical vapor deposition of ultralong carbon microcoils using acetylene precursor in the temperature range 700-750 °C. Scanning electron microscopy analysis reveals that the carbon microcoils have a unique double-helix structure and a uniform circular cross-section. It is shown that double-helix carbon microcoils have outstanding superelastic properties. The microcoils can be extended up to 10-20 times of their original coil length, and quickly recover the original state after releasing the force. A mechanical model of the carbon coils with a large spring index is developed to describe their extension and contraction. Given the initial coil parameters, this mechanical model can successfully account for the geometric nonlinearity of the spring constants for carbon micro- and nanocoils, and is found in a good agreement with the experimental data in the whole stretching process.


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A high level of control over quantum dot (QD) properties such as size and composition during fabrication is required to precisely tune the eventual electronic properties of the QD. Nanoscale synthesis efforts and theoretical studies of electronic properties are traditionally treated quite separately. In this paper, a combinatorial approach has been taken to relate the process synthesis parameters and the electron confinement properties of the QDs. First, hybrid numerical calculations with different influx parameters for Si1-x Cx QDs were carried out to simulate the changes in carbon content x and size. Second, the ionization energy theory was applied to understand the electronic properties of Si1-x Cx QDs. Third, stoichiometric (x=0.5) silicon carbide QDs were grown by means of inductively coupled plasma-assisted rf magnetron sputtering. Finally, the effect of QD size and elemental composition were then incorporated in the ionization energy theory to explain the evolution of the Si1-x Cx photoluminescence spectra. These results are important for the development of deterministic synthesis approaches of self-assembled nanoscale quantum confinement structures.


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A theoretical model to describe the plasma-assisted growth of carbon nanofibers (CNFs) is proposed. Using the model, the plasma-related effects on the nanofiber growth parameters, such as the growth rate due to surface and bulk diffusion, the effective carbon flux to the catalyst surface, the characteristic residence time and diffusion length of carbon atoms on the catalyst surface, and the surface coverages, have been studied. The dependence of these parameters on the catalyst surface temperature and ion and etching gas fluxes to the catalyst surface is quantified. The optimum conditions under which a low-temperature plasma environment can benefit the CNF growth are formulated. These results are in good agreement with the available experimental data on CNF growth and can be used for optimizing synthesis of related nanoassemblies in low-temperature plasma-assisted nanofabrication. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) in plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) is studied using a surface diffusion model. It is shown that at low substrate temperatures (≤1000 K), the atomic hydrogen and ion fluxes from the plasma can strongly affect nanotube growth. The ion-induced hydrocarbon dissociation can be the main process that supplies carbon atoms for SWCNT growth and is responsible for the frequently reported higher (compared to thermal chemical vapor deposition) nanotube growth rates in plasma-based processes. On the other hand, excessive deposition of plasma ions and atomic hydrogen can reduce the diffusion length of the carbon-bearing species and their residence time on the nanotube lateral surfaces. This reduction can adversely affect the nanotube growth rates. The results here are in good agreement with the available experimental data and can be used for optimizing SWCNT growth in PECVD.


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The nanopowder management and control of plasma parameters in electronegative SiH4 plasmas were discussed. The spatial profiles of electron and positive/negative ion number densities, electron temperature and charge of the fine particles were obtained. It was found that management of powder charge distribution is also possible through control of the external parameters.


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The study of inductively coupled Ar/CH 4/H 2 plasmas in the plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) of self-assembled carbon nanostructures (CN) was presented. A spatially averaged (global) discharge model was developed to study the densities and fluxes of the radical neutrals and charged species, the effective electron temperature, and methane conversion factors under various conditions. It was found that the deposited cation fluxes in the PECVD of CNs generally exceed those of the radical neutrals. The agreement with the optical emission spectroscopy (OES) and quadrupole mass spectrometry (QMS) was also derived through numerical results.


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Self-assembly of size-uniform and spatially ordered quantum dot (QD) arrays is one of the major challenges in the development of the new generation of semiconducting nanoelectronic and photonic devices. Assembly of Ge QD (in the ∼5-20 nm size range) arrays from randomly generated position and size-nonuniform nanodot patterns on plasma-exposed Si (100) surfaces is studied using hybrid multiscale numerical simulations. It is shown, by properly manipulating the incoming ion/neutral flux from the plasma and the surface temperature, the uniformity of the nanodot size within the array can be improved by 34%-53%, with the best improvement achieved at low surface temperatures and high external incoming fluxes, which are intrinsic to plasma-aided processes. Using a plasma-based process also leads to an improvement (∼22% at 700 K surface temperature and 0.1 MLs incoming flux from the plasma) of the spatial order of a randomly sampled nanodot ensemble, which self-organizes to position the dots equidistantly to their neighbors within the array. Remarkable improvements in QD ordering and size uniformity can be achieved at high growth rates (a few nms) and a surface temperature as low as 600 K, which broadens the range of suitable substrates to temperature-sensitive ultrathin nanofilms and polymers. The results of this study are generic, can also be applied to nonplasma-based techniques, and as such contributes to the development of deterministic strategies of nanoassembly of self-ordered arrays of size-uniform QDs, in the size range where nanodot ordering cannot be achieved by presently available pattern delineation techniques.


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This article reports on the lowerature inductively coupled plasma-enabled synthesis of ultralong (up to several millimeters in length) SiO2 nanowires, which were otherwise impossible to synthesize without the presence of a plasma. Depending on the process conditions, the nanowires feature straight, helical, or branched morphologies. The nanowires are amorphous, with a near-stoichiometric elemental composition ([O] / [Si] =2.09) and are very uniform throughout their length. The role of the ionized gas environment is discussed and the growth mechanism is proposed. These nanowires are particularly promising for nanophotonic applications where long-distance and channelled light transmission and polarization control are required.


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The ability to control the properties of single-wall nanotubes (SWNTs) produced in the arc discharge is important for many practical applications. Our experiments suggest that the length of SWNTs significantly increases (up to 4000 nm), along with the purity of the carbon deposit, when the magnetic field is applied to arc discharge. Scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy analyses have demonstrated that the carbon deposit produced in the magnetic-field-enhanced arc mainly consists of the isolated and bunched SWNTs. A model of a carbon nanotube interaction and growth in the thermal plasma was developed, which considers several important effects such as anode ablation that supplies the carbon plasma in an anodic arc discharge technique, and the momentum, charge, and energy transfer processes between nanotube and plasma. It is shown that the nanotube charge with respect to the plasma as well as nanotube length depend on plasma density and electric field in the interelectrode gap. For instance, nanotube charge changes from negative to positive value with an electron density decrease. The numerical simulations based on the Monte Carlo technique were performed, which explain an increase in the nanotubes produced in the magnetic-field-enhanced arc discharge. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.