75 resultados para SI(111)


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We investigate, using scanning tunnelling microscopy, the adsorption of pentacene on Ni(111) at room temperature and the behaviour of these monolayer films with annealing up to 700 °C. We observe the conversion of pentacene into graphene, which begins from as low as 220 °C with the coalescence of pentacene molecules into large planar aggregates. Then, by annealing at 350 °C for 20 minutes, these aggregates expand into irregular domains of graphene tens of nanometers in size. On surfaces where graphene and nickel carbide coexist, pentacene shows preferential adsorption on the nickel carbide phase. The same pentacene to graphene transformation was also achieved on Cu(111), but at a higher activation temperature, producing large graphene domains that exhibit a range of moiré superlattice periodicities.


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This thesis is a step forward in understanding the growth of graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms, by annealing Silicon Carbide (SiC) thin films in Ultra High Vacuum. The research lead to the discovery that the details of the transition from SiC to graphene, providing, for the first time, atomic resolution images of the different stages of the transformation and a model of the growth. The epitaxial growth of graphene developed by this study is a cost effective procedure to obtain this material directly on Si chips, a breakthrough for the future electronic industry.


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Studies of Bi heteroepitaxy on Si(001) have shown that lines grow to lengths of up to 500nm if the substrate is heated to above the Bi desorption temperature (500°C) during or after Bi deposition. Unlike many other nanoline systems, the lines formed by this nonequilibrium growth process have no detectable width dispersion. Although much attention has been given to the atomic geometery of the line, in this paper, we focus on how the lines can be used to create a majority 2×1 domain orientation. It is demonstrated that the Bi lines can be used to produce a single-domain orientation on Si(001) if the lines are grown on Si(001) surfaces with a regular distribution of single height steps. This is a compelling example of how a nanoscale motif can be used to modify mesoscopic surface structure on Si(001).


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The equilibrium geometry, electronic structure and energetic stability of Bi nanolines on clean and hydrogenated Si(001) surfaces have been examined by means of ab initio total energy calculations and scanning tunnelling microscopy. For the Bi nanolines on a clean Si surface the two most plausible structural models, the Miki or M model (Miki et al 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 14868) and the Haiku or H model (Owen et al 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 226104), have been examined in detail. The results of the total energy calculations support the stability of the H model over the M model, in agreement with previous theoretical results. For Bi nanolines on the hydrogenated Si(001) surface, we find that an atomic configuration derived from the H model is also more stable than an atomic configuration derived from the M model. However, the energetically less stable (M) model exhibits better agreement with experimental measurements for equilibrium geometry. The electronic structures of the H and M models are very similar. Both models exhibit a semiconducting character, with the highest occupied Bi-derived bands lying at ~0.5 eV below the valence band maximum. Simulated and experimental STM images confirm that at a low negative bias the Bi lines exhibit an 'antiwire' property for both structural models.


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A study of the Bi nanoline geometry on Si(0 0 1) has been performed using a combination of ab initio theoretical technique and scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). Our calculations demonstrate decisively that the recently proposed Haiku geometry is a lower energy configuration than any of the previously proposed line geometries. Furthermore, we have made comparisons between STM constant-current topographs of the lines and Tersoff–Haman STM simulations. Although the Haiku and the Miki geometries both reproduce the main features of the constant-current topographs, the simulated STM images of the Miki geometry have a dark stripe between the dimer rows that does not correspond well with experiment.


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The authors combine nanostenciling and pulsed laser deposition to patterngermanium(Ge)nanostructures into desired architectures. They have analyzed the evolution of the Ge morphology with coverage. Following the formation of a wetting layer within each area defined by the stencil’s apertures, Gegrowth becomes three dimensional and the size and number of Ge nanocrystals evolve with coverage. Micro-Raman spectroscopy shows that the deposits are crystalline and epitaxial. This approach is promising for the parallel patterning of semiconductor nanostructures for optoelectronic applications.


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Experimental studies of Bi heteroepitaxy on Si(001) have recently uncovered a self-organised nanoline motif which has no detectable width dispersion. The Bi lines can be grown with an aspect ratio that is greater than 350 : 1. This paper describes a study of the nanoline geometry and electronic structure using a combination of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and ab initio theoretical methods. In particular, the effect that the lines have on Si(001) surface structure at large length scales, l > 100 nm, is studied. It has been found that Bi line growth on surfaces that have regularly spaced single height steps results in a 'preferred' domain orientation.


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A Bi 2 × n surface net was grown on the Si(001) surface and studied with inverse photoemission, scanning tunnelling microscopy and ab initio and empirical pseudopotential calculations. The experiments demonstrated that Bi adsorption eliminates the dimer related π1* and π2* surface states, produced by correlated dimer buckling, leaving the bulk bandgap clear of unoccupied surface states. Ab initio calculations support this observation and demonstrate that the surface states derived from the formation of symmetric Bi dimers do not penetrate the fundamental bandgap of bulk Si. Since symmetric Bi dimers are an important structural component of the recently discovered Bi nanolines, that self-organize on Si(001) above the Bi desorption temperature, a connection will be made between our findings and the electronic structure of the nanolines.


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The registry of bismuth dimers, integral components of the bismuth nanoline on Si(001), is examined. In contrast to the currently accepted view, the bismuth dimers are found to be in registry with the two-dimensional lattice created by the silicon dimers. The consequences of this finding are briefly explored.


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The imaging and characterization of single-molecule reaction events is essential to both extending our basic understanding of chemistry and applying this understanding to challenges at the frontiers of technology, for example, in nanoelectronics. Specifically, understanding the behavior of individual molecules can elucidate processes critical to the controlled synthesis of materials for applications in multiple nanoscale technologies. Here, we report the synthesis of an important semiconducting organic molecule through an unprecedented reaction observed with submolecular resolution by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions. Our images reveal a sulfur abstraction and cyclization reaction that converts tetrathienoanthracene precursors into pentacene on the Ni(111) surface. The identity of the final reaction product was confirmed by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS). This reaction has no known literature analogue, and highlights the power of local-probe techniques for exploring new chemical pathways.


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We have performed a high-resolution synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy study of the initial growth stages of the ZnPd near-surface alloy on Pd(111), complemented by scanning tunnelling microscopy data. We show that the chemical environment for surfaces containing less than half of one monolayer of Zn is chemically distinct from subsequent layers. Surfaces where the deposition is performed at room temperature contain ZnPd islands surrounded by a substrate with dilute Zn substitutions. Annealing these surfaces drives the Zn towards the substrate top-layer, and favours the completion of the first 1 : 1 monolayer before the onset of growth in the next layer.


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Yttrium silicates (Y-Si-O oxides), including Y2Si2O7, Y2SiO5, and Y4·67(SiO4)3O apatite, have attracted wide attentions from material scientists and engineers, because of their extensive polymorphisms and important roles as grain boundary phases in improving the high-temperature mechanical/thermal properties of Si3N4and SiC ceramics. Recent interest in these materials has been renewed by their potential applications as high-temperature structural ceramics, oxidation protective coatings, and environmental barrier coatings (EBCs). The salient properties of Y-Si-O oxides are strongly related to their unique chemical bonds and microstructure features. An in-depth understanding on the synthesis - multi-scale structure-property relationships of the Y-Si-O oxides will shine a light on their performance and potential applications. In this review, recent progress of the synthesis, multi-scale structures, and properties of the Y-Si-O oxides are summarised. First, various methods for the synthesis of Y-Si-O ceramics in the forms of powders, bulks, and thin films/coatings are reviewed. Then, the crystal structures, chemical bonds, and atomic microstructures of the polymorphs in the Y-Si-O system are summarised. The third section focuses on the properties of Y-Si-O oxides, involving the mechanical, thermal, dielectric, and tribological properties, their environmental stability, and their structure-property relationships. The outlook for potential applications of Y-Si-O oxides is also highlighted.