182 resultados para Branding and Brand Building


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In this paper we present a method for autonomously tuning the threshold between learning and recognizing a place in the world, based on both how the rodent brain is thought to process and calibrate multisensory data and the pivoting movement behaviour that rodents perform in doing so. The approach makes no assumptions about the number and type of sensors, the robot platform, or the environment, relying only on the ability of a robot to perform two revolutions on the spot. In addition, it self-assesses the quality of the tuning process in order to identify situations in which tuning may have failed. We demonstrate the autonomous movement-driven threshold tuning on a Pioneer 3DX robot in eight locations spread over an office environment and a building car park, and then evaluate the mapping capability of the system on journeys through these environments. The system is able to pick a place recognition threshold that enables successful environment mapping in six of the eight locations while also autonomously flagging the tuning failure in the remaining two locations. We discuss how the method, in combination with parallel work on autonomous weighting of individual sensors, moves the parameter dependent RatSLAM system significantly closer to sensor, platform and environment agnostic operation.


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By presenting the past as a repository of the characteristics of urban formation, urban morphology utilizes a knowledge platform as the basis for interpretation of accordant architectural responses (Levy, 1999). Operating within this framework at the scale of architectural features of individual buildings, and imbued with reference to the intrinsic architectural elements of both preceding and existing building forms, micro-morphology (Larkham, 2006, p. 126) provides the efficacy for new architecture that emerges from such a manner of composition...


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Playfulness, with non-intrusive elements, can be considered a useful resource for enhancing social awareness and community building within work organizations. Taking inspirations from the cultural probes approach, we developed organizational probes as a set of investigation tools that could provide useful information about employees’ everyday playful experiences within their work organizations. In an academic work environment, we applied our organizational probes over a period of three weeks. Based on the collected data we developed two design concepts for playful technologies in work environments.


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As we stand at the beginning of the 21st century and behold the world before us, it seems that we are living in a time of profound change. Everywhere we look change seems afoot, demolishing our traditional securities and hastily building new ones in their place. Modern medical science has been an integral part of this change. It is not possible to ignore the advances of modern medicine nor the realities of scientific uncertainties for they are part of the shared context of our lives today. I In the past 50 years we have witnessed the discovery of DNA and more recently the mapping of the human genome, the birth of the world's first in-vitro fertilisation baby, followed by thousands worldwide in the period since, the discovery of human stem cells and the birth of Dolly the cloned sheep in Scotland. Furthermore, the processes of globalisation have ensured that an event that occurs on one side of the globe becomes an item on the evening news on the other side, creating the impression that all change takes place on our doorstep. Some of these events have provoked deep angst in the community, sparking public debate over the ethics of science and the boundaries to be imposed by law. All of these developments have changed the realm of the possible. While these advances in medical science spark debate in the developed countries, in less developed countries high rates of infectious diseases and infant and maternal mortality and the challenges of access to adequate food and clean water are priorities, highlighting international differences in health care. This article explores these differences through an analysis of globalisation and reproduction. It seeks to analyse both the meaning of globalisation and the impact of globalising trends on health laws and policies as regulators of women's health within the global village.


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Brisbane City Hall (BCH) is arguably one of Brisbane’s most notable and iconic buildings. Serving as the public’s central civic and municipal building since 1930, the importance of this heritage listed building to cultural significance and identity is unquestionable. This attribute is reflected within the local government, with a simplified image of the halls main portico entrance supplying Brisbane City Council with its insignia and trademark signifier. Regardless of these qualities, this building has been neglected in a number of ways, primarily in the physical sense with built materials, but also, and just as importantly, through inaccurate and undocumented works. Numerous restoration and renovation works have been undertaken throughout BCH’s lifetime, however the records of these amendments are far and few between. Between 2010 and 2013, BCH underwent major restoration works, the largest production project undertaken on the building since its initial construction. Just prior to this conservation process, the full extent of the buildings deterioration was identified, much of which there was little to no original documentation of. This has led to a number of issues pertaining to what investigators expected to find within the building, versus what was uncovered (the unexpected), which have resulted directly from this lack of data. This absence of record keeping is the key factor that has contributed to the decay and unknown deficiencies that had amassed within BCH. Accordingly, this raises a debate about the methods of record keeping, and the need for a more advanced process that is able to be integrated within architectural and engineering programs, whilst still maintaining the ability to act as a standalone database. The immediate objective of this research is to investigate the restoration process of BCH, with focus on the auditorium, to evaluate possible strategies to record and manage data connected to building pathology so that a framework can be developed for a digital heritage management system. The framework produced for this digital tool will enable dynamic uses of a centralised database and aims to reduce the significant data loss. Following an in-depth analysis of this framework, it can be concluded that the implementation of the suggested digital tool would directly benefit BCH, and could ultimately be incorporated into a number of heritage related built form.


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Background Women with children are less likely to engage in adequate physical activity (PA) than women without children. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of two strategies for promoting increased PA among mothers of preschool-aged children, and to explore the mediators of any resulting change in PA behavior. Design Controlled intervention trial incorporating repeated data collection from 554 women, randomized to one of three experimental conditions. Intervention Group 1 served as a control, while women in Groups 2 and 3 were given print information about overcoming PA barriers. Women in Group 3 were also invited to discuss the development of local strategies for the promotion of PA among mothers of young children. The primary strategies included increasing partner support, social advocacy, and capacity building, and were implemented through collaboration among participants, researchers, and community organizations. Main Outcome Measures Adequate physical activity (PA), self-efficacy (SE) and partner support (PS). Results: Following the intervention, women in Group 3 were significantly more likely to meet guidelines for PA than controls (odds ratio [OR]=1.71, confidence interval [CI]=1.05–2.77)] after controlling for age and PA at baseline. After controlling for baseline PA, residualized change in SE (OR=1.86, CI=1.17–2.94) and PS (OR=2.29, CI=1.46–3.58) significantly predicted meeting guidelines. After controlling for residual change in PS and SE, the significant intervention effect was attenuated (Group 3 OR=1.40, CI=0.76–2.36), indicating that partner support and self-efficacy may be mediators of physical activity behavior change. Conclusions The findings indicate that community participation approaches that facilitate increased self-efficacy and partner support can be effective in increasing PA among mothers of young children.


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The changing and challenging conditions of the 21st century have been significantly impacting our economy, society and built and natural environments. Today generation of knowledge—mostly in the form of technology and innovation—is seen as a panacea for the adaptation to changes and management of challenges (Yigitcanlar, 2010a). Making space and place that concentrate on knowledge generation, thus, has become a priority for many nations (van Winden, 2010). Along with this movement, concepts like knowledge cities and knowledge precincts are coined as places where citizenship undertakes a deliberate and systematic initiative for founding its development on the identification and sustainable balance of its shared value system, and bases its ability to create wealth on its capacity to generate and leverage its knowledge capabilities (Carrillo, 2006; Yigitcanlar, 2008a). In recent years, the term knowledge precinct (Hu & Chang, 2005) in its most contemporary interpretation evolved into knowledge community precinct (KCP). KCP is a mixed-use post-modern urban setting—e.g., flexible, decontextualized, enclaved, fragmented—including a critical mass of knowledge enterprises and advanced networked infrastructures, developed with the aim of collecting the benefits of blurring the boundaries of living, shopping, recreation and working facilities of knowledge workers and their families. KCPs are the critical building blocks of knowledge cities, and thus, building successful KCPs significantly contributes to the formation of prosperous knowledge cities. In the literature this type of development—a place containing economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, just socio‐spatial order and good governance—is referred as knowledge-based urban development (KBUD). This chapter aims to provide a conceptual understanding on KBUD and its contribution to the building of KCPs that supports the formation of prosperous knowledge cities.


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It is shown that, owing to selective delivery of ionic and neutral building blocks directly from the ionized gas phase and via surface migration, plasma environments offer a better deal of deterministic synthesis of ordered nanoassemblies compared to thermal chemical vapor deposition. The results of hybrid Monte Carlo (gas phase) and adatom self-organization (surface) simulation suggest that higher aspect ratios and better size and pattern uniformity of carbon nanotip microemitters can be achieved via the plasma route. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper introduces the plasma-nanoscience research area and shows the way from Nature's mastery in assembling nanosized dust grains in the Universe to deterministic plasma-aided nanofabrication. The concept of deterministic nanoassembly is explained, and the multidisciplinary approach to bridge the spatial gap of nine orders of magnitude between the sizes of plasma reactors and atomic building units is discussed. Ongoing numerical simulation and experimental efforts on highly controlled synthesis of carbon nanotip and semiconducting quantum-dot structures show potential benefits of using ionized-gas environments in nanofabrication. © 2007 IEEE.


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This paper conceptualizes a framework for bridging the BIM-Specifications divide by embedding project-specific information in BIM objects by means of a product library. We demonstrate how model information, enriched with data at various levels of development (LODs), can evolve simultaneously with design and construction using a window object embedded in a wall as life-cycle phase exemplars at different levels of granularity. The conceptual approach is informed by the need for exploring an approach that takes cognizance of the limitations of current modelling tools in enhancing the information content of BIM models. Therefore, this work attempts to answer the question, “How can the modelling of building information be enhanced throughout the life-cycle phases of buildings utilizing building specification information?”


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The introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM) to the design, construction and operation of buildings is changing the way that the building construction industry works. BIM involves the development of a full 3D virtual model of a building which not only contains the 3D information necessary to show the building as it will appear, but also contains significant additional data about each component in the building. BIM represents both physical and virtual objects in a building. This includes the rooms and spaces within and around the building. The additional data stored on each part of the building can support building maintenance opera- tions and, more importantly from the perspective of this paper, support the generation and running of simula- tions of the operation of the building and behaviour of people within it under both normal and emergency scenarios. The initial discussion is around the use of BIM to support the design of resilient buildings which references the various codes and standards that define current best practice. The remainder of the discussion uses various recent events as the basis for discussion on how BIM could have been used to support rapid recovery and re- building.


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The Land Sales Act 1984 regulates “off the plan” sales in Queensland in conjunction with several provisions in the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997. Together the Acts regulate sales in both unit developments and housing estates. From 2010 to 2013 the Queensland Government undertook a comprehensive review of the Land Sales Act 1984 to identify opportunities to modernise and improve the legislation. Significant changes were recommended by the Review to align the Land Sales Act 1984 (LSA) with current surveying and conveyancing practice and to overcome a number of practical issues faced by developers under the current legislation. A significant outcome of the review is the removal of provisions related to off the plan community title sales from the LSA to the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 (BCCMA) and the Building Units and Group Titles Act 1980 (BUGTA). This article examines the Land Sales and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014 due to commence in November 2014.


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Welcome to the third issue of Clothing Cultures. We are honoured to have served as the guest editors for this issue. The authors in this issue explore three intersecting themes in using various methods: identity, cross-cultural encounters and everyday practices related to designing, branding and wearing clothing. These themes are at the core of fashion and dress: as an everyday individual and social project, and as a system in which people and objects (clothing) globally circulate. The performance of identity (Goffman 1979; Butler 1990), social practices and the movement of people and commodities (Appadurai 1986, 1996) create and transfer cultural meanings.


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Tiziana Ferrero-Regis, guest editor of Vol. 1, issue 3, of Intellect journal Clothing Cultures. "Welcome to the third issue of Clothing Cultures. We are honoured to have served as the guest editors for this issue. The authors in this issue explore three intersecting themes in using various methods: identity, cross-cultural encounters and everyday practices related to designing, branding and wearing clothing. These themes are at the core of fashion and dress: as an everyday individual and social project, and as a system in which people and objects (clothing) globally circulate. The performance of identity (Goffman 1979; Butler 1990), social practices and the movement of people and commodities (Appadurai 1986, 1996) create and transfer cultural meanings..."


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The CSIRO Indigenous Livelihoods Project sought to work with Indigenous communities, government and non-government stakeholders to bring together western science and Indigenous knowledge in order to understand the potential livelihood benefits of enterprises based on natural resource management. The research focus was to enhance livelihood opportunities for Indigenous communities derived from new enterprises and activities based on natural resource management in regional and remote Australia. Underpinning outcomes were: · Identification of effective policy and institutional arrangements required to establish and maintain sustainable livelihoods; · Improved systems understanding of factors that enhance or inhibit sustainable livelihoods based on natural resource management; · Tools and methods for measuring the livelihood benefits of natural resource management; · Education, training, employment and capacity building for Indigenous communities and researchers.