265 resultados para Society and Culture.


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Goodbye Brigadoon examines the shifting role media production plays in the economic and cultural strategies of global cities in small market nations, specifically Glasgow, Scotland. In particular, this project focuses on the formation of a digital media village along the banks of the River Clyde to argue the site constitutes a logical component to Glasgow’s ongoing transformation into a cosmopolitan center. Yet, as the regional government’s economic strategies and policy directives work to transform the abandoned waterfront into a center of cultural activity, this project also underscores the contradictory cultural dynamics to emerge from media production’s new role in the post-industrial city. At its core, the media hub reveals a regional government more interested in the technology used to deliver “national” stories than the manner of the stories themselves or the cultural practices responsible for creating them. Indeed, Goodbye Brigadoon is most interested in how media professionals based at the emergent cluster negotiate a sense of cultural identity and creative license against the institutional constraints, policy matters, and commercial logic they also must navigate in their workaday rituals. Ultimately, the conclusions offered in this project argue for a more complicated conception of the global-local location where these professionals work. Glasgow’s digital media village, in other words, is much more than an innocuous site of competitive advantage, urban regeneration, and job growth. It is best understood as a site of intense social struggle and unequal power relations where local mediamakers often find the site’s impetus for multiplatform media production an institutionally enforced false promise at odds with the realities of creative labor in the city.


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Designers have a social responsibility to deal with the needs, issues, and problems that their clients and communities are confronted with. Students of design require opportunities to reflect on their role as social facilitators to develop an attitude towards community engagement through different phases and aspects of their careers. However, current design courses are challenged by compressed timeframes and fragmented scenarios of different academic requirements that do not actively teach community engagement. This paper outlines a participatory and technological approach that was employed to address these issues within the teaching of Architecture and Urban Design at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. A multi-phase community based research project with actual stakeholders was implemented over a two-year period. Approximately 150 students in the final year of the Bachelor of Design-Architecture; 10 students in the Master of Architecture and 15 students in the Master of Design-Urban Design have informed and influenced each others’ learning through the teaching and research nexus facilitated by this project. The technical approach was implemented in form of a bespoke digital platform that supported the display and discussion of digital media on a series of interactive touch walls. The platform allowed students to easily upload their final designs onto large interactive surfaces, where visitors could explore the media and provide comments. Through the use of this technical platform and the introduction of neogeography, students have been able to broaden their level of interaction and support their learning experience through external structured and unstructured feedback from the local community. Students have not only been exposed to community representatives, but they also have been working in parallel on a specific case study providing each other, across different years and courses, material for reflection and data to structure their design activities.


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Management of a pandemic engages multiple sites where previously settled or uncontroversial understandings may be transformed by global and domestic forces. This article examines the iconography of social distancing implicated in the discourses of ‘quarantine’ and ‘risk control’ in public health, and the tension between scientific and popular media readings of the contours of acceptable public health models for managing particular pandemics. The role of culture in shaping and reshaping borders at an operational level is explored as a basis for explaining the apparent paradoxes in the way historic and contemporary pandemics are actually managed, and the different ways particular pandemics are framed. The article argues that a rational-scientific approach to pandemic management is insufficient and that a more nuanced socio-political blend of science, culture and public perceptions offers a more substantial basis for public health policy.


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Theodor Adorno was opposed to the cinema because he felt it was too close to reality, and ipso facto an extension of ideological Capital, as he wrote in 1944 in Dialectic of Enlightenment. What troubled Adorno was the iconic nature of cinema – the semiotic category invented by C. S. Peirce where the signifier (sign) does not merely signify, in the arbitrary capacity attested by Saussure, but mimics the formal-visual qualities of its referent. Iconicity finds its perfect example in the film’s ingenuous surface illusion of an unmediated reality – its genealogy (the iconic), since classical antiquity, lay in the Greek term eikōn which meant “image,” to refer to the ancient portrait statues of victorious athletes which were thought to bear a direct similitude with their parent divinities. For the postwar, Hollywood-film spectator, Adorno said, “the world outside is an extension of the film he has just left,” because realism is a precise instrument for the manipulation of the mass spectator by the culture industry, for which the filmic image is an advertisement for the world unedited. Mimesis, or the reproduction of reality, is a “mere reproduction of the economic base.” It is precisely film’s iconicity, then, its “realist aesthetic . . . [that] makes it inseparable from its commodity character.”...


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In Australia, bankruptcy retains a social stigma, as is often seen as a personal failing, and an indication that the individual cannot be trusted to meet their obligations. Official labelling and informal labelling reinforce this stigmatisation of bankruptcy in employment and business contexts. This occurs through legislation and policy that imposes restrictions on participation in some occupations on the grounds of bankruptcy, and imposes obligations on persons to disclose their bankruptcy to their employer. These restrictions and obligations that are varying in length and extent, both within industries and professions and across industries and professions, and appear to lack a coherent policy justification. Further, informal labelling is facilitated by the law providing for a permanent, publicly accessible record of bankruptcy, and failing to restrict the use of bankruptcy information in employment and business decision-making. This stigmatisation of bankruptcy inhibits the fresh start objective of bankruptcy, and is not supported by a strong correlation between bankruptcy and negative personal or other attributes. This article therefore argues that a review is needed to determine the circumstances in which there is a genuine policy justification for employment restrictions, and the appropriate length and scope of such restrictions. Reform of the Bankruptcy Act should also be considered. Possible areas for law reform including reducing the minimum period of bankruptcy; removing the permanency and/or public accessibility of the bankruptcy record; revising the language used in the Bankruptcy Act; and introducing a prohibition or restriction on the ability of employers to use bankruptcy status in employment decision making. Such changes would promote the fresh start objective of Australia’s bankruptcy system, and increase the likelihood that bankruptcy does not unfairly inhibit an individual’s ability to engage as an economic actor in Australian society and thereby improve their financial well-being.


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Advances in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) have been revolutionary. This book focuses on the use of ARTs in the context of families who seek to conceive a matching sibling donor as a source of tissue to treat an existing sick child. Such children have been referred to as ‘saviour siblings’. Considering the legal and regulatory frameworks that impact on the accessibility of this technology in Australia and the UK, the work analyses the ethical and moral issues that arise from the use of the technology for this specific purpose. The author claims the only justification for limiting a family’s reproductive liberty in this context is where the exercise of reproductive decision-making results in harm to others. It is argued that the harm principle is the underlying feature of legislative action in Western democratic society, and as such, this principle provides the grounds upon which a strong and persuasive argument is made for a less-restrictive regulatory approach in the context of ‘saviour siblings’.


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This paper investigates the influence of an extensive family tradition in science-based interdisciplinary research on the origins and development of Ferdinand de Saussure's 'structuralism', or his 'scientization' of linguistic study.


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In efforts to generate inclusive schooling, educational policy makers and teachers presumably need to know what the terms of exclusion have been and how inclusion would operate. If disability's definition and, hence, identification is constitutionally unstable however, inclusive schooling becomes a more ambiguous affair. This article examines the methodologies deployed to analyse disability in cultural perspective. It maps critical/feminist and critical post-structural methodologies for treating definitional difficulties. It problematises the notion of cross-culture by analysing the play of a Westernness in different accounts. It suggests that definitional ‘dilemmas’ noted in studies of disability and culture are not resolved by critical/feminist or critical post-structural approaches. The difficulty of definition is grounded more broadly in a moment that seeks to notice itself, particularly through the play of language and appeals to historical relativity. The ‘resolution’ that the article suggests is the article itself: to map the insideness of outsideness in regard to ‘culture and ‘persons’, and to locate the activity of mapping as another colonising effect of scientific thought.


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The book Fashion Media: Past and Present is a timely insight into the historical relationship between fashion and media. Edited by Djurdja Bartlett (Senior Research Fellow at the London College of Fashion), Shaun Cole (Course Leader for the MA in the History and Culture of Fashion and MA Fashion Curation at the London College of Fashion) and Agnès Rocamora (Reader in Social and Cultural Studies at the London College of Fashion), Fashion Media offers a wide historical perspective on how painting, photography, film, television and the Internet have intersected with fashion. The book also provides a useful understanding of social and cultural key issues related to this synergy...


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In the developed world, we feel the effects of "digital disruption" in our experiences of the spaces of retail, hospitality, entertainment, finance, arts and culture, and even healthcare. This disruption can take many forms: augmentation of physical experience with a digital complement such as the use of a bespoke mobile application to navigate an art museum, ordering food on digital tablets in a restaurant, recording our health data to share with a doctor. We also rate and review our experiences of a wide range of services and share these opinions with diverse others via the social web.