322 resultados para food conversion


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For over 150 years Australia has exported bulk, undifferentiated, commodities such as wool, wheat, meat and sugar to the UK and more recently to Japan, Korea, and the Middle East. It is estimated that, each year, Australia's farming system feeds a domestic population of some 22 million people, while exporting enough food to feed another 40 million. With the Australian population expected to double in the next 40 years, and with the anticipated growth in the world's population to reach a level of some 9 billion (from its present level of 7 billion) in the same period, there are strong incentives for an expansion of food production in Australia. Neoliberal settings are encouraging this expansion at the same time as they are facilitating importation of foods, higher levels of foreign direct investment and the commoditisation of resources (such as water). Yet, expansion in food production – and in an era of climate change – will continue to compromise the environment. After discussing Australia's neoliberal framework and its relation to farming, this paper outlines how Australia is attempting to address the issue of food security. It argues that productivist farming approaches that are favoured by both industry and government are proving incapable of bringing about long-term production outcomes that will guarantee national food security.


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Ethical food movements are growing in number throughout Australia. Amongst these diverse movements are urban agriculture initiatives, which articulate a multitude of social and environmental values. Yet, despite the long history of production and exchange of food in urban areas, planners (and others) often overlook its significance. To assist in addressing this oversight, we take the case study of Melbourne to examine the ways in which participants in urban agriculture are re-imagining urban spaces and the future of agriculture and food systems in Australia. We demonstrate that urban food advocates' politics and practices both challenge and resist the enclosure of urban spaces. This creates new frontiers that transgress social, political, ecological and economic boundaries and edges. These transgressions or counter-enclosures articulate new visions for secure and just food systems and, in so doing, offer insights to assist planners in ensuring Australian cities support socially just and environmentally responsible food systems.


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This article investigates the extent to which the purported greening of food retailing and consumption in Australia is consistent with the development of a corporate-environmental food regime. Recent developments in food regime theory, particularly the concept of an emerging third food regime (the so-called ‘corporate-environmental food regime’), provide a useful organizing framework for understanding recent agri-restructuring trends. We find that, while a globally based, third food regime is becoming more apparent, the attributes that relate to corporate retail-driven greening of the supply chain are less evident within Australia’s domestic market than in its EU counterparts. However, there is some evidence that Australia’s export market is subject to some degree of ‘greening at a distance’ due to private regulations imposed by supermarkets overseas. We argue that while broader agri-restructuring trends may be evident at an international level, elements of greening specific to national contexts are important for determining the trajectory of any third food regime.


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Overconsumption of snack foods has been linked to rising rates of obesity, with our ‘obesogenic’ environment and its abundance of palatable, high-calorie foods and associated cues especially implicated. However, it is clear that some individuals are particularly susceptible to overconsumption and weight gain. It was hypothesised that individuals sensitive to the rewarding properties of palatable foods, and associated stimuli, would show elevated consumption. Snack food intake was measured in 50 adults (mean age 34.5 years, BMI 23.9 kg/m2, 56% female) in a repeated measures design, both with and without a ‘food cue’. Trait (BIS/BAS scales), behavioural (computerised CARROT) and food reward were assessed. Sensitivity to food reward, but not generalised reward, was positively associated with snack food intake. This relationship was not affected by the presence of a food cue. Findings are discussed in the context of implications for weight management.


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In most radicals the singly occupied molecular orbital (SOMO) is the highest-energy occupied molecular orbital (HOMO); however, in a small number of reported compounds this is not the case. In the present work we expand significantly the scope of this phenomenon, known as SOMO-HOMO energy-level conversion, by showing that it occurs in virtually any distonic radical anion that contains a sufficiently stabilized radical (aminoxyl, peroxyl, aminyl) non-pi-conjugated with a negative charge (carboxylate, phosphate, sulfate). Moreover, regular orbital order is restored on protonation of the anionic fragment, and hence the orbital configuration can be switched by pH. Most importantly, our theoretical and experimental results reveal a dramatically higher radical stability and proton acidity of such distonic radical anions. Changing radical stability by 3-4 orders of magnitude using pH-induced orbital conversion opens a variety of attractive industrial applications, including pH-switchable nitroxide-mediated polymerization, and it might be exploited in nature.


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Classical results in unconditionally secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols with a passive adversary indicate that every n-variate function can be computed by n participants, such that no set of size t < n/2 participants learns any additional information other than what they could derive from their private inputs and the output of the protocol. We study unconditionally secure MPC protocols in the presence of a passive adversary in the trusted setup (‘semi-ideal’) model, in which the participants are supplied with some auxiliary information (which is random and independent from the participant inputs) ahead of the protocol execution (such information can be purchased as a “commodity” well before a run of the protocol). We present a new MPC protocol in the trusted setup model, which allows the adversary to corrupt an arbitrary number t < n of participants. Our protocol makes use of a novel subprotocol for converting an additive secret sharing over a field to a multiplicative secret sharing, and can be used to securely evaluate any n-variate polynomial G over a field F, with inputs restricted to non-zero elements of F. The communication complexity of our protocol is O(ℓ · n 2) field elements, where ℓ is the number of non-linear monomials in G. Previous protocols in the trusted setup model require communication proportional to the number of multiplications in an arithmetic circuit for G; thus, our protocol may offer savings over previous protocols for functions with a small number of monomials but a large number of multiplications.


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Neutral C3O has been prepared by collision induced neutralisation of the precursor radical anion formed by the reaction C-=C-CO-OEt --> C3O-. +EtO. . The similar neutralisaaion reionisation (-NR+) and charge reversal (CR) spectra of C3O-. indicate that the potential surfaces of C3O and C3O+. show favourable vertical Franck-Condon overlap, This suggests that the bond connectivities of anion, neutral and cation C3O are the same. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Many commentators argue that domestic food waste is strongly influenced by consumer behaviours. This article reports on a study using mixed-methods to identify key factors responsible for promoting consumer behaviours that lead to domestic food waste through the lens of the Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) theory. Based on the study’s findings, three factors are proposed that cause behaviours that lead to food waste: supply knowledge – does a consumer know what food they have available; location knowledge – does a consumer know where to locate food items, and; food literacy – to what degree do past experience and acquired knowledge impact on a consumer’s food consumption and wastage practices. We analyse the study’s findings in light of a review of literature about consumer food wastage behaviours and in turn, present new insights into consumer behaviour, food waste, and the use of technology to reduce food waste.


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Information on foods patients like and dislike is the essential basis for planning menus which are acceptable to patients and promote adequate consumption. The aim of this study was to obtain quantitative data on the food preferences of inpatients at a large metropolitan public hospital for use in menu planning. Methodology was based on a study by Williams et al (1988), and included additional questions about appetite and taste changes. The survey used a 9 point hedonic scale to rate foods listed in random order and was modified to incorporate more contemporary foods than those used in the originalWilliams study. Surveys were conducted by final year University of Queensland dietetics students on Food Service Practicum at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (929 beds) in 2012. The first survey (220 questions, n = 157) had a response rate of 61%. The second included more sandwich fillings and salads (231 questions, n = 219, response rate 67%). Total number surveyed was 376. Results showed the most preferred foods were roast potato, grilled steak, ice cream, fresh strawberries, roast lamb, roast beef, grapes and banana. The least preferred foods were grapefruit, soybeans, lentils, sardines, prune juice and grapefruit juice. Patients who reported taste changes (10%) had similar food preferences to those who didn’t report taste changes. Patients who reported poor/very poor appetite (10%) generally scored foods lower than those who reported OK (22%), good/very good appetite (65%). The results of this study informed planning for a new patient menu at the RBWH in December 2012.


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Nutrition knowledge is associated with dietary choices in the general population and has been proposed to contribute to socioeconomic differences in food choices and corresponding socioeconomic gradients in mortality and morbidity for a number of diet-related illnesses. This paper explores current evidence regarding socioeconomic differences in nutrition knowledge, reviewing the components of nutrition knowledge that have been assessed, the dietary intake or food choice outcomes considered, and the socioeconomic indicators used. In addition, this paper considers how socioeconomic differences in nutrition knowledge may arise, and potential determinants of inequalities in the application of nutrition knowledge. It highlights issues to consider when developing strategies to improve nutrition knowledge and facilitate knowledge application among those of lower socioeconomic position.


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Neutral C3O has been prepared by collision induced neutralisation of the precursor radical anion formed by the reaction C-=C-CO-OEt --> C3O-. +EtO. The similar neutralisaaion reionisation (-NR+) and charge reversal (CR) spectra of C3O-. indicate that the potential surfaces of C3O and C3O+. show favourable vertical Franck-Condon overlap, This suggests that the bond connectivities of anion, neutral and cation C3O are the same. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Both [C4CO]−· and [C2COC2]−· are formed in the ion source of a VG ZAB 2HF mass spectrometer by the respective processes HO− + Me3Si–CC–CC–CO–CMe3 → [C4CO]−· + Me3SiOH + Me3C·, and Me3Si–CC–CO–CC–SiMe3 + SF6 + e → [C2COC2]−· + 2Me3SiF + SF4. The second synthetic pathway involves a double desilylation reaction similar to that first reported by Squires. The two radical anion isomers produce different and characteristic charge reversal spectra upon collisional activation. In contrast, following collision induced charge stripping, both radical anions produce neutral C4CO as evidenced by the identical neutralisation reionisation (−NR+) spectra. The exclusive rearrangement of C213COC2 to C413CO indicates that 12C–O bond formation is not involved in the reaction. Ab initio calculations (at the RCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/6-31G∗ level of theory) have been used to investigate the reaction coordinates on the potential surfaces for both singlet and triplet rearrangements of neutral C2COC2. Singlet C2COC2 is less stable than singlet C4CO by 78.8 kcal mol−1 and requires only 8.5 kcal mol−1 of additional energy to effect conversion to C4CO by a rearrangement sequence involving three C–C ring opening/cyclisation steps.


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Methanesulfonic acid (MSA) was compared with sulfuric acid for the conversion of glucose and xylose mixtures to produce levulinic acid and furfural. The interactions of glucose and xylose, the predominant sugars found in biomass, were found to influence product yields with furfural degradation reactions enhanced under higher reactant loadings. Fast heating rates allowed maximal yields (>60 mol%) of levulinic acid and furfural to be achieved under short reaction times. Under the range of conditions examined, sulfuric acid produced a slight increase in levulinic acid yield by 6% (P = 0.02), although there was no significant difference (P = 0.11) between MSA and sulfuric acid in levulinic acid formed from glucose alone. The amount and type of the solid residue is similar between MSA and sulfuric acid. As such, MSA is a suitable alternative because its use minimizes corrosion and disposal issues associated with mineral acid catalysts. The heating value of the residue was 22 MJ/kg implying that it is a suitable source of fuel. On the basis of these results, a two-stage processing strategy is proposed to target high levulinic acid and furfural yields, and other chemical products (e.g., lactic acid, xylitol, acetic acid and formic acid). This will result in full utilization of bagasse components.


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Sweet sorghum is receiving significant global interest as an agro-industrial crop because of its capacity to co-produce energy, food, and feed products in integrated biorefineries. This report assesses the opportunities to develop a sweet sorghum industry in Australia, reports on research demonstrating the production of energy, food, and feed products, and assesses the potential economic and sustainability benefits of sweet sorghum biorefineries in the Australian context.