89 resultados para Semiconducting indium phosphide


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Despite developments in diagnosis and treatment, lung cancer is the commonest cause of cancer death in Europe and North America. Due to increasing cigarette consumption, the incidence of the disease and resultant mortality is rising dramatically in women. Novel approaches to the management of lung cancer are urgently required. Somatostatin is a tetradecapeptide first identified in the pituitary and subsequently throughout the body particularly in neuroendocrine cells of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system. The peptide has numerous functions including inhibition of hormone release, immunomodulation and neurotransmission and is an endogenous inhibitor of cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Somatostatin and its analogs, including octreotide (SMS 201-995), somatuline (BIM 23014) and vapreotide (RC-160), act by binding to specific somatostatin receptors (SSTR) of which there are 5 principal subtypes, SSTR-1-5. Although elevated plasma somatostatin levels may be detected in 14-15% of patients, tumor cell expression appears rare. SSTR may be expressed by lung tumors, particularly small cell lung cancer and bronchial carcinoid disease. [111In]pentetreotide scintigraphy may have a role to play in the localization and staging of lung cancers both before and following treatment, and in detecting relapsed disease. The potential role of radiolabelled somatostatin analogs as radiotherapeutic agents in the management of lung cancer is currently being explored. Somatostatin analog therapy results in significant growth inhibition of both SSTR-positive and SSTR-negative lung tumors in vivo. Recent work indicates that these agents may enhance the efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of solid tumors including lung cancer. Copyright © 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Studies of the optical properties and catalytic capabilities of noble metal nanoparticles (NPs), such as gold (Au) and silver (Ag), have formed the basis for the very recent fast expansion of the field of green photocatalysis: photocatalysis utilizing visible and ultraviolet light, a major part of the solar spectrum. The reason for this growth is the recognition that the localised surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) effect of Au NPs and Ag NPs can couple the light flux to the conduction electrons of metal NPs, and the excited electrons and enhanced electric fields in close proximity to the NPs can contribute to converting the solar energy to chemical energy by photon-driven photocatalytic reactions. Previously the LSPR effect of noble metal NPs was utilized almost exclusively to improve the performance of semiconductor photocatalysts (for example, TiO2 and Ag halides), but recently, a conceptual breakthrough was made: studies on light driven reactions catalysed by NPs of Au or Ag on photocatalytically inactive supports (insulating solids with a very wide band gap) have demonstrated that these materials are a class of efficient photocatalysts working by mechanisms distinct from those of semiconducting photocatalysts. There are several reasons for the significant photocatalytic activity of Au and Ag NPs. (1) The conduction electrons of the particles gain the irradiation energy, resulting in high energy electrons at the NP surface which is desirable for activating molecules on the particles for chemical reactions. (2) In such a photocatalysis system, both light harvesting and the catalysing reaction take place on the nanoparticle, and so charge transfer between the NPs and support is not a prerequisite. (3) The density of the conduction electrons at the NP surface is much higher than that at the surface of any semiconductor, and these electrons can drive the reactions on the catalysts. (4) The metal NPs have much better affinity than semiconductors to many reactants, especially organic molecules. Recent progress in photocatalysis using Au and Ag NPs on insulator supports is reviewed. We focus on the mechanism differences between insulator and semiconductor-supported Au and Ag NPs when applied in photocatalytic processes, and the influence of important factors, light intensity and wavelength, in particular estimations of light irradiation contribution, by calculating the apparent activation energies of photo reactions and thermal reactions.


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We report on the chemical synthesis of the arrays of silicon oxide nanodots and their self-organization on the surface via physical processes triggered by surface charges. The method based on chemically active oxygen plasma leads to the rearrangement of nanostructures and eventually to the formation of groups of nanodots. This behavior is explained in terms of the effect of electric field on the kinetics of surface processes. The direct measurements of the electric charges on the surface demonstrate that the charge correlates with the density and arrangement of nanodots within the array. Extensive numerical simulations support the proposed mechanism and prove a critical role of the electric charges in the self-organization. This simple and environment-friendly self-guided process could be used in the chemical synthesis of large arrays of nanodots on semiconducting surfaces for a variety of applications in catalysis, energy conversion and storage, photochemistry, environmental and biosensing, and several others.


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The unique plasma-specific features and physical phenomena in the organization of nanoscale soild-state systems in a broad range of elemental composition, structure, and dimensionality are critically reviewed. These effects lead to the possibility to localize and control energy and matter at nanoscales and to produce self-organized nano-solids with highly unusual and superior properties. A unifying conceptual framework based on the control of production, transport, and self-organization of precursor species is introduced and a variety of plasma-specific non-equilibrium and kinetics-driven phenomena across the many temporal and spatial scales is explained. When the plasma is localized to micrometer and nanometer dimensions, new emergent phenomena arise. The examples range from semiconducting quantum dots and nanowires, chirality control of single-walled carbon nanotubes, ultra-fine manipulation of graphenes, nano-diamond, and organic matter to nano-plasma effects and nano-plasmas of different states of matter. © 2013 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The possibility of effective control of morphology and electrical properties of self-organized graphene structures on plasma-exposed Si surfaces is demonstrated. The structures are vertically standing nanosheets and can be grown without any catalyst and any external heating upon direct contact with high-density inductively coupled plasmas at surface temperatures not exceeding 673–723 K. Study of nucleation and growth dynamics revealed the possibility to switch-over between the two most common (turnstile- and maze-like) morphologies on the same substrates by a simple change of the plasma parameters. This change leads to the continuous or discontinuous native oxide layer that supports self-organized patterns of small carbon nanoparticles on which the structures nucleate. It is shown that by tailoring the nanoparticle arrangement one can create various three-dimensional architectures and networks of graphene nanosheet structures. We also demonstrate effective control of the degree of graphitization of the graphene nanosheet structures from the initial through the final growth stages. This makes it possible to tune the electrical resistivity properties of the produced three-dimensional patterns/networks from strongly dielectric to semiconducting. Our results contribute to enabling direct integration of graphene structures into presently dominant Si-based nanofabrication platform for next-generation nanoelectronic, sensor, biomedical, and optoelectronic components and nanodevices.


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The electronic transport in both intrinsic and acid-treated single-walled carbon nanotube networks containing more than 90% semiconducting nanotubes is investigated using temperature-dependent resistance measurements. The semiconducting behavior observed in the intrinsic network is attributed to the three-dimensional electron hopping mechanism. In contrast, the chemical doping mechanism in the acid-treated network is found to be responsible for the revealed metal-like linear resistivity dependence in a broad temperature range. This effective method to control the electrical conductivity of single-walled carbon nanotube networks is promising for future nanoscale electronics, thermometry, and bolometry. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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Random blinking is a major problem on the way to successful applications of semiconducting nanocrystals in optoelectronics and photonics, which until recently had neither a practical solution nor a theoretical interpretation. An experimental breakthrough has recently been made by fabricating non-blinking Cd1-xZnxSe/ZnSe graded nanocrystals [Wang et al., Nature, 2009, 459, 686]. Here, we (1) report an unequivocal and detailed theoretical investigation to understand the properties (e.g., profile) of the potential-well and the distribution of Zn content with respect to the nanocrystal radius and (2) develop a strategy to find the relationship between the photoluminescence (PL) energy peaks and the potential-well due to Zn distribution in nanocrystals. It is demonstrated that the non-square-well potential can be varied in such a way that one can indeed control the PL intensity and the energy-level difference (PL energy peaks) accurately. This implies that one can either suppress the blinking altogether, or alternatively, manipulate the PL energy peaks and intensities systematically to achieve a controlled non-random intermittent luminescence. The approach developed here is based on the ionization energy approximation and as such is generic and can be applied to any non-free-electron nanocrystals.


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This paper introduces the plasma-nanoscience research area and shows the way from Nature's mastery in assembling nanosized dust grains in the Universe to deterministic plasma-aided nanofabrication. The concept of deterministic nanoassembly is explained, and the multidisciplinary approach to bridge the spatial gap of nine orders of magnitude between the sizes of plasma reactors and atomic building units is discussed. Ongoing numerical simulation and experimental efforts on highly controlled synthesis of carbon nanotip and semiconducting quantum-dot structures show potential benefits of using ionized-gas environments in nanofabrication. © 2007 IEEE.


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Self-assembly of size-uniform and spatially ordered quantum dot (QD) arrays is one of the major challenges in the development of the new generation of semiconducting nanoelectronic and photonic devices. Assembly of Ge QD (in the ∼5-20 nm size range) arrays from randomly generated position and size-nonuniform nanodot patterns on plasma-exposed Si (100) surfaces is studied using hybrid multiscale numerical simulations. It is shown, by properly manipulating the incoming ion/neutral flux from the plasma and the surface temperature, the uniformity of the nanodot size within the array can be improved by 34%-53%, with the best improvement achieved at low surface temperatures and high external incoming fluxes, which are intrinsic to plasma-aided processes. Using a plasma-based process also leads to an improvement (∼22% at 700 K surface temperature and 0.1 MLs incoming flux from the plasma) of the spatial order of a randomly sampled nanodot ensemble, which self-organizes to position the dots equidistantly to their neighbors within the array. Remarkable improvements in QD ordering and size uniformity can be achieved at high growth rates (a few nms) and a surface temperature as low as 600 K, which broadens the range of suitable substrates to temperature-sensitive ultrathin nanofilms and polymers. The results of this study are generic, can also be applied to nonplasma-based techniques, and as such contributes to the development of deterministic strategies of nanoassembly of self-ordered arrays of size-uniform QDs, in the size range where nanodot ordering cannot be achieved by presently available pattern delineation techniques.


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Examples of successful fabrication of low-dimensional semiconducting nanomaterials in the Integrated Plasma-Aided Nanofabrication Facility are shown. Self-assembled size-uniform ZnO nanoparticles, ultra-high-aspect ratio Si nanowires, vertically aligned cadmium sulfide nanostructures, and quarternary semiconducting SiCAlN nanomaterial have been synthesized using inductively coupled plasma-assisted RF magnetron sputtering deposition. The observed increase in crystallinity and growth rates of the nanostructures are explained by using a model of plasma-enhanced adatom surface diffusion under conditions of local energy exchange between the ion flux and the growth surface. Issues related to plasma-based growth of low-dimensional semiconducting nanomaterials are discussed as well. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The underlying physics of the application of low-temperature, low-pressure reactive plasmas in various nanoassembly processes is described. From the viewpoint of the "cause and effect" approach, this Colloquium focuses on the benefits and challenges of using plasma-based systems in nanofabrication of nanostructured silicon films, low-dimensional semiconducting quantum structures, ordered carbon nanotip arrays, highly crystalline TiO2 coatings, and nanostructured hydroxyapatite bioceramics. Other examples and future prospects of plasma-aided nanofabrication are also discussed. © 2005 The American Physical Society.


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The nonlinear effect of hf surface waves self-interaction in a magnetoactive planar plasma waveguide is studies. The waveguide structure under consideration can be formed by gaseous or semiconducting homogeneous plasma, which is limited by a perfectly conducting metal surface. The surface (localized near the surface) wave perturbations propagating on the plasma-metal boundary perpendicular to the constant external magnetic field, are investigated. The nonlinear frequency shift connected with interaction of the second harmonic and static surface perturbations with the main frequency wave, is determined using the approximation of weak nonlinearity. It is shown that the process of double-frequency signal generation is the dissipative one as a result of bulk wave excitation on the surface wave second harmonic.


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A nonlinear process is considered of the surface wave third harmonics generation in a slowing-down semiconductor-metal structure. The process is conditioned by non-parabolicity of the charge carrier dispersion law. It is shown that in narrow-gap semiconducting materials it is necessary to account for the process together with the surface wave second harmonics generation conditioned by nonlinearity of quasi-hydrodynamics and the Maxwell equations. The conclusion is made that the third harmonies amplitude in narrow-gap semiconductors may exceed substantially the signal amplitude at the 3w frequency in a gas plasma and be of the same order with the surface waves second harmonies amplitude.


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Effective control of room-temperature electroluminescence of n-ZnMgO/p-GaN light-emitting diodes (LEDs) over both emission intensity and wavelength is demonstrated. With varied Mg concentration, the intensity of LEDs in the near-ultraviolet region is increased due to the effective radiative recombination in the ZnMgO layer. Furthermore, the emission wavelength is shifted to the green/yellow spectral region by employing an indium-tin-oxide thin film as the dopant source, where thermally activated indium diffusion creates extra deep defect levels for carrier recombination. These results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of controlled metal incorporation in achieving high energy efficiency and spectral tunability of the n-ZnMgO/p-GaN LED devices.


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Charge transport properties in organic semiconductors depend strongly on molecular order. Here we demonstrate field-effect transistors where drain current flows through a precisely defined array of nanostripes made of crystalline and highly ordered molecules. The molecular stripes are fabricated across the channel of the transistor by a stamp-assisted deposition of the molecular semiconductors from a solution. As the solvent evaporates, the capillary forces drive the solution to form menisci under the stamp protrusions. The solute precipitates only in the regions where the solution is confined by the menisci once the critical concentration is reached and self-organizes into molecularly ordered stripes 100-200 nm wide and a few monolayers high. The charge mobility measured along the stripes is 2 orders of magnitude larger than the values measured for spin-coated thin films.