64 resultados para intercultural dialogue


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Research background: Circle Stories was a live performance curated by Brydie-Leigh Bartleet, Naomi Sunderland, Gavin Carfoot and the Winanjjikari Music Centre as part of the Desert Harmony Festival 2013. The performance was the culmination of five years of research into intercultural performing arts practice, undertaken in partnership with Barkly Regional Arts. This work has built on existing scholarly work in community service learning by Marilynne Boyle-Baise, approaches to intercultural music making with Australian First Peoples by Karl Neuenfeldt, and studies of Indigenous popular music by Peter Dunbar-Hall and Chris Gibson. The performance followed the popular songwriters’ circle approach, in which Aboriginal musicians and elders presented their songs along with tertiary music students, as part of a broader dialogue with each other and the audience. Each performance provided an opportunity to highlight the importance of music in the development of intercultural knowledge and understanding. The project asked the research question, how can collaborative music performance foster mutual learning, intercultural knowledge and reconciliation? Research contribution: The project development and performance of Circle Stories identified that mutual learning and intercultural knowledge can result most effectively through long-term and meaningful relationships underpinning collaborative creative practice. Research significance: Following a general call for proposals, the performance was peer reviewed and selected for inclusion in the Desert Harmony Festival program. The research context of the work is detailed in Brydie-Leigh Bartleet and Gavin Carfoot 2013. "Desert harmony: Stories of collaboration between Indigenous musicians and university students." International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives 12 (1): 180-196.


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Public relations has traditionally claimed a close association with dialogue, but this research demonstrates that formal notions of dialogue have little relevance to the real world of public relations practice. Instead, practitioners undertake pragmatic forms of two-way communication, because the constraints within which they work mean dialogue is difficult if not impossible to carry out. This qualitative research project shows that although the label of 'dialogue' has been co-opted in both the theory and practice of public relations, this claimed connection is not supported by empirical evidence.


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The significance of dialogue to public relations is a persistent and widespread theme in both industry and the academy (International Communication Association, 2013). Dialogue is integral to a number of theoretical perspectives in public relations, from the instrumentalist/functionalist through to the rise of the influence of the two-way symmetric model (Grunig & Hunt, 1984). The emergence of the relational perspective – with its emphasis on dialogue as a means of achieving mutually-beneficial relationships between organisations and stakeholders – brought attention to dialogue as a discrete concept (see, for example, Ledingham, 2003; and 2006). Dialogue continues to be an implicit element in the development of new perspectives on public relations, such as Holtzhausen and Voto’s (2002) postmodern approach...


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‘Engagement’ is one of the buzzwords of 21st century public relations theory and practice. Yet the concept of engagement remains frustratingly nebulous and intangible, lacking clear definition and consistent use. This paper suggests that the concept of dialogue can provide public relations practitioners and academics with a framework for defining engagement that allows deep insights into the range of ideas and contexts it covers. Specifically, this paper argues for the use of a pragmatic practitioner perspective on dialogue as a lens through which to study engagement. Current literature clearly articulates the normative and prescriptive perspectives on dialogue in public relations, but leaves the story of the reality of the practitioner experience of dialogue largely untold. New research tells this ‘missing’ story of the practitioner perspective on dialogue, which in turn offers some insights into the forms and functions of engagement in practice. Dialogue is seen as encompassing three different types of public relations practice: informing stakeholders of organisational decisions and receiving their feedback; consulting with stakeholders on the strategies and tactics used by organisations to achieve their chosen goals; and including stakeholder input in the making of decisions on what organisational goals should be. Adopting this pragmatic practitioner perspective on dialogue to view engagement provides scaffolding that is strong enough to encourage development of a consistent definition of its meaning; while still allowing the freedom and scope necessary to develop deep and rich understanding of the phenomenon.


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This practice-based exegesis examines the field of writing interactive branching dialogues within video games from the perspective of a professional game writer. Leanne analyses both existing critically-acclaimed titles and her own personal works to create a taxonomy for critique that expands upon the current understanding of games as a literary medium. The final project of the exegesis purposely applies the elements of her new taxonomy in an ineffective manner, making explicit the outcomes and pitfalls of writing multi-layered, tiered dialogues and how tacit assumptions made during the writing process can negatively impact player agency.


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The public relations literature has tended to present dialogue as an idealised concept, with a focus on how it should, could, or ought to be carried out in public relations practice. There is little in extant literature that considers the significance of dialogue to the actual practice of public relations. This paper presents the findings of a qualitative study of public relations practitioners’ day-to-day work. It concludes that dialogue does not – and arguably, cannot – occur in public relations practice and instead articulates an empirically-based practitioner perspective on two-way communication, which displays pragmatic characteristics that significantly distinguish it from dialogue.


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In this paper I propose that identity is momentary, fluid, and multiple while simultaneously providing us with a sense of sameness and continuity. Building on Valsiner’s ideas about human sense-making I suggest that we can reasonably deal with the multiplicity/unity paradox if we conceive of this process as resulting in the construction of a fuzzy field of hyper-generalized personal sense, which ordinarily functions as an implicit and unspeakable background of our everyday functioning, while being constantly re-created through momentary instances of foregrounded and explicit identity-dialogues. I illustrate the ideas put forward in the paper by analysing a case of a young woman experiencing a change in her being. Finally, in an attempt to illustrate and further develop the case I introduce a metaphor of carpet-weaving as an apposite image for thinking about identity as a process of a multiple and fragmented, yet also a united and constant being.


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Embedding Indigenous perspectives in early childhood education for sustainability (ECEfS) upholds social and political action goals that support a holistic approach to promoting sustainability in educational contexts. Such goals should be responsive to particular contexts and their histories to ensure local issues are a focus of sustainability alongside global areas of concern. This chapter explores how intercultural dialogues and priorities foreground broader themes of sustainability that attend to local issues around culture and diversity, and equity in relations between groups of people. Attending to such themes in educational practice unsettles a standard environmental narrative and broadens the scope and potential for ECEfS in early years settings. Strengthening intercultural priorities in ECEfS requires a commitment to reflective practices that attend to the influence of one's cultural background on teaching and learning processes. Educators committed to reflective practices provide even greater capacity for children to act as change agents (Davis, 2008, 2010) around multiple dimensions of sustainability.


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"Book Description: The phenomenon which dialogism addresses is human interaction. It enables us to conceptualise human interaction as intersubjective, symbolic, cultural, transformative and conflictual, in short, as complex. The complexity of human interaction is evident in all domains of human life, for example, in therapy, education, health intervention, communication, and coordination at all levels. A dialogical approach starts by acknowledging that the social world is perspectival, that people and groups inhabit different social realities. This book stands apart from the proliferation of recent books on dialogism, because rather than applying dialogism to this or that domain, the present volume focuses on dialogicality itself to interrogate the concepts and methods which are taken for granted in the burgeoning literature. (Imprint: Nova Press)"--Publisher website


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This article examines journalism students' learning experience that is intercultural, immersive and intensive. Accounts of 'intercultural' experience date back to Herodotus of Halicarnassus; 'immersion' is integral to contemporary practice in language learning; and 'intensive' delivery has been refined to an art by postgraduate business education. Together they can be grouped under the broader pedagogical concept of work-integrated learning (WIL). This article examines two WIL projects that involved field trips by journalism students to Vietnam in 2012 and 2014, and their implications for future WIL initiatives.


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Research over a long period of time has continued to demonstrate problems in the teaching of science in school. In addition, declining levels of participation and interest in science and related fields have been reported from many particularly western countries. Among the strategies suggested is the recruitment of professional scientists and technologists either at the graduate level or advanced career level to change career and teach. In this study, we analysed how one beginning middle primary teacher engaged with students to support their science learning by establishing rich classroom discussions. We followed his evolving teaching expertise over three years focussing on his communicative practices informed by socio-cultural theory. His practices exemplified a non-interactive dialogical communicative approach where ideas were readily discussed but were concentrated on the class acquiring acceptable scientific understandings. His focus on the language of science was a significant aspect of his practice and one that emerged from his professional background. The study affirms the theoretical frameworks proposed by Mortimer and Scott (2003) highlighting how dialogue contributes to heightened student interest in science.


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We perceive the epistemological boundaries of Critical Indigenous Studies as marked by analyses of contemporary colonising power in its multiple forms in different contexts. This first issue brings together a diverse group of international Indigenous scholars who are politically and intellectually engaged in theorising from their respective standpoints as well as spatial and geographic locations. As such these essays enable dialogue across and within different colonial power contexts addressing epistemological ethical and methodological concerns within the broad field of Indigenous studies. In each essay a connecting theme is the need for intercultural and comparative work and to import Indigenous agency in the writing of history...


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"New global contexts are presenting new challenges and new possibilities for young children and those around them. Climate change, armed conflict and poverty combine with new frontiers of discovery in science and technology to create a paradoxical picture of both threat and opportunity for our world and our children. On the one hand, children are experiencing unprecedented patterns of disparity and inequity; yet, on the other hand, they have seemingly limitless possibilities to engage with new technologies and social processes. Seismic shifts such as these are inviting new questions about the conditions that young children need to learn and thrive. Diversity in the Early Years: Intercultural Learning and Teaching explores significant aspects of working with children and adults from diverse backgrounds. It is a valuable resource for teaching early childhood pre-service teachers to raise awareness about issues of diversity - whether diversity of culture, language, education and/or gender - and for helping them to develop their own pedagogical approaches to working with diverse populations."--Publisher website