128 resultados para Penetration Enhancers


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This paper presents an experimental study on the effect of presoaked lightweight aggregates (LWAs) for internal curing on water permeability, water absorption and resistance of concrete to chloride-ion penetration in comparison with those of a control concrete and a concrete with shrinkage reducing admixture (SRA) of similar water/cement ratios (w/c). In general, the concretes with LWA particles had initial water absorption, sorptivity and water permeability similar to or lower than those of the control concrete and the concrete with SRA. The charges passed, chloride migration coefficient and chloride diffusion coefficient of such concretes were in the same order as those of the control concrete and the concrete with SRA. However, the incorporation of the LWAs for internal curing reduced unit weight, compressive strength and elastic modulus of the concrete. Comparing the LWAs of different sizes for internal curing, finer particles were more efficient in reducing the shrinkage and generally resulted in less reduction in the unit weight, compressive strength, and elastic modulus. However, the increase in the more porous crushed LW particles in concrete seems to increase the penetration of chloride ions in the concrete. The concrete with SRA had initial water absorption, sorptivity, water permeability and resistance to chloride ion penetration comparable with those of the control concrete. The use of SRA in concrete does not affect the elastic modulus of the concrete, except for a minor influence on the compressive strength of the concrete.


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In the last two decades, there are developments that lead to greater understanding on how and why lightweight concretes (LWC) may achieve similar or higher performance than their normal weight counterparts. The present paper reviews some of these aspects beginning with basic properties such as unit weight, compressive strength and specific strength (strength/ unit weight). Stability and workability of LWC is discussed from rheological perspective. The volumetric stability of LWC in terms of shrinkage and creep are presented with some recent published data. Transport properties of the LWC in terms of sorptivity, water permeability and resistance to chloride-ion penetration are reviewed in comparison with normal weight concrete. Fire resistance of LWC and some current measures used to improve the resistance are discussed. With continual research and development, the performance of LWC is being enhanced to provide new opportunities for practical applications.


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Background: In sub-tropical and tropical Queensland, a legacy of poor housing design,minimal building regulations with few compliance measures, an absence of post-construction performance evaluation and various social and market factors has led to a high and growing penetration of, and reliance on, air conditioners to provide thermal comfort for occupants. The pervasive reliance on air conditioners has arguably impacted on building forms, changed cultural expectations of comfort and social practices for achieving comfort, and may have resulted in a loss of skills in designing and constructing high performance building envelopes. Aim: The aim of this paper is to report on initial outcomes of a project that sought to determine how the predicted building thermal performance of twenty-five houses in subtropical and tropical Queensland compared with objective performance measures and comfort performance as perceived by occupants. The purpose of the project was to shed light on the role of various supply chain agents in the realisation of thermal performance outcomes. Methodology: The case study methodology embraced a socio-technical approach incorporating building science and sociology. Building simulation was used to model thermal performance under controlled comfort assumptions and adaptive comfort conditions. Actual indoor climate conditions were measured by temperature and relative humidity sensors placed throughout each house, whilst occupants’ expectations of thermal comfort and their self-reported behaviours were gathered through semi-structured interviews and periodic comfort surveys. Thermal imaging and air infiltration tests, along with building design documents, were analysed to evaluate the influence of various supply chain agents on the actual performance outcomes. Results: The results clearly show that in the housing supply chain – from designer to constructor to occupant – there is limited understanding from each agent of their role in contributing to, or inhibiting, occupants’ comfort.


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The effect of oxidation and reduction conditions upon the morphology of polycrystalline silver catalysts has been investigated by means of in situ Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Characterization of the sample was achieved by inspection of the νas(COO) band profile of adsorbed formate, recorded after dosing with formic acid at ambient temperature. Evidence was obtained for the existence of a silver surface reconstructed by the presence of subsurface oxygen in addition to the conventional family of Ag(111) and Ag(110) crystal faces. Oxidation at 773 K facilitated the reconstruction of silver planes due to the formation of subsurface oxygen species. Prolonged oxygen treatment at 773 K also caused particle fragmentation as a consequence of excessive oxygen penetration of the silver catalyst at defect sites. It was also deduced that the presence of oxygen in the gas phase stabilized the growth of silver planes which could form stronger bonds with oxygen. In contrast, high-temperature thermal treatment in vacuum induced significant sintering of the silver catalyst. Reduction at 773 K resulted in substantial quantities of dissolved hydrogen (and probably hydroxy species) in the bulk silver structure. Furthermore, enhanced defect formation in the catalyst was also noted, as evidenced by the increased concentration of formate species associated with oxygen-reconstructed silver faces.


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The reactions of pyrrole and thiophene monomers in copper-exchanged mordenite have been investigated using EPR and UV–VIS absorption spectroscopy. The EPR spectra show a decrease in the intensity of the Cu2+ signal and the appearance of a radical signal due to the formation of oxidatively coupled oligomeric and/or polymeric species in the zeolite host. The reaction ceases when ca. 50% of the copper has reacted and differences in the form of the residual Cu2+ signal between the thiophene and pyrrole reactions suggest a greater degree of penetration of the reaction into the zeolite host for pyrrole, in agreement with previous XPS measurements. The EPR signal intensities show that the average length of the polymer chain that is associated with each radical centre is 15–20 and 5–7 monomer units for polypyrrole and polythiophene, respectively. The widths of the EPR signals suggest that these are at least partly due to small oligomers. The UV–VIS absorption spectra of the thiophene system show bands in three main regions: 2.8–3.0 eV (A), 2.3 eV (B) and 1.6–1.9 eV (D, E, F). Bands A and D–F occur in regions which have previously been observed for small oligomers, 4–6 monomer units in length. Band B is assigned to longer chain polythiophene molecules. We therefore conclude that the reaction between thiophene and copper-loaded mordenite produces a mixture of short oligomers together with some long chain polythiophene. The UV–VIS spectra of the pyrrole system show bands in the regions 3.6 eV (A), 2.7–3.0 eV (B, C) and 1.5–1.9 eV (D, F). Assignments of these bands are less certain than for the thiophene case because of the lack of literature data on the spectra of pyrrole oligomers.


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This paper presents research findings and design strategies that illustrate how digital technology can be applied as a tool for hybrid placemaking in ways that would not be possible in purely digital or physical space. Digital technology has revolutionised the way people learn and gather new information. This trend has challenged the role of the library as a physical place, as well as the interplay of digital and physical aspects of the library. The paper provides an overview of how the penetration of digital technology into everyday life has affected the library as a place, both as designed by place makers, and, as perceived by library users. It then identifies a gap in current library research about the use of digital technology as a tool for placemaking, and reports results from a study of Gelatine – a custom built user check-in system that displays real-time user information on a set of public screens. Gelatine and its evaluation at The Edge, at State Library of Queensland illustrates how combining affordances of social, spatial and digital space can improve the connected learning experience among on-site visitors. Future design strategies involving gamifying the user experience in libraries are described based on Gelatine’s infrastructure. The presented design ideas and concepts are relevant for managers and designers of libraries as well as other informal, social learning environments.


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Whilst alcohol is a common feature of many social gatherings, there are numerous immediate and long-term health and social harms associated with its abuse. Alcohol consumption is the world’s third largest risk factor for disease and disability with almost 4% of all deaths worldwide attributed to alcohol. Not surprisingly, alcohol use and binge drinking by young people is of particular concern with Australian data reporting that 39% of young people (18-19yrs) admitted drinking at least weekly and 32% drank to levels that put them at risk of alcohol-related harm. The growing market penetration and connectivity of smartphones may be an opportunities for innovation in promoting health-related self-management of substance use. However, little is known about how best to harness and optimise this technology for health-related intervention and behaviour change. This paper explores the utility and interface of smartphone technology as a health intervention tool to monitor and moderate alcohol use. A review of the psychological health applications of this technology will be presented along with the findings of a series of focus groups, surveys and behavioural field trials of several drink-monitoring applications. Qualitative and quantitative data will be presented on the perceptions, preferences and utility of the design, usability and functionality of smartphone apps to monitoring and moderate alcohol use. How these findings have shaped the development and evolution of the OnTrack app will be specifically discussed, along with future directions and applications of this technology in health intervention, prevention and promotion.


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The early warning based on real-time prediction of rain-induced instability of natural residual slopes helps to minimise human casualties due to such slope failures. Slope instability prediction is complicated, as it is influenced by many factors, including soil properties, soil behaviour, slope geometry, and the location and size of deep cracks in the slope. These deep cracks can facilitate rainwater infiltration into the deep soil layers and reduce the unsaturated shear strength of residual soil. Subsequently, it can form a slip surface, triggering a landslide even in partially saturated soil slopes. Although past research has shown the effects of surface-cracks on soil stability, research examining the influence of deep-cracks on soil stability is very limited. This study aimed to develop methodologies for predicting the real-time rain-induced instability of natural residual soil slopes with deep cracks. The results can be used to warn against potential rain-induced slope failures. The literature review conducted on rain induced slope instability of unsaturated residual soil associated with soil crack, reveals that only limited studies have been done in the following areas related to this topic: - Methods for detecting deep cracks in residual soil slopes. - Practical application of unsaturated soil theory in slope stability analysis. - Mechanistic methods for real-time prediction of rain induced residual soil slope instability in critical slopes with deep cracks. Two natural residual soil slopes at Jombok Village, Ngantang City, Indonesia, which are located near a residential area, were investigated to obtain the parameters required for the stability analysis of the slope. A survey first identified all related field geometrical information including slope, roads, rivers, buildings, and boundaries of the slope. Second, the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method was used on the slope to identify the location and geometrical characteristics of deep cracks. The two ERT array models employed in this research are: Dipole-dipole and Azimuthal. Next, bore-hole tests were conducted at different locations in the slope to identify soil layers and to collect undisturbed soil samples for laboratory measurement of the soil parameters required for the stability analysis. At the same bore hole locations, Standard Penetration Test (SPT) was undertaken. Undisturbed soil samples taken from the bore-holes were tested in a laboratory to determine the variation of the following soil properties with the depth: - Classification and physical properties such as grain size distribution, atterberg limits, water content, dry density and specific gravity. - Saturated and unsaturated shear strength properties using direct shear apparatus. - Soil water characteristic curves (SWCC) using filter paper method. - Saturated hydraulic conductivity. The following three methods were used to detect and simulate the location and orientation of cracks in the investigated slope: (1) The electrical resistivity distribution of sub-soil obtained from ERT. (2) The profile of classification and physical properties of the soil, based on laboratory testing of soil samples collected from bore-holes and visual observations of the cracks on the slope surface. (3) The results of stress distribution obtained from 2D dynamic analysis of the slope using QUAKE/W software, together with the laboratory measured soil parameters and earthquake records of the area. It was assumed that the deep crack in the slope under investigation was generated by earthquakes. A good agreement was obtained when comparing the location and the orientation of the cracks detected by Method-1 and Method-2. However, the simulated cracks in Method-3 were not in good agreement with the output of Method-1 and Method-2. This may have been due to the material properties used and the assumptions made, for the analysis. From Method-1 and Method-2, it can be concluded that the ERT method can be used to detect the location and orientation of a crack in a soil slope, when the ERT is conducted in very dry or very wet soil conditions. In this study, the cracks detected by the ERT were used for stability analysis of the slope. The stability of the slope was determined using the factor of safety (FOS) of a critical slip surface obtained by SLOPE/W using the limit equilibrium method. Pore-water pressure values for the stability analysis were obtained by coupling the transient seepage analysis of the slope using finite element based software, called SEEP/W. A parametric study conducted on the stability of an investigated slope revealed that the existence of deep cracks and their location in the soil slope are critical for its stability. The following two steps are proposed to predict the rain-induced instability of a residual soil slope with cracks. (a) Step-1: The transient stability analysis of the slope is conducted from the date of the investigation (initial conditions are based on the investigation) to the preferred date (current date), using measured rainfall data. Then, the stability analyses are continued for the next 12 months using the predicted annual rainfall that will be based on the previous five years rainfall data for the area. (b) Step-2: The stability of the slope is calculated in real-time using real-time measured rainfall. In this calculation, rainfall is predicted for the next hour or 24 hours and the stability of the slope is calculated one hour or 24 hours in advance using real time rainfall data. If Step-1 analysis shows critical stability for the forthcoming year, it is recommended that Step-2 be used for more accurate warning against the future failure of the slope. In this research, the results of the application of the Step-1 on an investigated slope (Slope-1) showed that its stability was not approaching a critical value for year 2012 (until 31st December 2012) and therefore, the application of Step-2 was not necessary for the year 2012. A case study (Slope-2) was used to verify the applicability of the complete proposed predictive method. A landslide event at Slope-2 occurred on 31st October 2010. The transient seepage and stability analyses of the slope using data obtained from field tests such as Bore-hole, SPT, ERT and Laboratory tests, were conducted on 12th June 2010 following the Step-1 and found that the slope in critical condition on that current date. It was then showing that the application of the Step-2 could have predicted this failure by giving sufficient warning time.


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Background Oropharyngeal aspiration (OPA) can lead to recurrent respiratory illnesses and chronic lung disease in children. Current clinical feeding evaluations performed by speech pathologists have poor reliability in detecting OPA when compared to radiological procedures such as the modified barium swallow (MBS). Improved ability to diagnose OPA accurately via clinical evaluation potentially reduces reliance on expensive, less readily available radiological procedures. Our study investigates the utility of adding cervical auscultation (CA), a technique of listening to swallowing sounds, in improving the diagnostic accuracy of a clinical evaluation for the detection of OPA. Methods We plan an open, unblinded, randomised controlled trial at a paediatric tertiary teaching hospital. Two hundred and sixteen children fulfilling the inclusion criteria will be randomised to one of the two clinical assessment techniques for the clinical detection of OPA: (1) clinical feeding evaluation only (CFE) group or (2) clinical feeding evaluation with cervical auscultation (CFE + CA) group. All children will then undergo an MBS to determine radiologically assessed OPA. The primary outcome is the presence or absence of OPA, as determined on MBS using the Penetration-Aspiration Scale. Our main objective is to determine the sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive values of ‘CFE + CA’ versus ‘CFE’ only compared to MBS-identified OPA. Discussion Early detection and appropriate management of OPA is important to prevent chronic pulmonary disease and poor growth in children. As the reliability of CFE to detect OPA is low, a technique that can improve the diagnostic accuracy of the CFE will help minimise consequences to the paediatric respiratory system. Cervical auscultation is a technique that has previously been documented as a clinical adjunct to the CFE; however, no published RCTs addressing the reliability of this technique in children exist. Our study will be the first to establish the utility of CA in assessing and diagnosing OPA risk in young children.


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Purpose: PTK787/ZK 222584 (PTK/ZK), an orally active inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor tyrosine kinases, inhibits VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. The pharmacodynamic effects of PTK/ZK were evaluated by assessing changes in contrast-enhancement parameters of metastatic liver lesions using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) in patients with advanced colorectal cancer treated in two ongoing, dose-escalating phase I studies. Patients and Methods: Twenty-six patients had DCE-MRI performed at baseline, day 2, and at the end of each 28-day cycle. Doses of oral PTK/ZK ranged from 50 to 2000 mg once daily. Tumor permeability and vascularity were assessed by calculating the bidirectional transfer constant (Ki). The percentage of baseline Ki (% of baseline Ki) at each time point was compared with pharmacokinetic and clinical end points. Results: A significant negative correlation exists between the % of baseline Ki and increase in PTK/ZK oral dose and plasma levels (P = .01 for oral dose; P = .0001 for area under the plasma concentration curve at day 2). Patients with a best response of stable disease had a significantly greater reduction in Ki at both day 2 and at the end of cycle 1 compared with progressors (mean difference in % of baseline Ki, 47%, P = .004%; and 51%, P = .006; respectively). The difference in % of baseline Ki remained statistically significant after adjusting for baseline WHO performance status. Conclusion: These findings should help to define a biologically active dose of PTK/ZK. These results suggest that DCE-MRI may be a useful biomarker for defining the pharmacological response and dose of angiogenesis inhibitiors, such as PTK/ZK, for further clinical development. © 2003 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.


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Somatostatin analogue scintigraphy represents a new technique employing radiolabelled peptides to detect specific receptor-bearing lesions. 111Indium diethylenetriaminopentaacetic acid-linked octreotide (111In-DTPA-D-Phe1 octreotide), also known as [111In]pentetreotide or OctreoScan, is now established in the management of patients with neuroendocrine gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic tumours, and has proved effective in localizing disease sites in lung, breast and medullary thyroid carcinomas, lymphomas, meningiomas and others. In these conditions (a) the imaging of all disease sites at a single sitting (in a proportion of patients) thereby making further investigations unnecessary, (b) the localization of otherwise unexpected metastatic deposits and (c) the detection of residual disease not found by other means suggest that [111In]pentetreotide may be a useful adjunct in the diagnostic evaluation of patients with somatostatin receptor-bearing tumours.


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Drosophila melanogaster, along with all insects and the vertebrates, lacks an RdRp gene. We created transgenic strains of Drosophila melanogaster in which the rrf-1 or ego-1 RdRp genes from C. elegans were placed under the control of the yeast GAL4 upstream activation sequence. Activation of the gene was performed by crossing these lines to flies carrying the GAL4 transgene under the control of various Drosophila enhancers. RT-PCR confirmed the successful expression of each RdRp gene. The resulting phenotypes indicated that introduction of the RdRp genes had no effect on D. melanogaster morphological development. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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This paper presents a series of operating schedules for Battery Energy Storage Companies (BESC) to provide peak shaving and spinning reserve services in the electricity markets under increasing wind penetration. As individual market participants, BESC can bid in ancillary services markets in an Independent System Operator (ISO) and contribute towards frequency and voltage support in the grid. Recent development in batteries technologies and availability of the day-ahead spot market prices would make BESC economically feasible. Profit maximization of BESC is achieved by determining the optimum capacity of Energy Storage Systems (ESS) required for meeting spinning reserve requirements as well as peak shaving. Historic spot market prices and frequency deviations from Australia Energy Market Operator (AEMO) are used for numerical simulations and the economic benefits of BESC is considered reflecting various aspects in Australia’s National Electricity Markets (NEM).


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The application of the Bluetooth (BT) technology to transportation has been enabling researchers to make accurate travel time observations, in freeway and arterial roads. The Bluetooth traffic data are generally incomplete, for they only relate to those vehicles that are equipped with Bluetooth devices, and that are detected by the Bluetooth sensors of the road network. The fraction of detected vehicles versus the total number of transiting vehicles is often referred to as Bluetooth Penetration Rate (BTPR). The aim of this study is to precisely define the spatio-temporal relationship between the quantities that become available through the partial, noisy BT observations; and the hidden variables that describe the actual dynamics of vehicular traffic. To do so, we propose to incorporate a multi- class traffic model into a Sequential Montecarlo Estimation algorithm. Our framework has been applied for the empirical travel time investigations into the Brisbane Metropolitan region.


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Increasing penetration of photovoltaic (PV) as well as increasing peak load demand has resulted in poor voltage profile for some residential distribution networks. This paper proposes coordinated use of PV and Battery Energy Storage (BES) to address voltage rise and/or dip problems. The reactive capability of PV inverter combined with droop based BES system is evaluated for rural and urban scenarios (having different R/X ratios). Results show that reactive compensation from PV inverters alone is sufficient to maintain acceptable voltage profile in an urban scenario (low resistance feeder), whereas, coordinated PV and BES support is required for the rural scenario (high resistance feeder). Constant as well as variable droop based BES schemes are analyzed. The required BES sizing and associated cost to maintain the acceptable voltage profile under both schemes is presented. Uncertainties in PV generation and load are considered, with probabilistic estimation of PV generation and randomness in load modeled to characterize the effective utilization of BES. Actual PV generation data and distribution system network data is used to verify the efficacy of the proposed method.