112 resultados para Insulin-like Growth Factor-I


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The mechanisms involved in the control of embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation are yet to be fully elucidated. However, it has become clear that the family of fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are centrally involved. In this study we examined the role of the FGF receptors (FGFRs 1-4) during osteogenesis in murine ES cells. Single cells were obtained after the formation of embryoid bodies, cultured on gelatin-coated plates, and coaxed to differentiate along the osteogenic lineage. Upregulation of genes was analyzed at both the transcript and protein levels using gene array, relative-quantitative PCR (RQ-PCR), and Western blotting. Deposition of a mineralized matrix was evaluated with Alizarin Red staining. An FGFR1-specific antibody was generated and used to block FGFR1 activity in mES cells during osteogenic differentiation. Upon induction of osteogenic differentiation in mES cells, all four FGFRs were clearly upregulated at both the transcript and protein levels with a number of genes known to be involved in osteogenic differentiation including bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), collagen I, and Runx2. Cells were also capable of depositing a mineralized matrix, confirming the commitment of these cells to the osteogenic lineage. When FGFR1 activity was blocked, a reduction in cell proliferation and a coincident upregulation of Runx2 with enhanced mineralization of cultures was observed. These results indicate that FGFRs play critical roles in cell recruitment and differentiation during the process of osteogenesis in mES cells. In particular, the data indicate that FGFR1 plays a pivotal role in osteoblast lineage determination.


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Background Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process implicated in cancer metastasis that involves the conversion of epithelial cells to a more mesenchymal and invasive cell phenotype. In breast cancer cells EMT is associated with altered store-operated calcium influx and changes in calcium signalling mediated by activation of cell surface purinergic receptors. In this study, we investigated whether MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cells induced to undergo EMT exhibit changes in mRNA levels of calcium channels, pumps and exchangers located on intracellular calcium storing organelles, including the Golgi, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Methods Epidermal growth factor (EGF) was used to induce EMT in MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cells. Serum-deprived cells were treated with EGF (50 ng/mL) for 12 h and gene expression was assessed using quantitative RT-PCR. Results and conclusions These data reveal no significant alterations in mRNA levels of the Golgi calcium pump secretory pathway calcium ATPases (SPCA1 and SPCA2), or the mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) or Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCLX). However, EGF-induced EMT was associated with significant alterations in mRNA levels of specific ER calcium channels and pumps, including (sarco)-endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPases (SERCAs), and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) and ryanodine receptor (RYR) calcium channel isoforms. The most prominent change in gene expression between the epithelial and mesenchymal-like states was RYR2, which was enriched 45-fold in EGF-treated MDA-MB-468 cells. These findings indicate that EGF-induced EMT in breast cancer cells may be associated with major alterations in ER calcium homeostasis.


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Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are potent mitogens, morphogens, and inducers of angiogenesis, and FGF signaling governs the genesis of diverse tissues and organs from the earliest stages. With such fundamental embryonic and homeostatic roles, it follows that aberrant FGF signaling underlies a variety of diseases. Pathological modifications to FGF expression are known to cause salivary gland aplasia and autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets, while mutations in FGF receptors (FGFRs) result in a range of skeletal dysplasias. Anomalous FGF signaling is also associated with cancer development and progression. Examples include the overexpression of FGF2 and FGF6 in prostate cancer, and FGF8 overexpression in breast and prostate cancers. Alterations in FGF signaling regulators also impact tumorigenesis, which is exemplified by the down-regulation of Sprouty 1, a negative regulator of FGF signaling, in prostate cancer. In addition, several FGFRs are mutated in human cancers (including FGFR2 in gastric cancer and FGFR3 in bladder cancer). We recently identified intriguing alterations in the FGF pathway in a novel model of bladder carcinoma that consists of a parental cell line (TSU-Pr1/T24) and two sublines with increasing metastatic potential (TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2), which were derived successively through in vivo cycling. It was found that the increasingly metastatic sublines (TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2) had undergone a mesenchymal to epithelial transition. FGFR2IIIc expression, which is normally expressed in mesenchymal cells, was increased in the epithelial-like TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2 sublines and FGFR2 knock-down was associated with the reversion of cells from an epithelial to a mesenchymal phenotype. These observations suggest that modified FGF pathway signaling should be considered when studying other cancer types.


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The expression of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) has been shown to be upregulated in ovarian cancer cells. In this study, we report that the expression of immunoreactive NGAL (irNGAL) in ovarian tumors changes with disease grade and that this change is reflected in the concentration of NGAL in peripheral blood. A total of 59 ovarian tissues including normal, benign, borderline malignant and grades 1, 2 and 3 malignant were analyzed using immunohistochemistry. irNGAL was not present in normal ovaries and the NGAL expression was weak to moderate in benign tissues. Both borderline and grade 1 tumors displayed the highest amount of NGAL expression with moderate to strong staining, whereas in grade 2 and 3 tumors, the extent of staining was significantly less (p < 0.01) and staining intensity was weak to moderate. Staining in all cases was confined to the epithelium. NGAL expression was analyzed by ELISA in 62 serum specimens from normal and different grades of cancer patients. Compared to control samples, the NGAL concentration was 2 and 2.6-fold higher in the serum of patients with benign tumors and cancer patients with grade 1 tumors (p < 0.05) and that result was consistent with the expression of NGAL performed by Western blot. NGAL expression was evaluated by Western blot in an immortalized normal ovarian cell line (IOSE29) as well as ovarian cancer cell lines. Moderate to strong expression of NGAL was observed in epithelial ovarian cancer cell lines SKOV3 and OVCA433 while no expression of NGAL was evident in normal IOSE29 and mesenchyme-like OVHS1, PEO.36 and HEY cell lines. NGAL expression was downregulated in ovarian cancer cell lines undergoing epithelio-mesenchymal transition (EMT) induced by epidermal growth factor (EGF). Down-regulation of NGAL expression correlated with the upregulation of vimentin expression, enhanced cell dispersion and downregulation of E-cadherin expression, some of the hallmarks of EMT. EGF-induced EMT phenotypes were inhibited in the presence of AG1478, an inhibitor of EGF receptor tyrosine kinase activity. These data indicate that NGAL may be a good marker to monitor changes of benign to premalignant and malignant ovarian tumors and that the molecule may be involved in the progression of epithelial ovarian malignancies.


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Adipose tissue forms when basement membrane extract (Matrigel™) and fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) are added to our mouse tissue engineering chamber model. A mouse tumor extract, Matrigel is unsuitable for human clinical application, and finding an alternative to Matrigel is essential. In this study we generated adipose tissue in the chamber model without using Matrigel by controlled release of FGF-2 in a type I collagen matrix. FGF-2 was impregnated into biodegradable gelatin microspheres for its slow release. The chambers were filled with these microspheres suspended in 60 μL collagen gel. Injection of collagen containing free FGF-2 or collagen containing gelatin microspheres with buffer alone served as controls. When chambers were harvested 6 weeks after implantation, the volume and weight of the tissue obtained were higher in the group that received collagen and FGF-2 impregnated microspheres than in controls. Histologic analysis of tissue constructs showed the formation of de novo adipose tissue accompanied by angiogenesis. In contrast, control groups did not show extensive adipose tissue formation. In conclusion, this study has shown that de novo formation of adipose tissue can be achieved through controlled release of FGF-2 in collagen type I in the absence of Matrigel.


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Olfactomedin-4 (OLFM-4) is an extracellular matrix protein that is highly expressed in human endometrium. We have examined the regulation and function of OLFM-4 in normal endometrium and in cases of endometriosis and endometrial cancer. OLFM-4 expression levels are highest in proliferative-phase endometrium, and 17 beta-estradiol up-regulates OLFM-4 mRNA in endometrial explant cultures. Using the luciferase reporter under control of the OLFM-4 promoter, it was shown that both 17 beta-estradiol and OH-tamoxifen induce luciferase activity, and epidermal growth factor receptor-1 is required for this estrogenic response. In turn, EGF activates the OLFM-4 promoter, and estrogen receptor-alpha is needed for the complete EGF response. The cellular functions of OLFM-4 were examined by its expression in OLFM-4-negative HEK-293 cells, which resulted in decreased vimentin expression and cell adherence as well as increased apoptosis resistance. In cases of endometriosis and endometrial cancer, OLFM-4 expression correlated with the presence of epidermal growth factor receptor-1 and estrogen receptor-alpha (or estrogen signaling). An increase of OLFM-4 mRNA was observed in the endometrium of endometriosis patients. No change in OLFM-4 expression levels were observed in patients with endometrial cancer relative with controts. In conclusion, cross-talk between estrogen and EGF signaling regulates OLFM-4 expression. The role of OLFM-4 in endometrial tissue remodeling before the secretory phase and during the predisposition and early events in endometriosis can be postulated but requires additional investigation. (Am J Pathol 2010, 177:2495-2508: DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2010.100026


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Objectives. To determine whether genetic polymorphisms in or near the transforming growth factor β1 (TGFB1) locus were associated d with susceptibility to or severity of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Methods. Five intragenic single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and three microsatellite markers flanking the TGFB1 locus were genotyped. Seven hundred and sixty-two individuals from 184 multiplex families were genotyped for the microsatellite markers and two of the promoter SNPs. One thousand and two individuals from 212 English and 170 Finnish families with AS were genotyped for all five intragenic SNPs. A structured questionnaire was used to assess the age of symptom onset, disease duration and disease severity scores, including the BASDAI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index) and BASFI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index). Results. A weak association was noted between the rare TGFB1 + 1632 T allele and AS in the Finnish population (P = 0.04) and in the combined data set (P = 0.03). No association was noted between any other SNPs or SNP haplotype and AS, even among those families with positive non-parametric linkage scores. The TGFB1 +1632 polymorphism was also associated with a younger age of symptom onset (English population, allele 2 associated with age of onset greater by 4.2 yr, P = 0.05; combined data set, allele 2 associated with age of onset greater by 3.2 yr, P = 0.02). A haplotype of coding region SNPs (TGFB1 +869/ +915+1632 alleles 2/1/2) was associated with age of symptom onset in both the English parent-case trios and the combined data set (English data set, haplotype 2/1/2 associated with age of onset greater by 4.9 yr, P = 0.03; combined data set, haplotype 2/1/2 associated with greater age of onset by 4.2 yr, P = 0.006). Weak linkage with AS susceptibility was noted and the peak LOD score was 1.3 at distance 2 cM centromeric to the TGFB1 gene. No other linkage or association was found between quantitative traits and the markers. Conclusion. This study suggests that the polymorphisms within the TGFB1 gene play at most a small role in AS and that other genes encoded on chromosome 19 are involved in susceptibility to the disease.


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Background: Topical administration of growth factors (GFs) has displayed some potential in wound healing, but variable efficacy, high doses and costs have hampered their implementation. Moreover, this approach ignores the fact that wound repair is driven by interactions between multiple GFs and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. The Problem: Deep dermal partial thickness burn (DDPTB) injuries are the most common burn presentation to pediatric hospitals and also represent the most difficult burn injury to manage clinically. DDPTB often repair with a hypertrophic scar. Wounds that close rapidly exhibit reduced scarring. Thus treatments that shorten the time taken to close DDTPB’s may coincidently reduce scarring. Basic/Clinical Science Advances: We have observed that multi-protein complexes comprised of IGF and IGF-binding proteins bound to the ECM protein vitronectin (VN) significantly enhance cellular functions relevant to wound repair in human skin keratinocytes. These responses require activation of both the IGF-1R and the VN-binding αv integrins. We have recently evaluated the wound healing potential of these GF:VN complexes in a porcine model of DDTPB injury. Clinical Care Relevance: This pilot study demonstrates that GF:VN complexes hold promise as a wound healing therapy. Enhanced healing responses were observed after treatment with nanogram doses of the GF:VN complexes in vitro and in vivo. Critically healing was achieved using substantially less GF than studies in which GFs alone have been used. Conclusion: These data suggest that coupling GFs to ECM proteins, such as VN, may ultimately prove to be an improved technique for the delivery of novel GF-based wound therapies.


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The treatment of challenging fractures and large osseous defects presents a formidable problem for orthopaedic surgeons. Tissue engineering/regenerative medicine approaches seek to solve this problem by delivering osteogenic signals within scaffolding biomaterials. In this study, we introduce a hybrid growth factor delivery system that consists of an electrospun nanofiber mesh tube for guiding bone regeneration combined with peptide-modified alginate hydrogel injected inside the tube for sustained growth factor release. We tested the ability of this system to deliver recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) for the repair of critically-sized segmental bone defects in a rat model. Longitudinal [mu]-CT analysis and torsional testing provided quantitative assessment of bone regeneration. Our results indicate that the hybrid delivery system resulted in consistent bony bridging of the challenging bone defects. However, in the absence of rhBMP-2, the use of nanofiber mesh tube and alginate did not result in substantial bone formation. Perforations in the nanofiber mesh accelerated the rhBMP-2 mediated bone repair, and resulted in functional restoration of the regenerated bone. [mu]-CT based angiography indicated that perforations did not significantly affect the revascularization of defects, suggesting that some other interaction with the tissue surrounding the defect such as improved infiltration of osteoprogenitor cells contributed to the observed differences in repair. Overall, our results indicate that the hybrid alginate/nanofiber mesh system is a promising growth factor delivery strategy for the repair of challenging bone injuries.


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The repair of dermal tissue is a complex process of interconnected phenomena, where cellular, chemical and mechanical aspects all play a role, both in an autocrine and in a paracrine fashion. Recent experimental results have shown that transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) and tissue mechanics play roles in regulating cell proliferation, differentiation and the production of extracellular materials. We have developed a 1D mathematical model that considers the interaction between the cellular, chemical and mechanical phenomena, allowing the combination of TGF-beta and tissue stress to inform the activation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts. Additionally, our model incorporates the observed feature of residual stress by considering the changing zero-stress state in the formulation for effective strain. Using this model, we predict that the continued presence of TGF-beta in dermal wounds will produce contractures due to the persistence of myofibroblasts; in contrast, early elimination of TGF-beta significantly reduces the myofibroblast numbers resulting in an increase in wound size. Similar results were obtained by varying the rate at which fibroblasts differentiate to myofibroblasts and by changing the myofibroblast apoptotic rate. Taken together, the implication is that elevated levels of myofibroblasts is the key factor behind wounds healing with excessive contraction, suggesting that clinical strategies which aim to reduce the myofibroblast density may reduce the appearance of contractures.


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Understanding the complex mechanisms underlying bone remodeling is crucial to the development of novel therapeutics. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) localised to the extracellular matrix (ECM) of bone are thought to play a key role in mediating aspects of bone development. The influence of isolated GAGs was studied by utilising in vitro murine calvarial monolayer and organ culture model systems. Addition of GAG preparations extracted from the cell surface of human osteoblasts at high concentrations (5 microg/ml) resulted in decreased proliferation of cells and decreased suture width and number of bone lining cells in calvarial sections. When we investigated potential interactions between the growth factors fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2), bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP2) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGFbeta1) and the isolated cell surface GAGs, differences between the two model systems emerged. The cell culture system demonstrated a potentiating role for the isolated GAGs in the inhibition of FGF2 and TGFbeta1 actions. In contrast, the organ culture system demonstrated an enhanced stimulation of TFGbeta1 effects. These results emphasise the role of the ECM in mediating the interactions between GAGs and growth factors during bone development and suggest the GAG preparations contain potent inhibitory or stimulatory components able to mediate growth factor activity.


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BACKGROUND Endometriosis is a polygenic disease with a complex and multifactorial aetiology that affects 8-10% of women of reproductive age. Epidemiological data support a link between endometriosis and cancers of the reproductive tract. Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) has recently been implicated in both endometrial and breast cancer. Our previous studies on endometriosis identified significant linkage to a novel susceptibility locus on chromosome 10q26 and the FGFR2 gene maps within this linkage region. We therefore hypothesized that variation in FGFR2 may contribute to the risk of endometriosis. METHODS We genotyped 13 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) densely covering a 27 kb region within intron 2 of FGFR2 including two SNPs (rs2981582 and rs1219648) significantly associated with breast cancer and a total 40 tagSNPs across 150 kb of the FGFR2 gene. SNPs were genotyped in 958 endometriosis cases and 959 unrelated controls. RESULTS We found no evidence for association between endometriosis and FGFR2 intron 2 SNPs or SNP haplotypes and no evidence for association between endometriosis and variation across the FGFR2 gene. CONCLUSIONS Common variation in the breast-cancer implicated intron 2 and other highly plausible causative candidate regions of FGFR2 do not appear to be a major contributor to endometriosis susceptibility in our large Australian sample.